
Political Achievement Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"In 2018, we used the hashtag #blackgirlmagic houston9, it was the largest amount of African-American women that had ran at one time and won an election here in Houston."
"I am very proud of the fact that I also worked so much to free the two Michaels and to bring them back home." - Mr. Jean Charest
"He's such a king. Broke the 30-year spell of liberal rule, saved us from the global financial crisis, grew a beard, now taking on Murdoch. Is there anything this guy can't do?"
"Bernie got more amendments added to bills than any Senator in the last 20 years."
"President Biden is doing things like finalizing the most significant gun safety law in decades."
"It says a lot about our great country that the son of a single mom who is a disability pensioner who grew up in public housing down the road in Camperdown can stand before you tonight as Australia's Prime Minister."
"Trump actually comes off looking great in this entire affair as I said, I think it's the greatest or one of the greatest foreign policy achievements of my lifetime."
"Since I took the oath of office we've added far more than 1 million jobs in the private sector."
"The Affordable Care Act is one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama of the Democratic Party and of our country."
"We've added a record-setting 10.6 million jobs since May."
"The Democratic House and President Biden got more done than at any time literally in our lifetimes."
"This could have been done for almost 20 years and it hasn't been done, so you're the one that got it done. So, Mr. President, thank you, thank you very much."
"This is a moment that the White House is celebrating."
"I think his principal achievement, in a sense, was to change the mood of the country."
"You've done more than any president in American history to take on drug prices."
"President Trump set a record for the most primary votes ever received by any incumbent ever." - Donald J. Trump
"President Trump demonstrated true and transformative leadership."
"President Trump and I have fought for criminal justice reform, thank you."
"Since my election, over 121,000 new jobs have been created right here in South Carolina."
"We should also be absolutely looking to what Lucy McBath was able to accomplish not once but twice."
"We do have a track record of bipartisan accomplishment."
"It is the honor and the privilege of my life to be elected as leader of the Labour Party."
"Donald Trump has given us all of these judges."
"Nobody has done more in three and a half years than this administration has done."
"El Salvador is as safe as it's been in decades."
"Our nation's first woman vice president, Vice President Kamala Harris."
"It is my firm belief that the establishment of the State of Israel is the greatest political achievement of the 20th century."
"Under our administration, we built hundreds of miles of border wall."
"Many American lives will be saved thanks to President Trump and the great work of Operation Warp Speed."
"We signed 80 bipartisan bills into law last year, showing the nation when you come together and do big things."
"Joe Biden will have secured the most votes in the history of the country in terms of presidential wins."
"The reality is he's still gotten things done I mean he's gotten us MCA done he renegotiated NAFTA for the American worker I mean he got a trade deal done with China you know despite you know being sort of under the gun in impeachment."
"We've done more than any first term administration in the history of our country."
"We passed criminal justice reform... everybody said it couldn't be done."
"At long last, the Australian nation has achieved its ambition of having its own commander in chief, a native-born Australian."
"It is historic that this is the first time a black woman has been added to a national ticket."
"The greatest accomplishment of President Trump is his stacking of the courts."
"He's actually fulfilled more promises than he made and I have."
"When Donald Trump became the president, black unemployment was at its lowest because of things that happened beforehand."
"We accomplished more than any administration."
"Can one leader change the entire country in less than 2 years? While most leaders would argue they need more time, Ibrahim Tror accomplished the seemingly impossible."
"He has achieved the most successful reduction in murder rate of probably any nation, maybe in the history of mankind."
"Jacinda Ardern's re-election was a record: the biggest labor victory in at least 50 years." - Narrator
"The President delivered on his promises and got his priorities funded and that's what the Democrats don't want you to know." - Nick Mulvaney
"Trump's best line was, 'I've done more in 47 months than you've done in 47 years.'"
"Donald Trump identified problems in this country... He said, 'I fixed that, I fixed this, I succeeded here.' Let me be president."
"If this is correct or even nearly correct, then Boris Johnson has achieved what he set out to achieve."
"We've created more than 3.6 million jobs since the election."
"We have ended the horrible practice of catch and release."
"What Donald Trump did in 2016 will go down as one of the most legendary accomplishments."
"What Donald Trump did in 2016 will go down as one of the most, if not the most legendary accomplishments we will ever see again."
"We made a very fair deal on trade. We had the worst deal ever right... you know that we had the worst deal ever and it replaced that."
"Only President Biden has gotten it done, and it will make a real difference for millions of Americans."
"Trump's Operation Warp Speed is what made it happen."
"A big achievement at this point in time... Showing their spine in Tamil Nadu."
"At least we have a black woman as vice president. We're set."
"We achieved the most secure border in U.S. history. We have now built over 400 miles of wall."
"Since my election, over 219,000 new jobs have been created right here in North Carolina."
"Young elected city's first black mayor. It is a perfect representation of the civil rights movement's positive impact."
"We achieved energy Independence soon to be energy dominance for the first time in 64 years."
