
Extraordinary Life Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Deep down, though, Usa was always hoping for an extraordinary life. Luckily for him, he is the protagonist of this anime."
"An extraordinary life starts with an extraordinary mind."
"Living an extraordinary life starts with an extraordinary mind."
"Our planet is teaming with creatures that can be just as extraordinary and baffling as any creature of Legend."
"I declare that I am blessed in abundance and beyond human comprehension."
"Every day of my life is kind of out of the ordinary that people I think would be interested to see."
"Enjoy the journey, create an extraordinary life while living an extraordinary life along the way."
"Human life is limitlessly extraordinary. We have a torrential downpour here in London outside."
"Your life is not ordinary, your life is not average."
"Thank you for joining us today! Get out and be extraordinary."
"Jesus did not die on the cross so you and I could live ordinary lives."
"If you want an extraordinary life, it calls for extraordinary measures and risks."
"If you want to live extraordinary, you must do extraordinary."
"The fact that you're here helps us to know that you're the kind of person that's committed to having an extraordinary life, an extraordinary love."
"She just had something, you know. She lived an extraordinary life and she brought that to the role."
"If you want an extraordinary life, you have to take Extraordinary Measures: risk, action, but know your lane and know when to sit out."
"Here's someone whose life seems right out of a movie."
"If you want an extraordinary life, you can't live like an ordinary person."
"Refuse to settle for anything less than the extraordinary life your soul came here to experience."
"Carl was an exceptional human being who lived an extraordinary life. Through his contributions to film, television, the arts and sports, he has left an indelible mark and is recognized worldwide and across generations."
"You do not have to be extraordinary to live an extraordinary life."
"Live life unbelievably if you're a human being."
"The curse of ordinary over your life and experience the exceptional calling God has for you."
"Experiencing life at an extraordinary level."
"If you want a better than average life, a supernormal life, you're going to have to develop supernormal capacities."
"He knew that there was more to himself and his destiny than just normal existence."
"I'm totally at peace with what is whilst remaining fully committed to living an extraordinary life."
"To have an extraordinary life, you've got to live in an extraordinary state."
"It's not the big things that add up in the end; it's hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary."
"This form of expression has given me the most extraordinary life."
"Who would I need to be to live the most extraordinary life I can live?"
"It's stunning how much is known about the queen; hers was an extraordinary life."
"Pretty much everything I get to do is sensational."
"You live a life that most people will never know exists."
"While most of your friends at home are being ordinary teenagers, you all have chosen a different path. An extraordinary one."
"Becoming the coolest person you know so that you can live an extraordinary life."
"Loving yourself is crucial to live an extraordinary life."
"You were born ordinary but you will live an extraordinary life of faith."
"The main difference between an ordinary and an extraordinary life is simply the willingness to get back up."
"I don't want a life that makes sense; I want a life that just blows me away."
"I didn't want to be average; I wanted to do something extraordinary with my life."
"God never intended for us to live ordinary, commonplace, not exceptional in any way lives."
"You are the astonishment, you are to live an astonishing life."
"This ordinary morning of my extraordinary life."
"He led what most would agree was an extraordinary life."
"If you don't settle for an ordinary life in one area of your life, it can lead to not settling for ordinary in other areas of your life."
"I wasn't ill at all; I was living kind of this extraordinary life, busy at work, busy with the kids, busy with the family."
"You don't live an ordinary life; you live a magical one because you're magical."
"She certainly lived a very legendary life."
"There is no ordinary life for people like you and me."
"If you want to live an extraordinary life, you will have to sacrifice."
"I want a life of magic. I want to be a butterfly. I don't want to live a life that's mundane and ordinary."
"We don't seek balance, we want extraordinary."
"You have the opportunity to be something extraordinary, starts with self-belief."
"Being extraordinary is to be awake, to be an awake being, not moving in the dreamland of complete identification with thinking but to be aware, to be present."
"His is an extraordinary story brought to the forefront by dogged research."
"Harvey Merrick Veil would grow up to be anything but ordinary and average."
"You're experiencing enormous changes for great blessings to live an extraordinary life."
"You're already winning, and then the more celebrated you are... you are living such an extraordinary life already."