
Arrogance Quotes

There are 904 quotes

"The Atheist position, the non-theist position, is the least arrogant of all positions because I don't think I am a special creation."
"Notice when you're being arrogant, obnoxious, and disrespectful."
"Please allow me to say a few words about lockdowns and the blinding destructive effects of arrogance on leadership, especially in the space of policy and politics."
"The arrogance...is really destructive. So the flip side of that, the productive thing, is humility."
"Confidence and arrogance, there's a fine line between them."
"The greatest weakness that they have is the fact that they think that they are untouchable."
"Don't ever get that cocky and arrogant to think that you can outsmart the universe."
"Arrogance is when your confidence exceeds your competence."
"There is something naive about the view that we now know better than anybody else that lived a long time ago, and something perhaps even arrogant about it."
"There's nothing wrong with elitism. What is wrong is when we use elitism as arrogance."
"You see, early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance."
"When you are very, very wealthy, it's a natural tendency, a natural human arrogance, to conflate your ability to make money or to be very successful with infinite wisdom and entitlement."
"It's a very different thing being arrogant and being cocky."
"Every time you get arrogant and you think that you know something, life is going to punish you for that."
"Arrogance is insecurity. It's just insecurity playing dress-up."
"Knowledge is the great humbler, and the arrogant people are the ones that really don't know anything."
"Are we being arrogant in assuming that math should abide by human understanding?"
"The arrogance of bureaucrats thinking they can tell you how to prescribe medication."
"A little bit of humility, even if it's fake, is necessary because at some point that can, with exposure, start to go from self-confidence to a very kind of unpleasant arrogance."
"Men who look upon themselves born to reign, and others to obey, soon grow insolent; selected from the rest of mankind their minds are early poisoned by importance, and the world they act in differs so materially from the world at large that they have but little opportunity of knowing its true interests."
"The arrogant view of humans: we're not special. There's no evidence that we are special."
"You think you know power? You pathetic mortals really think that you understand what true power feels like?"
"Being confident is about believing in yourself and your abilities, not about arrogance."
"Confidence comes from within; arrogance comes at the expense of others."
"Arrogance shuts down discussions, frustrates people, and is a block to healing relationships."
"Arrogance is a lack of consideration for anybody else but yourself."
"Anyone else's position would be so arrogant, it'd go to their head, like, I still appreciate that he's humble."
"As the old saying goes, 'Pride goeth before the fall.'"
"Greed and arrogance can cause you to overplay your hand."
"It takes great arrogance to paint a picture like this."
"The only thing worse than being wrong is being loud and wrong."
"Confidence is believing in your own ability regardless of the other people around you. Arrogance requires you to put other people down in order for you to feel confident about yourself."
"I genuinely think there's a level of absolute arrogance behind the idea that your opinion on a subject as trivial as Doctor Who is so important."
"They think they know better than everybody." - "They think they know better than everybody."
"There's no end to the self-indulgent arrogance from the Sussexes."
"I believe in UFOs, I'm on record. I think it's very arrogant and narcissistic to think that we are the only life form."
"What separates Teen Titans Go! from shows like Johnny Test...is Teen Titans Go! is incredibly arrogant about how far they've gotten."
"Where do we get the arrogance to feel exempt from what most of the world has endured?"
"He was essentially saying that he was the king of the world and he could do whatever he wanted."
"Humble means you show that you don't think you are as important as other people, while arrogant means that you behave in a proud or unpleasant way and think you are better than others."
"I love that stuff—I love being and thinking I'm smarter than you."
"I just can't imagine the fucking arrogance of that."
"The basic premise of business is to supply what people demand... to do otherwise is pure arrogance."
"She scared that bit of arrogance, and that's just plain Amber, that is her usual baseline."
"Weakness, to you, appears to be not declaring your own perfection and infallibility and not being staggeringly arrogant in the most extreme way possible."
"Your feeling of certainty in your beliefs does not make you perfectly knowledgeable; it just makes you perfectly arrogant."
