
Sensory Perception Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"You can be in the body in the world... and you can also be beyond the world because your point of attention... is not just locked into the five senses."
"After 1,000 years, he finally sees a sunset, smells the dinner being cooked."
"Our sense of smell may be much more like our sense of hearing."
"Quantum vibrations mean our noses listen to chemicals, enhancing our perception of the world around us."
"It might seem silly to us as people why that's important, but wind can majorly influence the way a dog responds. They're just getting flooded with different smells."
"The imagination itself is the enemy, its depth, its ferocity, its disregard for the order that satisfies the other senses."
"We experience flavors mainly thanks to our senses of taste and smell."
"A way to taste color, see a sound, listen to a smell."
"The best possessions of man are his senses and when he uses them all he will not be deceived in his survey of nature."
"The Taste isn't quite as nice as the nose yeah or it's very different I think it's as nice but it's a very different direction."
"It's like something it broke through a barrier where it was so unpleasant that it once again became weirdly pleasant."
"Anomalies you hear them before you see them."
"I felt something rush right by me, look at my arms."
"I play a blind warrior who lives on the planet Jedha. I can't see but I can feel with my heart."
"Your talents are otherworldly in my opinion, like this is beyond the normal five senses."
"Your sense of touch, your tactile sense, is absolutely incredible."
"The worst part was that the guy was still screaming. They couldn't hear it, but I could."
"Your experience goes beyond your five senses. You have the ability to rationally think."
"Shimamura will see a flash of color and it will illuminate him."
"Autistic people see, hear, and feel the world differently."
"When you first drink coffee, it's so bitter. Oh my God, no wonder. My whole mouth is like tangling from the sweetness of the condensed milk, but like, it tastes like a milkshake, like a coffee milkshake maybe."
"Vision is very important, if I had really good hearing I would inflate it to the point of like we'd be in a silent way."
"Animals tend to flee from danger right, they can also sense things that we can't."
"No, you smell roasted vegetables, it's okay."
"Ghosts are just a part of our world, they're part of our sensory perception when they pop through." - Dan Aykroyd
"It doesn't look like makeup, it doesn't feel like makeup, and yet you have achieved coverage."
"These objects are multi-sensory; they're not just light projections."
"Your skin is the largest sensory organ of the body."
"Seismic sense: perceiving surroundings by feeling vibrations through the ground."
"Holy cow, that seemed like a long time, man, laying there in that grass, your senses are on fire."
"It's like the air that the water makes sense, and I feel like it's so much thicker."
"The closest a video game has ever gotten to feeling like a true out-of-body experience."
"I kind of feel like I'm tripping on like DMT or something like that."
"I'm just believing that people have ears that hear and eyes I see."
"Several sequences in this movie are practically an out-of-body experience."
"I feel as if I were eating a Taco Bell Mexican pizza right now from Taco Bell."
"Our senses sharpen. Everything is sharper, everything works more efficiently."
"Listen to that little voice because this card, even though she is blindfolded here, she can still hear, she can still feel, she can still sense."
"It's like a switch has been flipped in his brain, turning up the colors and sounds of the world around him."
"They are always hearing things we can't hear. They are always seeing things we can't see. They are always smelling things we can't smell."
"Barrel char could absolutely result in a flavor that your brain would think is smoke."
"I felt as if somebody was genuinely in the room with me."
"It's been estimated that a dog's sense of smell is more than 200 million times stronger than that of humans."
"Seeing lights and geometric shapes When You Close Your Eyes reflects not just a change in visual perception but an invitation to explore the depths of your own existence."
"It was the correct experience. It was a correct experience and before I could figure out who else I was with because I did not feel alone, I just couldn't see anyone else."
"The views are one thing, but to actually come outside and to experience the city, the ambiance, the noises, that's something very special."
"Trust your intuition because when we can't see things with our normal faculties our senses that's when our sixth sense kicks in our intuition because spirit is guiding you in the right direction."
