
Man Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of man."
"That looks so good. The Subscribe, I love that man."
"It's about where a man fits into these mountains and the tracks he makes along trails both old and new."
"Philosophy does not profess to secure for man any external possession."
"For a man who was treated like an animal for most of his life, Logan sure managed to end his story in the most human way possible."
"Man is always the master of himself."
"I said a man, not a boy. Ronald, I said never chase a man."
"How many roads must a man walk down?"
"Man oh man, what an awesome piece of history."
"A man's greatest superpower is his ability to raise a woman's interest."
"Your life cannot be determined by man."
"Conflict with God is the root of conflict between man and man, nature, and within oneself."
"A man who was loved by many but feared by many more."
"These brakes are pretty legit, man."
"Man cannot be outside of nature. He still has his being rooted in nature. Therefore, there cannot be any hostility between them. On the contrary, there must always be a friendly understanding between man and nature."
"A man with jazz is always welcome."
"I love it man, I don't know if you're a big candle guy, but we have candles here."
"I knew him as a man with a voice that touched my heart."
"Victorious man is corrupted, was he ever Victorious? Yes, yes I can give it to him."
"A man who followed in the steps of St. Francis of Assisi."
"A real man is one that understands who he is and stands on the foundation of God. He elevates all things around him, mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially. He understands things."
"A man is a man no matter where you put him. Put him in the jungle, put him in the White House, around politicians, it don't matter. They just carry a certain type of way."
"It's not about the man, it's about the Legacy."
"Darwin's theory not only challenged the Christian sense of man as a distinct creation, it naturalized man."
"There is a healing coming to your man."
"The value of a man increases when the anointing comes on him."
"Every man should be responsible. That's the realest thing you could do."
"Sometimes you got to fight when you're a man."
"A strange but wise man once said, 'Yeah, that was Milton Smith.'"
"We ought to obey God rather than man."
"There is power in the concept of a simple man."
"The money don't make the man, the man makes the money."
"You're the woman that a man must come prepare for."
"I think this is a perfect man at the right time."
"Walk around happy; you want a happy man, walk around happy."
"Every man needs a stronghold, every marriage needs a stronghold, every family needs a stronghold."
"A good woman makes a man even better."
"The story isn't about boats, it's about James Warren, the man who started it all."
"Man becoming skillful then in the administration of natural law becomes the preserver of his planet."
"That comes second to your man and your family."
"What does it mean in your opinion for a man to be a leader?"
"What is a man? Where does a man go? What is a man?"
"I have love and respect for him as a man, and that goes farther than what we were going through as basketball teammates."
"This man was an extraordinary human."
"I would lose respect for a man that doesn't respect me."
"It's a pretty amazing statement from a man such as he was."
"The time of man is over, it is now the time of the orc."
"Man, he made up 30 seconds in one lap."
"I'm a great woman for a good man."
"Don't fear man. Fear God more than you fear man."
"She felt that SH is the most spiritual man you ever meet."
"It's the number of a man, the same man that everybody around here is running around calling father."
"Man is not a dichotomy, man is a trichotomy."
"The effect of the treason first it was the thwarting of God's plan, second it was the separation of God and man."
"The first man is of the earth, earthy."
"Have you ever dreamed of this man?"
"Behind every victory stands a man, and behind every legend lies the truth."