
Hypotheticals Quotes

There are 831 quotes

"Those were Hillary's three Supreme Court nominations that would have changed the future of the country."
"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas."
"Imagine if we didn't play games and we're quarantined. What would we do?"
"If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"
"Let's play hypotheticals for a minute here and pretend that you have advanced knowledge that something tragic is happening to you 30 days from now."
"Would you upload your mind given the chance?"
"If you could snap your fingers and do one thing... what would you do?"
"Would you rather be slightly thirsty no matter how much you drank or slightly tired no matter how much you sleep?"
"Never enjoy music again or never enjoy food again?"
"We just want to see what would have happened because let's face it, who doesn't want to see that?"
"If Elizabeth Holmes had managed to pull this off and get the technology up and running and develop something that worked, everybody would consider her a hero."
"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."
"If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ass or hopping."
"Imagine Jesus with no Judas... Imagine David give Aaliyah one last kiss."
"If you could fail at nothing, what would you pursue?"
"If fifths and buts were candies and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas."
"Margaret Atwood once wrote that if we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged."
"If you ever had to kill anybody, could you do it under the right conditions? Dad: Yeah, I can do it."
"What would happen if our moon suddenly disappeared?"
"Would you rather meet your love interest in a coffee shop AU or a college AU?"
"Why can't he change the law so Cinderella can live in luxury with the person she loves?"
"So these situations are not real, but it's kind of fun to ask these types of questions, right?"
"If this movie took place in the real world that would be how it ended."
"If there was no responsibilities, would you like another woman? It'll be a yes."
"What's next, forty-year-olds raping six-year-olds saying they identify as a six-year-old?"
"Rap would look so [ __ ] different if a lot of those people were still here."
"You could have any game in the world at any time... but you will never have a social life ever again."
"Isn't that clip interesting? Honestly, I believe if Dr. Anthony Fauci would have said that in March of 2020, this whole pandemic would be over."
"Conservative women have bigger balls than liberal men."
"What crime would you not commit and what lie would you not tell to bring about the kingdom of heaven on earth?"
"What if we were all caterpillars and we turned into humans?"
"Expressions such as 'I like you'... would become a reality if we both died."
"Is that their fault? In another world, the humble Irish would be the ones making up such a disproportionate amount."
"If the pandemic hadn't happened, I would be betting a lot of money on Trump to win."
"The chances of you being ambushed and pounced upon by pillow with a post-it note for a face are… well, statistically speaking, the chances are pretty slim, But they’re never zero either."
"Therefore, similarly, one motivation for an invasion could be to actually end the suffering on Earth by destroying divisive concepts such as governments, politics, religion or even greed."
"For many people, he's the best president we never had."
"What would have happened if we did nothing?" highlighting the importance of action.
"Imagine if you could sell every year of your life. What price would you put on a year of your life?"
"Imagine what this game could have been like if from the very beginning it were like this."
"If 40% of planes crashed, we would stop getting on planes and we would start having conversations about how to make a better plane, wouldn't we?"
"If this technology didn't exist, I feel like we'd have a war every 20-30 years."
"Can you imagine a universe where we doubted Shroomish?"
"You can get away with anything if you're invisible."
"Saying that your economic system operates under conditions of post-scarcity is like saying that you have a flying machine that only operates under conditions of zero gravity."
"Had the request for additional forces been approved, the war on terror could have ended a decade earlier than it did."
"What if Madara was actually selected to become the Hokage and had his face engraved on the monument?"
"If all of black Americans unite and it became its own country we'd be the 26th wealthiest country in the world."
"Trust me if I could redo the whole thing I would have had blow up doll and no ketchup."
"World history could be completely different."
"The thing that intrigues me is the if you had the chance to use anything."
"What if pasta is already red, what if the rest of them become, you know, communists?"
"Let's hope not, but I mean like for like in the future when people ask me the stupid q and a's what would the last meal be it would be that."
"A bus driver isn't necessarily there, but we have to know: is he a kind of guy who likes and is able to say, 'Let's go to Paris'? Fine, let's go."
