
Big Bang Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"It could be that when it comes to the Big Bang, the sentence actually doesn't mean anything. It could be that the Big Bang was the place where time itself started."
"The universe witnessed a stunning cosmic expansion before the Big Bang, doubling in size at least 80 times in a fraction of a second."
"In the beginning, there was nothing, then suddenly the Big Bang happened and created our universe."
"The universe wasn't the only one that popped into existence during the Big Bang."
"The universe could be repeating itself over and over again from The Big Bang to the Big Crunch."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation is literally the afterglow of the Big Bang."
"Some scientists call it the Big Bang of life."
"The idea of the Big Bang absolutely matches up with the biblical narrative."
"The evidence supporting the big bang cosmological model is overwhelming, and anyone who says otherwise objectively has no idea what they are talking about."
"Our universe has expanded and evolved from a hot dense state that we call the Big Bang into the universe we find ourselves occupying today."
"The universe is suffused with these relic photons from the Big Bang that we call the cosmic microwave background."
"The remarkable thing is, when we see some degree of order today, it actually is a remnant of the extraordinary order that for whatever reason was in place at the time of the Big Bang."
"When somebody comes and asks you, 'Well, where did the Big Bang take place?' the answer is everywhere."
"If the laws of nature change in a way that makes that helps us explicate where they come from, it must be before the Big Bang. There must have been a world before the Big Bang and the Big Bang must have been an event which changed the world, not the beginning of the world."
"The singularity that resulted in the Big Bang existed in nothing but contained everything."
"Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang."
"The theory of the Big Bang is a very solid theory."
"Perhaps our universe was born inside a black hole, and the resulting white hole was the Big Bang."
"Staring Galaxy was born out of a singularity that brought about our whole existence: the Big Bang, an isolated moment in space and time created something out of nothing."
"Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Big Bang was not an explosion, but the rapid expansion of space and time in all directions."
"The universe began...in this awesome expansion and explosion of space and time and energy."
"Scientists want to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang here on Earth, aiming to reveal extreme properties of the early universe."
"We don't have the final answer to why the Big Bang had such low entropy."
"The discovery of the Big Bang was one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time."
"The Big Bang Theory implies that the most distant galaxies in the James Webb images are seen as they were about 400 to 500 million years after the origin of our universe."
"Big things start small even if we are correct with the origins of this universe. The big bang, it began as a concentrated mass of matter... everything that you see here was compressed at one point."
"The universe started with a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago."
"The sound was expanding, exploded like the big bang itself that created our universe."
"The CMB are serves as the strongest experimental verification of the Big Bang Theory so far."
"There is literally no direction that you could point that would not intersect the Big Bang."
"It's crazy to think that the ancient light which we are detecting from this galaxy now could have come from pristine matter fresh from the big bang."
"I do believe in a Big Bang Theory - God said it, bang and it happened."
"Our universe began with a bang, the Big Bang."
"The universe was born in a powerful explosion approximately 13.8 billion years ago."
"We see the universe expanding, we see the evidences for the expansion of the Big Bang."
"That in the wake of the big bang, the universe was filled with a cloud of extremely hot gas that scattered all light."
"What they'd heard was the echo of the Big Bang."
"What came before the Big Bang? Time began at the Big Bang."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will help us understand the Big Bang."
"The Big Bang exquisitely explains the expansion of the Universe we see today."
"The notion of before the Big Bang starts breaking down near the singularity."
"What if the universe was created with one great big messy bang?"
"The cosmos grew at the moment of the Big Bang from subatomic size to that of a golf ball."
"Excellent observation. In fact, cosmic inflation - the event that many physicists put the bang in the big bang - IS a type of vacuum decay."
"The universe as it stands at its current level of expansion related to the original singularity that resulted in the big bang."
"The cosmic web had its origins but in the earliest moments of the big bang where quantum fluctuations in space time itself led to tiny little density differences."
"Even though the Big Bang still occurred a very long time ago, it wasn't the beginning as we always believed."
"All that energy and all that matter in one place, right? It's got, there's only one thing it can do, and that's expand once again into another Big Bang."
"The mere act of observing this event caused a big bang which erupted creation into the Multiverse."
"...the Big Bang was of course a moment in time where time sort of began..."
