
National Values Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Faith, family, and freedom become the seeds that gave birth to our nation's greatness in the first place and can give birth to the greatness of our nation once again."
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
"It's not until you actually see the potential loss of what is so valuable that we all start to say, okay, this is America; we don't have to go in this direction."
"We still believe that everyone deserves a fair shot at making it; we're still a nation that gives hate no safe harbor."
"We're a nation built on basic ideas like the rule of law, like free speech and open debate, that we embrace meritocracy over grievance."
"In America, we don't worship government; we worship God."
"We reject all forms of hate, whether against Muslim, Jews, or anyone. That's what great nations do, and we are a great nation."
"Our legitimacy abroad rests on our democracy at home."
"I would love to be able to look every American child in the eye and say, 'Your country loves you, values you, and we will invest in you and your future.'"
"Meritocracy is very important; it's almost enshrined in our national pledge."
"Military history has a moral purpose. If we know nothing of Shiloh, Belleau Wood, Tarawa, and Chosin, then these sacrifices no longer serve as reminders that thousands endured pain and hardship for our rights and that the departed expected future generations, links in this great chain of obligation, to do the same for those not yet born."
"Never lose sight of what's made the country great. It's been based upon hardworking individuals."
"I believe we must maintain our commitment to religious tolerance and freedom in this country."
"I feel enormously lucky and grateful to live in a country where paths like mine are possible."
"Australia is not a nation that condones censorship, nor should it be."
"Our cherished constitutional republic was founded on the imperial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights, and our freedoms."
"We talk about love, humanity, compassion, integrity, intelligence. That is at the core of what our nation is really about."
"The reason we're the freest, most powerful, successful nation in the world is because that's what we stand for, and those values and those principles are under assault right now, and we have to defend them every day with everything we have."
"A racially motivated hate crime is abhorrent to the very fabric of this nation."
"The battle for the soul of America is not over."
"We've got to say these are the values and the laws of this country."
"This is a struggle for democracy, a struggle for decency and dignity, a struggle for prosperity and progress, a struggle for the very soul of America itself."
"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation."
"We have no more moral Authority in this nation."
"America has never stood for this form of malevolence and our nation must now confront it even more vigorously."
"I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles."
"The heart of being American is freedom of speech."
"What is on the ballot here is the character of this country: decency, honor, respect."
"We are a nation founded on the truth that all of us are created equal."
"The progressive left is trying to make America into a grievance culture when in fact we've always stood on the foundation of greatness."
"We are this nation that is built on freedom and individual initiative and free enterprise."
"We will rekindle new faith in our values, new pride in our history, and a new spirit of unity."
"I hope it's not too miserable, but I think it's important to the function of democracy, it's important to the function of the United States as a free country."
"Freedom is actually America's greatest resource."
"It's righteousness that exalts a nation. Sin is a reproach."
"Good people make America great. Good people stand up and fight."
"Three people are dead in a suspected terrorist attack in the southeast French city of Nice." - Visiting the site, French President Emmanuel Macron says France was attacked over its values and tears for freedom.
"The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God."
"We cannot sacrifice our values, our ideals as a nation for border security."
"Freedom is worth fighting for. America is worth fighting for."
"The American flag represents tremendous freedom, prosperity."
"That's what makes this country great... we have the First Amendment."
"In all our quest for security, let us not lose sight of those things which have made this a great nation."
"Those freedoms have served me and my family well."
"America was designed for the people... for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"We still believe in fairness, we still believe in an Australia that includes everyone."
"If the United States does not return to its core values, incremental changes and superficial fixes will not disrupt the perilous trajectory." - Marianne Williamson
"People go to places because that country's values and principles match theirs."
"What we take for granted in the sovereignty and freedom and prosperity of this country should never be taken for granted."
"Stand for the rights and principles that made our country special."
"That's just not fair and it's completely unamerican."
"Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans; it can never be tolerated."
"Are we acting as a citizenry in a way that would do justice to those who put everything on the line, including their lives, to provide us with the nation we have today?"
"What we have in the United States is worth defending and it's worth defending around the world as well."
"These aren't Democratic values or Republican values. They're American values."
"No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes."
"Unlike Communist China, the US stands for a free and open global system where all nations can prosper in accordance with shared values and long-standing rules and norms."
"Freedom of religion is what makes America great, right?"
"It's about America, it's about the people having the power to govern ourselves, to defend our values, to educate our children, to secure our communities, to flourish in our economy, to grow, and to be all that God has called us to be."
"I believe that the way we will unite this country is by being uncompromising about the principles that set the country into motion in the first place."
"America First does not belong to one man, it belongs to you, the people of this country."
"There are values that we have in this country that are worth fighting for..."
