
Potentiality Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The potential for a thing is not the thing itself; something might grow into a thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean it gets all the rights and protections of the thing it'll grow into."
"The world is actually made out of potential, and that potential is actualized by consciousness."
"Everything exists first as a wave of potentials before a reality is collapsed into existence."
"Quantum physics is all about how we are living in a sea, in a wave of infinite potentialities. At every single moment, you can change your life."
"You might value the potentiality a lot higher right, like I think there's something to be said for valuing potentiality."
"What the Holocaust teaches you is very clear that if it could happen in Germany it could happen anywhere."
"You are simply an aspect of that, an aspect of a thing contains the total possibility of the thing."
"Everything has a positive and negative potential."
"Every single human being has the potential to earn Firdaus given the circumstances they have been born into."
"Yes, anything because with the universe, anything is possible."
"Chaos breeds opportunity for greater potentiality."
"You will always have duality free choice is yours but there's so much more than you know that is not just going on here but that has potentials in the field that I'm telling you that is there to say it."
"The sole truth of this world I found is that there is no truth. Any one of us can become a god or a devil. All it takes is for people to believe it."
"An object is just a permanent possibility of sensation."
"Abundance is about living within the system of infinite possibilities."
"If nothing matters then everything is possible and everything can matter."
"All things are possible, all potentialities exist for you."
"Live in the what if, live in the maybe, live in the potentiality of what could be."
"When we're truly in the present moment, all possibilities in the quantum field exist in the eternal now."
"The possibilities are quite literally endless."
"Buddha is a potentiality within all of us, the seed exists within all of us if we were just to water it."
"It's a Nexus of All Pure potentiality."
"It's a Nexus of All Pure potentiality where everything is seen with brilliant Clarity."
"The field of potentiality is real."
"For God, potentiality is actuality."
"Virtual particles embody the idea that the vacuum is filled with potential."
"When you are not at your house, your house exists as a wave of potentials."
"fiction is a way of being alive to the glimmers of potentiality in the midst of the mundane."
"God brought into being a creation so endowed with a potentiality that creatures could be allowed to explore and bring that potentiality to earth."
"Reality manifests itself as possible to be that way."
"Aristotle was coincidentally given a name which anticipated his most revolutionary idea that everything and everyone has a purpose or and a tellus and a potentiality a Dunamis Dean amis dynamite which they may or may not fulfill depending on how well they're brought up."
"In a pretty explicit esoteric sort of way where you can sort of bend the universe around you in ways to create your future narrative."
"I is the open potential; it has no content of its own."
"What's needed is more of a respect for this potentiality of wholeness in its diversity, for this vastness in its diversity."
"The entire universe is the display of the Great Mother which is the ground of being which is pure potentiality, which is emptiness."
"Actuality is the decision amid potentiality."
"Your mind is a field of potential in which there are all sorts of residual energies that are left over from your life."
"For a non-actual state of affairs, S is possible either if S is actual or if something exists with causal power bringing about S."
"God did not create evil, but He created the potential for evil."
"A thing is perfect to the degree that it is in act and imperfect insofar as in potency."
"The deep underlying nature of the cosmos is possibility spaces."
"The ultimate nature of minds is a possibility space."
"Anything is possible; that is the definition of emptiness."
"An endless future is possible, but a beginningless past is impossible."
"Creation is finished, all possible realities and versions of yourself exist infinite in number as potential."
"Open, more potential; closed, less potential."
"Because there is the unborn, the unconditionally uncreated, then escape from the born, the conditioned, the created is possible."
"The ether can also be understood as the field, the plane, the potentiation, or the eternity."
"Stem cells are totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent, or unipotent."
"The Bible says, 'As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.'"
"The process by which the pure potentiality of consciousness comes to descend into matter and ascend once more."
"There's not a set path that you chose; you're not living out something that you already planned. There are potentials; you move in the direction of a potential and you create."
"A thought is a form, a spiritual form of something that can become."
"The interconnectedness is not as if there's a bunch of objects with hidden connections, but rather, the potentiality that appears as all of the multitudes also appears at the same time right now as one singular experience."
"From a physics perspective, all possibilities exist as potentials in the field."
"What came before the universe was the potential for the universe."
"We're all emanating from the same potentiality."
"Changes are actualized potencies."
"Aristotle comes to the fore here to really help solve with his account of act and potency."
"Life is full of infinite possibilities."
"We're infinite, and our focus potentiality is infinite, and our exploration is infinite."
"Everything is made up of one vital power with the potential for the process of becoming."
"The law of pure potentiality allows them to see things, see the truth."
"The law of pure potentiality says all answers live in the silence."
"The difference between breathing and paying attention to the breath is its own seed, this own multiverse of potentiality."