"Our universe was cooked in less time than it takes to cook a dish of duck and roast potatoes."
"The Big Bang is not a point. Even if you cheat and add it back into the description, the Big Bang is a moment of time."
"Our universe began with an explosion - the Big Bang."
"About 1 second after the Big Bang the conditions of the Universe were so hot and dense they surpassed a supernova."
"The study of the CMB has also contributed to our understanding of the inflationary theory, which posits that the universe underwent a rapid expansion in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang."
"Each collision provides a snapshot of the conditions that existed just fractions of a second after the big bang."
"...how we see the universe is limited by the speed of light and the finite time since the Big Bang occurred."
"The idea that we have people on this planet who can study the first nanoseconds of the big bang, that's pretty amazing."
"In a way, what we have been trying to do in cosmology ever since the discovery of the Big Bang is to let time, when we go backwards, disappear in a controlled fashion."
"From that bang, billions of different types of realities were created."
"The most extreme conditions in the universe occurred shortly after the big bang."
"One crazy idea against another crazy idea, but there's something pretty crazy about the Big Bang."
"It's like when people ask what happened before the Big Bang so you can't go before before is a unit of time."
"I personally think that before the Big Bang there was a void with a sign saying coming soon but that's just me"
"Scientists say the conditions at the Planck length may be very similar to those that existed before the Big Bang when everything in our universe was probably concentrated in a microscopic pinpoint."
"The big bang was the beginning. You may say, 'What was before the big bang?' Well, it's meaningless to talk about what was before because the very notion of before is a space by space-time notion, and therefore it doesn't make any sense to talk about before the big bang."
"There is no doubt that a parallel exists between the Big Bang as an event and the Christian notion of creation from nothing."
"The universe was created by a huge explosion of energy that all started in one location and spread far out to places mankind can only dream of reaching."
"If we go back to shortly after the big bang, it was uniform. Those Quantum fluctuations eventually led to dust and then to star formation and then planets, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. All of that came later. It was all uniform. That is a non-dissociated state."
"You're telling me the Big Bang has a miracle but it doesn't have a miracle maker, and creation has a miracle with a miracle maker, God?"
"What they recorded was the single most energetic event since the Big Bang."
"The theory of the Big Bang is a very solid theory, but what happened at the moment of the Big Bang is still something we're working on."
"This is an incredible triumph of basically confirming the Big Bang as a concept."
"That heat was the starting temperature of the universe when it began as a hot big bang."
"If the big bang happened for us, it could have happened a million times over by now for other universes and we just don't know about those big bangs and those universes that were created"
"The theory is that there's an infinite amount of big bangs going on in universes around us"
"The big bang that created the universe was unbelievably violent."
"The Universe began in a sudden expansion of space the Big Bang in this glorious age the universe seeded the rich Cosmic Landscapes we see in our telescopes."
"Well, nobody knows what was before the Big Bang, but when they say, 'Who created the Big Bang?' then the easy answer to that is, 'Well, who created God?'"
"The Big Bang hypothesis states that all of the current and past matter in the universe came into existence at the same time roughly 13.8 billion years ago."
"The Big Bang wasn't an explosion that happened at some particular point."
"The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the fossil of that radiation that dates back to about 380,000 years after the Big Bang."
"The universe will be infinite halfway back toward the big bang... and if you go three quarters of the way back... it'll still be infinite in size."
"A big bang theory of human evolution."
"The Big Bang as a thing did occur or if it didn't occur in the picture that we've been talking about... then something almost identical to it did occur."
"We can answer almost every aspect of the cosmos observationally down to about one second after the Big Bang."
"One of the most amazing and compelling pieces of observational evidence that shows us that the Big Bang actually occurred is the Cosmic Microwave Background."
"There's something like 400 million in every cubic meter of space in this room left over from the Big Bang."
"James Webb fails to disprove the Big Bang."
"These galaxies shouldn't be this old, this far away, considering they were born so soon after the big bang."
"Explain how gas becomes stars... you've got like leftover hydrogen and helium from The Big Bang."
"We really want to look all the way back to the Big Bang to see what the earliest galaxies look like."
"Those scientific arguments only show at best that our local spatiotemporal manifold began to expand 13.8 billion years ago; that doesn't show that the totality of all physical reality began to exist."