"The whole thing is real. Oh my God, he can hear and see everything."
"Strictly speaking, there are dozens of senses. Dozens!"
"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth."
"Utilize your intuition and other sensory abilities."
"Human perception is leaky; we can't separate what we see, hear, smell, or taste."
"I don't know how you can base a sound epistemology on sensory input when it is fallible."
"No, we recognize it as a contrast, I see the watch and how it contrasts with the sand, that's how I know."
"About 80% of what you believe taste is actually smell."
"So, the body listens for signals, it's reading what you're reading it's listening for what's going on."
"Naruto can sense intent and emotions without eyesight."
"I think it's interesting how you can start to hear things that you couldn't hear on your ten dollar, you know, your free, the phone earbuds and stuff like that."
"Our human senses gather close to 11 million bits of information per second. 10 million of them coming from our eyes."
"If I doubt my hearing, then I guess I better also doubt what I see."
"All you could ever see is the impact of the world on your nervous system."
"The idea of being able to perceive more makes perfect sense."
"As someone who works with audio all the time, I can tell when something is off."
"There's a series of chemical events which eventually send the signal to your brain."
"The ear is much deeper than the eye. What people hear much more goes to the heart and the brain."
"You don't need your eyes, it's your awareness or your consciousness that actually is doing the perception."
"You filter the color of the snow through your mind."
"Perception is a process of inference, the brain's best guess of the causes of sensory signals it encounters."
"It's like playing Minecraft for the first time, it's like everything I see looks brand new, my brain can't handle it."
"Tetrachromats: seeing more colors than others."
"The listening sensation is straight out of a sci-fi movie, the 3D sound is so close, it feels like it's inside your ears."
"Your senses are kind of crazy. Your eyes can detect nuclear fusion happening trillions of miles away."
"A sweet taste means that the body receives a bunch of calories, the food energy we need to survive."
"I will have you know that I could not tell the difference between Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper, but I could sure as [__] hell tell the difference between Coca-Cola and that would be such a good video."
"I think there are psychics out there that are good at what they do, I think they do have that extra sense, it's kind of like an enhanced gut feeling."
"Even blind people do have a heightened sense of hearing. Some people, I found out recently, can see more colors than other people, which must be interesting."
"I'm Wario, I could smell cake from a mile away."
"It's almost like me personally I'm able to use multiple senses at once to like figure out what I'm doing."
"The coppery tang of blood was so heavy in the air that I felt like I had a mouth full of pennies."
"We do not like light touch... a deeper firmer pressure on your skin actually feels more regulating."
"It smells like chicken wings or something cooking in there."
"It smells like buttered popcorn to me."
"The brain is more susceptible to being reorganized by sensory information."
"you can almost hear the sound change"
"I could smell if there is a dead fly in the room."
"Have you ever smelled poop before? It's a pretty distinctive smell. And you know what also has a distinctive smell? Nutella. I think if someone put Nutella on my face, I would instantly know what it was."
"It looked coarse and filthy, and I realized that what made me react was the smell it gave off."
"We used to be a five sensory species that evolved by surviving and survived by pursuing external power, manipulating and controlling. Now, we are a multi-sensory species and we evolve by growing spiritually."
"The first exercise that I have for you is just focus on your actual literal hearing every day so as you walk around be mindful and be mindful in regards to the sounds that are coming through to you."
"Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system allowing him to react accordingly."
"A faint odor of singed flesh filled the room, mingling with a stronger smell of ozone."
"I'm not going to lie, that smells pretty spicy and you know I don't like spice."
"I feel like my sense of smell has improved but then there's some things that I really, really love like for instance like nearly every single one of my perfumes that are like literally my lifelong staple favorite perfumes they still smell like really bad to me."
"This smells so delicious, like I don't know if I have anything like it. This smells like what I wish 'Missing Person' by Flur smelt like."
"The texture is still nice but the actual smell isn't."
"I hear a buzzing sound emanating from within the cornfield."
