
Danger Quotes

There are 12352 quotes

"Suzune thinks they should prioritize escaping the forest if it's really as dangerous as he says."
"However, we have to heed the warnings great minds give us and remember that fantasizing about the creations we can engineer and knowledge we can gain does not eliminate the danger that these discoveries present."
"The most American war story ever: we were in Fallujah and this is before fluency became what we all know it as now, back when it was semi-safe-ish."
"The scariest part about this challenge is every second the car sinks deeper into the water making it harder to get to and harder to see."
"You'd probably have better hopes of survival if you fell into a tiger cage wearing a suit made out of wagyu beef."
"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control."
"This is not a game for us. This is not about YouTube content; this is our life which is in danger."
"The Zone was full of terrors that were quite literally beyond human reckoning."
"This really is a game about entering an exclusion zone full of dangerous anomalies that defy scientific reason, so you can pilfer resources and artifacts."
"This blue marble-like planet looks just like Earth, but only five seconds on this hostile death orb would kill you."
"The playground is where I had my first brush with death."
"We need to use magma blocks down here so that anybody that steps inside this elevator will get sucked right on down."
"Our town was assaulted by an icy beast. That dragon came out of nowhere."
"There's a big old spider running up my wall, and I think it's one of the more poisonous variety, let me just nip that in the bud."
"I was basking in ultimate contentment during a moment where I should have been fearing for my very existence."
"Some are very dangerous, extremely miserable, and almost impossible to do."
"If you guys know anything about Freddy, you know that he's freaking super super dangerous."
"The danger of restricting people's freedoms unnecessarily is more dangerous than the danger of not restricting them."
"To look back and ignore these things in favor of nostalgia continues to be dangerous."
"If you don't get out in two minutes, then you'll be trapped inside their head forever."
"Incentivizing law enforcement is both destructive and dangerous."
"The most dangerous thing to you in life is actually you."
"Sometimes the things that feel the most dangerous are the ones that truly make you feel alive."
"In Chinese, as well as in Japanese, the word for crisis uses two symbols, one signifies danger, and the other opportunity."
"The short attention span we have is so dangerous."
"Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes."
"These walls feel like paper when that gun's in play."
"There is great danger in being a Goliath who thinks they're a David."
"As I sacrifice my wife, I mean, I killed my own old wife, what do you think I'm gonna do to you?"
"Dehumanization is a very slippery, dangerous process."
"You seen anything out here cost possibly hostile?"
"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."
"We all appreciate our environment, particularly when it's trying to kill us."
"Curiosity without discretion is a dangerous thing."
"The problem is that many of the foundational ideas that permeate this space can prime these boys and men for worse things later on in life."
"To live according to our truth is dangerous, beautiful, and it's absolutely necessary to live a meaningful life."
"We live in the most interesting, innovative, inventive, and dangerous time ever in human history."
"Dr. Cocteau's solution to the crisis of the Scraps is deeply irresponsible, releasing Simon Phoenix would inevitably kill many people."
"Talking is the most dangerous thing people do and listening is the most infrequent thing people do."
"People approaching the object had been struck down by a mysterious death ray."
"A person who would believe all their lies as truth is exponentially more dangerous than a mere liar."
"We're talking pandemonium. I think we're really seeing a really dangerous moment right now."
"The American experience has been built around the idea that dangerous things happen with the excessive accumulation of power in the hands of the few."
"Seeking human's approval is a dangerous position to hold, no matter who you are."
"The most dangerous period of time because of Weaponry, because of nuclear."
"As hard as it is and as dangerous and as destructive as things can be, we can make it better."
"Gene Mulvihill's cannonball loop: It was a ride more to be survived than enjoyed."
"As dangerous as Action Park was, it was still insanely popular and wouldn't have survived without millions of New Jerseyans coming back again and again."
"Source of life and cause of death, water can wash away clues, dilute evidence, and conceal corpses."
"We were having the time of our life, in another sense we were in very grave danger and in another sense we thought and I still think that we were doing something good."
"Well, independent journalism is under attack, with journalists being threatened with legal action, prison sentences, or worse."
