
Divine Favor Quotes

There are 1359 quotes

"For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord."
"Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us."
"Truly those who believe and do good, the Most Merciful will endow with love."
"God loves people who work hard and try hard."
"Whosoever finds me finds life and shall obtain the favor of the Lord."
"God always turns things around in your favor. When you are for God, whatever the enemy seeks to do, I'm telling you, you will benefit from it in some way, shape, or form."
"I pray that all God has ordained for you in this week shall come to pass. I pray that no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
"The blessing that God has for you in this next season is generational. It's not just for you, but it's for your kids and your kids' kids and your kids' kids' kids."
"Real ones assume that a great artist is someone blessed by the gods."
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands."
"Tonight, I will tell you a comforting story about the gift of God's favor, the undeserved grace that He chooses to give because He loves and delights in us."
"For you, O Lord, will bless the righteous with favor; you will surround him as with a shield."
"Feel the blessing of God on your life through the gift of His favor and His presence as a shield."
"There's a difference between God's love and God's favor. Favor is different because it is initially given to us as a gift, and its increase in our life is dependent upon our stewardship of what we do to gain God's favor."
"When you have the Holy Spirit, you possess traits, favor, and a lot of things that a lot of people don't have."
"You will go through this journey, and eventually, Allah will complete his favor on you."
"The fact that he gave you that means you have a purpose and through all of these hurdles... you're gonna climb over them."
"Lord, bless me and keep me; make Your face to shine upon me and be gracious unto me."
"Now may the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you."
"More than at any other time, we need divine favor upon our lives."
"Blessed be the Lord our God who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places."
"Whatever I am, it is all because God poured out His special favor on me."
"Favor is what opens up doors no man can shut."
"The father loves the son so much that he comes up with ways to make the son look good."
"Fear not, because you have obtained the divine favor of God upon your life."
"As long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper."
"The Lord is going to raise you up in this season, little by little. You're being raised up, exalted, and honored."
"Sometimes, Tate, God just loves you and you just get lucky."
"God does not play about me. I'm definitely favored."
"The kiruks, untouchable, under the protection of Zeus himself, yet their god was Hermes."
"Promotion is coming to you, even before the promotion exercises begin."
"The enemy wants to stop you, but God's favor will open doors."
"God will switch up the process for you and you'll find yourself with the same thing they have not having to go through what they had to go through to get it."
"God's hand is all over you... you are an example of His goodness."
"God will revisit you with opportunities and favor."
"You're stepping into wisdom, you're stepping into favor with God and with man."
"May Allah be pleased with you both, your families be pleased with us all."
"God is taking us into divine currency, one of the biggest currencies in the kingdom is favor."
"You will live to see the goodness of the Lord, uncanny favor."
"When God says yes, no man can say no. When God lifts you up, nobody can pull you down."
"God is increasing, God wants to increase, God wants to bring Shalom peace."
"When God makes a crazy way... the only response is to give him crazy worship... everything he did in your life was for the crazy world."
"Lord, please fill me with unlimited favor and blessings."
"Thank you, Lord, for your hand of favor and blessings upon my life."
"I pray that wherever I go, people will see your favor and blessings all over me."
"I pray for divine favor not just in this season of my life, but all through my lifetime."
"I declare that I am blessed in abundance and beyond human comprehension."
"I declare that I will prosper in all that I do because of God's favor and blessings in my life."
"I declare that I am blessed and wonderfully favored, the favor of God is upon me everywhere I go."
"The favor of God is upon me everywhere I go."
"It is not God's will that you keep encountering difficulties in life; in fact, he always wants you to enjoy his blessings without restraints and suffering."
"May God turn His countenance in your direction."
"God takes pleasure in my prosperity, my heavenly Father takes pleasure, he's pleased with my prosperity."
"When you start doing what pleases God, He starts doing what pleases you."
"Forgiveness puts us in a favored position with God."
"The Lord is saying, 'I'm shining my face upon you.'"
"God is looking for some people that he can so manifest his goodness in, even with prosperity, that others will have..."
"It's like the gods... they are on your side and they are going to help you achieve what you want."
"When you are anointed, Kings will come to you. You don't have to go to Kings."
"Jesus says, 'Even though you have little power, I'm gonna open up a door for you because you have obeyed me and you have not denied my name.'"
"Extraordinary outlandish favor is coming to you."
"The minute you find authority and get under it, heaven opens over your head."
"No one is excluded, no one is left out, no one is cursed."
"Your light hurts their eyes, you are blinding them with your blessings."
"You are God's Ace, sitting on the right hand, destined for abundance."
"May goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our life."
