
Recycling Quotes

There are 1775 quotes

"Your body is the recycling of earth, water, and air. Your mind is the recycling of everybody else's thoughts."
"I'm going to recycle my can. That's an act of kindness."
"Like recycling plastic bottles and making clothes out of it, we have that internal system in our bodies that we have to turn on on a regular basis."
"More aluminum packaging...aluminum is a standout when it comes to recyclability."
"One of the implications of this transition from printing to assembling is it gets rid of technological trash because you can disassemble and reuse the parts, not throw them away."
"I believe the best ideas are not ones we come up with ourselves, but ones that are somewhat recycled, like bottles."
"It's amazing, like old phones. I usually keep them 'cause they still work if repurposed like that."
"Learning to reuse and give new life to clothing that you already have not only helps you save money, it can also have a large-scale impact on the environment."
"Since 2016, the company has upcycled 33 million chopsticks that otherwise would have ended up in a landfill."
"Unlike metal and glass, plastic degrades every time you recycle it."
"Nature has this kind of relentless wish to recycle our molecules."
"The evidence the bridge has revealed suggests a story of work not of rural farming but of recycling and industry."
"Almost everything can be dismantled, recycled, and recrafted into something more useful and ingenious than its components."
"Paper products are much easier to recycle and less resource-intensive than plastic products."
"The worms turn all the fruit and vegetables into compost."
"The water is now even cleaner than that in normal taps and is ready for the next shower again and again."
"Companies like Aduro...are actually addressing that problem, taking in waste plastic, not washed out, just plastic the way we all dispose of it, and actually finding a way to treat it and return it back to the original material to make plastic all over again."
"Most people's junk is another person's gold, you know? It's a goldmine."
"Globally, over 350 million metric tons of plastic are produced annually, but only 14 to 18 percent of that is recycled."
"Giving a second life to all solar panel components would not only reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfills but also shrink the demand for new materials."
"This is two-thirds part of PET bottles recycled, so that's a step forward."
"Sweden is turning other countries' trash into cash."
"Recycling is almost always more beneficial, both from an energy perspective and from the perspective of emissions."
"In 2017, researchers conducted an analysis on all plastic ever made worldwide. Based on their results, as of 2015, only 9% of it had been recycled."
"Oil & gas companies spent millions to promote recycling, even though they doubted the practical application and economic viability."
"Recycling was just a clever move to postpone plastic bans and keep selling their fossil fuels."
"The dumpster is great for this, you can come out with things that someone else didn't want."
"It's fantastic that you can drive an electric vehicle, knowing that the end of the life of that battery pack, the ingredients will be reused in a new battery pack and a new electric car."
"If Amazon returns, or being repackaged and sold to people at a discount instead of being disposed of, then we wouldn't have to have this question about whether it's better or worse to bury plastic or burn it."
"Wasted is not been wasted it's being put together into a beautiful Masterpiece of Mosaic."
"China has the most recycled bins in the whole world... therefore they are the world leader at recycling."
"Roughly nine out of ten plastic bottles in Finland are returned for recycling."
"Take some that is completely junk and worthless and make it into something that you can really use."
"Disneyland recycles 4 million pounds of cardboard, paper, and other materials annually."
"In New Jersey, we lived in one of the highest tax counties in the U.S and we only got recycling twice a month so we would have to drive it in ourselves if we wanted to be recycled."
"Somewhere right now, there's a hermit crab wearing your old Dr. Pepper bottle."
"Recycling is kind of cool, right? Who doesn't love turning something they don't like into something they do?"
"Redwood now has drop off points with Best Buy to collect these old batteries."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, even if they're locked behind figure sold separately."
"But the cool thing that I love about this is when they finish making the tequila with the agave plant and it comes out of the Kiln they take what's left over and make it into bricks."
"Vintage is forever because it just keeps recycling."
"Because when it comes to landfills, one man's trash is quite literally another man's treasure."
"But perhaps the best solution to our recycling problem is just to make sure that recycling remains the third R: reduce and reuse so that you don't have to recycle."
