
Legal Issues Quotes

There are 1908 quotes

"Their whole strategy to steal 2024 through the use of weaponized legalism just exploded in their faces."
"Tonight he's in jail in the Bahamas facing U.S. charges in what a federal prosecutor calls one of the biggest financial frauds in American history."
"YouTube wrongly rejected this notice then proceeded to ignore literally every email sent to them by me or my lawyer."
"Elon believes the tweets are in no way a violation of his agreement with the SEC."
"In France, we now have the paradoxical situation where the burqa has been banned, but face masks will be compulsory."
"Legal actions will hurt your image and company more. Can agencies in 2024 stop with the threats and care about the wonderful talent they still have left?"
"Netflix is hit with four indictments, good. I'd love to see this move forward."
"This isn't just a matter of a paperwork violation; this is him committing crimes in order to deprive the American public of information that Trump himself thought was critically important to their decision about whether to elect him."
"The defendant Donald J. Trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct."
"It is rare when you confront a case that combines such callous brutality with such brazen illegality."
"Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months but also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and to lie about it."
"Even though yesterday he claimed that he has almost $500 million in cash, Trump's lawyers have still attempted to secure a bond from at least 30 insurance companies, all of them have said no."
"If you were willing to go to jail for Donald Trump, then you are loyal. He's a mobster; he's a mob boss."
"But this sweetheart of a relationship may turn sour depending on what happens here today in this courtroom."
"Speaking truth to power becomes a crime, and exercising your rights becomes an arrestable offense."
"Despite being a purported billionaire, he is unable to figure out a way to find cash in order to post this Bond."
"He not only refused to return the documents for many months but also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it."
"Donna Sue's attorney alleged in court documents that her client had been subjected to cruel and inhumane conditions."
"Digital assets are not on trial; fraud and organizations are on trial."
"Michael would tell the court through his lawyers that it was a childish and stupid thing to do."
"California leads the state in individuals who are either hurt or killed as a result of these pursuits."
"Trump says he'd have to hold a fire sale of properties to meet the $464 million Bond."
"Doing something illegal or making false allegations against another person is where I draw the line."
"I've just spent so many years avoiding copyright."
"For years, I have been saying child influencers are going to sue their parents. It's happening."
"I'm not shocked by this lawsuit; I'm not shocked by the fact that it's happening because Blair just continuously puts herself in the worst situation."
"I do want to State unequivocally that Ryan and I never made any attempts to cover up a sexual assault or to Aid Don."
"The legal ramifications of [confiscating Russian assets] are obviously quite complicated."
"Activision Blizzard allowed or, in some cases, even encouraged a culture where sexual harassment and sexual assault occurred at work."
"EA just cannot seem to stay away from legal trouble, and well, that's because they continue to engage in morally questionable business practices, namely in the form of loot boxes, aka gambling in video games."
"As a result of his arrest, Mr. Bryant has lost his home, his car, his job, he's been separated from his family, his friends, and his fiancee."
"The arrest and subsequent convictions of former mom influencer and vlogger Ruby Frankie, as well as her business partner Jod Hilderbrandt, continue to make headlines across the nation."
"This is a public concern and it should not be sealed."
"Indeed serious questions abound concerning Mr. Spears's potential misconduct, including conflicts of interest, conservatorship abuse, and the evident dissipation of Ms. Spears's fortune."
"You will not arrest children for selling water."
"I've been charged with six counts. The first three are dangerous driving, one for dangerous driving with an unauthorized fuel cell, dangerous driving on roads within the United Kingdom, another dangerous driving within roads of the United Kingdom to sort of double it up."
"We have seen a lot of problems with our justice system. I'm talking about misconduct involving the police, we have prosecutors behaving poorly, we have judges not particularly interested in a thing called justice."
"What can we do as a Congress to safely open up the country and minimize legal exposure for those who are trying to reopen the American economy?"
"Hunter Biden flouts subpoena to closed-door testimony."
"It's been a heck of a week. Rudy Giuliani's apartment and office get raided by the DOJ or by the feds, seizing his electronic devices, and that is chilling to say the least."
"Josh's actions have rippled far beyond the epicenter of the offense itself. Children have scars, but his family is also suffering the fallout of his actions."
"We have to pay $250,000 to quote The Rolling Stones saying 'you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.'"
"This is the fourth criminal indictment of the former president in less than five months."
"Another issue with Qualified Immunity and the Section 1983 is that reasonable mistakes can be made."
"The minimum bar we should have for someone to be running for President of the United States is that they're not indicted or convicted of felonies."
"Snowden's entire story... hinges on the question of whether or not it was legal or illegal for government intelligence agencies to collect information on people... and it was ultimately discovered to be illegal. So that's a good thing."
