
Brotherhood Quotes

There are 3246 quotes

"In Islam, there is none. This is we're all equal. We're All God's Children."
"The concept of the church...having that eternal view of how we're going to be living as real true brothers and sisters eternally is a beautiful concept."
"My brother was my best friend, so my view of a friendship is Brotherhood that can't be broken by anything."
"It is a good life we lead, brother. The best. May it never change. And may it never change us."
"I'm no different than my white brother and sister; we all are Brothers and Sisters in Christ."
"Let there be no strife between me and thee...for we be brethren." (Genesis 13:8)
"As members of God's family, we are truly brothers and sisters."
"You are not my friend, you are my brother, my friend."
"We can go ahead and beat each other up, but at the end of the day, we still brothers."
"It's about the information, it's about Brotherhood, and it's about unity."
"My sisters and my brothers, see them like no other, all my favorite colors."
"Itachi admits to having made many mistakes and how he's handled Sasuke, but he promises to tell Sasuke something after they've stopped Kabuto."
"Rather than poke Sasuke's head as he always did, Itachi rests his forehead on Sasuke's and tells Sasuke that he will love him no matter what choice he makes."
"Everybody is behind. Health? Brotherhood is the most rare and valuable form of wealth."
"I think you care more about the person than you do about the player. I love Nick as a brother, as a person, before anything else football-wise."
"You're a great brother, so I'll help you. That's his wedding gift to me."
"It's deeper than friends now; it's brotherhood, there's true love."
"The camaraderie, the brotherhood... Brotherhood feels good, don. You know what I mean? To have conversations, to have someone to lean on."
"It's more about what we were doing that mattered to me. And that was the most beautiful part about FaZe. It really felt like this brotherhood."
"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
"San Simon called for the creation of a new Christianity, founded on the principle that all men must behave as brothers toward one another."
"We will bring about the Golden Age, the restoration of true peace and brotherly love on this planet."
"Freemasonry is a fellowship of men and men alone who are bound by oaths to a method of self-betterment."
"Together in a brotherhood of our kind. A new tomorrow, that starts today."
"All are welcome, regardless of religious belief, creed, color, and political belief. We are all brothers and sisters."
"Standing with my brother... there's a reason that people say he's like a brother to me because it means that you will put yourself at great risk."
"I'm proud of both of our brothers, man, because so many people in this industry give up, or they go the other way."
"I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I, all of us together, protecting each other."
"This person who's supposed to be my enemy leans over with tears in his eyes, embraces me, and says, 'Then you are my brother.'"
"The title 'veteran' means something. It's not a club; it's a Brotherhood that you have to earn your way into."
"We were from enemy gangs...trying to kill each other till today that we're brothers in Islam."
"The concept that brotherhood is one of the most important forms of wealth."
"No one of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself."
"I love William to bits. He's my brother. We've been through hell together and we have a shared experience, but we are on different paths."
"I've never been prouder of you than I am right now, brother. It's been a pleasure serving with you. Ad Victoriam, brother."
"The scribes make the Brotherhood what it truly is."
"We are all the sons of one father, the descent of Adam, and all humanity is but a single family."
"All of us as brothers, like, we gotta tell each other what we doing and how we doing it, you know what I'm saying, and stick together."
"You're going to keep your brother alive in your mind, in your heart, for the rest of your life."
"I never had a big brother... He was the closest thing I had to like a big brother."
"Brothers to me is the single biggest example of just that."
"Sophisas, treating Xiang Ye like a brother, seeks to protect him from danger."
"We are all brothers and sisters whether we recognize it or not."
"Thank you for being my brother, Luffy. Thank you for loving me."
"Let us love one another. If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ of this Bible, you are my brother and sister in Christ."
"Let's choose to live together as brothers and sisters and not perish together as fools."
"We as black men have got to learn to sit down across from one another at the table of Brotherhood and learn to communicate with each other to resolve our differences."
"If people could have brothers for a reason, doing what you're doing, that's powerful, my brother."