"Don't you still have Lady Liberty in the New York Harbor? Aren't we still the land of opportunity and freedom?"
"We are a nation of laws and those laws need to be enforced fairly and equally across the board and they need to be respected."
"Trump stands for everything America should stand for."
"I salute you for being a patriot and defending your country's values and principles."
"Everybody gets to define their own success in the way that they would desire. That's what's so special about this nation."
"We need a spiritual revival in this country. We need to get back to the basics."
"Instead of divide and conquer, let's unite for freedom in this country. Unite for freedom."
"Life and Liberty are the cornerstones of our great nation."
"We must preserve the fundamental American rights that generations of Americans have sacrificed everything to secure."
"It's just so against everything America stands for."
"The Republican Party is the party for all Americans and American values."
"We have to be able to say to our kids your country loves you your country values you and your country will invest in you."
"What makes America great is we get to say stuff and not have the government intervene."
"It's not sustainable for this country to ask men and women to raise their right hand if at the same time you're teaching them the constitution is racist."
"The promise of our country is that all people will be treated equally."
"We believe that children should be taught to love our country, honor our history, and to always respect our great American flag."
"If we don't get back to the things that made us great to start with, I think we're doomed as a nation."
"There's something about preserving the freedom that's really powerful about this country."
"It's love of our country, not idolatry of the government. I love my country, government makes me upset sometimes."
"Have some respect for this country and do it the legal way."
"The fruit of Liberty is national prosperity."
"Is it worth the fight? Do I have the courage? Is it worth the sacrifice? America has been worth it every single time."
"The number one asset we have in the United States is our flexibility."
"America is exceptional. As Americans, we cherish our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"If we as a nation start drafting women and sending them to go die in the middle east or whatever we're going to send them to do, we are not a nation worth defending."
"What the Ukrainians are showing is that you can take a stand for what you believe in and for your values."
"Our children and our country are depending on us to protect and preserve the ideals that make us who we are as Americans."
"The two things that garners strength within a nation's foundation are one morals and number two the economic foundation."
"It's about the direction our country is headed, the values we stand for, and the truth that seems harder and harder to come by."
"What America should be is the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence."
"In America, we believe in the power of choice."
"A true American is someone who subscribes to a set of ideals found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."
"We need to recapture our moral center as a country."
"Stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, rights, and values as a country." - Trudeau
"Don't ever apologize for who you are because this country is about accepting who you are."
"It would be nice if American companies were more open to saying, you know what China, we're not gonna do that. We're gonna stand for our values here."
"America is more than a country; America is an idea worth fighting for, dying for."
"This strikes at the heart of who we are as a nation."
"The Republican Party is proud of America, we love America, we celebrate American values."
"The only way you can be a real patriot is to love justice."
"As a nation we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of Happiness."
"There's no room for hate in the heart of any American."
"Your country loves you, your country values you, and we will invest in you."
"It's freedom, freedom of religion for America and the thanks we give to God for all the good things that America has."
"My hope for the future is a country of honor, integrity, and strong values."
"Finally, President Biden is giving a prime time speech on the battle of the soul for our nation."
"Dangerous freedom was kind of the point of the country."
"America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."
"Our country's amazing because speech comes first."
"I want us to be a country that values human dignity and human life."
"The most important thing is to get on that stage Charlie and to make this case to Republican voters."
"The Constitution is within our core, within our spirit As Americans."
"Reconciliation is in fact an expression of a core value of our nation—a fair go for all."
"We export democracy by standing up for its values at home."
"We need to have the courage to enforce standards... This is America, we're committed to excellence in all realms."
"We have to operate with a set of values as a country that looks out for our kids."
"We need moral clarity as a country, we need a set of lines that we all can agree on."
"As we seek Justice, let's remember the core values that make our nation great."
"Human life has to be valuable and important. Ukraine stands for this."
"We will defend our values as well as our interests."
"Justice will prevail in America, I truly believe that."
"We have entrepreneurs who have basically been like hey we did this thing called crypto to centralize it's like open it's the internet it seems to align with U.S values."
"When a country stands for nothing other than shareholder value and profit maximization, you're going to end up with a hollow and miserable place."
"America works, and so when you see me get angry at a guy like Trump who wants to replace that Statue of Liberty with a wall, that is so unamerican."
"Loving the Canadian values is all it means to be Canadian."
"A nation is strong when it cares for the weak, it is rich when it cares for the poor, it is powerful when it cares for the powerless."
"It is difficult to exaggerate the moral and mental health which our nation has derived from this profound and simple conception."
"Proclaim liberty throughout the land! So freedom, liberty, that's these were the principles."
"It's about Liberty, it's about America, it's about the whole conversation."
"Biden as the defender of our Republic's values and Trump as the opposite."