"A judge found reasonable evidence that Elon Musk and other executives at Tesla knew that the company's full self-driving technology was defective but allowed the cars to be driven in an unsafe manner anyway."
"Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner, is going to jail."
"I blame myself for the conduct which has brought me here today, and it was my own weakness and blind loyalty to President Trump that led me to choose a path of darkness over light."
"This is in direct violation of the Constitution, hands down."
"There has literally never been more tension, legal cases, and infighting between dealers and the automotive brand Volkswagen, GM, Ford, etc., than ever before. At the moment, things are headed severely downhill."
"The question then becomes one of regulation."
"Snowden...saw that the US is doing these illegal things violating the Constitution."
"Dominion is ready to expose Fox's disinformation."
"The case that's been put against me is completely fabricated."
"Daniel repeatedly demonstrated a merciless and callous indifference to the suffering of her patients and their family members."
"I was indicted seven times, I had two Federal racketeering cases."
"Andrea Yates was a victim and that will never make okay the killings of those innocent babies they deserve to have had a full life loved by a mother who clearly did love them and was devoted to them."
"Should anyone inquire about their relationships, Mr. Gaetz told the women to say that he had paid for hotel rooms and dinners as part of their dates."
"Even if someone was trying to extort Matt Gaetz and or his family, the mere fact of the extortion wouldn't change any of the criminal guilt associated with those alleged acts."
"The burden is on them. Denial of First Amendment freedoms, even for minimal periods of time, is black letter irreparable injury."
"He can certainly say this politically motivated prosecution brought by my political opponent is corrupt."
"Kiss my head, yo! He is further recording himself with proof of him intimidating a witness."
"I think the FBI went after James O'Keefe because they were scared that O'Keefe had information on them."
"A new report from 'The New York Times' says court documents allege Britney has been trying to end the conservatorship for years."
"When does she get the chance to prove herself? Going through hardships in your mid-20s should not result in a life sentence under a conservatorship."
"From the very beginning, we think it was an unjust situation."
"It's going to be problematic for anyone Gerardi had a fiduciary duty to."
"What is at stake in this trial is a man's good name, even more than that, what is at stake at this trial is a man's life." - Camille Vasquez
"Make that a legal expectation of all these organizations."
"This allegation is particularly important because when you go for a mistrial with prejudice, evidence that is relevant to granting the motion from mistrial with prejudice is the bad faith of the prosecuting attorney."
"Why would you convince this boy to take a plea deal that could put him in jail for 30 years?"
"Criminalizing Trump's speech and advocacy disputing the outcome while speech endorsing the election's outcome is viewed as unimpeachable, it's blatant viewpoint discrimination."
"Josh provided proof that the investigation had ended and that no further action would be taken against him."
"They gag the defendants, don't let them go on social media, don't let them tweet, don't let them talk about it."
"I have questions about what made him start looking into this and seeing that this conservatorship is still in place."
"This is a problem. They've weaponized the justice system and they're going after everybody, and the message is if you oppose us in any way we're going to come after you. I don't like it."
"This was a legal meltdown for all of the Trump campaign lawyers."
"Legalizing marijuana recreationally but keeping people locked up for it is hypocrisy." - My Angel
"The former president will surrender to authorities at the jail."
"Essentially an unconstitutional abortion ban."
"There is no one in American history who did what I did and has been prosecuted the way I have."
"If the police becomes more concerned about PR image and legal cases, then you know that country is in a bit of trouble."
"Should Joe Exotic be in prison? I would guess it certainly a portion of the stuff that they say he did wrong he did some of it."
"According to Monroe once the chaos surrounding Diddy subsides Jay-Z might find himself embroiled in a similar legal battle"
"Let's see the team scores how is it stacking up here Spacey a harassment made up some ground there oh right some lawsuits only but it's a very tight game not very tight game not that at all."
"Arrested: the boys found in the lecturer's house, suspected of cultism."
"The lawsuit alleges that real estate commissions have remained artificially high."
"Giuliani did not do that, he was continually pushing this message that was the big lie as Dominion calls it."
"There's a legal agreement with someone that I can't talk about why I dumped them."
"You were falsely accused but won the battle."
"Indeed, the story inside the firm these years seem to have sprung from the head of someone who intended to violate every cardinal rule that lawyers are expected to abide by."
"Former president Trump has been found liable for defamation and battery."
"These are astronomical figures... what Alex Jones did here is just horrific."
"Gag orders don't happen often. You generally don't see a gag order over [ __ ] on twitter because it shouldn't be happening."
"I think India should legalize civil unions for LGB as for the T group I hope we never get that stuff here in India too crazy."
"Legal requirements to wear masks are generally legal, but regardless of whether it's legal or mandated, people, use common sense, wear a frickin' mask."
