
Emotional Vulnerability Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"It's not the monsters in the forest that scare me; it's the thought of losing you."
"Having emotions and being emotionally vulnerable is a massive strength."
"When we choose to be willing to feel our sensitive emotions, we're more likely to build connections with others and solve our problems."
"If we have a generation that grows up with the need to be loved by strangers, we're creating a vulnerable generation that is giving their power away to people they don't even know."
"It is okay to feel down; it is safe to let others know when you do."
"Cross the stream, give your offer fully, express your emotions, speak with honesty."
"I tell the kids to put the guns down, gangster but I still cry when nobody around."
"Being emotionally available doesn't necessarily mean being emotionally vulnerable all the time."
"I was hiding how I was really feeling about you because I was afraid that you would reject me."
"I hide behind material things, finding out the truth crushed me, and I love you unconditionally."
"Love: it is tough, yes it is scary, but it's about opening yourself up to it."
"Trust is vulnerability and you can't ever open yourself up to that abuse unless there's a certain level of trust and that's the scary part."
"I'm falling back in love with you. I'm going to be courageous enough to open my heart and love again even when I know I won't receive it back the way I want it."
"What is your fear... that I'm not gonna love you?"
"Yuri's voice shakes as she starts reading the poem. Just a moment ago, she practically refused to do this."
"You've already shown vulnerability to them, then they reject it, only for them to accept it in the end."
"Are you willing to love deeply at the risk of being seen?"
"You cannot go out here and be afraid of love."
"Empaths can be vulnerable to covert narcissists, drawn into rescuing someone who seems sad."
"I'm always drawn to real and authentic vulnerability."
"You're gonna end up getting your feelings hurt a lot, you're gonna get your heart broken."
"Words can hurt and at the end of the day I am only 19."
"Men fundamentally at our core, we have so much love, we have so much heart... but it might take a little while for a man to really step out from under his walls and show you his heart."
"You don't realize how fragile your heart truly is until you've experienced loss like that."
"Psychological defense and the ability to detect manipulations are very relevant for the war context, especially when individuals are emotionally vulnerable."
"A true relationship is built through shared vulnerability."
"You have to love like you've never been hurt before."
"This person cannot deny their feelings for you but they're so scared to be attached, very commitment-phobic."
"My biggest regret is giving my all to people, believing in the wrong ones."
"If letting someone know how you feel about them or what you want out of the relationship with them feels very scary and intense to you, this is likely a skill that you need to start practicing."
"The emotional nakedness you avoid is your superpower, not your shame."
"I do think she is softening him, so I do think he's going to get hurt in one way or another."
"They do have deep feelings for you here and these feelings really scare them."
"To my heart, soul, and mind, you are kryptonite."
"Facing death doesn't bother me. What scares me most is spending the rest of my life alone. I can't let myself believe that."
"You're avoiding a disaster, okay, you already know that you're vulnerable to this person, you already know this person triggers you or makes you weak or makes you feel inferior or something of that nature, you already know it's a sensitive spot."
"When you share the deepest parts of your soul, criticism hurts even more."
"Vulnerability is one of the most attractive things you can do and things that will actually heal the shame."
"I have to let you know what's in my heart if I never ever say that I love you just remember girl I'm saying that I do love you and you'll be always in my heart."
"Sora's inability to regulate his emotion makes him a prime target to be manipulated."
"Even if you choose loneliness, even if you think you can close yourself off so you don't have to get hurt, you're gonna fail because you're human, you have emotions, you're gonna care and eventually, it's gonna hurt."
"They regret not sharing themselves with you, not fully exposing their feelings."
"Open your heart, it's okay to open your heart and be open to love."
"I am actually very into my emotions and I can be a softie. I do care to a certain extent guys, I don't fully not care, some words do hurt me."
"Can't stop crying out in private, can't stop taking a risk in public."
"We have to flay ourselves to have rightful access to communal empathy."
"This person they want to express their love to you, express these romantic feelings they want you to do the same."
"To feel truly human, one must risk all that that entails."
"They're afraid of endings, they're afraid of being stabbed in the back or totally heartbroken if things don't work out."
"I'm not getting hurt again... I've been hurt before... I've been brought chocolates, you know, I've even been brought on a weekend away to butter me up, I still got let down."
"I thought I was too guarded to ever love again, but every single word cut through the rain."
"Is it safe for you to love? Open your heart to give and receive."
"They do want to try again, but they're afraid it's going to fail again."
"I'm so embarrassed that at periods in my life, I was once begging, crying for people who clearly didn't want anything to do."
"It's okay to be vulnerable and it's okay to be weak."
"The most vulnerable piece of music ever recorded."
"If he would walk into my life like I remember him I'm terribly afraid that I would fall in love with him again."
