
Protagonist Quotes

There are 673 quotes

"Deep down, though, Usa was always hoping for an extraordinary life. Luckily for him, he is the protagonist of this anime."
"Guts is the most relatable protagonist to me of all time because he's the most human main character I've ever seen in any story ever."
"Arthur is just simply that compelling... he's my favorite protagonist in any video game period."
"Everyone is the protagonist of their own film. Everyone thinks that they are Mufasa; nobody looks in the mirror and is like, 'Oh, I'm kind of Scar.'"
"Hearing that he is in another world, Xiang Ye was planning to become the protagonist of the story."
"The girl grew up to be the same old woman who had an encounter earlier with our protagonist. She keeps having these terrible dreams about what happened to her village."
"Scream rose out of the schlocky slash-ash of the '80s, stole all the tropes, and turned horror on its head."
"It won't happen, but imagine if they took the story out of The Force Unleashed and turned him good, making him the protagonist."
"General American accents are almost always given to main characters since we are supposed to identify with the hero of a story."
"Every Fallout protagonist is a character that is thrusted into a position that anyone lesser would have failed."
"I wanted this movie to be about Stephen Strange and what makes him tick."
"I've never seen a movie like this where it's so obvious who the protagonists should be and yet they just aren't the protagonists."
"Soma is a classic example of a Chad protagonist."
"One of the greatest Shonen protagonists of all time."
"It was brave. I mean, you just don't see the protagonist lose."
"A loner protagonist shows their true, fundamental self to the audience more often than almost any other character archetype."
"We see our protagonists rise above the conflict that is being thrusted upon them."
"The appeal of Death Note is that its protagonist chose to use the notebook against those he considered unworthy to live."
"For Kira to win the game of Death Note, he needed to kill L and his successors under his own power."
"You are going to be the main character of your own existence."
"Liberty City is undoubtedly the main protagonist of GTA 3."
"Sultry Sybil Danning stars in this action-packed adventure as a sleek and sexy agent out to bring law and order."
"Jack's character was a friend, a warrior, and a genuinely good person."
"Sunlin is such an engaging main character, easy to root for."
"The idea is that if you want a likable or relatable protagonist, you usually keep them somewhat human."
"The only hope for all of Tamriel lay in the hands of this humble prisoner."
"The protagonist explains that he has honed his driving skills through hundreds of near-death experiences."
"Red is easily one of my favorite protagonists in the entire Pokemon franchise."
"I respect Chris a lot for being the first female protagonist introduced to the main series Pokemon games."
"Rosa just has such an adorable and spunky design, she's definitely the most superior protagonist in the universe."
"These protagonists have all been super cool over the past decades."
"We all like to think of ourselves as the protagonist."
"Rivet isn't just some side character mind you, she is as much a protagonist as Ratchet and Clank."
"Literally a story about John on the run, fighting everything."
"Skill always prevails; even when the protagonist has everything on the line, he still stays true to beating the house."
"There is a new evil at work in the studio. Only Audrey can stop it."
"Arthur fuckin Morgan himself, the protagonist of Red Dead 2, who has quickly become one of my favorite game protagonists in forever."
"Prototype 2 featured a new protagonist, James Heller, in a quest for revenge."
"The true protagonist isn't Paul, it's the planet of Arrakis."
"Mr Grim is the most morally righteous of the three main protagonists."
"Deep down, I always wanted to become a protagonist myself."
"Gordon Freeman from Half-Life 2: powerful, strong, and beautiful."
"He would almost be the PHD in criminal justice who found a way to solve his own crime and he got to be the star of his own show."
"There has to be an element in the story where the protagonist is willing to give up everything for what they believe in."
"I want to emphasize these aspects of his character, turn him from a generic baddie into a sympathetic protagonist."
"The title 'Brazil' points to the state of mind of the protagonist Sam Lowry, a man who lives a depressing existence but has dreams of a better, more vibrant world."
"The jerk protagonist story was done really well in this case."
"Aaron is one of the best protagonists of all time."
"I sacrificed everything I knew to save our people."
"Not only is Krieg a delightfully hate-worthy villain with a ton of tricks and weapons up his sleeves, but the fight also acts as a microcosm of what makes Luffy such a great protagonist."
"Typical villain thing: telling the protagonist his plans rather than just letting it happen."
