
Meeting Quotes

There are 2293 quotes

"Suzan points out that it must be fate that they met."
"Tomorrow at 8:00 at the west gate, I'll be waiting for you."
"Modern science has confirmed that there are bodies of water that meet and do not transgress."
"I got goosebumps right now. I can't emphasize how unique this meeting is."
"I'm happy that Allah has allowed us to meet for the first time."
"Beyond all ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there's a field. I'll meet you there."
"This week you're gonna come across this person for the first time ever."
"It's been an honor to meet you guys. Please be safe out there."
"Within a few weeks, you might be meeting someone."
"Finally getting to meet you has been such an honor."
"I love love love just meeting you face to face."
"They were overwhelmed with positivity to meet you."
"My wife is the damn best. I met her in Vegas at a show."
"I shall cherish the sweet hope of meeting you in a better world."
"You're going to meet them through a very successful endeavor."
"Mary ended up meeting her husband David at the University of Washington."
"David Beckham is probably the one I always had a chance to meet, and we'll have a couple of weeks ago."
"There were not many signs of trust around that table today."
"I met my wife when I was 26. I suppose it can be considered ironic really that it was a funeral which brought us together."
"On the whole, I think the meeting went well."
"This is a [miracle], bros. I never thought I'd get to meet you, and we're having this conversation right now."
"Can you please order lunch for our meeting? Yes, right away."
"That's basically how we met, pretty simple story."
"It was really special that our paths could cross in that exact location and time for us to meet in person."
"She greets Ren’s parents and asks them to call her Sumire."
"Good to be with you I appreciate it thank you."
"I can't help but think that it must be fate that I met you today."
"Every single one of you will be meeting Jesus Christ personally."
"Whatever this meeting is, it really could change your life."
"I'm glad finally I was looking forward to meeting all of you."
"We embrace this meeting with genuine dedication to its principles and fundamentals."
"This is what I'm trying to do, trying to make it possible that, you know, I can get my kids to meet her."
"Wow, how long I've been waiting for this. Hello, hello! Is your name JJ? Congratulations!"
"It's a social activity, we're meeting up with two other people."
"So we finally meet. I have been expecting you."
"I had probably the most exciting meeting of my life."
"So we met here in Indonesia in Bali in April of 2020."
"You are going to meet somebody who is a lot like you."
"You guys are definitely going to be meeting your person your soulmate."
"It's hilarious how you think somebody looks and then you finally meet them."
"He kind of gave his pitch. I had just recently lost my mom, um, probably about a few weeks right before I met him."
"I have my own journey, you have yours. We'll meet when it's time to meet."
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I will meet you there."
"God never misses an appointment we set with him; when you make a time to meet with God, I promise you, he will meet you."
"Here I am. I'm so glad to meet you in Beijing. Thank you for picking me up."
"You might get to meet Ken, Tracey and I met him. Absolute gentleman."
"I'm so excited to finally meet Matt and Maya in person."
"Okay, sir, it's going so we finally meet legitimately this time. How you doing?"
"I'm doing so well, Sean. I'm just happy we finally got to do this."
"You'll meet this person at a social gathering."
"It's great to finally meet you! Expresses excitement and anticipation when meeting someone for the first time."
"I finally get to meet the famous little bean. Aren't you happy to meet Gregory?"
"He promised me that if I were to help, he'd let me meet him. Who else? Jeff the Killer."
"Meeting in a bombed-out or burned-out building is the dumbest place to meet your corrupt officer friend."
"Number nine, Peter Parker meets Tony Stark in Civil."
"Who goes? Are you the guys I'm supposed to meet up with?"
"You're meeting now here because you are ready to enter into these energies."
"We will soon meet as two whole beings, each of us having healthy boundaries."
"You have to get out your comfort zone and go meet people and talk to people."
"I'm as excited to meet people as they're excited to meet me."
"There is going to be a fated meeting you can call it that way with a specific somebody."
"I'm excited because this is the first time I've actually met you."
"This could be someone that you are destined to meet in this lifetime."
"I've been a fan of yours forever and it's great to finally meet you in person."
"You're gonna be meeting this person when you are at your best."
"Momo was waiting for sueharu and Momo was a bit nostalgic remembering the first time they met in the same place."
"Don't hesitate to reach out, I'm really happy to meet you."
"An unexpected meeting awaited them."
"I'm so happy to finally meet you in person."
"I'm really happy to see you."