"You can't show weakness in front of the person you love Pearlie, not this again."
"Deep connection is about compatibility and vulnerability, not just surface romance."
"Don't be afraid to be emotionally vulnerable, emotionally honest, to your inner circle."
"There's this feeling and people will say out loud I wish we could give each other permission to be more intuitive more vulnerable to explain what we don't understand and why that's part of the fun."
"One of the obvious reasons why people hurt the ones they love is that they have access to their vulnerabilities."
"Next to dying is that your partner cheats on you or um yeah that's like the two biggest fear."
"Emotional risk, I think, is the most dangerous."
"Okay, I'm a little bit of a guarded person and I want to know that I can fully trust the person before I open my heart."
"We all love praise, so we're all vulnerable in that sense."
"Casual or not if you have feelings for someone you sure as hell can get your little heart hurt."
"She's a girl who went through so much shit, it's okay to be vulnerable."
"Emotional sharing is riskier than emotional dumping because when you are authentically sharing your emotional experience you are putting yourself out there to have it be challenged or rejected or misunderstood."
"Love almost feels dangerous and it's almost like damn do I even want to go to this thing that's [ __ ] scary bro you know."
"When you need to be fixed, you must be broken."
"I may have many things about me that I need to work on, but it breaks my heart..." - Lisa's plea for understanding.
"I love you. Oh God, hey, those are my true feelings, so there's no way you could like me more than I liked you."
"I think sometimes we get our hearts broken as women because we give away our dignity too soon."
"It's really hard to be vulnerable, to allow yourself to be sad, angry."
"Even classy women will be weak for the right man, willing to give him a second chance."
"There's a need to come at it not from a stiff place, not from a structured place, but from like a really, like, soft, really vulnerable, really personal space."
"It's hard to tell the truth when you're afraid of getting hurt."
"Love scares the sh out of me, but I want it."
"Once you actually open your heart to love, that's when we face our real fear."
"A broken heart would be the easiest to manipulate, wouldn't it?"
"I was sitting in the hot tub and I had just sort of started praying and meditating again and I said, 'I said god I can't do this by myself.'"
"Weak emotional boundaries: Getting caught in the midst of a hurricane with no protection."
"It might be right. The last thing is... where did you learn to hurt so easily?"
"My favorite philosopher, Montaigne, fascinated by our ordinary humanity."
"You can't be closed off to love because you feel like somebody's gonna disappoint you."
"Joji's ultimate strength is the way he can channel the vulnerability of his vocals and lyrics, remind us deeply of the real human cost of time."
"My worst fear is losing someone I really care about."
"If you're in love with somebody you should be able to see them naked physically and emotionally naked physically."
"Open our hearts open your heart right to every possibility."
"They may open up emotionally all right because they don't want to lose you."
"I hadn't felt hope in so long, but when I told the company how lonely and desperate I was, they gave me the job immediately."
"There's no love without vulnerability and no vulnerability without intimacy."
"The Pig, that poor Pig, I see myself falling victim to this."
"It feels like you're just a raw exposed nerve going out through the world."
"For Jinx, emotional pain plays upon our innate feelings of ego strength—are we good enough?"
"This isn't the first time I've been hostage to these tears."
"Taking risks, wearing your heart on your sleeve, seeing the magic in wearing your heart on your sleeve."
"Sometimes vulnerability is not a thing to be ashamed of or to question or to protect yourself from in any way."
"Just please be nice, just please be nice like this was very hard for me to record."
"Your heart is on the line and you deserve love."
"Vulnerable, you cannot experience true intimacy unless you open your heart and be yourself."
"Put your heart on the line, but also do some good self-talk."
"Love is vulnerability because I'm giving you my whole heart, right, and expecting you to protect it."
"They're struggling with being vulnerable... there's this very strong gut feeling that they have that you guys are meant to be."
"Your hopes here is that this person is gonna be 100% yours. Your fears is that this person may deceive you or this person may hurt you."
"Creatives tend to be more sensitive, and that's okay."
"This person wants to be vulnerable with you because they recognize it gets them nowhere by holding on to their emotions."
"Feeling certain emotions is kind of like his biggest weakness, his biggest downfall."
"Love will always feel high happy but love is sometimes making every one of us vulnerable."
"Ultimate test of whether or not somebody is really in love with you is if they trust you with their fears."
"It's the intense love that makes them feel vulnerable because that brings up triggering within the mind and all of our fears of like abandonment and rejection from like our childhood wounds."
"When there's no vulnerability, there's no growth."
"If I show my feelings, you might go off of me."
"The nature of deep connection the nature of true love is to be vulnerable: okay so and i think that that's something that your person is really recognizing."