"This dresser was destined for the dump... and now it's so good."
"Let these dry for a couple of hours and then you can use them as plant pots."
"What better way to recycle them than to give them to somebody who's going to use them every day?"
"One way to ease demand for new cobalt mining is by recycling the cobalt found in old batteries."
"Sometimes old yet capable hardware is thrown away or not properly recycled and it can still be giving new life."
"Aluminum is safer and more recyclable — it’s already one of the world's most recycled metals."
"Turn junk mail into cash with Small Business Knowledge Center!"
"Pluto rules composting, turning the refuse of society into prosperity."
"It's just so you know, everything in nature is all about recycle."
"The flooded world is our oyster. Let's polish this plastic into beautiful, beautiful pearls."
"Nothing goes to waste, everything gets a happy second life."
"I love this, I love the way it looks, it's a great way to use up your scraps."
"Recycled bricks: This could be a new construction revolution."
"It's so cool to see broken-down trucks salvaged for homes."
"Recycle, compost, rummage, sort out recyclables - all ways to contribute towards the eco footprint."
"Girlfriend collective makes their synthetics with recycled plastic."
"You're overcoming your own internal limitations."
"Royal Caribbean recycled 43.7 million pounds of waste in 2018."
"The art of salvaging: turning scrap into innovation."
"Repurposing revolution: a new life for old electronics."
"We want something that you can use, rinse, recycle, reuse."
"Turning trash into beautiful sustainable products."
"So what do you do with those dirty plastic bags?"
"My goal was not this, but I ended up exactly where I needed to be."
"Another great thing that gives me a lot of financial discipline is this recycling boxes."
"I hate plastic; however, I am part of a recycle program."
"Even old Leaf batteries that have lost a huge portion of their charge are still useful."
"One man's trash really is another person's treasure."
"Recycling is such a contentious one because a lot of people... it's not so bad to buy one."
"Germany recycles 67 percent of all Municipal Solid Waste." - Narrator
"Battery recycling means less mining, potentially less cost, and less waste. Hey, governments, you want to speed this up? Let's pass recycling incentives."
"But wouldn't that be funny though? Compost dung to create compost, what an excellent sentence!"
"If you're not gonna put in the minimum amount of effort to actually make sure you're compliant with the recycling rules, then you're actually just inhibiting the recycling process to begin with."
"The pig is turning an apple essentially garbage into bacon. That's magic or the most successful recycling program ever."
"An innovative method of breaking styrofoam down into shorter carbon chains could make recycling plastic a whole lot greener and easier."
"We can take that waste, put it into our reactors, and produce enough electricity to power the entire world for 72 years."
"Recycling pays off, literally and figuratively"
"The couch needs to be taken to the dump, but I was like guys wait a second I know this thing it's called Facebook Marketplace."
"This bag is the first backpack ever made from recycled ocean plastic."
"You don't make up the definition of zero waste neither do I but I will use it as I please because basically anything that can be recycled over and over again I would consider it no waste so hence yeah zero waste."
"Spent waste could actually be reused as a nuclear fuel, reducing halflives to hundreds of years."
"One man's trash is another man's multi-billion dollar movie franchise."
"It's recycling saving the planet right taking plastic and and and doing good with it." - Highlighting the positive impact of recycling robots on the environment.
"Sweden recycles 99% of the trash it produces."
"I'm impressed... this is the ultimate recycling."
"France recycles about 96% of its nuclear waste."
"Buying second-hand fast fashion clothes... you're giving those clothes a little bit more of a purpose before it goes into a landfill."
"What is one person's trash is your treasure."
"It celebrates by launching a new 99% recycled Tesla Roadster."
"Please support your local Amish elders and remember to recycle."
"One organism's waste can always be another one's treasure."
"We're literally turning garbage into beautiful and usable items that you can use in your house."
"Junk can be turned into all sorts of useful things and sometimes even something wonderful."
"Recycling is important, new technologies like algae and mushrooms will help."
"It does eventually wear out, a thing that's made from scraps and other people's rubbish will go on the compost heap and be useful yet again."
