
Universal Laws Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"We're trying to crack the mystery of the origins of life... It's not just about identically trying to check a historical account... but understanding the laws of the universe."
"Don't ever get that cocky and arrogant to think that you can outsmart the universe."
"The all is mind, and the universe is mental."
"What energy and vibration we're sending off is what we get back. That's just the key to everything."
"The law of attraction is real, and it's deep, and you use it in your everyday life. It's not for special people; it's just a law of the world."
"The Law of Vibration: One of the fundamental laws of the universe seems to be the Law of Vibration."
"Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law, chance is but a name for law not recognized."
"When you do good to other people with good motives, whether you are a Christian or not, you are activating a law where, whether you know it or not, that law is now going to work on your behalf."
"There are laws at work everywhere in our lives."
"The concept of the law of attraction is fundamentally an ancient concept embedded in universal laws."
"Study the laws of the universe and then make up your mind you're gonna live in harmony with these laws."
"Wisdom is power, and when you realize it's all about you knowing that this universe we live in has rules."
"Everything vibrates; everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; rhythm compensates."
"If it follows from Maxwell's equations that the speed of light is the same in every reference frame, then the laws of nature are the same in every reference frame."
"Destiny is obligated by universal laws and unwavering faith."
"The law of gratitude is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in opposing directions."
"Here the universe itself does not mind using its own amazing laws to create something spectacular."
"Every single answer to every single mystery resides not in MacGuffins but in the rules of the universe itself—quantum physics, the laws of motion and acceleration, time and space, gravity, propulsion, sound waves, electromagnetism."
"Thoughts become things so if you're manifesting love, don't be just asking the universe, 'Dear Universe, I would like some love please' because that can manifest in many different forms."
"Positive and negative combined with a neutralizing force become a law."
"Remember that 'have to' is not a concept that exists within the universe at large."
"It imbues us with the power to shape our world, to understand the Universe."
"The more you know what you want, the more the universe can supply. You have to see it first."
"It's Karma, it's a law of energy, you're speaking attraction into the universe."
"Everything's happening by law, even this virus."
"What you tell the universe that you are willing to accept in your life and what you're demanding these things do happen."
"The law of attraction is real though. It's like gravity, like whether you understand that it's working or not, it's working."
"Attraction is not a primary law; the primary law is the law of vibration."
"It's the law of the universe. The accumulation of too much power inevitably brings a backlash."
"The art of giving and receiving is the natural law and order of the universe."
"The universe is like a genie with unlimited wishes, and anything you say, anything you give out, the universe will say 'Your wish is my command.'"
"Life, death... and the world around us all follow a set of laws..."
"The universe is governed by laws, not moral or religious laws, but laws that were around long before we ever evolved a brain to understand them."
"Karma is a law of the universe but it's habit, not crime and punishment."
"The universe has been governed by precisely balanced laws and constants."
"For any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases."
"Remember the universe law of the universe states that you already have it before you even ask. It's already yours."
"The secret code of creation is built into math."
"You can speak things into existence, the universe speaks in vibration."
"Your perception of time doesn't matter to the universe."
"The more you are grateful, the more the universe sends great scenarios to be grateful for."
"The universe does not give you what you want, it gives you who you are."
"In the end, there is no escaping entropy, the ultimate move from order to decay and disorder that rules us all."
"You want something greater, ask for it. The universe has the keys for you."
"So as we inched our way out we tested whether the phenomenon we're observing matches the phenomenon that we've established with properties that we've established here on earth in the here and the now and in fact they do."
"The laws of physics are the language of the universe."
"What you think and what you say, it goes out into the universe, and the universe will give you exactly what you feel."
"Absolutely this is the way it works... what we create, what we put out to the universe is what we manifest."
"The universe delivers when you have faith, when you believe, and when you are open to it."
"Mathematics is in some ways kind of scary in how useful it is at really describing how the universe works around us."
"We live in a vibrational universe where like attracts like."
"We have discovered the laws that govern the universe... there is a reasonable chance that we may find a complete set of laws by the end of the century." - Stephen Hawking
"A miracle is simply a manifestation of universal law."
"Mathematics is the set of all laws that are valid and don't conflict with each other."
"The Cabalian, the spiritual laws of the Universe."
"The universe wants to deliver, we have to be in vibration to receive it."
"Could there be other laws also being broken? Could they be breaking the laws of time and space, the laws of dimensions, the laws of natural order of things?"
"The universe operates on the principles of abundance and attraction."
"Remember about the law of attraction when we ask the universe for something we order it like we're in a restaurant."
"I'm just looking to find out more about the world, and if it turns out there is a simple ultimate law that explains everything, so be it. That would be very nice."
"I'm a student of the laws of the universe because they do work they work every single time."
"That is something that a universal law that cannot be taken advantage of."
"The laws of physics vary from Universe to Universe; it's that the laws of physics manifest in different ways."
"Our role is to learn the laws of the cosmos and work with them."
"Law of attraction isn't the only universal law, but it's the law we need to focus on."
"The universe isn't bound by time and space. Things can happen that were rationally, in the linear order, planned ahead of time but they're there now because you asked for them today."
