
Spiritual Discovery Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord."
"You cannot learn God; you discover yourself by God revealing Himself."
"Neti neti means not this, not that; it's a process of elimination for getting towards enlightenment."
"Repent. Change your mind to change how you think."
"There are many Muslims, Hindus, and people from various faiths who diligently seek God and find Jesus."
"I knew what that man had in his hands was God. I didn't know lingo, I didn't know blessed sacrament, holy communion, none of that."
"You might be in the eye of the storm but you are untouched and you can discover this core weakness inside so it's very spiritual."
"It's the difference between searching and being found."
"Your identity in Messiah has been hidden from you."
"It's been horrible, I wanted to kill them people at first, I wanted to hurt people, I don't know if they trying to kill me, and then I just found the Lord."
"Everywhere I've looked I found God, I found happiness."
"I'm doing you a service, okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I believe that I, August the Doug, have found God."
"When I asked God to show me truth, he showed me Jesus crucified."
"I found a deep relationship with the Lord I never had before."
"I know that without a doubt in my mind I know that I found the ultimate truth that I have been searching and it is Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate truth."
"Please seek the holiness and purity of the Father, and you will discover Him beyond your wildest dream."
"I finally had direction because I found where I wanted to go. I found Jesus."
"Through the grace of a very loving God that I didn't believe in, found out through the steps, was crazy about me."
"The new world being revealed after entering the spirit Zone."
"When I stopped trying to be God in my son's life, he found God."
"There are things when you find you have found there is nothing the devil can do about it."
"I found out what God was and when I found out what God really was, changed my whole entire life."
"I was trying to find the answers in Islam but I found them in Christ. That's where they were all along."
"The truth shall make you free, and if you seek the truth earnestly, it shall always reveal itself."
"We both came together on one thing, we looked at this and we said it's like we have discovered the owner's manual to the human soul."
"We are not even walking in our purpose until we find you."
"The only way to truly deny yourself is to find out what God says about yourself."
"She found Christ precisely in a great act of self-forgetting love."
"When Philip announces the good news about Jesus from the book of Isaiah, it is Jesus himself that the eunuch discovers through the scriptures."
"I will see you guys all in the next one."
"You will find Jesus in all His fullness in the Catholic Church."
"Evangelical unity is not in need of creation, it's in need of discovery."
"The Christian way of life is one of discovery but which is really recovery of that which was already the case."
"I finally found you, oh God, with you."
"I found Jesus like a year later and honestly, He has been so good to me."
"I discovered that it was the way, the truth, and the life."
"Spirituality means finding out who you are beneath the personality."
"I would not be surprised if some people all of a sudden discovered a spiritual path, a spiritual tradition, discovered God in some shape or form, and it completely changed the way that they saw life."
"You can never know who you are until you first discover who He truly is."
"What matters is not me finding Christ but Christ finding me."
"When I found You, my heart found rest."
"I am drawn to abandon God in order to find God again."
"You found the Holy One, You Found Jesus, and that's a very fulfilling experience."
"Through reading the Bible, I discovered that someone to be the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The most important discovery in life is to discover the Kingdom of God."
"Spiritual discovery is about finding our rock, it's about finding a foundation."
"When we start discovering our spiritual gifts, sometimes we discover that we're serving in areas of ministry where we're not well suited."
"The Kingdom is not easy to find but once you found it, it's worth everything you have."
"It is a discovery of God's ability available to anyone in Christ."
"Through attention, reverence, and devotion, he began to learn the way that you can discover how God is present and in that attraction you feel to God's presence, what God is asking of you to be, to do, to follow."
"For the one who finds me finds life and obtains favor from Yahuwah."
"I love looking back on my Bible and being able to easily find things about God."
"The satsang is the place for discovering this, not as a philosophy, but as directly experienced, an experiential discovery."
"I found something better than this money, I found Jesus in Him."
"It's time to discover a revelation of the love of God to find your significance."
"When you find Jesus, there's a desire after God in your heart."
"If you'll just believe, we have discovered that it's way better to be a believing believer than an unbelieving believer."
"You found God, you found yourself."