"The Castle of Illusion was Miserabell's twisted playground of trickery and peril. Nothing there was as it seemed."
"Every time law enforcement has made their presence known, he ratchets up the aggression, the speed, and the dangerous driving."
"Why are you leading us here, bro? This is clearly scary and super duper dangerous."
"In the end, the worst thing I ever encountered wasn't a demon but two very alive humans."
"If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous."
"It's a very, very dangerous world, but it's a wonderful world."
"You know the most dangerous thing about me? Is I know what I know."
"The right to bear arms does not extend to persons our society has long thought too dangerous to carry lethal weapons."
"It's just so dangerous when you consider all of the people who don't see this coming, whether it's pedestrians crossing the street or other motorists in this area."
"This is a very unpredictable dangerous pursuit."
"Beware the man who has nothing left to lose because he will fight with little restraint and regard for his safety."
"I have never felt more alive, I've never felt more in danger, I love it."
"There's an awful lot of purity out there on the Right and the Left, you know, an awful lot of political purity, which I think is very dangerous."
"At the heart of it all is the Columbia River Bar. This deadly area has taken countless vessels and claimed hundreds of lives."
"Resentment really, really breeds a self-righteousness that's really, really dangerous."
"So eventually I came to believe that obviously Satan was using my mum and she wasn't safe."
"A sprawling European forest that hides a destructive force. This is clearly part of something very, very big and very, very dangerous."
"It's only by venturing deeper that the true nature of the complex is finally revealed."
"This river is a death trap; it's the very river that blocked Christopher McCandless from returning to civilization, which ultimately led to his slow and painful death."
"Beautiful chaos... unbelievably beautiful and wondrous, and yet, realms are bleeding into one another, terrifying eldritch creatures lurking around every corner."
"Humanity is finally aware of the true dangers the warp represents, and should the Imperium ever falter, all will be lost to a new galaxy of unending nightmares and eternal darkness."
"It is a dangerous thing to live today with no discerning spirit."
"In the context of an outside world that can kill in seconds, those well-intentioned stands and moral awakenings are more dangerous than anyone realized."
"King is the most dangerous man in all of America...when the only weapon that you're using is love."
"For some brave souls, the thrill of adventure lies in traversing treacherous and spine-chilling roads that wind through perilous terrain."
"North Yungas Road, Bolivia, also known as the infamous Death Road, stands as a chilling testament to human bravery and the unforgiving forces of nature."
"The actions of the regime aren't just morally reprehensible; they're also extremely dangerous."
"When you visit the planet [Korriban] as a traveler, you're either going to run into a hiding Cult of Dark Jedi, a Sith Academy, the reborn Sith, or a myriad of other things."
"We're at perhaps the most dangerous moment in American and world history since 1939, on the verge of a new world war."
"With such an explosion of that magnitude having to happen at such close range, that would have vaporized you."
"Venomoth: Their wings are covered in powdery toxic scales. With every flap of their wings, they scatter the scales in clouds."
"Men who don't know or understand dangerous men are hilarious."
"The most dangerous mistake is unthinking prejudice, contempt for an enemy based on who he is and what he looks like."
"The night is dark and full of terrors, and the world is filled with monsters."
"It's not recognizing that you have bias that is dangerous."
"There's nothing more dangerous than an insecure, jealous, envious type of dude."
"Any attempt to use it would result in countless lives lost. It must be recovered."
"The most dangerous person in the world: a lonely, young, broke male."
"By far the greatest danger of artificial intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it."
"It is terrifying because of the power that super intelligent AGI wields that destroy human civilization, intentionally or unintentionally."
"It actually looks like a lot of fun; it looks dangerous but it looks like a good time."
"It's over, hey, he's going to blow, get moving!"
"He's producing his toxin on a massive scale. It's bad, real bad."
"She found herself still strapped to her seat two miles above the Peruvian rainforest."
"The most dangerous man in the world is a weak man."
"The most dangerous men on Earth are the weak men."
"It's a dangerous area. You have to be very, very careful, and at high altitude, you tend to end up with hypoxia."
"Besides me almost getting murdered, I had a good time in that job."
