
Political Candidacy Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Democracy is what this country was built on. I served in the military so I can run as a Judicial candidate in a free country as long as I'm qualified."
"Here's a kid who grew up in public housing. I'm running for the United States Senate against the wealthiest member of Congress. Only in America is that possible."
"I'm running for president because I'm an American and a parent, and I can see the country we will leave to our children, and it is not something that I'm willing to accept."
"I'm running for mayor to help to fight for people that can't fight for themselves."
"I accept this nomination for president of the United States of America but while I'll be a democratic candidate I will be an American president."
"I'm not a candidate so we'll see if and when that changes."
"I'm the first Millennial ever to run for U.S president as a Republican and I see people my age in particular across this country who are not doing well because we're starved for purpose and meaning."
"Bernie Sanders is the most electable candidate in the race by far."
"When it came to the Trump Tower Moscow project, it was worth hundreds of millions of dollars and we never expected to win the election. So, this was just business as usual."
"Now I'm running for Congress because we're going backwards on national security health care and women's rights"
"When I was running for office, the comment was, 'Who's going to be taking care of your children?'"
"It's very clear that just putting up good candidates who tell the truth and who actually care about constituents, it is not enough."
"Every time I run for office, it's because I saw this moment where there were things happening in this country that I thought I could speak to in a way that was different from the others."
"Now you're a candidate for governor, and a legitimate candidate for governor."
"Running for Senate is not something I thought I'd ever do... it would be very valuable that a guy like me actually did run for Senate."
"There was never a tangible thing to latch onto and say, 'This is why she should be president.'"
"Apparently it's not enough that women are already paid 20% less than."
"The lack of funds should not stop people with ability from running for office."
"President Trump is likely to announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election in a return of the king posture."
"If the forward party wants Jesse Ventura to be their candidate in 2024 and if they have ballot access in all 50 states, you're damn right I'll give it to consideration."
"I've done a lot of stuff, you talk about Heisman Trophy, you talk about all the athletic awards, business awards I won. But the best thing I've ever done in my whole entire life is run for the Senate seat right here."
"It's not easy to run for office these days and what those guys went through they really are true Testaments to patriotism."
"You can't be open about the realities of running as a woman."
"I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for president of the United States of America."
"Are you running again in 2024? What are the odds? I am looking at it very seriously, beyond seriously."
"I'm the candidate of farmers, factory workers, police officers, hard-working people, law-abiding patriots, and every race, religion, color, and creed."
"President John J. Trump is the front runner in the 2024 Republican primary under the 2024 general election, should he decide to run."
"I'm the better candidate to take on President Trump because my history is, I take on the fights that other people don't." - Kirsten Gillibrand
"Johnson's potential candidacy, while appealing to some, should be carefully scrutinized for its substance."
"More teachers should definitely run for office."
"I claim the right to speak for the unenfranchised women of the country and announce myself as a candidacy for the presidency."
"Knowing what office you want to run for and how much it costs to have a candidacy in that particular space is super important."
"Trump is running as an American citizen essentially."
"Donald Trump is running for president again. If he does in fact make that run, he will be the Republican nominee."
"I'm running for congress to stop authoritarians and extremists."
"I'm getting into this because I love you, I love Arizona."
"Option Riccio's bid for Parliament: a failed spectacle."
"This is not a time to be complacent. That's why I'm running for reelection."
"Larry Elder has become a very viable serious gubernatorial candidate."
"Jill is not only the only peace candidate in the fray of warmongers taking our world towards another war, she's the only supporter for the national and human rights of Palestinians."
"Marianne Williamson should run she is running it's not up to me anybody who wants to run should run."
"It's about the people, man. They want me to do it."
"Putting one's name on a ballot is not an easy decision."
"How to use your story to prove to voters they can trust you, even if you've never held office before."
"I was excited about her candidacy. I know she worked extremely hard. It was a very challenging environment."
"I'm running to represent the people, not to represent special interests."