
Philosophical Insights Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Beyond Order provides what I hope is a productive and interesting walk through ideas that are both philosophically and sometimes spiritually meaningful as well as being immediately implementable and practical."
"Unless we change directions, we're likely to end up where we're going."
"We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us."
"I think it's called love, and I think the love is immaterial and I also think it's more than chemical."
"There is no sacrifice of the Mind required to be religious."
"Everything of course in miracles points to right because those are really like timeless spiritual truths."
"Life isn't fair... I learned a lot from a woman named Byron Katie."
"It's a work of literature masquerading as a book about the way the world could be arranged."
"It's a kind of a lie that has helped us realize the truth."
"The right pathway to meaning is through responsibility."
"To think what you want to think is to think truth regardless of appearances."
"Science has shown that not nothing isn't what people once thought it was."
"Meaning is the antidote to suffering and evil. It might even be more real than suffering and evil. It's possible. And like I think about this technically, you know, this isn't a metaphysical assumption that I'm making."
"To obtain, something of equal value must be lost."
"Marx's Capital has so many angles and wrinkles that actually you find new things out every time you go through it."
"Realizing how important self-love is, I also see that as well."
"No matter how smart you are, everyone has human weaknesses."
"The desire for freedom adheres in the human mind and in the human soul."
"Reality often contains layers of mystery far beyond what meets our eyes."
"Those who can get you to believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"Then you have freedom, then you have peace. Nothing can make you angry, nothing can call it anxiety when nothing means anything about who you are."
"It is written: 'Worse than death is the life of a fool.'"
"The Millennium will prove once again that our problem is not our environment, but our nature."
"The goal of the Shaolin teachings is to give you insights. What you eventually do with these insights is up to you."
"Plato says that Egypt has recorded and kept eternally the wisdom of the old times, all coming from time immemorial when God's governed the earth and the dawn of civilization."
"The end is never the end, ladies and gentlemen, and that's what you're gonna learn today."
"There's only one truth but endless possibilities for lies."
"Truths with the capital T can stand the test of time."
"The mistake I think Graham has made here is that he's fallen for what Wittgenstein would have called the philosopher's craving for generality."
"The things you think about determine the quality of your mind... your soul takes on the color of your thoughts."
"We cannot get away from misfortune until we stop causing it."
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the appearance of Tolerance... we must be intolerant of intolerance."
"The new earth is sitting right in front of us. It's here, it always has been here."
"I think you can learn from every man. It's old Confucian saying: learn from every man. Learn from some man you learn what to do, and from some men you learn what not to do."
"What is immoral is not a feeling, it is an action."
"Every man for himself is not the message of Buddhism."
"Life is cyclical, and I think a major point that stray is putting forward is that the death of homo sapiens is not the death of humanity itself."
"Revolutions begin with the no and they end with a yes."
"You're learning how to hold different ways of viewing the world at the exact same time. It's not black or white. It's not physical or energy. It's all of it."
"The future is not set; the idea of this single timeline is just not right."
"Mirrors are very powerful, remember as we're looking at past, present, and future, it's reflections and projections."
"Humanity appears powerful... until we lose control."
"Just because we lack a belief in something doesn't mean that we can't... have other passions and interests."
"The desire for freedom is universal, adhering in human mind and part of the human soul."
"Strength invites challenge, fear leads to anger, reason to hate."
"What is on you is what controls what is around you."
"Your experience of any life circumstance is a function of your perception of it, not the thing that's happening itself." - Lindsay
"This book redefined what it meant to learn and love and live."
"You don't get to be in anything else, in friendship or in anger or in hope. All you can be in is love."
"Things don't have to be accurate to be true." - Jon Meacham
"It just really opens the whole idea of life in this universe into a new dimension."
"Absolute trust is the best way to adhere to the law of love."
"When you overcome your senses, when you understand that you are not bound by the chains of your past, when you live a life that is greater than your body, your environment, and time, all things are possible."
"Suddenly what seems like such a vile thing can be justified." The snap gives him a way to view life as a fickle part of the universe. Thanos changes Galactus's outlook and our star is born.
"Greed is not measured in possession but an infection."
"I do my best to figure out what's going on here and related to things that I feel like are truth in plain sight like Star Wars."
"Greed is purely rooted in unbelief and fear."
"The greatest encryption of all is to learn the cipher of the self."
"The moon always brings us that truth time and again."
"There's only one truth, despite different perspectives."
"Everything you do is a risk, and everything you don't do is a risk, and so you get to pick your risks."
"Nikolai Kazarev was right: time isn't as linear as we thought."
"Every single game proves that humans will make meaning out of meaninglessness but there's one game that rises above all the rest."
"We are not alone. The universe is filled teeming with intelligences." - Linda
"Nietzsche developed more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived, or is likely to live."
"Love expands, ultimately what's not lovable in this world?"
"The truth in many things in life lies in between. There is no definitive answer."
"Having discovered the truth of using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation."
"With or without religion, you'll have good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things."
"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
"To everything there's an expectation, even the devil got expectations, doesn't he?"
"It's full of so many simple yet profound lessons that really make it take a closer look at the way you live your life."
"Religion exists because of human, so it's very much ingrained in us to have religious considerations."
"As rosh Foucault points out hypocrisy is the tribute Vice pays to Virtue."
"Our perception and comprehension probably have severe limits, including our comprehension of space and time."
"Those silly ideals of love and honor...make life worth living."
"The most important lesson that's uh difficult to say I mean there's so many things but really that life just is Life is Beautiful."
"There is no perfect compromise, it simply doesn't exist."
"A new truth does not triumph by convincing his opponents but rather by becoming because it's opponents eventually a new generation grows up that its familiar with."
"Your attention is being drawn to the infinite nature of reality, that which exists outside the known is beyond measure."
"The walls of space and time are illusions, science is just beginning to grasp the nonlinear nature of reality."
"The story arc is always about what George has always said: Star Wars is about the dark and the light, selfishness and selflessness."
"Insights into people, they force you to think about the world in a really different and really important way."
"Life's paradoxes are its most important truths."
"Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there."
"It’s always about worldviews that create clear limitations on our perception of the world."
"Wisdom is not taught or rebelized, it is lived."
"Moments could come from Lee's philosophy on life, his influence on pop culture, or his works in film and television."
"Volatility is not your enemy. It's your friend."
"Life and death in the tongue, those are magic spells."
"It's a really big part of our experience here and not to be avoided."
"The more simple we are, the more complete we become." - Gito
"There's no such thing as a mistake or a failure, only learning."
"When you change how you look at things, the things you look at change."
"In fact, it would be no prevision into the future if it were already predestined."
"You can still find insights in the way that postmodern theorists have characterized the contemporary condition that we live in."
"Reality itself is more flexible than you know."
"Time and polarity are two different sides of the same coin."
"The brain is wider than the sky and deeper than the sea."
"It's kind of a metaphor, and for me, the metaphor was that death doesn't have the last answer and that evil doesn't win."
"It's not just a war on religion; it's a war on the natural disposition."
"Magic is a natural human capacity, like speech and more specifically like music."
"I would just say stop worrying so much. Everything happens for a reason. All these like corny phrases are actually true."
"Rumi's teachings emphasized the importance of love and the pursuit of divine knowledge."
"From chaos can come something very beautiful."
"Islam is so unique, it's believing in your heart understanding it's part of your nature, but also agrees with the mind."
"This sequence provides such a strong depiction of how the force is actually something that requires both good and evil elements."
"There's something big and profound with just the simple concepts of astrology."