"It's definitely way more efficient than running a bunch of goods in your inventory to and from nodes but it's definitely a lot more dangerous."
"No, this could all be a cult, and they're about to get sacrificed."
"This journey is their destiny, but it is fraught with dangers."
"The internet, like fire, is a tool. Fire is great; it can keep you warm, it can cook your food. It can also burn you and it can burn down your house."
"The most dangerous being on Earth is an insecure man."
"A killer who knows how to manipulate the legal system is the scariest killer of all."
"One of the most dangerous things happening in this country is a complete fracture from reality."
"There's nothing more dangerous than mankind being on the verge of destruction yet ignorantly celebrating its triumph."
"There's no one more dangerous than a person who has no self-awareness."
"It was one night to a strange smell. It was smoke. Something was burning. My colony everywhere was going up in flames."
"A category 4 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico is a tremendously dangerous thing, obviously, depending on what happens farther on downstream."
"The characters are navigating a world terrifying and incomprehensible, and the danger is very real."
"What is truly dangerous is not free speech, but the attempts to deny it."
"In The Promised Neverland, a group of orphans slowly learn the orphanage they live in is more of a farm where kids are raised like cattle to be sold as food to hideous demons."
"Yellowstone is both a fabulous, fantastical place, in the sense of it being a positive, but at the same time, it is a deeply fundamentally dangerous place, which—in its early incarnations—people described as 'hell on Earth.'"
"His dangerous breed of love would not only endanger his life on numerous occasions, but he would also be plagued by the deaths of those closest to him throughout most of his life."
"More hands erupted from the leaf mold, and red eyes glinted in the dark."
"The Scriptures is the most powerful and the most dangerous book in the world."
"Black holes, quasars, gravitational lensing—really juicy, tasty cosmic things, all of which will kill you if you come in the vicinity of them."
"The city used to pulse with energy, dirty and dangerous, but alive and wonderful."
"The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly, it might have been the end of me."
"The idea of swatting is to get you killed. It's attempted murder."
"Survival can be dangerous, things that happen to me, elements of the unknown, getting stung or bitten or eaten for breakfast. These are the outside forces that affect whether I live or die."
"A few months ago, I wanted to find out how dangerous whips are, and so I learned to use one."
"Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it, but a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it."
"It's dangerous to stay in a victim mentality."
"I'm not lying. No, I believe you. It's just, I guess I really don't care if it's dangerous or not."
"I think my toxic trait is that I think I could maybe befriend the killer."
"Remember that with stalking, it can often turn into something pretty catastrophic."
"We're not safe here, saying everyone is in danger."
"Our most critical debates...are instead being closed off in favor of establishment pieties, and I don't regard anything as more dangerous than that."
"This sort of near-apocalyptic thinking is...putting democratic institutions and democracy itself in danger."
"Politics as being one of the things that defines humanity and our lives is very dangerous."
"When it comes to Medusa, looks really can kill."
"The precedent that's been set, how dangerous this is, and what the future holds potentially."
"But this danger, Holmes? Yes, in case it should come off, it would perhaps be as well that you should burden your memory with the name and address of the murderer."
"Time is one of the things that the Unspeakables studied more than anything, and they found out it was one of the most dangerous things to tamper with."
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
"Sacrifice is dangerous; it's probably one of the most powerful things there is."
"If something feels wrong, it's probably about to be really wrong. Listen to your gut."
"If a team can do that, they're very dangerous."
"There will be no winners in a nuclear war. We must clearly understand this and realize that we've come too close to the edge of the abyss."
"It has become a No Man's Land. I mean, you can't walk too fast or else a tornado will show up and take you away."
"We are going against the most dangerous person alive who is under six inches tall. He has nearly unlimited resources."
"It's actually a good car... it can be a GT car, a very capable track weapon, and of course, something that you can kill yourself in if you're not smart."
"Jamie Diamond saying that we are living in perhaps the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades."
"The world I get excited about is the one where it's possible that a dinosaur might run out in front of your car on a foggy back road, or invade your campground looking for food."
"Hysterical people cost lives. Hysterical people are dangerous."