"With God on your side, you have all the advantage. You cannot lose."
"Fear not victory. Embrace triumph. Shun not prosperity. Thy kin shall be greatly favored, and even thy foes and strangers shalt receive a divine touch."
"God wants to open up portals of blessings around his people."
"We need more than ever to live inside the blessing of God."
"When you start to give in to the whims of man over God, you're not going to get blessed. I'm sorry, just not."
"The more we humble ourselves with Allah, the more he elevates us."
"With the favor of the gods, we shall forge our destiny together."
"Direct my steps in the right direction in order to obtain your favor and blessings. Favor me in all that I do so that I will excel in life."
"Long life to those who love the Lord, long life to those who trust in God, long life to those who have God as their refuge."
"May Allah bless you, reward you, and accept our Dua."
"You shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side."
"God wants to release His favor and blessings in your life."
"The throne room of grace, not the throne room of works."
"When we carry God's presence within us, we experience supernatural favor, guidance, and protection."
"If you honor God and you obey his Commandments and you do what he tells you to do then even your enemies have to bend the knee."
"My ways please you, Jesus, so that even my enemies will be at peace with me."
"You're reaching for even larger dreams, the divine has blessed you."
"Favor is like a gentle breeze that subtly shifts the course of our life towards divine opportunities and blessings."
"Rejoice, so highly favored! The Lord is with you."
"The favor in my life comes from the intimacy with God or the relationship that I've established with him."
"No, that's why we're created. We're created to fellowship with him, to be in worship with him because it's in that place when you're in that place, it's the favor of God comes on your life."
"Lord we just release right now an uncommon favor over the people that's listening right now because I believe as the favor comes upon their life it comes with an assignment."
"Let your hand yield increase, that the ends of the earth may fear you."
"Grace is God's undeserved, unearned, unmerited generosity, favor, and love."
"The day America stops blessing Israel will be the day that God stops blessing the United States of America."
"By the undeserved kindness of our amazing God Jehovah, we have reached an all-time peak crossing the 21 million mark."
"Evil people don't have God on their side. We do. Evil people don't have the masses on their side. We do."
"May God surprise you with favor, speed, and restoration."
"I guarantee you if there is a god, he would rock out with me more than he would rock out with any of these religious people who blindly believe just because they were in a state of fear of god."
"Blessing you, taking you to glory upon glory."
"What God does for you is because he wants to do it, not because you deserve it."
"A special favor from God is on its way to you; even though you may be lonely now, the difficult situation you're in will soon pass."
"God's capacity to swiftly improve your circumstances."
"Trust that God is working in your favor; a significant change is about to occur."
"God is improving your lot and bestowing a better life on you and your family."
"Suddenly your problems become strengths and your scarcity becomes plenty."
"By the grace of God, my father shall make way for me."
"When God is determined to bless you, nothing can stop Him."
"No devil can stop your blessing as long as you stay with God."
"God is gonna pour you out an amazing supernatural blessing."
"We serve an unbelievable God, uncommon favor."
"Prayer is what President Trump needs, God is on his side."
"May Allah make us amongst those who are pleased with him and who will be pleased by him on the day of judgment."
"The faithful, fearful, unknown ones may be the very first while having been last."
"People who've been through difficult times might think some god or being favored them."
"You are a big threat to the kingdom of darkness... You are accelerating at a faster pace than the average person."
"Anointing brings restoration, favor, and honor."
"This ministry will be characterized by a strange order of speed."
"Now that God knows you have a heart and you are a giver and you are a lover and you are valuable and everybody else has witnessed that, now God can place the restrictions on you."
"So today what are you telling us Pastor Mike that this grace message is the undeserved unmerited unearned favor and kindness of God."
"You are a Joshua that's stepping into the promised land to possess the land and take what God had promised you."
"What makes you different is you have a Father in heaven that is jealous over you."
"Oh yes oh yes folks well maybe then maybe then God will bless America again."
"Regardless of what you're facing, regardless of what you see, God has better."
"God has better for you than depression. He is better for you than that pain."
"I decree that everything I do or touch shall flourish. Favor me, Lord, in the eyes of my destiny helpers. Bless me physically, spiritually, and monetarily."
"Heavenly Father, I come before you today to receive your special favor in my life. Your favor attracts good things into my life. Let Your Divine favor change my situation for good."
"Behold my servant whom I uphold, my elect one in whom my soul delights." - Isaiah 42:1
"May we be amongst those whom Allah boasts about."
"I am blessed and highly favored. Lord please let your goodness follow me all the days of my life. Your word in Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11 tells me that and I will always guide you and satisfy you with good things."