"But I love taking things that are old and just kind of giving them new life."
"New water: water that has been given a second life."
"What composting is basically just taking a load of plant material allowing it to rot down which provides a fertilizer."
"And we should find ways to repurpose and make the most out of it."
"Composting is a way to convert things like food scraps and yard trimmings into fertilizer instead of sending those things to landfills."
"We have to be informed, advocate, and be willing to recycle our politicians."
"So it does a darn good job of separating the metals from plastic and fiberglass."
"Islam is so beautiful and practical. It doesn't just explain why you're here, how to live life, it gives you rules and guidelines and commands for everyone."
"Renner is essentially giving these cars a second life and modernizing them."
"Upcycle old bins into plant pots. My mum did this and it looks pretty epic."
"You're actually getting a shoe that recycles plastic bottles and actually helps the environment."
"I love the fact that it's made out of tote bags and it turns back into a tote bag."
"Any clear glass we'll just keep putting that back into our furnace we'll melt it down it'll become something beautiful another day."
"I've grown to become an expert recycler in a lot of ways where I can take previous efforts and build off of those to make a new design."
"We're also committed to recycling at all of our cell factories."
"They've done what you do when you're trying to win a league: win when you're playing badly."
"Cardboard into something else you wouldn't expect."
"I really wish Bath & Body Works would do a recycle program... if they like were like bring 10 containers back."
"Even Greenpeace says most plastic simply cannot be recycled."
"Recycling is not as effective as it's been promoted to be."
"If the public thinks the recycling is working then they're not going to be as concerned about the environment."
"One of the main things is called recrafting, which is using that which has already been crafted into one thing to craft something else with it."
"If something breaks, you can just re-melt it and make it again, no big deal, easy peasy, right?"
"One man's trash is another man's treasure but one man's broken fan is another man's... lamp?"
"Only around 10% of materials used in industries get recycled annually."
"HS2 Limited's innovation manager Rob Caron said reusing old turbine blades reduces waste, cuts demand for new steel, and reduces the carbon generated during the production of concrete."
"We actually partner with e-waste recyclers...to safely recycle a device you actually need to get the battery out of the device."
"We absolutely recycle all of our spent cells, modules, and battery packs."
"Trash as potential crafting material, finding the components to making a horse head was pretty fun."
"This technology is unique because we've learned how to use the waste that is generated annually and we've learned how to turn it into a fibrous product that can be used for paper production."
"There's always something new in the recycled stuff of everyday life."
"Things don't have to be disposable, there is an afterlife."
"How many biodegradable K-cups are in this wheelbarrow?"
"The stuff that people sometimes throw away can become priceless parts of our heritage."
"Recycling matters because by participating in a recycling economy, we are respecting all of the nutrients, all of the labor, all of the emissions that went into producing those things."
"Metal and glass can be recycled an infinite amount of times."
"Rabbit manure is fantastic in the garden, but I also love it because it's another free way for us to make fertilizer. It's a byproduct of raising rabbits for meat."
"Buying used clothes is a sustainable way...you're recycling."
"Pillow covers are such a great inexpensive way to reuse some of the pillows that you already have."
"Battery materials are recycled to recover valuable materials for reuse repeatedly."
"The solution is plain products plain products sends you shampoo body wash hand soap skin products all of it in an aluminum bottle that you send back when you're done to be reused."
"Yeah, I think it's fair to say that the 'Ballroom Luminoso' is recycling turned up a gear."
"Free in a free market competitive system entrepreneurs are out there trying to turn trash into treasure."
"Entrepreneurs are out there trying to turn trash into treasure."
"You're literally taking trash that's bad and then you're turning it into treasure."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, Gumby, and this is the one man's trash."
"Everything came from the dump, it was free, I upcycled it, and they all turned out beautiful."
"I love taking something old and discarded and turning it into something beautiful and pretty again."
"Don't throw away your old clothes, upcycle them into something fabulous!"
"Scrap Metal Shredder: satisfyingly demolishing materials for recycling."
"Don't focus solely on gold recovery; turn a waste into cash."