"It's different every day, I mean, I can some days I can't taste sweet sometimes that sour tastes sweet to me and sweet and tastes not sweet and it can change day to day and with the end of the day."
"The whole place just smelled musty like the outside Forest had invaded it with its cold Earthly scent."
"Most of our sense of taste is really our nose."
"These types of smells just thrive in the colder weather."
"Let me tell you, this box smelled like the 1970s when we opened it up."
"I almost smell like a mango or like a fruity flavor."
"It smells good, all right, smell it. Does it smell like... It smells okay."
"Reasoning requires very little computation... But sensory motor skill requires enormous compute."
"The sunlight was thoroughly blotted out and all I could hear was the..."
"Do not underestimate sound, it's probably the most important thing."
"I liked his smell. It was of leather, horses, cottonseed."
"...the human eye has to give their retina the information... to tell whatever what it's seeing... you can only do so much and then it's just up to the human eye to do the rest."
"The thalamus receives inputs from sensory, motor, limbic, and reticular systems, highlighting its diverse functions."
"It's not just smell, it's like psychic abilities, it's crazy powerful."
"It's not that you have more senses it's that each part of the brain connected to a sense organ has actually evolved a different kind of hardware."
"It's true though, it's the smells. They're so smelly."
"When you take time to pause, use your eyes."
"Smells way more expensive than the asking price."
"They follow by both sight and scent."
"I'm blown away. It's somehow both luxurious and damped well, but I also can tell every detail of what's going on in this thing."
"You come to Alberta, you want to smell cow, you're fighting. You come to this, you want to smell the ocean by eating fish and chips, man."
"Seeing and hearing the event at the same time meant we could do something really incredible."
"If you're watching this and you're a driver, then you know what I mean when you feel the rear wheels through the seat of the car. You're super attentive."
"That's a small footprint, hold on. You got that from smelling it? Oh yeah, is it fresh? I'd say, yeah, all right."
"Bacon, top five smells ever. It really is."
"I'm getting some strong strawberry vibes."
"That ranch smells real, like that smells like good restaurant ranch."
"You know so humans do this world model thing right where it's, you know, you grab your doorknob when you come home and if it's really cold or it's slimy you notice. You don't have a specific sensor for doing that, you just know how it's supposed to feel."
"It’s going to start smelling incredible."
"Isn't it warm? Stroke it. Carl: Cold. Okay, whichever one."
"He'll never know you can't even tell smells as fresh as could be freshly laundered."
"You remember almost everything you smell."
"We don't even realize how important a role smell plays."
"Conscious thought can happen independent of sensory modality."
"It's a very smooth and creamy fragrance, it's heavenly."
"This smells fizzy... it reminds me of cola bottles and sweets."
"it smells like stronger than a lot of food should have smelled"
"When this bass drops and you feel it vibrating on your head, there's no words that could really explain it."
"If you like the scent of this, imagine what this smells like without the coconut."
"Y'all, this smells like pistachio ice cream, period."
"This smells like Band-Aid. What, no, that's gross."
"Something in here smells really good, I don't know what it is but it smells lovely."
"Like, honestly, when I was making this one, this one smelled like, oh yeah, that would be a cake."
"There's more Cedar smell than there is anything else in there."
"Synesthesia is a special ability when people can taste music or hear colors."
"Your brain puts together all the signals that come through from your nose and your taste buds too. Then figures out the tastes that you've had before and knows what you're eating and if you want more."
"Oh, my God. Sorry, but this has an undertone of dog mouth."
"I can smell it. There's a dead fly in the room."
"I cannot tell you why I think this smells blue, but it just smells blue."
"...nobody can tell me otherwise. This perfume is incredible."
"...this is like a passion fruit coconut grapefruit sort of like cocktail almost with this bit of like this musky base."
"It just smells like summer to me, it's literally summer in a bottle."
"...since we are in summertime when I think of summertime I think of like aquatic blue type of scents."
"A dog can smell up to 10,000 times better than a human being."