"I was actually embarrassed by association because the the the the sort of the arrogance the hubris and this is just lack of intellectual humility the basic intellectual humility that is required for you to be able to learn anything."
"It's the absolute stupidest people who are the most convinced of their own genius."
"Josh and Jim Bob are arrogant, not expecting a plea deal."
"You are not wise enough, not interesting enough, not smart enough to understand that I am the best human on this earth."
"Look upon my works and frown because only oblivion waits those who are so foolish."
"Sometimes the arrogance of men is what gets us into so much trouble."
"Most flat earthers think they know more than all of the scientists ever."
"The game is even so broken and arrogant in how it presents itself."
"I just finally listened. I always thought it was my way, like I know everything, I'm the [expletive], right?"
"Don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player." - Azula
"You can't argue with people who are so angry and arrogant they don't know what they're talking about."
"It seems to me to be a struggle against arrogance and haughtiness um because people that see themselves as above the law are arrogant people."
"Mankind's arrogance is what is doomed to fail."
"Someone like you comes along and thinks they know what's best."
"We've devolved and as advanced as we think that we are and as pompous as we are to think that we are the greatest country in the world."
"This is a story of ignorance, arrogance, and the blinding influence of an inflated ego."
"There should be a difference between confidently incorrect and arrogantly incorrect."
"Chango is symbolic of any man who gets power and becomes arrogant. It's a story about change, transformation, and reincarnation."
"Funny how 'educate yourself' is seen as smarter than others."
"Arrogance is always the downfall every single time."
"Professional managerial class has delegitimized itself with its arrogance and greed."
"They don't mind the division when it's on their side, and they have this arrogance thinking that we are the educated people who've risen to high rank, therefore, we know better than everybody else."
"His excessive confidence is founded on the idea that his mind is basically a representation of all minds."
"There's no room for improvement; that's just ignorance and stubbornness."
"Be careful, cuz I'm getting a bit of arrogant energy off of this Pisces."
"Never ever adopt the mindset that you have all the answers especially when dealing with lost history. This is hubris and the world will have its way eventually and make a fool of you."
"Arrogance is the downfall of every human under the sun."
"There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self-importance."
"Is a mere human going to offer his opinion to me, an Overlord? Fascinating."
"Is it not a magnificent thing that I, the Baron Vladimir Harkin, do?"
"He probably thought that he was above the law."
"We have become the most arrogant faith community in the world and that is so disturbing it disgusts me."
"I find it very arrogant that there are stores in New York City that don't have a gate."
"I feel like people who brag about their IQs are douchebags, honestly."
"Well, well, well, you just thought you could do anything you wanted, didn't you? You just thought you were so smart."
"I think it was very convincing, like assured, confident, bordering on arrogant performance."
"Why can't people just admit that I'm right about everything?"
"What's funny about fraudsters is how arrogant they typically are to believe no one will find out about their fraudulent scheme."
"Can you see how arrogant it was for Stanley to take a bucket like this and to claim it for his own?"
"Everybody is Newton, Darwin, and Einstein and so there is no modulation of any epistemic humility and that to me is a personal affront, it really angers me."
"Get over your goddamn selves. You aren't that smart."
"Arrogance is a trap a lot of us fall into, Senator."
"Ignoring existential questions is intellectually arrogant and perilous."
"Don't ever think like oh I'm the best and I don't need to practice anymore because then you're going to start sliding and it's going to get worse and worse."
"I mean, you are so arrogant after that shitty video."
"I often say the cops are arrogant because even now when the citizen has argued his position and the officer realized that he was wrong, there was still no apology on their part. The police should have the courage to admit their guilt."
"Respect is for the gods, not those who pretend to be them."
"There's one very obvious commonality between the hacker research group and the government and is that they can be very arrogant and expect everybody will speak their own language."
"It's creative arrogance. I don't know what else to call it. It's creative arrogance. They think that they are above it all."
"There is nothing humble about assuming that the universe revolves around you."