"I wish we could have gone with Nigel Farage."
"Life today would be little more than microscopic slime."
"The rise of Trump would have been facilitated in other countries other than the U.S."
"You can't have a million years from now or 10 million or pick a number, and then all of a sudden if God was capable of sin, he changes his mind, it all goes off a cliff."
"Name the trait is basically a personal consistency test."
"It's a misleading hypothetical because you can't foresee these things. It's a misleading hypothetical because you can't foresee these things."
"What would make America safer? 99% with a license to carry or 99% without a single gun?"
"What has he not done that he could potentially do that would sway you on that topic?"
"In a world without corruption... Sudan could have been an incredibly wealthy, thriving democracy."
"Let's pretend for a moment that there is no past and future."
"The day Arsenal fans start singing Ollies at the wheel is the day with the world ends."
"Regardless how I was thinking, if that happened, you mean the same situation happened, would I make the same choice? Yes."
"The Ultimate Universe was the answer to the question: What would happen if superheroes basically came into existence right now?"
"If we had a different kind of media dating back decades, there's no way Donald Trump would win."
"Just think of what the world would look like today had Heron's idea been picked up, instead of sitting there, collecting dust."
"If everybody in the world used some form of cannabis, especially one that was psychoactive, I think we would see a much better world."
"Could you imagine if this was like the biggest moment in history and it was just a guy on Kickstarter who was like, 'Yeah, so if you just give me like a million bucks, I can give humanity infinite electricity forever.'"
"What came first, the egg or the money? Does it matter if it makes you 30 million dollars?"
"Would you trust Mr. Beast to catch you if you fa yes sir yeah I would too."
"Imagine how hard that would have been, or would have been nearly impossible to do."
"It will only be equal if men can give birth too."
"If everybody took a drug that boosted their intelligence five points, would religion survive?"
"If the roles were reversed, I don't know what I would be able to do."
"If Taylor Swift tickets were zero dollars, how many people would go? Probably one billion people."
"It would have been a good movie even if it did have a different good actor in that role."
"Jesus spiritually being gay wouldn't have altered his message."
"If the world was only home to a billion people then things like housing crises wouldn't be a problem."
"If you fall into a hole where you can't see the bottom and all that's there between you and certain death is a pile of chicken nuggets, can they save your life?"
"I'd disappear," Bruno's injury would spell disaster.
"Can you imagine if Trump's campaign slogan is Told You So?"
"If you only do A or B, everything would be different."
"If men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be a conversation."
"If you could encapsulate the benefits of a sauna into a pill, it would be the best-selling drug."
"If Martin Luther King had a YouTube channel, he would be demonetised."
"What if God said that if you curse, you can finally be happy?"
"If y'all broke up, who would have a harder time finding someone? Why would I have a hard time finding anyone?"
"If you could see the future, would you do anything about it?"
"Everybody just said, 'Oh, if that was you, if that been me, I would have done this.' You don't know what you would have done until you've been put in that situation."
"When do you see yourself no longer uploading? I guess when I'm dead."
"You can see all of these are impossible because you cannot change the past—impossible past condition and their impossible result."
"Yes, he cried. Yes, he cried. But you know what he won't do? Invade Ukraine."
"Do you think Papa John says the n-word when he does rap songs in the shower?"
"Just imagine if they made a fusion of four Scapegoats."
"That just makes you think like what could have changed if I made this decision or that decision, you know."
"I think the one thing we all do agree on though is if we had a choice to be... you know, Ronnie Coleman, Phil Heath, or Jay Cutler, we would probably take the Jay Cutler."
"Team Liquid poised to win three straight, not just games but LCS titles."
"If the clocks could somehow be altered and each of these performers could be placed into the era where they would have had a chance to succeed the most, it could change so much about wrestling as we know it today."
"What happens tomorrow, in a year, in 5 years, in 10 years, when eventually we get an individual who says 'You know what? Let's flip that switch.'"