"Strength is vulnerability, the vulnerability to be honest about who we are, about our personal experience, about our emotions."
"You should be allowed to be vulnerable without being called [ __ ] for it."
"Your heart is so open, there is a tendency to feel diminished in value, isn't there?"
"The film concludes by saying that you know the only way to do it is to have a willingness to be trusting and to be vulnerable."
"Ask yourself if falling in love again is worth possibly getting my heart broken again."
"You're hoping not to get hurt, but when we hope to not get hurt definitely will, we're kind of hanging on to some sort of fear of losing something."
"Don't let it stop you from being vulnerable and opening your heart up to people."
"You don't gotta keep up the appearance. You can unmask your past and deal with that pain that you've been hiding."
"Real intimacy guarantees vulnerability, the kind that leads to genuine connection and growth."
"Perhaps your feelings for your old master have left you weakened."
"I think being on the internet is not for the weak of heart, and sometimes I am the weak of heart."
"Feels really good to finally be vulnerable again."
"Dependency makes you vulnerable to all kinds of emotions: betrayal, disappointment, frustration."
"I think being vulnerable is really important and I think you can't expect other people to be vulnerable first, you have to be vulnerable yourself."
"In order to give therapy a chance, you must tell the truth, you must be vulnerable in therapy."
"I'm feeling petrified of revealing my true emotions on camera."
"You've got to ask yourself right okay what choice am I gonna make am I gonna open up my heart again fully."
"I'm scared to reach out... scared to speak their emotions."
"They feel incredibly vulnerable when they open their heart to you; it triggers them, bringing up emotional pain from their past."
"They're scared to face up to it, feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed."
"Sometimes I think about what it would be like to lose you, and that's the worst feeling in the world."
"I am guarded is the trigger statement, and the true statement is my heart is open."
"I always choose you. I know you love me. I want to love you back. Please help me."
"If women want men to be more emotionally vulnerable and sensitive, they've got to be able to receive it."
"There's almost this feeling of you two having a lot of emotional vulnerability together, having a lot of loyalty together, a lot of genuine type of love."
"This person may be capable of drawing out a lot of emotional vulnerability within yourself, or you're able to draw this out on this other person."
"My heart is opening and I'm ready."
"You say even the proudest spirit can be broken... oh, with love, of course."
"I can't let this go on. I need to get him back before he falls in love with someone else."
"You are their Kryptonite emotionally, they're vulnerable for you, you have a special place in their heart."
"I mean what's your advice so far is to tell yourself that you're not looking for love and then when you find it don't show it."
"I knew that I was really like breaking I was breaking and the fact that everybody around me could see it."
"Adrian has seen firsthand that shutting people out and avoiding things doesn't solve anything and makes things worse."
"I don't want to ever be seen crying on a camera or anything on the internet because I already know, like, our fans will take that clip of me crying and be like, 'Oh my God, my fresh love package has been in there for four weeks and I still don't have it!'"
"I'm doing it and I'm like trying to fight back the tears I'm like if I trust you."
"I never thought I'd say those words to you... you've always had a steel plate around your emotions as thick as a battleship. Just be careful."
"Emotional vulnerability is really emotional sensitivity."
"It hits me in parts of my soul that I try to keep completely closed off because it hurts too much."
"That grenade filled with love right and you you put that you put a pin in it you don't want that to explode because you're not ready for that again."
"Every time I talk about her, I just want to cry. So let's not do that."
"When you feel bad, anything can happen."
"Anything that happens to me, I can deal with. Anything happens to my kids, I'm an absolute mess."
"Maybe when I have sex with these men, maybe they will bond to me, maybe he'll keep me, maybe I'm worth something."
"Emotional vulnerability is not a weakness."
"If it's I'm not talking about being gay dude I'm talking about being emotionally vulnerable."
"Full of confessions and is very vulnerable and raw and honest."
"Vulnerability is incredibly important."
"You don't need to pretend anymore; he can reach into the wound."
"Our vulnerability is being rewarded with love and acceptance."
"Surrender your fear of intimacy. Allow yourself to be open and receptive to connection."
"Powder's insecurity, her fear of being alone, and her deep-seated love for her sister Vi are all the fatal flaws that caused this action to happen in the first place."
"The vulnerability of the heart is hinted at in the human body itself."
"This record is public but it's also very unguarded emotionally, it's very vulnerable."
"I'm afraid to lose you after all we've been through."
"Your soul is fragile, your heart is fragile, be careful who you let into your life."
"I'm afraid of so many things. We all are."
"There are two kinds of risk in life, there's physical risk and that's scary, but the other kind of risk, emotional risk, that's the biggest risk of all."
"More you open up your heart, the more you attract people with open hearts."