"Cosmic microwave background radiation is the leftover sound of the Big Bang."
"The Big Bang story is backed up by evidence that we can find all around us."
"The Big Bang... sent all whizzing out into space and formed the various millions of galaxies that we know exist in the universe today."
"I am in awe of what we humans have discovered. Almost 14 billion years after the Big Bang, we can see - literally see - its afterglow."
"The Hubble telescope was built because they wanted to attempt to see the Big Bang."
"Maybe there was a time before the Big Bang."
"Our universe probably came from a bubble in nothing and that expanded, giving you the big bang of today."
"Their goal was to show something that starts about 7 billion years after the Big Bang."
"What was there before the Big Bang? It's believed that there was an initial singularity before anything else."
"Is darkness and then bang, giving birth to an endless expanding existence of time, space, and matter."
"The entire universe burst out of a single point in an instance of fiery creation."
"This universe came into being with a big bang, billions of years ago."
"The Big Bang seems to be real after all, galactic formation seems to happen in a somewhat similar way to how we expect it."
"If time arose at the Big Bang, there was no before; there can be no causal relationships at that time."
"The Big Bang was an outburst of energy and matter that created everything we see now: time and space, basic physical forces."
"Even before the Big Bang, there was some kind of force that could give the bang a strong acceleration."
"Gravitational waves were emitted 14 billion years ago when all these exciting things were happening at the birth of new forces."
"The universe does have a beginning; it's called the Big Bang, and most likely it will have an end."
"Cosmologists agree that the universe began with the big bang but they squabble over what if anything happened before it."
"In CERN's accelerators, we can recreate conditions that existed just after the Big Bang."
"What was the state of matter just after the Big Bang?"
"We cannot be 100 percent certain that there was a Big Bang, but the evidence strongly supports it."
"About 13.7 billion years ago, everything we're able to see today was squished into a minuscule singularity."
"Cosmic inflation and the Big Bang: How did the universe begin? How will it end?"
"The Big Bang is simple, controversial, and the best guess scientists have for how existence came to be."
"One of our key science goals is to find that first generation of galaxies that formed after the big bang."
"There was a big boom that began the universe."
"The glow that's left from The Big Bang is called the cosmic microwave background."
"Forged in the aftermath of the Big Bang, something around 13.7 billion years ago, it is a product, more or less, of one of the most misleading terms in cosmology today: Recombination."
"The universe began at a single point in a huge explosion known as the Big Bang."
"The eon starts from the Big Bang and ends with this remote future squashed."
"The beginning of time is quite a different story, as we currently assume it has a definitive Time 't equals zero' at the Big Bang."
"The Big Bang... it's the belief that the universe suddenly appeared 13.8 billion years ago."
"The entire universe started off as a little dot of mass and energy and then it exploded."
"Cosmic microwave background radiation... this energy was emitted during the Big Bang."
"Thanks to some extraordinary thinkers, we know that everything in the universe has expanded from a single point almost 14 billion years ago."
"About 13.8 billion years ago, at time zero, the universe begins — as an infinitely hot and infinitely dense point."
"The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe."
"The universe is expanding after exploding suddenly in a huge explosion which we call the Big Bang."
"Your theory suggests there was a day without a yesterday."
"The universe was hot and dense 13.8 billion years ago."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is going to look further and further into space, almost to the time of the Big Bang."
"Embarking from the aftermath of the Big Bang, a monumental explosion that occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago."
"The universe was an incredibly hot and dense point. Within fractions of a second, it began expanding at an exponential rate."
"The molecule once existed in nature for an infinitesimal period of time at the exact moment of the Big Bang."
"The earliest quasars date from shortly after the Big Bang itself."
"I don't think that the Big Bang has much to do with why I choose to do A over B in a certain type of scenario."
"Maybe there was a period of very very rapid expansion in the beginning called cosmic inflation."
"Inflation... zooms in on one tiny part of that ball of fire where the temperature is all the same."
"Most of the atoms in our body are hydrogen... most of the stuff that we're made of is actually Big Bang stuff."
"We are not just made of stardust; we are also made of big bang stuff."
"The whole universe was in a hot dense state, then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started."