"But if that was recorded in a database, where you know, you say 'I think Donald Trump should be kicked off a cliff' and Donald Trump becomes President someday, and then everybody who said that ends up getting thrown off a cliff."
"Imagine where we would be if there wasn't a vaccine."
"Otherwise, the president would just have his own police force, right?"
"If you outlaw police, only the outlaws will be police."
"If suddenly some of the stars rearranged and said, 'Matt, I'm Yahweh, I'm here,' would something like that count?"
"Would you cut your finger off for a million pounds?"
"What if tomorrow the monarchy ended? Your nation's identity is gone because the royal family and its principles are embedded within the fabric of British culture."
"Thank God Jed isn't in charge of video game design."
"I've been known to get upset like, 'Oh, I would have killed that thing.' It doesn't matter."
"What difference might the police national database have made."
"Democrats would not be holding the speaker's gavel right now."
"Would you charge them if the building literally burned down? Would they?"
"Maybe I would've gone down that rabbit hole, but I didn't."
"Sometimes I imagine going down there, grabbing one of them by the collar."
"Absolutely 100% that the deals we'd have done this summer would have been different if we'd had Guitar in charge."
"Black Ops 4 should have been theoretically the greatest Call of Duty game ever made."
"If they win it, then I'd have to say, you know what."
"Had that huge boulder been just a foot or two over, things could have been so much worse."
"Is that a game that Mahomes could have won or would have won? Josh Allen could have won or would have won?"
"If you had quit, the world wouldn't have you."
"Imagine what you could do with six years of your life back."
"What Kane would have been like in that City team I think he probably would have scored just as many goals I do because the amount of chances being created for him."
"Imagine what it would be like if we didn't have any emissions controls."
"If matches finished at 80 minutes, we'd be seventh bottom and out the Champions League."
"But actually, though, like, right, that is what people do. Like, what would happen? I just wouldn't play. So I wouldn't play for England, whereas I could play for China, probably, like, even now, having not played any football."
"There's always that conundrum, if you could travel back in time and kill Hitler before he was a baby, would you do it?"
"No more Arsenal, of course. Could you imagine? No, no, no, no, reckless."
"If someone advocated that should have happened at the end, people would love that so much."
"What would you do if you knew that you could never fail? You just go for it, right?"
"What if you aged it 1 million years? Well, it would become a skeleton dragon."
"It's always cool when you hear stories like that... Who could have been who and she wasn't."
"Rey and Kylo should have fought him together, and it should have been a fantastic sequence. What if it was?"
"How would the United season have looked if they'd appointed Conte when he wanted the job?"
"I'd be a much different person if I grew up in this place."
"If the US was energy independent from the get-go, this wouldn't be an issue."
"Imagine if they put these guys away... maybe it would have changed things."
"I don't like thinking about those hypotheticals man because they're just so pointless."
"If Overwatch released today it would light the [__] gaming world on fire."
"If you take away Sally's goals, we're in Arsenal's position, yeah probably, you know it's the word."
"So, if you’ve ever pondered the eternal question of whether you’d rather be stuck in a song that never ends or acid-induced muppet nightmare, then this is the video for you."
"If Elon Musk was sitting on that couch right across from you, would you really look that man in the face and say, 'I'm going to sell my Dogecoin'?"
"If that was in Russia or China what would we be saying?"
"Why don't we take a page from that in nature? As we get older, why don't we turn color? Wouldn't that be cool?"
"If you scared stay in the house me I'm going to the movie theater to see Star Wars I'm going to Times Square on Saturday night with my girls check out the Christmas tree look I don't live in fear."
"If you ever became mega rich, what would you like to spend your money on?"
"If thoughts were prosecutable, we'd all be screwed."
"Imagine if Donald Trump had beaten Joe Biden by, you know, 51 to 35. That's a landslide."
"If Sanders had been able to win the nomination... frankly I don't know what would have happened."
"Fighting the Wither: What's The Worst That Could Happen?"
"Evidence points I missed: no old people on the axiom."