"Empathy is one of the most important qualities of a civilized nation."
"America is a country that, at its best, judges you on the content of your character, not the color of your skin."
"As long as we are confident in our values, loyal to our citizens, and faithful to our God, there is no limit to what we can achieve."
"It's not just a political battle it's a moral one."
"It's a lesson in what we value as a nation and how we must come together to safeguard our future and the Legacy that we leave behind."
"The real issue here transcends political affiliations, it's about the core values of our nation."
"We recognize that while we may disagree with what you say, we are willing to lay our lives down to defend your right to say it. That is freedom and that's the core of who we are as a nation."
"Loving this country means criticizing it, and working to make it better, and putting our shared values ahead of your personal brand."
"America was not a country built for men to do as they please but to do what is right."
"If the U.S lives up to its values, it will naturally strengthen its power."
"We need to show that American values still exist, now more than ever."
"He embodied so much that is best in America."
"We are fighting for every American mom and dad who wants to protect this land of Liberty for their precious beautiful children."
"France is making an extraordinarily important defense of its values and in doing so, it's actually defending one of the most important values of the whole of the West."
"America itself was built on a foundation of tolerance."
"I wanted to make sure they knew what United States was for and what we were against. And there was no gray area."
"Truth is on our side, and America is worth fighting for even today."
"Australia's prime minister called China's claims 'rubbish,' saying Australians will never trade their values in response to coercion."
"You want to live in a country where the values of liberty and freedom are upheld." - Pennsylvania voter
"We owe it to our kids and grandkids to defend the things that make this country great."
"Above all, we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one beautiful America."
"We have to elect leaders that actually put values in the people of the United States above political gain."
"The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy - everything that has made America America - is at stake."
"We all want the same thing in the end: a world where patriotic values can flourish, faith, family, and freedom can flourish."
"We will end Birthright citizenship for the kids of illegal migrants, it does not apply to them. That's how you actually stand for our national values."
"Abolishing the cartel for milked dairy and poultry... a Canadian family would save four hundred dollars a year."
"They just took away somebody that was willing to die for our nation's values."
"Street Fighter 6 is gonna be awesome, it's gonna be great!"
"You need to compel the nation to value space exploration on a level so deep that it transcends the winds of political course."
"America stands for freedom, America stands for bringing these people home." - Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
"The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day."
"Tolerance, not coercion, is the nation's answer."
"The American flag is our flag. It stands for all the things we believe in - equality, freedom, human rights."
"We will teach our children to love our country, always respect our great American flag, and live by the timeless words of our national motto: In God We Trust."
"Dr. Phil's announcement is a clarion call to all who value our Republic and the families that sustain it. It's a testament to the belief that our core values are worth fighting for."
"The foundation of America is freedom, and the foundation of freedom is faith." - Robert Jeffress
"If you want to have a free country, you have to have a social fabric supported by these moral ideas."
"This is a fight for the soul of our party and the soul of our country."
"If you truly are about this country you love what it's about and everything you live for. When it comes down to it, you will fight for what you truly believe in."
"American lives are way more important than us being politically correct and financially astute."
"There's nothing more American than protecting the democracy."
"That's what defines America, that's our narrative Arc, that's the facts and the truth."
"This is a great country which offers opportunity to everyone, no matter where you come from."
"Americans have a right to express their opinion period and that supersedes any other event in any other country it's like that's a core right."
"The foundational values of America exist in the hearts of farmers."
"We are defending a transcendent order, the Constitution of the United States."
"The pursuit of money must not jeopardize the very fabric of the country that gives us the promise for the unhindered pursuit of that money."
"The business of governance should reflect our national values."
"Spirituality, faith, and democracy are the cornerstones of our country."
"That is not what this country is about."
"America deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great nation."
"United States of America, freedom from fear and want, freedom of speech and religion."
"The virtues of perseverance, hard work, and self-sufficiency laid the foundation of our nation."
"This administration is promoting our shared history and encouraging the core values needed to make the American dream a reality."
"It is the goodness in Americans that informs the greatness of America."
"Thomas Jefferson helped make our values."
"This country stands for the proposition that all men and women are created equal; that they have certain inalienable rights."
"Freedom of choice, one of the great things that this nation was historically based upon."
"We're people helping people, that's what this country is all about."
"Our belief system, our constitution, our Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence, and our people are much stronger than that."
"That is what makes this a great country."
"The things you love about this country... it's all in jeopardy."
"The Constitution is an expression of a country's values and our Constitution should reflect ours."
"I think that a nation that loses touch with its essential values, the values which characterize it and determine it, is really playing a very dangerous game."
"We take Omicron seriously, but we value the lifestyle and way of life we have in Australia."