"My brotherhood with you is worth more than any views ever."
"In 'Takashi and Hiroshi,' the story follows Takashi, a 14-year-old game designer who is creating a video game for his sick little brother Hiroshi."
"And he is basically the OG 1v5 quintessential top lane carry."
"I would die for my brothers. I would die for my family."
"We thought we were experiencing the bond between two brothers and how that bond transcends death because we feel it helped a character grow in a way we once thought impossible."
"Brothers: the best game I've ever played, an emotional connection like no other."
"Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
"My brother and I love each other. I love him deeply."
"We're here to get along, to me, it's not wisdom unless we get along like brothers."
"This Islam is powerful, and those that possess knowledge and understanding and implementation of this religion, you are powerful."
"Good or evil, Itachi was someone who would sacrifice everything for his little brother."
"Clayton Carmine pays tribute to his fallen literal brothers with a tattoo on his arm featuring their names and helmets."
"It's the story of two brothers who bring out the best and worse than each other."
"Nick embodied the Brotherhood. Nick embodied what it meant to be a Navy SEAL. He was hard as nails resilient, he hadn't never quit never failed mentality."
"By stopping someone from oppressing, we are helping our brother."
"You know what I'm talking about bro, be right back, have my back bro, hit my back, protect, come on, be real bro, y'all know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm talking about bro."
"I love you bro... I'm proud of you... Let's do a hamsa flex with the eyebrow rays."
"When the brothers stand back to back to defend each other, to fight."
"I've always considered you guys my brothers."
"You are my brother man, we are here with you, you are one of us."
"It really shows you the importance of Brotherhood and how those relationships can overcome basically anything."
"We gotta look at each other like brothers, we gotta look at each other like each other's reflections."
"There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother, and he that is just kind to the least of these my little ones is greater than he that hath taken a mighty city."
"Thanks everybody for being here again. Our first duty under God is to be our brother's keeper."
"We are all brothers in this we are a family."
"I think William and Harry are very close as brothers because they're the only two people that really understand what it's like to be them."
"In God we are all equal, we are all brothers."
"I'm not here to tell you what to do, I'm just here as a brother to help."
"You didn't have to do this. I love you, bro. I love you."
"This movie really is about Brotherhood and the love between black men."
"We're all part of one big family. That man next to you, he's your brother. That woman over there, she's your sister."
"We started this journey as brothers, we're gonna go through every single bit of it as brothers."
"We're all family so we should come together as brothers and sisters."
"I think the number one thing I would say is the um the violence against each other like um Tupac said and the song changes number he said um how can another killer brother close to me."
"It's cool to have media like yourself and other people come here and just say, 'I can feel it's a little different here.' It really is because it is a brotherhood."
"Having Chef bring us together is something special. The brothers need to be bonded."
"We'll be your brothers, Dad. We'll be your brothers."
"There's just something so awesome about two Bros, two Amigos, you know?"
"Now I'm not a brother anymore we'll be your brothers Dad."
"I shook his hand, I said welcome home brother."
"I am not willing to sacrifice what I know is a principle. And the principle is Brotherhood."
"That's not what we would call homosexuality, that's what we would call brotherly love."
"William looked out for Harry he you know he supported his brother so you can't just turn around say oh yes because he's mum died that's why Harry is the way he is."
"They became each other's strength and support and formed a brotherhood."
"The only difference between you and me may yet be a few moments when you fail to see Christ in yourself and your brother."
"For you, I will, brother. For humanity and for a better tomorrow."
"Here's to a drama that'll give you a sense of brotherhood without any romance. Pure as a family."
"We each got two! The power of Brotherhood, baby!"
"It was about being a crew, it was about that Band of Brothers kind of feeling."
"Wakanda forever, man. I know you'll take care of it, brother."
"Fortitude resilience determination consistently consistency collective brotherhood and bravery as a group will be necessary to overcome this tyranny."
"At the end of the day, we're brothers in humanity, we're brothers in tribe."
"We're getting more planning speed out of all this."
