
Academy Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"It's a compliment for our squad, it's a compliment for the academy."
"Naruto would enter the academy and amazingly, he would actually do far better than before."
"As Alan stepped out of the west gate, the announcer introduced him as the representative of the Thousand Blades Academy."
"Sharoni bids farewell to his parents and resumes at the alphaeus Academy of magic as a 17 years old boy."
"Academy's greatest asset are the people they employ including their instructors."
"As I mentioned the instructors at academy are among the best you'll find anywhere in the world."
"Academy for education - investing in future generations."
"He was the head of the Platonic Academy of Athens for over 50 years."
"Makoto reopens Hope's Peak Academy as its headmaster."
"I trust you've been monitoring the situation at the Academy?"
"Once you graduate this Academy or once you get kicked out of this Academy then we're going to see who stays together."
"On that day, all the Academy's contestants had to undergo rigorous training according to the instructor."
"Living in the city, humans try fighting against the demons outside by building up and training in The Exorcist Academy."
"The retreat of the academy from rigorous education is known to everybody who's in higher education except for majors in engineering, math, and the hard sciences."
"Come and join the academy become a good leader become a good human"
"Isabella talks about how good they are treating them in the academy but zhangi suggests Escaping The Academy."
"My lips are sealed. No wonder they couldn't get a box at the academy. That is quite a list of malcontents, uh-huh."
"Southampton outperformed even the biggest Premier League teams when it came to Academy graduates."
"Manchester United have had by far the best Academy in all of English football over the past 30 years."
"Manchester City's Academy facilities are quite possibly the best in all of world football."
"The head administrator of the academy, she was a crazy. And I say that because it's the nicest term I could possibly think of to describe her."
"There's a self-defense academy, do you know it?"
"Obw academy with Al Snow the birthplace of Legends including Batista John Cena Randy Orton The Miz and many more will you be the next name added to that impressive list."
"Building good characteristics into his players is one of the main reasons why Liverpool's Academy is doing so good recently."
"Welcome to the Royal Creative Academy where we teach you how to make soap."
"It's pretty crazy and also in case you did not know we have officially kicked off the countdown to dbo academy which doors open on January 11th."
"Leadership is the keynote to the Academy's training."
"After losing her mother to mysterious circumstances and being trained all her life by her hero Legend of an uncle Yang Xiao long was accepted into Beacon Academy it's kind of like Hogwarts except replace WS in books with sword sniper rifles and giant transforming sies."
"I feel really smart right now," Grey Matter Naruto gasped, as he grabbed a stick and started drawing up some formulas in the dirt, "Oh, man if I had this intellect back at the ninja academy, I would've passed like that."
"Welcome back again to Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the proof is in the singing!"
"One of the most naturally gifted footballers to emerge through the academy in a very long time."
"Being a member of the academy and serving as a governor makes moments like these even that much more special."
"He suddenly pats her on the head, and she's weirded out by that, but turns out he's congratulating her on her grades in the academy."
"We have one of the best academies in world football; we'll be producing stars for the first team for decades and decades to come."
"The academy has outstanding quality, is managed on the highest level, and creates a special bond with the environment."
"No Academy Cadet has ever received the highest award, today there are two."
"I want the academy to be your one-stop shop for helping you become a better person, not just a better rider."
"Welcome back, Scholars. It is our pleasure and privilege to host you here at the prestigious Auriam Academy."
"He was called the weakest in the academy."
"To do so would only serve to tarnish the Academy's reputation, ably plunging it into the depths of disrepute."
"The hope of navigating his days at the Academy quietly had been abruptly shattered by the unfolding events."
"Chelsea developed arguably the best and most productive academy in all of world football during the Abramovich era."
"You can find it right here at Ken Tamplin Academy."
"The best Academy graduating 1,000 Wizards worthy of its name."
"Valhalla Academy is one of the top three academies in the world because it is significant enough."
"The atmosphere crackles with excitement and the outcome of this duel could shape the fate of Thousand Blades Academy in the Big Five Holy Festival."
"The suspicion arises that the suspension is a strategic move by the directors to weaken Thousand Blades Academy."
"Welcome to Spellcasters Spy Academy."
"It's okay because she thinks that on a journey with Ian she will learn much more than sitting within the walls of the academy."
"In this Academy, abilities decide everything."
"I'm Mike, and I'm the main teacher for Vis Academy, along with our tutors."
"This academy is one of the world's best."
"Vis Academy is starting a totally new journey."
"Despite the outcome, Imari held no ill will towards Turu. Instead, she offered her congratulations and urged him to make the most of his time at Koryo Academy."
"It's all about trying to build the cohesiveness of the family of the Academy."
"Flying under the radar isn't easy at the academy, especially if you are a second year student."
"Remember to work hard and remember everything you've learned through your time here in the academy."
"Any owner of extraordinary genes will be able to enter the Nuanu Academy."
"It's probably the most valuable part of the Academy, I would say."
"The vast landscape of the Immortal Academy left everyone in awe and astonishment."
"Let's get back to the academy for a debrief on what we've learned."
"We'll be covering this in really great depth in the MEP Modeling Academy."
"Hopefully, we will see you at the beginning of August in the MEP Modeling Academy."
"Hello students, and welcome to Narrative Academy."
"The sun was starting to set outside, so it was just the right time for Warden and Quinn to head back to the academy."
"With that one big goal in mind, Sarasa joins the Royal Alchemist Academy to make her dreams come true."
"Something creepy is going on at the Academy."
"This being the academy that expelled the most students."
"The Academy can work with the survivors here if they want to work with us."
"I think what's interesting here is that it sounds like the goals of the amethyst Academy are to find out what's happening with the haze and delirium."
"The loser would have to obey the winner for as long as they are in the academy."