"Your brain will always pay attention to what it sees first, then what it hears, then what it feels. That's just the way that our stimuli is processed."
"Delicious things usually smell good."
"What's happening, why is my brain assuming that this is like shooting out apple-flavored flames?"
"Differences of sensory form do not matter and have no epistemological importance at all."
"Vision is the most profound, significant, and precious of all the senses."
"My next observation is that the mind is not immediately affected by all parts of the body but only by the brain or perhaps just by one small part of the brain namely the part which is said to contain the common sense."
"Ultrasound is a very cool way to see. Isn't that interesting? We use sound to see."
"The base just thumps; it actually you feel it more in your chest than you hear it."
"Whether you can identify the flavor of a food blindfolded will depend on how often you've had that flavor before."
"Capsaicin is a remarkable molecule because it fools your brain into thinking that your mouth is on fire when it actually is not."
"Listen to animals; they sense more than we can."
"The secret of human dexterity is not vision, otherwise humans could do nothing in the dark."
"Females have more taste buds on their tongues than males."
"I feel like I am there, walking across a moor in Bognor Regis National Park, feeling chilly and smelling the landscape around me."
"Our consciousness expands infinitely. We are more than we think or feel with our five senses."
"I see with Earth bending; it's kind of like seeing with my feet."
"We are electromagnetic beings and we all have these sensory... everyone has a gut feeling, right?"
"Your tongue knows what everything feels like without touching it."
"You don't just hear the note, you feel it."
"Pinball Wizard kind of tells the whole story in one song: a deaf, dumb, and blind kid who can sense the vibrations of the pinball machine and beats the local pinball champ."
"Hyperalgesia is an increased pain to a painful stimulus, and allodynia is a painful response to an otherwise non-painful stimulus."
"It's not how it looks, it's how it sounds."
"The scales on sardines' skin help them feel when other sardines are near them, that's how they stay together when they move."
"Intuitive awareness is our ability in this moment, everything that is impinging on us at this moment."
"With the imagination, you can sense the presence that's actually there that you can't see with the eye."
"Perception is how we take in information through our senses."
"Love is blind and deaf, but it knows a roasted chicken when it smells one."
"Laughter is in the eye, ear, nose, and throat of the beholder."
"There's something about Mercedes; you've got to smell them."
"You're actually pretty good at stealth. I probably wouldn't have ever noticed you if it wasn't for my sensory abilities."
"It's just a different feel; you've got to feel it for yourself to really understand what I'm talking about."
"That is the last sense that you have gained from me: the ability to sense emotions of all kinds, even intentions to a point."
"The ice cream served from the round white plate tastes about 10 percent sweeter and 15 percent more flavorful than the food on the black plate."
"When they can't speak, their other senses are heightened like they can read energy and feel that at such a higher level."
"People with a more sensitive sense of smell also tend to have better directional skills."
"You hear that crunch? That's flavor."
"It's common for us to have senses that are more or less receptive than the average."
"Although Hyakkimaru can't see or hear, he can sense everything around him with his powerful mind."
"We are sophisticated enough now to track other than the five senses."
"What your eyes see, what your ears hear, what your mouth speaks, what your heart receives determines what your mind begins to think."
"It's not just like vision where you have eyes and you have photons coming in or just touch; this is a much deeper, higher cognitive function."
"Use your ears, not just your eyes."
"Hearing is accidental whereas listening is more focused."
"The whole of life lives in the physical form as experience to the senses, not separate from or independent of the life around it."
"When you have a sense organ, you have an object, you have an eye, and you have things you can see, then consciousness arises based on that."
"Feelings are the taste buds of life."
"Being here now as a conscious human being open to what your thoughts feelings memory and body sensations are giving you."
"Sensors have a firmer grip on the world and the reality."
"AI eyes continue to evolve and improve their sensory abilities, already surpassing our own eyes when it comes to simple detection of light reflections."
"Mom is still here; I can see her, I can hear her."