"This is the ultimate recycling, taking something old and reusing it again."
"It's a truly creative way to reuse old scraps, so kudos to Kennywood on this one."
"We are in this circular economy now where reuse and recycle is everything."
"Sustainability with completely recyclable packaging."
"One sheet of paper can be used again and again."
"I could get organic berries right in a little plastic clamshell case which I'm then going to throw away in the trash or send to a recycling center where it takes more energy to recycle it."
"Playing a very important role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients."
"I made it my mission to build a computer using all used components."
"I am an environmentalist first and foremost; I recycled dinosaurs."
"Look at all this amazing material they just threw out."
"Are people actually going to recycle their products? We wanted to do as much as we could to encourage that," emphasizing eco-friendly packaging.
"You can literally make a monster out of these cars from all junkyard parts."
"Batteries can be recycled and that is a huge really important point for the future."
"You can still make beautiful things and I think this is like a living example of using things that were deemed to be trash."
"It's still absolutely utterly wild and really cool that they can recover a fairing out of the salt water and then refurbish and reuse them multiple times."
"It takes more energy to recycle than to just throw it away."
"And each time any trees and branches get blown down in storms, I can add the branches to the hedge, and eventually, all of it will decompose and give back to the forest."
"We're hoping to process about 300,000 vehicles a year and to recover about three million parts a year for reuse or remanufacture."
"I just thought this was kind of a neat idea to utilize something that otherwise I probably would have thrown away."
"We do our best to keep the waste to a minimum and we make sure to recycle packaging as much as we can."
"Gold doesn't get used up; it gets recycled."
"That's true recycling, folks. Second tree, one stump."
"We like to go out there, see what we can save from the landfill, either pick up for our own personal use, to donate, or to resell."
"Kit Kats are made from broken Kit Kats."
"We're taking rubbish and we're giving it a new purpose, a new life so to speak."
"Plastic waste can become a valuable resource though if we recycle it."
"Of course it makes you proud when you develop a technology that contributes towards recycling in the Plastics industry."
"The numbers on recycling symbols actually have a very important meaning for categorizing recycling based on their chemical makeup."
"Ultimately it can be recycled again. Incredible, right?"
"I think I'm gonna take all these old gum pieces and put them in a tile mosaic and put them in a frame."
"What was once popular comes back again, so that makes you also kind of on trend when the cycle comes full circle."
"Everything in the Amazon is in the process of being recycled; life is a momentary stasis compared to the constant turning of death in the Amazon."
"That was so easy and a great way to recycle."
"It's a really great way to recycle clothing."
"If you drop them on the floor, you don't need to discard it or throw it away, just rinse it off and reuse."
"Scrap metal was abundant in my town, and people would even offer to pay me to take their dead utilities off their hands."
"We're already starting to look into how going forward we could try to recycle magnets more effectively because it is a very rare earth material and it's in high demand."
"You're getting a used grill that was trash picked from some rich dude who didn't have the time of day to care to clean it or reuse it."
"Denmark takes recycling seriously."
"Proceed with the disposal of consumables in standard recycling bins"
"There is a condom factory in Vietnam that has admitted to recycling, cleaning, repackaging, and selling 320,000 used condoms."
"Our goal truly is to redeem these items, to give them new life, to keep them out of landfills."
"Save the best to last, make sure you check out the reshop and reuse section."
"...recycling paper this way uses 95% less water than traditional methods."
"My tip for using any discarded chili seeds is to plant them to grow yourself some new chili peppers. Plant in an eggshell or seedling trays, start them indoors, and move outside when they're ready."
"None of this stuff ends up in a landfill, never has in fact this stuff here is going to get shipped off, the metal is going to be reclaimed and used in the zinc die casting process."
"All the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Fox Marvel characters here have just been collecting junk that gets pruned by the TVA and sent to the void all over the place. Just repurposing it."
"Turning discarded items into cherished finds is what we live for."
"Even stuff that's torn up can still be used."
"We are part of a natural living system that recycles itself endlessly."
"My dog's favorite toy is empty Gatorade bottles."