"The universe does obey deep, underlying symmetries that are reflected on all scales of complexity."
"We began to realize that things were not accidental, that there were laws and rules governing practically every procedure and function of the universe."
"Everything is governed by universal law."
"All phenomena are formed of the same substance vibrating at different rates."
"Things have to play out how they're meant to play out, there are universal laws."
"Give what you want to receive. There's no free lunch in the universe. Everything requires some sort of exchange."
"All demonstrations take place within ourselves. Creation is eternally flowing through all things. The law is always working."
"Every experience any of you have ever had or having now or will ever have is some combination of those five laws."
"Awareness of these universal laws is the first step toward harmonizing with the energies of the universe."
"The examined life entails a humbling awareness that we are in the presence of certain universal laws."
"What happens on the left happens on the right and what goes up must come down."
"Bashar has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the Universe works and how each person creates the reality they experience."
"Newton saw no reason to think that the force that made an apple fall was any different from the forces that kept the planets in their orbits gravity then was a universal Force."
"It's just based off staying awake where you're not judging yourself where you're not doing things outside the universal laws you learn the universal laws and then you align with them."
"The first law of the universe is the law of vibration."
"The laws of physics that are nearby us that we measure in the laboratory apply to distant stars."
"I believe in the laws of the universe and how energy works to change our lives."
"What we're talking about here does not go according to nature; we're talking about a secret code that the creator of the universe himself embedded into the fabric of the universe."
"The universe's laws and the way it works just seem to be perfect, don't they?"
"You're extremely tapped into Cosmic Vibes, Cosmic law, Cosmic Consciousness."
"You must live in right relationship to the universe and to the laws that sustain all that is within it."
"Change is healthy, and the universe does things for a reason."
"The most devotional thing that I could do is to study the laws in the universe."
"Talk about the universal law of cause and effect: you do this, you get this; you create this, you do that, and we are our own masters."
"The laws of thermodynamics in the universe still apply."
"If magic follows the fixed logic and laws of the universe, is it different from what you think of as science?"
"There is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life."
"Your energy, your power determines how the laws of the universe function in your life."
"If the Higgs field lends the property of mass to the rest of the universe, if the rules change, then chemistry and everything else undergoes a change to the rules."
"Those thoughts become very powerful because they're emotionalized; they go out to the universe to attract everything into your life that you need to make those goals become a reality."
"Prosperity is our natural state when we align with universal laws."
"By consciously working in harmony with the universal laws, you unlock the ability to manifest your desires and draw them into your life."
"Remember, you are the co-creator of your own destiny, and the universal laws are your guiding light."
"The first law of nature is the lower vibration; everything in the universe vibrates."
"As above, so below; that's the law of Correspondence."
"The universe is run by laws—gravity, centrifugal force, inertia—who gave the laws?"
"History repeats itself, over and over we see the same patterns that God ordained, established, woven into the fabric of the universe."
"The three basic laws of the universe at all levels of reality are differentiation, subjectivity, and communion."
"There is only one set of universal laws that every species must follow: physics, specifically energy."
"The universe is full of law and order, cause and effect."
"There are laws of the universe... that match your frequency, match your intention, match your vibration."
"Physics governs everything that's around us."
"Cause and effect is one of the seven fundamental laws of the universe."
"Manifest using universal law as your tools."
"All natural law moves in an orderly manner through the law of harmony."
"Everything works through the laws of quantum physics, from the atom to the cosmos."
"The Law of the Universe, The Law of Attraction works in crazy, crazy ways."
"The law of attraction was a really brilliant design for the universe to try to get to know itself."
"Everything vibrates and moves to rhythms based on polarities, and in this way, the universe creates cycles, patterns, and seasons."
"The Law of Polarity, in general terms, reflects the belief that everything is binary or dual."
"The Law of Polarity states that there is an opposite to everything that exists."
"The spiritual genius is a part of you that is in resonance with universal laws."
"Everyone in every reference frame measures the same speed of light."
"Newton wasn't the first to ponder the path of a flying object on earth or that of one in the heavens, but he stood alone in his knowledge that the same laws govern the course of both."
"Science depends on the fact that the universe obeys orderly laws which do not arbitrarily change."
"These stories are normal; there are laws of the kingdom that function for anyone."
"You are universally smart, you know how the universe works, you know how human behavior is, you know how to have social skills."
"Everything is frequency, vibration, and energy."
"The Great Law of Attraction which governs the whole Universe and is the basis of Eternal Harmony."
"Your actions are automatically in harmony with the cosmic laws of natural balance that apply to the entire universe and all human beings."
"Everything moves; everything vibrates."
"You're studying more about the universe, more about different frequencies and the laws of the universe."
"There are certain rules we're taught to believe that the universe will always obey, no matter what. But what happens when one of those rules is unexpectedly broken?"
"The strong cosmic censorship conjecture is a statement at the level of the entire universe."
"The law of vibration is a universal law."
"Life is fair. The universal laws that we all follow without knowing works out."
"We're governed by many universal laws, and among them is the free will that allows you to make your own choices and decisions."
"The laws of the universe, just like there's a law of gravity, there's a law of Karma, and that is very real."