"I'll see you in Manchester on Thursday evening."
"I love meeting new people like you."
"I'm happy we were able to meet," he said. "I hope I can introduce you to my family soon."
"Let's meet halfway and have lunch in the park."
"I have just met you, and I love you."
"I hope one day we can have a coffee in person."
"If you will just call upon him right now he will meet you and he will grant you genuine salvation."
"My life changes the day I meet you, my world changes the day I meet you."
"You've met someone or you're going to meet someone."
"You're going to meet someone in the midst of you transforming."
"You just may meet this person while you are in a different land doing holy things."
"It's been a pleasure meeting you."
"I want a meeting with all the remaining heads."
"It's so lovely to meet you in person."
"It means the world when we get to meet you guys for real."
"I'm looking forward to the day when I actually do get to meet you guys in person."
"We're meeting finally, and we get to shop here and take whatever we want."
"It's going to be like the biggest crossover event, like two halves meeting for the first time."
"I really hope I see you next time."
"It was amazing to meet Rick, film a bunch of content with him."
"I cannot wait to meet you, hurry please."
"I now adjourn the 2491st Meeting to the Social Hour."
"He is able to meet someone as interesting as Hooo."
"My dearest Kitty, the moment has come at last when finally I will meet you face to face."
"I'll never forget the shock I felt when I met Mana that was a year and a half ago."
"I'm glad you came," I said and took a step towards her.
"I'm waiting for a girl I met last night."
"So excited that we're finally going to meet in person tomorrow."
"You will meet your future spouse in a very reassuring manner."
"It's nice to meet you, my name is Josh."
"That's the first time getting to see him face to face, and I was a super fan."
"What a surprise, we weren't expecting to see you," Philippa Trombone said, holding out a cool hand.
"The words of God must rule supreme in this meeting."
"Nice to meet you. My name is Theo, and I saw you from across the room actually."
"I'm really grateful and I'm excited to see you next."
"When we met, I couldn't stop laughing. It was like a movie. He just walked into my heart."
"I'm Bailey, I just joined. Nice to meet you."
"Milim crashes at the location and introduces herself to Ruru."
"Bora met Sudu to discuss the relationship."
"I cannot wait till the family meets you afterward."
"Heroes meeting Heroes, Jurassic World."
"In my opinion, meeting everyone, that's what made it so worth it."
"I was surprised when I first met him. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't the friendly outgoing man who greeted me at the front door and brought me into a clean and cozy living room."
"I don't know, I feel so jittery, like in a good way though, like it's a nervousness almost like you feel like you're about to meet somebody new."
"This is going to be one of those meetings you look back on and you say that night there was a shift in my life for the good."
"It's always a pleasure to see you in real life, it's way up way up."
"I can't wait for this, so cool. I'll see you soon."
"...they feel like this was a fated meeting... they feel like this was meant to be..."
"You guys might meet when you're out somewhere, when you're having fun. It could be at a party of some sort, but let's say you guys look like a spontaneous trip to go somewhere for the weekend, boom you guys meet."
"What if we just meet up at a point?"
"I think it's really them. Let's go meet them."
"He's as happy as a clam and he's meeting me."
"Nice to meet you, congratulations!"
"Yo, Tony, listen. Uh, we're meeting at Crazy's place tonight. Yeah, midnight. All right, yeah, see you later."
"Hopefully the next time I see you guys, it will be morning."
"We're making good progress we already met one NBA player and it was an All-Star that should count as two."
"Six years after their initial meeting, Christopher and Georgianne married."
"You're stepping into the spotlight of your own life, and from there, you will meet someone."
"Our journey continues, we'll meet you guys out east."
"I'm going to go meet Liv in Notting Hill."
"We'll have more to discuss when you come to us."
"Dude I saw a YouTuber today, one that I actually watched, and I get to hang out with him this morning. I'm very happy about it."
"Thank you for making her meet someone as good as NAIA."
"We met each other at Sephora over a decade ago."
"I was really looking forward to meeting you, so and so said a lot of nice things."
"When I met Amy, you know we met at a Bob Dylan concert and I said Hi and then she started putting herself in places after that where we might run into each other."
"The daily scrum is a 15-minute time box."
"The night I met my wife. I was with a couple of buddies of mine and had enough liquid courage to go up to her and say, 'You're not going home with that guy, are you?'"
"I'm meeting some awesome people from all over the world."