"I pray that your favor upon my life will increase each passing day so that others will Marvel."
"Noah walked with God not because he deserved it but because God extended him unmerited Grace."
"Allah will never disgrace you, and mention all the good He does for the people."
"Favor is when God interrupts what the devil had planned to flip the situation."
"God chose to glorify us when we were the least worthy of such eternal recognition."
"The favor of God goes before me today, and I am blessed with divine favor, prosperity, and divine health."
"You want me to have the best things in life. You bless my family, friends, pastors, and Associates for my sake."
"If you make yourself useful, God is more inclined to keep you around."
"It is the Lord who adorns the humble with Victory."
"May the Lord bless you indeed, may the Lord bless you richly."
"I come into your throne of grace once again asking for your protection over my life and family."
"You're God's favorite child, baby. He chose you."
"The Pokemon gods are in our favor tonight with that victory."
"We're all God's favorites, every single one of you."
"Let your favor speak for me in all areas of my life."
"Favor ain't based on beauty, favor ain't based on skill set."
"The grace of God is something that is unmatched."
"Israel is precious to almighty God, the apple of his eye."
"The light of the Lord will cause you to shine."
"I want you to have everything God's got for you, and I want you to be blessed and highly favored."
"I'm going to finish with favor what God started. No man can stop it."
"May His favor be upon you, may God's presence go before you, and may God's spirit inside of you be greater than anything that is against you."
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
"God is on our side. God always wins. The truth prevails. Liberty prevails. Freedom prevails. Love prevails."
"We're a man on a mission, obsessed by the footballing gods."
"God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble."
"They can't defeat you because you're chosen."
"The covenant of Abraham: Letting God prevail."
"God wants you well and God wants you to receive his grace."
"Watch and see what he is going to do for you in an instant, in a nest glory to God."
"I never want to feel like I'm working for God's favor if I don't have to."
"The Lord bless you, child of God, the Lord keep you in the center of his grace."
"The Lord lifts up the glory of his countenance upon you, his servant, and anoints you and appoints you and strengthens you and empowers you for such a time as this."
"You were born to be blessed... God wants to bless you."
"Grace is undeserved blessing and it's unmerited favor."
"If you are called according to his purpose... he will cause all things to work for you."
"When you operate in the Kingdom, nothing you want can be withheld from you."
"Humbling yourself... keeps you humble... God loves... gives grace to the humble but he resists the proud."
"The favor of god rests on me. I have the favor of god."
"Know who you are in the eyes of God. You're truly blessed and highly favored."
"All things work to the good to them that love and serve the Lord."
"May you experience what it means to have the hand of God over your life."
"When God shows a man mercy, it opens that man to blessings."
"God will favor you in the name of Jesus. Amen."
"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was an overcomer."
"So we praise the LORD for that too because we're seeing that happen and we're seeing this new breed arise in this time."
"You're being singled out by God, what does that mean? You're getting special treatment."
"God is really shining over me right now, like, he really is. Like, I really don't know what I did to deserve this."
"This is the year of the Lord's favor, the Year of Jubilee."
"To have the Blessed Assurance that he is for you."
"These are Glory Days for the righteous and gloomy for the wicked."
"In 2020, I am opening heaven for my saints who have been faithful, and I am opening it with the reign of favor."
"May yah bless you and shine his face upon you always and give you peace."
"He's gonna give you so much favor that people will be saying what in the world how did that happen."
"You're chosen. Divine protection surrounds you, shielding you from all harm."
"God made you a winner. I don't care what you're going through in your life, he decreed you to be a winner."
"When God gives you favor, nothing can compete with the favor of God."
"Lord, I'm ready for open air, I'm ready to walk in the favor that open heavens bring."
"I decree and declare by the favor of God, between now and the next one month, let there be a strange miracle."
"Every time I turn around, God keeps doing great things for me."
"The Lord takes pleasure in the prosperity of his saints."
"When God wants to bless the work of your hands, He'll bless you when you're in the place of work putting hard work right there."
"You are chosen. God sees you beyond your could I have ever."
"Relationship with God will bring the favor of God."
"May the glory come upon your life, and if the glory comes, good things are going to begin to happen."
"When your helpers remember you, one day can be equivalent to ten years for you."
"May God forever bless the United States of America."
"Embrace it. It's God's way of saying you're special."
"We declare that the glory of his face will shine upon you."
"I speak Romans 8:28 over you. That God works all things out for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose."
"If peanuts are anything, they're proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
"Perhaps the reason you've been favored was for a time such as this."
"Our God is a good God, He always seeks those who are faithful."