
Universal Quotes

There are 634 quotes

"This awareness is infinite and this awareness penetrates everything, whether it's a tree, a blade of grass, anything."
"Curiosity is a very simple, universal experience."
"It's nice to see the essence of Sunday League football carries over across the world."
"When you defend the rights of one person, you defend the rights of every person, no matter who is at risk, no matter what in-group or out-group to which they belong."
"Universal is sanitizing their tubes after every single person uses them."
"I believe that God's glory is going to fall, not just on believers. It's going to fall on everyone, on all spirit."
"If you adopt that position, you are committed to far-reaching universal values."
"The origins of life on earth are obscure. But the idea has been floated that it may be so rare of an occurrence that some process must spread it across the universe."
"Our world has a rhythm; we all sense it everwhile."
"He stretched out his arms open wide in love for every person on this planet."
"Everybody loves E.T., I've never talked to a person that's ever seen E.T. and said I don't get it."
"Communication is the key for everything and everyone."
"Before my eyes, within my head, I see it all. I see everything, the forces of good and evil battling across all of time and space."
"Financial literacy is so important for us not even about being an athlete just for everybody in general."
"Communication is everything. It's the only thing that matters."
"Love has no price... it's the lasting thing."
"I know for sure that love saves me, and that it is here to save us all."
"No one should have to fear for their life, period."
"Merry Christmas and I hope you having a wonderful day night afternoon depending on what time zone you are living in."
"The single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet is fear."
"Trust is the single quality that is common across every living creature on this planet."
"This is a universal fight for justice; everybody can make a difference."
"Morning routines are not just for top CEOs and business people, they're for absolutely everyone."
"Everyone cares about fairness, that's ingrained, all the way."
"Favor is coming from the west, the east, the north, the south, and all points in between."
"It's not on Earth that they all have to be connected."
"This syllabus was a string of teachings that were given to all people everywhere."
"Hope you are having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever you are in the world."
"Everyone has something they're willing to fight for. Doesn't matter who you are, there's just some things you have to protect."
"I think everybody should play it at least once."
"Magic is such a gift, it's crazy that we all have it."
"These patterns are found everywhere in nature, from the arrangement of leaves on a stem to the spirals of galaxies."
"All human beings are equal around the planet."
"Every community has drama. There is no community above this simple fact."
"Mystics the world over seem to have perceived the universal hologram in the same spiral form."
"In the end, everyone is going to be left with a smile on their face."
"Sending prayers of peace, prosperity, health, food, clothing, shelter, and water for all living things."
"Every single person on this planet no matter who you are if someone has some Professor X Jean Grey like telepathy reading has one thing they're insecure about."
"Beauty is recognizable across cultures, across centuries."
"We all have a little bit of motherly instinct in us."
"That's the kind of revolution anyone can get behind."
"Exploration is a process that must be in every person's mind."
"Peace is kind of what everybody's searching for."
"This is all to say that while Pokémon is certainly a friendly for all ages franchise after all that is part of its beauty."
"Protein intake is great for all individuals."
"Thank you everyone for dropping by you have yourself a fantastic day weekend night afternoon whatever it happens to be for you."
"I believe instead that there will be a return of Christ consciousness which isn't isolated to just one individual."
"It's literally everybody I would recommend this to."
"Love truly has no boundaries or limitations."
"Venus holds a special place for pretty much everyone... it's what we're attracted to."
"The law of attraction works universally on every plan of action and we attract whatever we desire or expect."
"A hug is just a nice feeling no matter who does it."
"The fundamentals are key no matter your scenario."
"Love is perhaps the most powerful metaphysical force that exists in the universe."
"There is a universal concern in Parliament about Asic."
"Isn't that what anyone truly wants, safety?"
"I recommend this literally for anyone."
"The humor and drama weren't written to a specific audience; the series was meant to be enjoyed by all ages."
"The story is universal. We can all understand family."
"I think this is a great great Universal cream highlighter for anyone."
"The way that people just received the song, men, women, children, the church, they were singing in the church house, it was just like everywhere."
"Love is something that every person or thing on this Earth can experience."
"Creatine works, it simply works for almost everybody who uses it."
"Healing is happening to everyone, incoming energy, you, everyone."
"There's not a single person that will not love one of these cinnamon rolls."
"People are pretty much nice everywhere."
"The secret ingredient is always love."