"The indictment repeatedly charges that the Democratic party's electors were valid, while Republicans' were false."
"Suppose someone with similarly pressing religious concerns had been elected County Clerk... how would you react if Kim Davis went to a county clerk... and they said, 'I'm sorry, it's against my deeply held religious beliefs'?" - Theoretical Bullshit
"This is still a felony. This is a really serious case."
"If your friends are convicted felons and somebody's possessed firearms, we need to determine whose."
"Alex Jones reportedly filed for bankruptcy but he's saying he didn't actually file for bankruptcy."
"All the constitutional violations going on here, this is crazy."
"Then when you look at the specific facts surrounding this case... she took her four-year-old innocent and helpless autistic and nonverbal child into this body of water and let her drown."
"He maintains his innocence so much that he's willing to give all of that up to hopefully get out one day."
"Trump's lawyers losing all credibility and we see that happening in all of the cases."
"But for the ACLU to openly cheer at least a lawyer there the suppression of a book was horrifying to me."
"Let's talk about the gag order imposed on Donald Trump."
"Donald Trump indicted on seven charges including violation of the Espionage Act."
"Trump engaged in so many criminal conducts while he was the president."
"Assange has been essentially locked up for the last 10 years without ever once being convicted of a crime."
"The issue with Biden's documents is different than Trump's at Mar-a-Lago for many reasons, but the biggest one is that Biden and his lawyers have apparently done nothing but cooperate fully with NARA and the DOJ."
"One of the amazing things about this case is that not only is Julian Assange not a citizen of the United States, I can't tell you how often I hear people accusing him of treason."
"The accusations surrounding this game's studio are, in a word, enormous."
"Her covering that lawsuit isn't the problem that's being alleged in the defamation suit. Her assumptions stated as fact is what they're complaining about."
"Yes, yes we can. So um, question: what if you can't pay the lawyer? The lawyer can make a motion to remove themselves from the case."
"This isn't wellness, it's sickness. It should be illegal to put this out into the media."
"It is remarkable to see a former president of the United States go through this."
"Defining what is and what isn't fair use is higher than trying to hit the toilet bowl when you're half asleep."
"What makes it right for a law to say that certain children are forced to transition because the society doesn't like how they were born?"
"The actions of Mr. Janus are inexcusable, and his choices have consequences."
"Fanny is going to subsume all of the Trump prosecutions."
"Team, we all nailed this one. You all did an incredible job making this happen."
"On March 14, 2018, the former couple were each personally charged with a massive fraud by the SEC."
"He’s gonna help me. Thank y’all, y’all got me help from the FDA."
"False rape claims are disgusting, and that's one of my worst nightmares."
"Elon Musk is now being investigated by the Brazilian Supreme Court over his dissemination of fake news."
"This is about illegally exposing advanced technologies to the visual percept of a stage two culture." - Thorhan
"Donald Trump has committed crimes against the country."
"Yesterday women and men Republicans Independence Democrats woke up to a situation in which the Arizona Supreme Court reimposed this 1864 ban... it's insane, it's egregious, it's an affront to our freedom." - Arizona Attorney General
"Until it's expunged so even if you don't go to prison if you get that felony it's going to be a rap for a lot of people."
"Here's our timeline: September 2020, Subify files a lawsuit against the Ace Family for not paying them four hundred and twenty thousand dollars."
"When we're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of alleged scams like this is serious it's not internet drama it's dangerous."
"Justice is delayed here, I hope it is not denied."
"Maybe if you can prove that you're not the father you don't have to pay child support for a child that isn't yours. Just maybe."
"Whether in fact there was access to them whether Trump showed them to other people these are all things I think that could be part of the ongoing justice investigation."
"But it's going to start with lawsuits, let's see Trump come back first."
"Our lawsuits argue that big tech companies are being used to impose illegal and unconstitutional government censorship," President Trump asserted.
"Akilah Hughes is the definition of a grifter... she was trying to remove Sargon's legitimate ability to stage a defense."
"You can't sit here and put people in Twitter jail and cite German law."
"Do we want to live in a country where people can go to jail over jokes?"
"I've been waiting for a case like this for a long time, where a review is coming under false DMCA claims and trying to be suppressed."
"Abusing the copyright system is universally despised."
"Filing false DMCA's doesn't just harm YouTubers; it harms every other creator regardless of platform."
"The entire media spent a couple of years fulminating over the evils of taking classified documents out of a place where they should be into a place where they should not be."
"I don't think that putting you to be honest I don't be putting either one of us and Jail's gonna do anybody any good."
"It doesn't have to be substantiated, nothing, and that is scary as all living hell, and it should be to men and women, and it should also by the way be deeply insulting to women who have actually been sexually assaulted and sexually harmed by men."