"Joker, surprisingly not the most popular protagonist."
"Psychosis sees the unnamed protagonist tormented with visions and voices lamenting him for his sins."
"It's kind of easy to find empathy with the protagonist of a story."
"A great protagonist in a fighting game helps you understand the mechanics of the game easily and learn the main story as you fight up the arcade ladder and reach the nefarious final boss."
"He's the anchor of it. You have to care about the protagonist of an action movie, and that's what makes John Wick special."
"That protagonist feeling doesn't have to be inherently masculine, and if you want it to be feminine, it doesn't have to be traditionally feminine either."
"What's up with overly powerful protagonists anyway?"
"Clive is a fantastic, well-rounded protagonist."
"Amy Sakamoto: the protagonist of her own story."
"Nico has got to be my favorite GTA protagonist ever with how serious Rockstar takes him and how he rejects all of the satire and Ridiculousness..."
"Could this be the first mainline Zelda game where we get to REALLY play as Zelda herself?"
"Ichiban Kasuga from Yakuza Like a Dragon: The newest protagonist with a very well deserved spot."
"Just because you're doing bad things does not mean that you can't be a protagonist of your story."
"My name is Gordon Freeman. I'm gonna get us all out of here."
"Lincoln Clay is a mixed-race protagonist." - Bill Harms
"2012 still gave us one of the best open-world beat-ups of all time and one of the best protagonists to experience it with."
"If you just want to see a cool overpowered protagonist do awesome stuff while ascending the power scale, Slime's the one for you."
"She was no longer afraid... she was enjoying it as the main character."
"When we first encounter Denji, he is an incredibly likable protagonist with compelling depth and substance."
"If I wasn't including a protagonist I wanted to get a prominent character in the mix and N who in my opinion is one of if not the best characters in franchise history certainly fits this role..."
"His take on Bruce Wayne and Batman has always been informed by his penchant for extremely flawed male protagonists."
"For all intents and purposes, Percy Jackson is the title character of his own book series."
"These films were Brian's films. He was there beating hearts, he was the protagonist, our entryway into this world of street racing and heists."
"I love the fact that there is a female main character."
"It was just really really fun... you root for the main character the whole time."
"Geo's depression is done in a way that inspires improvement and the fact that he takes so many steps forward over it makes him a protagonist that everyone would love to root for."
"Ichiban also continues to be one of the most endearing protagonists in games."
"It's like really amazing... Ellis is such a sweet main character."
"Terra stands out as the true protagonist of the game."
"Our main character is someone who is upset at the status quo, they are aware that the status quo is messed up and they are trying to at the very least do their part to counterbalance it."
"Kendall Roy will no doubt go down as one of TV's greatest protagonists."
"I really do feel like animated movies have such a special ability to really encapsulate the perfect protagonist journey."
"...in Fallout 2, we play as the chosen one, the grandchild of the Vault dweller from Fallout 1."
"...you need to make them earn it. That protagonist needs to struggle or even suffer as they obtain the strength necessary to win the day."
"I'm not just existing, I'm doing and being the main character of my life."
"Demon Slayer is set sometime in Japan's Taisho era and follows the story of Tanjiro Kamado."
"Megamind is, strangely enough, one of the best protagonists ever created."
"In this adventure, you play as the famous video games protagonist Elden John."
"Moana also reminds me one of the greatest Disney protagonists ever let alone princesses that they have ever created."
"The movie needs a real protagonist which means it needs somebody in the story with skin in the game."
"Goku isn't going anywhere as the protagonist and everyone's pretty much cool with that."
"We follow Rick Grimes, the main character of the show, the most iconic character from The Walking Dead."
"The only way for a villain to survive would be to become both the villain and the protagonist."
"He can be the protagonist and the villain."
"It's time for me to step into the role as protagonist in my life."
"She is an excellent choice to be the first-ever female protagonist of a series in this universe."
"Our protagonist possesses a very special armor known as the Divine armor, it is a legendary item that surpasses all human knowledge."
"The Mighty Spear of Zero appears in the hands of our protagonist, shining with lightning."
"Make yourself the main character of your life instead of being too much of a victim."
"The storytelling is efficient and compelling, and the show labels itself as groundbreaking when they kill off the very main protagonist inside the first season."
"The underlying question is not whether Paul wins; it's whether he remains a hero."