"What Post had seen was an example of what's probably universal computation in the wild."
"To me, his skateboarding translates every language, every culture, every religion, every denomination and be freed."
"Kindness is a universal virtue that transcends cultures and religions."
"I try to make the type of music or the type of art that can reach anybody, that anybody can relate to."
"Her voice, Soulful and haunting, captures a sense of existential despair that's both intimate and Universal."
"The more personal something is, the more universal it becomes."
"Everyone has problems, not just money problems."
"I don't necessarily buy the myth that women are more open, men are less open... It's a challenge for everybody but I think the longing for love is universal."
"Islam is the inheritance of every single person on Earth."
"This is so beautiful, so inoffensive that I can't picture someone not liking this."
"Everybody Smiles in the same language."
"I think those are seven rules for life that I think all people can get behind."
"Everyone wants to be entertained."
"The act itself is innate to everyone."
"the beauty of it though is that the song describes such a universal experience it can be listened to whenever you've been struck by the Love Bug"
"The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are."
"Do you ever get lonely?" "Yeah, I think everyone gets lonely. Uh, that's almost like a daily struggle."
"I just want to share this because it applies to everyone in every situation in life."
"Funny is funny, let's just say this."
"Healthcare here is a generalized system you can buy private as well but for the most part it's in the taxes so you know you pay your taxes and health care is included which means that everyone can see a doctor if they need to see a doctor."
"Sending positive energy to all beings everywhere."
"Everyone loves waffles and pancakes."
"Love everybody all the time with extraordinary love."
"I think this is a really important lesson for everyone, not just kids."
"Everybody Needs this video... Everybody can take something home from."
"Happy Mother's Day to all of your moms out there, happy Mother's Day."
"Things are happening behind the curtain on a very universal and spiritual level."
"Jealousy was not confined to the human and animal world alone, but ran through all creation."
"Almost everyone is afraid of something."
"The essence of selling is very much the same worldwide. Once you master the foundational skills, it's like learning how to build a building."
"Life exists everywhere. There's nowhere that life doesn't exist."
"Music is the world's favorite language. Spanish can understand a French individual, a French individual can understand an English individual, but everybody can understand music."
"Does God love everybody? Yes, he loves everybody."
"Love, love. Everyone likes love. Love doesn't care what goes on in the world."
"Nature heals always, doesn't matter where."
"This is one of those movies that everyone can relate to."
"Charm is universal; it applies to every part of life."
"It's a great gift for literally anyone of any age and it's easy to understand."
"Love is the greatest thing in the world."
"Happiness is universal, regardless of language."
"Everyone in this world needs hope."
"Silence is the same in every language."
"Courage is like the most primal thing, the most consistent and universal of all the things."
"Everyone wants that kind of love."
"Everybody deserves happiness, right?"
"Truth is true for everyone at all times, in all places, and across cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Truth is true."
"The reality is that love and compassion move everything in this universe."
"That perfect smile belongs to the world."
"Music is not a human invention; it's a universal standard."
"Gravity is universal: it doesn't matter who you are or what you're made of - we all accelerate under gravity in the same way."
"Hard Rock Cafe was so successful that like it found itself here twice at Universal."
"It's cool to see that like Hard Rock Cafe was so successful that like it found itself here twice at Universal."
"Finding love is one of the most universal things. It may be the most universal thing that we all want."
"Every programming tutorial in the world starts with hello world."
"There is love in every corner of the world."
"Everybody loves Davey, everyone loves AFI, like universally respected."
"Our fear of what lurks below is unquestionably real and universal."
"It's the sort of thing that would have been great for me to see as a kid but it still contains messages that are applicable to anyone of any age."
"Their material is so well crafted that it cuts across generational lines."
"No matter what place or time period you live in."
"...storytelling is the universal source code... we're all going to become better storytellers."
"I kind of like to think that the music we make can appeal to everyone."
"There's something all people in this world do at exactly the same speed. What is it?"
"Effort is universally the most heavily sided factor for growth."
"Music is understood by everybody all around the world. It is an automatic door opener for people who may not understand a word that you say."
"'And in this book, for anything to make it in there, it had to be able to stand on all three of those legs, because I'm interested in what I call truth with a capital T: so principles, concepts, skills, that are gonna work for most people in most circumstances.'"
"It's a tale that every culture understands."