"Shall we meet tomorrow?" he asked, feeling his voice tremble with excitement.
"Congratulations man, nice to meet you conations dude."
"If I can have everyone back in the Drew room at say 1 20 we should be able to start this afternoon on time."
"We met here on the University of Utah's campus, we had a class together, and that's how we met."
"They would really like to meet up with you. They're really desperate to meet up with you and see you."
"Don't worry, I had this chance to meet with old Mr. Hes."
"First time meeting on a quarter Million Dollar application."
"You can never dream too big, meeting Harry Styles this year, that's fantastic."
"For those of you who don't know, we've actually just met for the first time in person, and it feels good, it feels right, okay, dare I say?"
"I really want you to meet the owner of this store because I had a chance to meet her."
"The audience is the most important, that's what makes the meeting sizzle."
"This first meeting is confirmation of all that you have been feeling for quite a while."
"We meet people with compassion and understanding."
"The real purpose of their meeting was to settle that."
"He opens the creaky old door by candlelight to greet Nara."
"Our next stop tomorrow is going to be in Newport, Oregon, so I will see you guys there."
"Forget it, let's get going for a meeting."
"When you meet this person, you will understand why you have waited so long."
"Don't be afraid to leap from your tower, don't be afraid to jump in this direction, don't be afraid to meet me at this chapel and don't be afraid to dream about it as much as I have."
"Before we roll out, there is someone I want you to meet."
"Having an engaging format where it feels collaborative... that's a really good thing to think about when you're preparing for your meeting."
"We're at Chick-fil-A to meet Derrick and Joey so whenever they're here we'll get out of the car and meet them. They can take their time, it's nice."
"We finally get to see Steph and the babies. I finally got to meet Arya. They were both so cute, but Arya was so...she was just...she loved us so much. It was so sweet."
"I look forward to seeing you again very soon."
"So how did you meet him? Just through the internet."
"I know she said because I checked. But I'm kind of curious now that I've met you. You were just a name before."
"I'm not radioactive," he said. "I know she said because I checked. But I'm kind of curious now that I've met you."
"It wasn't meeting them. It was meeting you."
"...stepping out of your comfort zone is playing a role in how you're getting to the point of when you're meeting this person."
"We first met when Felicia was transferred to my salon that I was the manager at."
"When Prince Moses first meets his eventual wife, Tzipporah, she’s brought to Rameses in chains."
"How cool is that there you go got to meet Morita In the Flesh."
"We shall meet, anything goes. Let it be known."
"When I first met her... I saw good value, and I'll admit I was smitten when I saw her."
"They thought about how truly strange fate is, how just a few short days ago they hadn't known one another."
"I apologize, my vision seems to be on the fritz as you Americans say. Tell me, is this the last time that we will be meeting in such a way?"
"You will meet this person when you are feeling the most empowered."
"Time to meet your uncle Skywalker."
"There you are he said I was afraid you'd left before I could give you this."
"We didn't remember where we met or how we met."
"You're about to meet somebody who you're going to be very much in love with."
"I almost feel like someone's admiring your energy but they haven't physically met you yet."
"Meeting someone during the pandemic, seeing them without their mask on for the first time."
"You must be Lorenzo. Pleasure to meet you."
"During one meeting he shot a pistol into the air and yelled, 'I ought to kill every last one of you.'"
"I'm going to be candy soon. I'm going to get to meet Candice Humphrey."
"Sorry, but it was some kind of fate that we met here, right?"
"I've always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world, and here you are, Charles Xavier."
"By the time this video is live, I will be back from my vacation, also from a brand trip, and hopefully, I would have met Lady Gaga on that brand trip."
"In a timeless spaceless land we met."
"Come find me. Use the keys under the tree. It's where I'll be."
"You are the most inspiring demon I have ever known, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Yo, that's a hell of a way to bust through a meeting. My goodness."
"You reminded me of my own soul mission just by meeting you."
"I need you to meet me at the loading dock behind Spill, ten minutes, I'll explain there."
"Meeting them feels like solving a mystery."
"I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents for the first time over Christmas and I'm really nervous."
"We're actually meeting with them face to face and they're bringing their doll."
"Yeah, we didn't meet on OnlyFans. He messaged me on Instagram."
"This connection is definitely a fated connection, and the two of you are just going to come together and meet each other, probably as I said at night, and there's just going to be an instant connection."
"It is the coolest thing so this is basically the second step in the meeting process."