"For resisting Beijing’s pressure, Denise Ho found herself on the wrong side of the law."
"I think it's going to be very difficult in the court of law... to prove beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Murder is usually the most obvious of crimes."
"You've got to worry about because defamation is expensive."
"All in all it was the ever expanding scope of Roy's case along with his rubbery interpretation of the law which shredded any chance of him winning the trial and this would inevitably stain him professionally."
"Bitcoin is legal tender in El Salvador now. We want to encourage the US to adopt bitcoin because that is in the interest of the US."
"State officials have violated the free speech and free exercise rights of religious Americans by treating religious gatherings and speech differently than the speech and mass gatherings of protests."
"At no point has anybody been actually convicted or pled guilty to collusion with Russia regarding the election."
"Here's why I think Chat GPT and AI will be illegal."
"Civil asset forfeiture is not the cause of this situation or even necessarily the worst example of it, but that is the situation nonetheless. And that is why today, not only the Dallas Police Department but civil asset forfeiture is also canceled."
"It's just so avoidable and it's truly one of the biggest conspiracies in this country that this was ever made illegal. It is, it's just sad."
"The only thing an insurance policy is good for is getting the right to sue your insurance company."
"Britney Spears is actively challenging the conservatorship that has dominated every aspect of her life since 2008."
"I don't recall what he didn't or didn't do. I was answering questions."
"This is a huge invasion of Britney's rights."
"And your dad was a big part of that at the beginning, and he remains a very active part of the conservatorship, from what I've seen and read, is that accurate?"
"My dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship and my management should be in jail."
"Justice for Britney Spears. People who did this to me should not be able to walk away so easily. Facts."
"They've made this woman a prisoner for 13 years. She's been in jail for 13 years for no crimes."
"Michael Jackson's fate could be Britney's fate as well."
"You did this almost as if like you're letting a child run a lemonade stand without a license."
"The parents never go to jail. The parents never get charged for buying these kids guns illegally."
"How it's not attempted murder honestly I don't know."
"At the end of the day, justice is going to be served because these people committed crimes, and Britney is determined. So I'm here for it."
"He's not apologized for breaking the rules and breaking the law. He's sorry because he's been caught."
"In June 1997, Camila crashed her car driving to Highgrove to meet Charles; she escaped prosecution which led to accusations of special treatment because of her status as a royal mistress."
"I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive. I don't feel like I can live a full life."
"Did Alex Jones [expletive] kill anyone? Did Alex Jones [expletive] rape anyone? It was wrong, yes, you were wrong about a scenario. Does that mean that you have to roll over and die and be gone forever? I don't think that's [expletive] true."
"If he is convicted... Donald Trump will be in a category of his own."
"No other president of the United States, sitting or former, got into this kind of trouble."
"Judge, he's an elected politician and he is allowing the prosecution of an American citizen who exercised his rights under Arizona law."
"What the conservatorship can do and how wronged Britney was."
"You got terminated for my social media. The George Floyd video only put my social media on, you know, like basically on their target board." - Jacqui Williams
"Now my dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship should be in jail."
"A decent person, a decent father, a decent man would stop this. You could stop filing motions, you could stop fighting, turn over the discovery, stop seeking abusive discovery, and just knock it the [__] off."
"For the first time in 270 years, a former president stands trial for crimes and election interference."
"Conservatorships are a huge concern not just for celebrities but for everyone."
"All this evidence of Donald Trump's past alleged sexual assault is going to come in to this trial the judge has ruled."
"Every legal vote is entitled to be counted, and every illegal vote nullifies the vote of an American citizen."
"I'm gonna convict the film because four grams of wheat and my neoliberal governor of Wisconsin deny me a pardon last year."
"Both the corporate governance and the legal system in China are weak in preventing and dealing with all kinds of corporate fraud."
"Despite the fact that the officers wanted to talk to Mr. James as a potential witness and victim, they placed him in handcuffs, took his wallet, and searched through it."
"The heart of it is that Roy Moore admits knowing a number of these women, he admits that he dated teenage girls."
"Rape seriously... being called a rapist is one of the worst things."
"MAGA might as well stand for Make Attorneys Get Attorneys."
"The constitutional rights that are at stake here... it's our constitutional right to due process that goes out the window with red flag laws."
"Here's one for you mate, you might get into trouble with the police in Melbourne for going too fast on a bike."
"It's a scandal, and like so many things in election law, the scandal is what's legal right now."
"Microsoft had missed the boat, perhaps in part to their legal issues."
"Why should documents is this alleges that where there are many top secret documents that are from seven different of our top intelligence agencies."
"Are you aware that Nancy Grace is accused of stealing a handbag?"
"A former American president now charged with obstruction and conspiracy to defraud the US."
"If we make this illegal we could see young people move on to much more harmful substances."