"Everything is energy, when we break it down to that simplistic form."
"If you're considering a Universal wedding, it's easy and stress-free."
"Communication is important for everyone. It's not just law enforcement military type folks."
"Everybody's falling in love with the colors because it has a place in everyone's hearts."
"Never again is not a tribal slogan, it's a universal slogan."
"Everybody deserves love and everybody loves love."
"The ventures' music had no language barrier."
"The ventures' music was a universal language."
"The more personal the wound, the more universal the wound."
"Because love is always offered is never imposed and that's Universal."
"Kindness doesn't have any languages, it doesn't have any barriers. Kindness is a language we can all speak."
"Music is the language of the universe."
"Science says that g factor is there; each one of us has it."
"I don't want people to think I want people just to say oh this guy's funny I want to be a universal comedian."
"I think kindness is something universally that people will gravitate towards."
"The principles of the rich apply to everyone, today, tomorrow, and far into the future."
"Happiness is a natural need of every individual, anywhere in the world."
"Here's a story that is timeless for every generation."
"Let there be peace and love among all beings of the universe."
"I cannot foresee a time when humankind just goes I don't really like music anymore."
"Trauma is trauma. Everybody has trauma on some level."
"Regardless of your age, regardless of your taste, this is a must-watch."
"If you really think about it emotional control is the currency of the universe because it's the communication that we're sending out."
"There's a kind of universal and ageless humanity to them."
"There's only one truth that governs everybody under the sun."
"...the mission of social justice... is of universal appeal regardless of... political persuasions or proclivities..."
"Everyone falls in love sometimes."
"Universal love is true love, so love all."
"The comedy still works to this day. It's timeless, funny to kids and funny to adults."
"For many people the most important universal film of the 50s is Touch of Evil."
"Food is a language that everyone speaks."
"All have sinned by thought, by word, and by deed."
"The Rivalry was eternal and Universal."
"Kindness is key and also free no matter where you travel."
"There is a beauty that all of us has."
"Love makes the world go around. It makes us happy, doesn't it?"
"Lastly, if you have any accessibility needs before you come to Universal you must fill out the ibcc form it takes up to 14 days to process but once you get approved you can come to guest services and they will help you with any accessibility needs."
"Heat penetrates every substance in the universe."
"It's really just fantastic for everybody."
"Photography is a universal language. I could show a picture to someone living 10,000 miles away and they would understand what I am trying to say."
"The bottom line is it's all about love. The message is love everybody and everything all of the time."
"And then you have the Epic Universe announcement from Universal, which is really gonna put Disney in a really bad spot."
"Loneliness is a burden we've all borne in one degree or another."
"The paradox of the Psalms is how a book from a narrow-minded culture could have such universal appeal."
"Universal is just going to steamroll them into the top spot."
"Everybody loves it. Kids, adults, everybody loves it."
"Even though we don't share the same Faith, repentance, redemption, and doing better are universal concepts."
"Universal harmonics came closer to the idea of sacred power spots."
"This chapter on faith so many of its practical aspects can be applied universally."
"Jesus turns out to be a sort of universal prophet."
"We can have Universal Health Care we can have a universal basic income we can have Universal child care we can do all of those things."
"It's the best thing to grow here, grow love. It's the best thing, not only here, any part of the world, grow love."
"These are all the common emotions."
"This movie, even though set in Japan, tells a universal story about women and about the limitations that society puts on them."
"It's a Godlike song. Literally, there's no one that dislikes that song."
"The Golden Gate Bridge is simply unbeatable; it's known by everyone."
"Grieving is kind of universal, you know? We might show it in different ways, we might act out in different ways, but the grieving process is a human thing."
"Camping: the language of play is universal kids are kids don't matter the culture."
"Personal transformation relates to universal transformation; it's a shifting of consciousness both personally and planetarily."
"it was obvious in that moment that he loves us all"
"What is the universal thing that I understand and that the audience will understand? Love. She loves her sister."
"Everyone can have redemption, that's the truth."
"The message is universal, it's pragmatic, it's grounded in soul and spirit and legacy."
"Colors of the wind because that is like a unanimously known song even if you've never heard of pocahontas you know the song."
"Unapologetic, uncompromising, deeply personal yet tapping into something universal."
"Is there a universally understood sign language that could be available to everyone? Is there an Esperanto of body language? Let's find out."