"Suddenly a single axiom passenger goes from needing to consume nearly 400 people to survive for one lifetime to only having to eat nine."
"Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no video games?"
"In a different setting, different circumstances, Joel could have been a very good father and husband, and it's easy to forget that."
"No, it's not better, just, if I could design a better human being in a heartbeat."
"What if Buzz and Woody never made it home? What if that fateful stop at Dynaco gas station was the last stop for the story that we've all come to know?"
"In a world with any functional tools whatsoever we would be in a very different place with respect to something like COVID."
"Luffy would come up with some really weird [ __ ]... he would totally [ __ ] think of."
"If Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for talking about his wife, I'd hate to see what he does to the men who [ __ ] her."
"Can you imagine if Super Mario Bros 1 had all these power-ups?"
"Undoubtedly, if he retired there, he would have been 33-4 and would have had a huge Title reign."
"If Apple were a worker cooperative, each employee would earn at least $403,000 a year."
"If a democracy allowed incest you would say okay he doesn't even believe in democracy."
"What would you do if you had one hour left to live?"
"If this was real, I would probably have an entire team of this."
"If the Eighth Army was defeated, the Second World War was lost."
"We could have actual combat fighting too, like its own little spin-off combat fighting league."
"If van Dijk was the level he was for two years for doubled that 100% I think yeah I think the conversation is closer."
"What if I told you there were many ways to guarantee effectively endless money?"
"What would you do if you found a way to make an infinite amount of money? A glitch that allowed you to practically print cash. People all over the world are claiming that these methods are the real deal."
"If wishes were horses, then Beggars would ride."
"I deeply appreciate your work. Thanks for doing what you do. Hypothetical: Would you support Jon Stewart for president 2024?"
"What if you were the director of your own life?"
"If humans never existed, there would be more visible stars from Earth."
"I've always asked myself though, you know, what would it be like today if I was the work and an actual job."
"Can you imagine if the real world had cult? Like it would be insanely handy."
"I can't imagine what life is like try imagine a brand new color try and imagine if the Sun stopped working one day we may put them in the good times when we use now known as our second home"
"Honestly, if for some reason hypothetically all of Facebook was suddenly deleted and had actually no way of ever returning, the world would be a better place."
"There's no scenario in which meat just disappears off the planet."
"You're lucky my boss ain't here man because you know my boss would do. He'd be saying I know my boys won, even though we don't win."
"If our positions were switched, would our fates be different? Would I have your life and you mine?"
"If he were a man of color, he would be treated the same way."
"If you could do anything you've ever wanted to do, and failing wasn't an option, what would you do?"
"None of us can know what a change it would have been if Gabby Petito or Brian Laundry would have been taken into custody."
"What if you were given a chance to get stronger?"
"Is that what we are? I mean, you could be... you know, if that's what you wanted."
"Why the [ __ ] are you happy with 32 if I give him someone else's energy that he doesn't have and say, 'Alright, what would he be like?' Oh, [ __ ] average 40 in this."
"Living forever. -Would you like to live forever, Megan? -Would you, Craig?"
"If this was Donald Trump, right like if we were to just flash back."
"If what Howard played Darth Vader that's the movie I want to see."
"It's like if Fred and George just weren't beaters on the team already then they probably would have done the exact same thing."
"I mean, just about anybody else would not have the ability to appeal things. No one would have been charged. Kingdom Come. Well, actually, they do have the ability to do that, that's part of our justice system."
"What if football wasn't so greedy? What if its stadiums weren't crumbling? What if its clubs weren't going out of business?"
"LeBron wouldn't still make eight straight finals unless for some reason you put Jordan and Pippen in the Western Conference."
"If Hearthstone had like a million different cards and they were all great, this card would be like the best card in the game because there's no downside."
"If White Privilege existed, black people would pretend to be white."
"Makes you kinda wonder like how it would look."
"If you could guarantee me that Haaland would be United for the next 10 years, I'm down with that."
"The NBA would be such a better place if it had flight reacts in it."