"Is it arrogant to think that you know how to run a universe better than an all-knowing God?"
"Haughty individuals come across as superior or arrogant."
"The gods of destruction are too arrogant... they don't understand the concept of teamwork."
"Some with arrogance; they think they know all truth."
"Evil is so arrogant and so in our face right now."
"It's such an arrogant standpoint to try and dismiss these realities."
"Because I'm such a god, basically the most important person you'll ever meet."
"A person that don't even know that they don't know but talk like they know is a very dangerous person."
"It's actively insulting to be running as 'I'm the most talented person out there, I'm the most accomplished person out there.'"
"He was constantly flexing on everybody and bragging about stuff."
"The risk of judgmentalism and arrogance without the doctrine of original sin."
"You won, you got the prize. If you sit there and flaunt it, that's what's really horrible."
"It's arrogant egocentric egotistical for us to think that we are the highest intelligences in the universe."
"To be a tech founder requires a whole lot of arrogance, but you also need the humility to recognize that other people come along with better ideas than you."
"I'm the Homelander. And I can do whatever the F... I want."
"Being the best isn't all it's cracked up to be. When you have power, you become arrogant and isolated from the world."
"Arrogance creates a false sense of self and an inflated ego that makes it difficult to listen to, empathize, and comprehend another person's perspective."
"Surprisingly enough, I found an even cockier Diamond that also needs to be humbled."
"Your enemies have pursued you, they thought they were Unstoppable Force, so arrogant, so egotistical, they're leading themselves right into their and right into their destruction riding to their fall."
"I did Mike Wallace and Barbara Walters back when I was the two biggest people in the world interviewing people. I did them. So I'm like, yeah, whatever. Like, who the [__] are you?"
"If you're gonna brag an act smug and try and push it on everyone else then you're just being a [ __ ]"
"This kid, he's a talented kid, an energetic kid, he's just arrogant, he's full of pride, and that is what is going to destroy him."
"Eventually turns into arrogance and arrogance turns into complacency."
"That arrogance thing, I can't take it. It's the quickest way to get rid of me in a relationship."
"The biggest problem in the world today is the absolute amount of brutal arrogance that people have inside of them."
"Whoever is wrong normally becomes arrogant, they become very arrogant and they become filled with ego."
"There is nothing more obnoxious than an arrogant dog."
"I just love the smug look on your face as you proudly proclaim a completely unjustified... it was you that wasn't being scientific."
"The danger of someone thinking they're the smartest person in the room is that they frequently underestimate the people around them."
"Arrogance unironically makes idiots about a thousand times funnier."
"We were really cocky... We thought we were better than people and because we actually didn't practice at that tournament, which was the biggest reason why I think we actually lost."
"Ignorance and arrogance are at an all-time high right now."
"The feeling that you're better than everybody else... isn't it?"
"They think they're better than you, smarter than you, more capable than you, and they will tell you to your face."
"That's you coming in with your arrogant attitude trying to tell the market what to do."
"I'm basically a god king and you can go away."
"There's nothing that'll stop your career in its tracks more than being an arrogant jerk."
"The only way to account for this is overweening arrogance and a feeling of impunity."
"It's hard to be humble, it's the best, it's so funny."
"The arrogance of upstart empires and their naive ambition have ever bound us to a cycle of war and loss. If only they would learn from our mistakes."
"Professing to be wise, they became fools."
"Nature has been punishing us for our arrogance ever since."
"Humble yourself, and arrogance I can see it."
"We have to be careful of our own arrogance of assuming specialness about what we are."
"I'm superior because you are inferior."
"It's extremely arrogant for us to claim that there's no other life in the universe."
"This man's arrogance is just straight up unmatched."
"I do despise the arrogance of people who think that their way of life is what everyone should do."
"Grandiose narcissists tend to be quite pretentious and they tend to be quite arrogant."
"I'm on a different level than an ordinary person like you."
"Because we were fools, arrogant complacent fools."