"The big bang is just a nucleation of a phase transition. It's not really a beginning."
"So t really is the time elapsed since the big bang."
"So the time of decoupling was about 400,000 years after the Big Bang."
"The Big Bang says the universe as we know it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated and stretched over the next 13.7 billion years to the still expanding cosmos that we know today."
"...the Big Bang wasn't an explosion in space; it was an explosion of space."
"The cosmic microwave background is the universe-wide fading echo of the big bang."
"The universe is expanding after exploding suddenly in a Big Bang from a very small point."
"We can see the Big Bang, it's just we can't see it with our eyes because the wavelength is below that of visible light."
"That layer opens up only at the instant of the Big Bang and the center of a black hole."
"We continually retell the story of the Big Bang, the story of the founding fathers of America."
"The elements that are made in the Big Bang are thought to be hydrogen, helium, and lithium."
"We can actually look back over a whole span from today back to less than a billion years after the big bang."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation is low energy electromagnetic radiation that is left over from the early universe after the Big Bang."
"Science asks of you one miracle, that's the Big Bang."
"Our reliable history of the universe starts remarkably early at something like 10 to the minus 35 seconds after the Big Bang."
"Everything we know about reality so far has no resemblance as to what was happening around the time of the Big Bang."
"The point of the Big Bang isn't so much the beginning; it's just a midpoint along an infinitely long line."
"Cosmic microwave background radiation suggests that the Big Bang is still going."
"The truth of the Big Bang hypothesis is the best explanation for data such as the cosmic microwave background radiation."
"We have this extremely hot dense state that we called the Big Bang from which the known universe expands from."
"The big bang happened when so much energy was so densely packed into so small an area that the laws of physics as we know them cease to function."
"The cosmic microwave background is basically the afterglow from the big bang."
"The Big Bang model has no other good explanation besides the Big Bang."
"The fact that you get black body radiation across the entire universe in all directions with only tiny variations is supremely expected from a Big Bang model."
"Virtually all the lithium in the universe was created at the Big Bang."
"The Big Bang describes the creation of the universe starting from a single point."
"In the beginning there was a big bang."
"Listening to these feels like you're traveling back in time to where the big bang happened."
"Our universe had a genesis, it had a moment of the Big Bang."
"The majority of stars in the galaxies are moving away from us... and this is how red shift gives evidence for the Big Bang."
"How did all of this get here and what are the conditions that allowed the universe to evolve from an initial explosive event known as the big bang into its present form with stars, galaxies, black holes, dark matter and more?"
"After the Big Bang, the first stars began to emerge. Only 200 million years later, the earliest galaxies formed."
"That's what put the bang in the Big Bang."
"Neutrinos are different from photons; they decouple from the rest of the universe about one second after the Big Bang."
"I don't believe in The Big Bang Theory, but I believe in the evidence for the Big Bang."
"The James Webb Space Telescope actually affirmed the Big Bang."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation is the afterglow of the Big Bang."
"Big Bang becomes the most popular, influential, listened-to group."
"We smash gold atoms together and recreate little mini Big Bangs and actually study the stuff that happens in the beginning of the Big Bang."
"I believe that the Big Bang model is the best current scientific explanation of the information that we have."
"Before is an expression of time, and there is no expression of time before the Big Bang."
"The cosmic microwave background... describes the distribution of radiation and thus the distribution of matter very shortly after the big bang took place."
"The physics of the very beginning, our universe has a big bang."
"The Large Hadron Collider is trying to teach us about the Big Bang."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation... we have measured this heat left over from the Big Bang."
"Cosmologists believe that lithium was one of the three elements synthesized in the Big Bang."
"If we want to understand things like the Big Bang or black holes, we need both quantum mechanics and gravity at once."
"The Big Bang was not the beginning; there existed space and time beforehand."
"The Big Bang... is not the beginning of space and time; it is a collision."
"The Big Bang cosmology is a scientific theory that made testable predictions, and then we went out and verified those predictions by observing the cosmic microwave background radiation."
"The big bang was the initial expansion of space-time that led to our current instantiation of the universe."
"The cosmos blew apart in one inconceivably colossal explosion, the Big Bang."
"The Big Bang is our modern scientific creation myth."
"At the Big Bang, space and time cease to exist."