"The tactics that your protagonist uses to try to overcome that obstacle... that is what's going to create your character."
"The main character is such a good person that gets falsely accused and put in prison."
"The darkest stories simply cannot exist in the spotlight that a main character inhabits."
"Everyone wants to be the main character all the time."
"The main protagonist encounters people from different regions of the world who become important allies and eventually befriend their rival."
"Now I really love these type of prologues where we are introduced to the primary character from the story from the get-go."
"Literally, everything that John Blackthorne does is contested and his base existence is even an insult to some characters."
"But the true tragedy of Emergence lies not in the darkness of its story, but in the unwavering kindness of its protagonist, Saki Yoshida."
"Give your protagonist a reason to spare or save the villain."
"Alex Russo feels like a well-rounded actual person and she is the greatest Disney Channel protagonist of all time."
"Main character syndrome, she's got main character syndrome."
"Out of all the Gundam protagonists, Camille is no question the one, maybe more so when I was younger, that I directly related to immensely."
"Light Yagami may just be the perfect protagonist."
"Cinderella is a likable protagonist, and one you want to see win in the end."
"Luffy is always the one who creates miracles."
"Gumball is just a loser, a really good protagonist that you can root for and love but at this exact same time hate his guts."
"A journey through the events of India paralleled with the protagonist's life."
"Katara may not be the protagonist of the story like Ang but that doesn't mean she can't teach a valuable lesson."
"I told myself I was gonna feel like the main character in my life, and I did."
"Okay so I can appreciate the movie at least trying to give the protagonist some kind of backstory."
"Despite megalon being the big villain and in the movie's title, it's really Jet Jaguar's movie."
"Imagine getting reincarnated into a dating Sim where you're actually the hidden final boss destined to be defeated by the protagonist."
"You're the main character. This is given main character energy."
"It's all about stepping into that main character energy."
"Remembering her chat with Vivian's brother, she feels more confident that she is the main character of her story, and gets over her guilt of replacing Beatrice."
"Tiana is not only my favorite of the Disney princesses but is indeed my favorite Disney protagonist ever."
"Elizabeth Swann might be the main character of these films."
"I want to base the female protagonist on typically male Shonen protagonists. I think that'll be a fun combination."
"Todoroki's lifelong trauma isn't fixed by the protagonist encouraging words of mid-battle..."
"Katniss Everdeen, the main character, is a voice of a generation."
"For some reason, I love when the villain just looks at the protagonist and just like 'have a nice day' and he walks away knowing they're not going to. I don't know why that's not [__] hilarious."
"Luffy possesses immense endurance."
"I couldn't sense magic power, he thought that our protagonist was just a small fish."
"This show was called invincible and his son's superhero name is invincible, so that must mean that Mark is the main character, alright?"
"Our protagonist was recognized by the gods and he is the greatest King there is."
"Sora exhibits all the traits I love seeing in a main character."
"Your main character energy is fearlessly facing your fears and doing the thing anyway."
"It's main character protagonist BS."
"Simon is the conduit through which we experience the show, which is at its core the story of a boy becoming a man and dealing with all the issues that come with that."
"He's the main character, probably score the winning goal. I don't know how they're going to do that though."
"Basil, in my personal opinion, one of the greatest protagonists in Disney history."
"What is the point of having a great protagonist if you don't have an equally great antagonist?"
"He's one of the best protagonists that we have so far."
"Tyler Durden is not the hero. He's the protagonist but he's not the hero."
"I've always been iffy on the concept of having the main character of your story be a villain."
"You have main character energy without realizing it."
"It's neatly done and it's quite a cool looking protagonist and there's a little bit of intrigue there."
"Main characters who truly believe they are the main characters are the greatest ones above all."
"Demonstrating an endless potential that has yet to be uncovered because the main characters who truly believe they are the main characters are the greatest ones above all."
"I mean Jackie is just your typical goody goody main character... she didn't get on my nerves the way that other main ya girlies have."
"Through the plight of the protagonist, the IDW Sonic Stories force the characters to reflect inward."
"I feel like Mark is the perfect protagonist that you want to root for, and it isn't all just science jokes and planting potatoes on Mars."
"We may be rooting for them since they are the protagonist, but they are not without their sins."
"Flik himself is a sympathetic, pure-hearted protagonist with lots of good ideas."
