
Divine Direction Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your path."
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go. I will guide you with My eye upon you." (Psalm 32:8)
"Sometimes you can be doing exactly what God told you to do and have all hell break out in your life."
"Pray and ask God to lead you in the way everlasting."
"God's guidance acts as our North Star providing Direction when all seems blurred and uncertain."
"Let him guide us, let him lead us, and blow us where he wants us to go."
"The Holy Spirit is our guide; He shows us the way we should go."
"To fulfill your assignment in life you need divine guidance."
"No man outgrows the need to be guided by God."
"Prayer is a mighty weapon that positions you for divine direction."
"Sometimes, He uses our rejection as direction."
"You're wasting time trying to pursue your own ambitions while ignoring the clear instruction of God's vision for your life."
"I want the Holy Spirit's direction on what I should do, what I should say, where I should go, and when I should go."
"You're being divinely guided here, that is very apparent to me."
"Accept Divine guidance pointing you toward your own Joy."
"God never takes us only in One Direction, he takes us in both ways and he shows us that he's faithful at all times. He's faithful in the valley, he's faithful on the mountain."
"Like a Mad Dash... make sure you don't miss God."
"One way God will direct your paths is through the Word. Another way is through prayer."
"This is God's new direction, part of the cloud, where he's taking us in reaching the whole world."
"I didn't ask the Lord for this, but I know the Lord told me this is what I was to do."
"May the God of Abraham and Sarah direct your steps and fill your mouths with good things."
"God will differentiate what I'm trying to teach you versus where I'm trying to take you."
"Your faith deepens as you learn to rely more fully on God's provision and direction."
"The voice of God brings guidance and direction."
"If you follow my destiny, if you follow my direction, if you just give way to my word, I will take your life from the valley to heights you've never known."
"Trust in the Lord, and he will direct you; fear the Lord, and he will preserve you; honor the Lord, and He will prosper you."
"If you acknowledge Him in all your ways, then He'll direct your path."
"You should know your season; if you don't know your season, go to God and seek clarification and revelation on what season you are in."
"But if we trust in God and get our direction from Him and trust in His wisdom, no matter how great the battles are, we can overcome them."
"Always look to God rather than man for direction in your work."
"And as a result you're gonna be guided in your life and directed by the Holy Spirit in a greater way."
"In all your ways acknowledge God, and God will direct your path."
"You can't just follow people; you have to follow the plan."
"If in all of your ways you acknowledge Him, He will direct your path."
"And just because they were going the direction that God told them to go did not mean that there wasn't going to be any opposition."
"The only thing that matters is, did the Lord direct me to do it?"
"It is hopeful that my Lord shall direct me to what is more appropriate than what I forgot."
"In the end, all of that is done by the wisdom of Hashem to direct you to where he wants you to be."
"The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
"God doesn't send His supply for you to where you are, but rather to where He told you to be."
"Everything in nature is directed to its goal by someone with understanding, this we call God."
"You have to go do what God told you to do, and the supply is there."
"Leave your native land and your relatives, and come to the land that I will show you."
"You're about to be led in the direction the Divine wants you to go."
"The ultimate garment that God gives us is spiritual clothing, meaning that God gives human beings direction and instructions, and those instructions are called Torah."
"If the Divine gives you the directions to go a certain way, or to change, to pivot, to do this, it's your duty to move accordingly, to pivot accordingly."
"You're not just drifting; you are being divinely directed towards a destiny crafted by celestial hands."
"Please guide me in the best direction for my health, happiness, and life purpose."