"Joe Biden and I with the help of the Democratic Congress rescued the auto industry."
"14 million jobs 10 times more than the last three Republican presidents combined."
"Democrats in two years have won back nearly half the seats they lost over President Obama’s time in office."
"Trump accomplished a significant portion of a significant promise."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"What they achieved was amazing but you also know that what they could have achieved if they had just been allowed to pursue their projects would have been even more incredible."
"I'm the only one who's gotten anything done."
"We've just got the second seat, yeah, this is so, it's such a short reminder."
"We have solved the healthcare crisis, the social security crisis, the opioid crisis, the depression crisis..."
"There has been nearly five million jobs created since President Trump won the 2016 election."
"He has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50."
"The Biden administration in its first year managed to pass a bipartisan infrastructure investment and Jobs Act. That's expected to add an estimated 1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years."
"Pence's perhaps most memorable achievement... a truly monumental achievement that would earn him praise from across the political spectrum."
"A perfect capstone to a remarkable four years."
"The American family's plan that came out today 60 support from the American public that's that's almost like 20 more than Joe Biden got when he won the presidency."
"They went from being a great team to one of the best teams of all time."
"Joe Biden has had more bipartisan wins than any other president in the 21st century."
"We've now created over three million jobs since it took office, more jobs than have ever been created in the first five months of any presidency in modern history."
"Our majority once again rallied together Against All Odds to deliver for the American people."
"I've done more than any governor in the history of the United States of America to secure the border."
"If this deal goes through, then we will achieve what the 17.4 million people asked us to do." - Nigel Farage
"He can lead his party across the finish line." – Senator Scott has more leveraging power than he uses.
"I'm so proud to stand here in the House of Commons today during Black History Month to recognize Canada's first black parliamentarian."
"No president or administration has cut nearly as much."
"Every little girl in America could look up and say hey look I can become vice president."
"By the time, by the end of my first term, we'll have three hundred, give or take a little bit, three hundred federal judges, including a record to record. No, it's a record."
"Biden managed with all the help of everyone to flip five states. That's the most important task."
"For a brief moment in time under Donald Trump, we were energy independent and became a net exporter."
"Deal done, sign sealed, boy it feels good, eureka! Out of 3.5 trillion has passed."
"Even though he has yet to take office, Donald Trump has accomplished more for conservatives than any president since Ronald Reagan."
"President Biden's bipartisan infrastructure law makes the largest investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak."
"By the time I left that magnificent house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, almost 20 million Americans had already been vaccinated."
"There's nothing abstract about saying Joe Biden signed this bill and you're getting a better airport."
"We have a president here that has had the lowest unemployment for minorities in the history of the United States."
"You got it passed, you did not go in with the mindset 'I have to compromise and be like everybody else.' You literally change the trajectory of the state of Georgia through your leadership."
"President Donald Trump has actually signed the largest increase in our national defense since the days of Ronald Reagan."
"President Donald Trump got a way better deal for America. NAFTA is gone and the USMCA is here to stay."
"We won the presidency, and we have the greatest economy that this nation has ever seen."
"I ended the NAFTA nightmare and replaced it with the brand new USMCA."
"Yesterday I don't think is the exaggeration to suggest that we took a monumental step forward as a nation." - President Joe Biden
"Operation Warp Speed has been a tremendous success for this administration."
"Trump still has every right to trumpet his successes with judicial appointments."
"President Trump was the first president since Jimmy Carter, technically probably Reagan as well, that didn't start a new war."
"Thanks to President Trump, we can now have the strongest military we have ever had."
"We have confirmed 191 brand-new beautiful federal judges."
"President Trump is doing what I believe is the biggest free market reform of healthcare in a generation."
"We appointed nearly 300 federal judges, a record, and three great Supreme Court Justices."
"I did more in 47 months than Sleepy Joe did in 47 years."
"We have such a powerful story to tell, we've made the country so much better."
"The US Senate surprised everyone by actually passing the debt reduction bill."
"If the only thing I ever achieve in my life is doing that one thing, that one enormous thing, then I will consider my time in politics and public life very well spent."
"New Democrats have delivered more help for people in Quebec through increases to CERB, to support for students, to bring in paid sick leave supports than any other opposition leader party."
"I know how I got here; I'm only the 22nd African-American woman ever elected to the Texas House."
"Mike Schreiner here has made history."
"The President has used his experience to pass more bipartisan legislation than any other president."
"It ensures that we have restored sovereignty to the people."
"The claimant count in his own constituency is down by 36 percent, which I think is a huge advance over recent years."
"Listen to this, last night Thompson Leclat Gregory was elected the youngest ever black Labour councillor."
"Biden and the Democrats, being in charge, have already cut 1.7 trillion from the deficit and added 12 million jobs."
"We're up three million jobs since Biden took over."
"Congratulations to Keisha Lance Bottoms, Atlanta's new mayor. Black girl magic happening in full effect."
"She went on to become the first and only to date female Speaker of the United States."