"Luke Skywalker, our protagonist who will take the tried and true heroes Journey from nobody to savior."
"The female protagonist driven kind... was more about a character's journey over an audience member's fantasy."
"The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks follows a young street urchin who ends up being taken in and trained by the most notorious deadly assassin."
"I love anytime there's slanted roofs. It screams main character without being obnoxious."
"Mal also has to carry the film as the action hero now stepping out from the ensemble to become the undisputed leading man."
"Common Rider Kabuto: Soji is our hero and he's unique by acting like an arrogant prick most of the time."
"Peter has officially hit rock bottom."
"Subjectivity of the scene is crucial to the protagonist."
"Huey is usually a very reserved and laid-back person but like any anime protagonist despite being a small child he's always ready to throw hands."
"The protagonist in Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric, is one of the reasons why the show is so loved. He has the drive from the beginning to the end that makes everybody go, 'This is the most perfectly well-written character.'"
"Establishing a strong emotional connection to the protagonist makes the audience sympathize with the character."
"It's always great to see your protagonist kicking ass, but it was so nice to see how much he actually cared about his wife and his family."
"Character equals story. The main character forms the story."
"Your main character energy is that of a spiritual warrior who is fighting for their own truth, fighting for their own transcendence, their own ascension, and also fighting for a better environment for all beings that live here."
"Anne of Green Gables is worth your time because we follow Anne Shirley who is an absolute joy."
"Though she may not be as heroic as her boyfriend, her genuine kindness certainly helps her shine through as a Disney Almost Princess."
"All in all, she’s a pretty great Disney protagonist - flaws and all."
"What's at stake should be specific to the protagonist and close to their heart."
"As the show's narrator and its ostensible protagonist, we're initially rooting for Ted. However, as the show continues, this central narrative drifts, and so does Ted."
"He dumb lucks his way into every single situation and comes out on top."
"You have a very strong personality. It's like a main character energy, a very strong personality."
"Gru is the main protagonist of Despicable Me but that doesn’t mean he’s a good guy, he’s still a villain by every sense of the metric."
"He is a middle-aged underpaid sweaty salary man who unlocks overpowered abilities in another world after buying a magical pet bird."
"Luz is one of the most adorkable protagonists ever."
"Just the notion that this movie promotes female pleasure um as the sort of protagonist I think is really interesting and unique."
"The protagonist feels a calling to serve a greater purpose in their life."
"Dredd is reminiscent of a western gunslinger that enters a town, helps people out, but isn't the main focus of the story."
"Every decision your protagonist has made throughout the story has led them to this moment."
"The protagonist becomes aware of everything and realizes what just happened."
"Most importantly, the protagonist feels like new."
"His power truly was never giving up cuz in a world where nearly every protag is like yeah nothing special you can't do this oh wait special power only you can do he doesn't have that he just grinded."
"This man wants to survive... by healing sick people. I respect this protagonist."
"But it was really nice to kinda see the story work out in Tommy Boy's favor because like I said he went into it with the right intentions and you always gotta root for the good guy no doubt about it guys."
"Protagonists should nine times out of 10 always receive priority above the supporting cast and antagonists."
"Protagonist: a character that wants something concrete, this is their goal and it should be something very specific and very obtainable."
"He doesn't have any grand aspirations. He doesn't want to fight for what is right. He's not the honor, unless you think touching boobs is wrong, bro. But that's your prerogative. Horrible, innocent, safe protagonist we've gotten used to."
"I say that Luffy is the best main character if not the best main character in all of anime."
"What I liked so much about Oliver as a protagonist was that he didn't pull any punches."
"Frein is a complex, multifaceted MC that quite literally carries the show."
"I really liked David Martin as a protagonist... very layered and he's older than the protagonist in The Shadow of the Wind."
"I just really enjoyed both of them as main characters we were following. I really liked Rayen and his whole kind of Beacon of Hope thing he had going on for the people of Elant."
"The protagonist's magic is distinguishable; a fire and an ice that lasts at least the entire month. His magic is extensive, faces challenges with her limited magical abilities, but continues to explore and develop her talent within the constraints she faces."
"The protagonist feels a mix of emotions, excited to test his magical abilities, but also anxious about the responsibility of being recognized as a great wizard."
"The protagonist recognizes the value of friendship and offers his own availability to help when necessary."