"He looked upon himself as someone who is smarter than everybody else and he looked down upon his colleagues."
"Relax, Kai, celebrate. We're a hit," he had the nerve to say to me.
"You're coming off as someone who feels entitled and believes that they can do no wrong."
"He laughed in our face, laughed in the employees' face, and basically had no regard."
"They're absolutely full of themselves."
"But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory."
"We all despise the man who demands continued assurance of his own virtue, intelligence, or delightfulness."
"I'm the winner, they're the losers."
"He's convinced he's the best player in the world."
"The higher the office, the more arrogant the people are."
"Confidence, a fool's substitute for intelligence."
"It is only through arrogance and the will of controlling other people's minds and controlling other people's bodies and other people's lands and money that one person will say their book is better than the other."
"It shows the insecurity on the part of human beings to feel the need to say that which they have developed is the only and the best thing that has ever been done."
"Look at this guy; he's just a jerk, he thinks so highly of himself."
"Being an arrogant, vain, slightly narcissistic character doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be a bad battlefield commander."
"I can't believe these people are so incredibly conceded that they actually thought that the Son and the daughter would be on their side"
"Unfortunately, there are a lot of doctors who think they don't have to read a book because they went to medical school."
"But I think that's part of his arrogance. He believes that he can control the direction of that interview."
"When I got to the top of Mount Everest, I saw a bald eagle's nest, and I thought, 'Wow, this is going to be easy.'"
"It's a wonderfully arrogant personality."
"I was just so self-righteous, so arrogant, always felt that I could do better than this person and just treating the people around me like crap, like complete crap."
"He's one of those people that has his head so far up his own butt that he could lick his nostrils clean from the inside."
"Sometimes arrogance needs to fall on its face just to see how stupid it is."
"Yup, he thought he was entitled to date me."
"It's always been like this sad superiority, just trying to feel better than someone."
"Despite Ursula's intelligent traits, she is extremely arrogant as she underestimates her opponents which eventually led to her painful yet deserved death at the hands of Eric."
"The arrogance of men is that they can always do everything on their own."
"He still had belief in his own infallibility."
"Arrogance is for people with low self-esteem."
"The purchase of a stock is an act of arrogance because you're saying I think I'm right, and all those million other smart people and plus their supercomputers are wrong. It's an act of arrogance."
"He more than anyone on our team played with that arrogance."
"He thinks that he is better than everyone else and has no issues letting people know it."
"The arrogance and the pride of self-deception."
"They knew that the Americans and the British were pretty cocky by this time."
"We have become very disconnected from what is truly going on. It's very comfy but also arrogant to say, well, I understand things and whatever I seem to be unable to understand, it's not true."
"Regardless of what I'm about to say, I think you should keep this in mind: that it is supremely arrogant and supremely naive to think that you are in control either way. Things happen to the ego. That's how nature works."
"We were very arrogant, but in the best way possible. You were confident."
"Her arrogance with the judge is clear from the jump. Where do you think you are? You think you're on Springer? You're not."
"Your head's so big when your thought comes up they like typewriters."
"Loki meet the master. You are all of you beneath me. I am a god, you dull creature. Oh, shut up, Loki. Puny god."
"...the man of sin opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God."
"Anyone that thinks they're better than somebody because of their wealth, it's a piece of [ __ ]."
"You morons aren't smart enough to understand how optics work."
"Your shame is yours alone and forced Upon Us by your arrogance and lies."
"...And there will be groups of Christians whose arrogance will be like Pharaoh's."
"There's nobody I feel like who really almost like thought they were like better than you like that's the energy they've really just screwed like."
"Professional con men undone by their own arrogance and greed."
"What are you, a God to them? I could be."
"Hubris folks, hubris made malls die."
"Hey, I'm sure when you were their age 23, 24, 25, you were pretty Brash too and pretty cocky yourself."
"After all these years of claiming to be the best, you are beaten by my worst."
"Once Rosemary was a beautiful Celestial flower, however, she was incredibly arrogant and conceited."