"It's been labeled the most dangerous no-prep race in the world, and for good reason. This shindig takes place at a little unassuming outlaw track in Brown County, Indiana. The untouched surface is tricky to say the least. Since 1968, this track has been the place small town dreams are made of."
"Jealousy can become dangerous, even lead to violence. It can lead to death."
"One of the things I praise JoJo's for is nobody's safe. So every fight you get into, you don't know who's making it out alive."
"You've taken seven people, each of whom has a real life reason to wish you harm, and placed the idea of your murder in their heads."
"Their irreplicable flight patterns are what built Po's irreplicable style. He could pluck a butterfly from the sky, and with the exact same movement, he could pluck your throat from your neck."
"Mike Tyson...could still kill you with one shot."
"Hopefully, this book never finds its way back to your world, for your sake and mine."
"The moment that thing gets out, people are going to die, and they're not going to die in a glamorous way. It's going to be like a progressive decline."
"Freedom is scary, yeah. Freedom is dangerous. For those of us that are adults, we're okay with that."
"Rogue waves can render any ship immobile at any given time."
"A great white chewed the boat, leaving the crew wide-eyed."
"Bull shark attacks tourists? Not such a far-fetched idea."
"I think the danger is unprecedented, I think that we can't overstate how dangerous getting involved in the occult is."
"I have a newfound appreciation of life now that I'm old enough to understand just how close I could have come to being killed."
"This is bad, Milo, the sun is almost set, this means that the zombie invasion is about to begin."
"Telling people they don't have a choice is one of the most dangerous things."
"Anyone could be his next victim. He had no preference in terms of age or gender."
"A battery lodged in the esophagus can burn a child from the inside in just two hours."
"The python spirit wants to kill you right here we see it's even got a hold on the jailer."
"The most dangerous animal in the world is a silently smiling woman."
"A mind in which something has the power to regulate what can be considered by whom and in what way, that mind is much more dangerous."
"Fumbles practically collapsed in relief when we turned the first corner."
"Few seconds can make the difference between life and death."
"Seeing someone get almost eaten by a crocodile, I'm gonna give that a zero out of ten."
"The former president constitutes a clear and present danger to democracy and to this country."
"The woods are still that major region of the world where anything could be hiding and no one is around to save you if something goes wrong."
"Imagine how terrifying that must feel. This is almost 2 am, right and everybody in the house is asleep. They must have gotten a call saying we just arrested a man for attempted murder of you, a sitting supreme court justice."
"More than most modes of killing, it lends itself to mass killing."
"Sephi heard shouts coming from her room and rushed outside to see a man holding a knife over her mother."
"I come from a state called California where monsters roam the streets."
"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger."
"The skewing of science for political purposes is extraordinarily dangerous stuff."
"The most dangerous bird in the world: the cassowary."
"At such an extreme moment, they didn't even run away from the crocodile."
"This guy is a predator in every single definition of the word."
"It's no secret that climbing Mount Everest is dangerous."
"Something is coming, something hungry for blood."
"In America, crime has exploded. Police officers killed in the line of duty."
"Scientology is a cult and it's a dangerous cult."
"We are not clear what is the danger and what is if it's not beneficial versus anything else."
"Welcome to my traps of the spider to the fly."
"The dangers of which should never be underestimated."
"P150 is one of the most powerful and potentially dangerous SCPs known to the foundation."
"The moment they stop perceiving him as a winner they will kill him and eat him." - Narrator
"No one agrees to get killed when they go to Ed Buck's house no matter what they agree to."
"Every day it's about life and death. It's always the unexpected here."
"Hurry, escape for your life! Do not look behind you!"
"Donald Trump is a danger to America, he is a danger to the Free World."
"We found a frozen leviathan that's infected with Carra."
"When we're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of alleged scams like this is serious it's not internet drama it's dangerous."
"That reckless and wanton disregard for the established norms and for essentially putting millions of lives at stake, threatening really the world, is an impeachable offense."
"Level 26 is classified as a class 5 difficulty and is very unsafe mainly due to there being some environmental changes and a ton of creatures chasing you."