"He said I pray in my tawassul that me and Mu'awiya are like the ones whom Allah said in the Quran: 'We have removed the animosity between them and they are now brothers in Jannah.'"
"Muslims and Christians can come together as brothers in humanity."
"Let's agree to disagree fraternally. We know we're separated brothers but we're brothers and sisters in Christ."
"You are not your brother's keeper you are your brother's brother."
"Their chance discovery of each other in 1980 at the age of 19 led to media tension and instant celebrity status as they navigated the unique experience of newfound brotherhood."
"Glory to Adam, glory to Adam indeed, brother."
"You can't really understand prophecy without Christ, he is the reason we can have a Brotherhood."
"Our brotherhood was strained. We would still speak all the time, we still was there. He called me, I was there for him. If I call him, he was there for me. He never told me no for nothing."
"My job is to fight my hardest to bring my brothers to my left and to my right back home."
"Step number one: Don't compare yourself to others."
"We ride together, we die together, brother for life."
"Stay creative, stay lit, stay doing what you're doing brother. I love you to death, I love you to life."
"Brotherly Love is a damage multiplier, a tier multiplier."
"Building a brotherhood that is so tight... anything that comes our way it will not break us."
"As a brother, as a friend to the great nation of Australia."
"He shook hands, accepting the offer of brotherhood in arms."
"I wasn’t going to die in that hell hole and neither was my brother. We would fight."
"Especially the relationship I have with my brother...constantly trying to make each other laugh."
"You must go to Nepal because they're your brothers."
"Look at me, you know, and look at you in the mirror. I look exactly like you, I'm your brother."
"As long as we're brothers, we'll always prevail."
"We're all brothers, mate, we're all human beings."
"Their brotherhood like it never was a brotherhood and that's okay."
"It's about brotherhood, it's about becoming stronger together."
"I just think of the many beautiful moments of male support and brotherhood we've seen."
"We've had him since he was a baby. That's my brother. I love him."
"I don't think black men say this enough, we don't. I love you brother, love you too man."
"Anytime, anytime you need us, we hear, my brother, that means so much to me."
"We are all brothers and sisters, and no one is superior, no one is inferior."
"War reveals that bond between brothers in arms or even between enemies across a field of shared sacrifice or the strength of love that can develop."
"When I think of Excellence period, I think of you Brothers man."
"Matt Lanter and I are Obi-Wan and Anakin; we're brothers."
"They spent a lot of time together. They were pretty much inseparable and they were like brothers."
"We're a big family. This is my brother from another mother."
"We are brothers we will always be brothers we are certainly on different paths at the moment but I will always be there for him as I know he will always be there for me."
"If the gospel is the gospel, then we're brothers, and if we're walking obediently and just trying to do it the best we can together by searching through his word like Bereans, then we should have a love for one another and encourage one another."
"We of the Church believe that man is basically good, that he's seeking to survive, that a survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe."
"We're brothers thank you I love you we got you back stay in touch look for an orange shirt thank you thank you."
"I think when we as brothers no longer become additive to each other, and it feels like you or I are trying to take from one another."
"Real anti-racism is brotherhood across all lines."
"May Allah make us brothers and sisters, and may He allow us to see each other as brothers and sisters."
"By 1648, the four horsemen had run their course and it was time finally to make peace."
"In death, there was Brotherhood, and none in life were so enlightened to understand such."
"It's a solid game about two brothers with their own conflicts, it's very well done."
"May Allah make us brothers and sisters, and allow us to see each other as such."
"Thank you for all you do and thank you, brother."
"Merry Christmas, brother! Thanks for all you do."
"If you disagree with me, that's absolutely fine. I still love you as my brother and sister."
"The bond between brothers is sometimes stronger than steel."
"Appreciate you, brother. Seriously, man. Can't say that enough."
"The story of how he risked his life for his brothers in arms is a true story of love."
"It started with two brothers just having a dream that's a fact."
"I just want to take this time to say Kid Cudi's my brother and I hope he's doing well, the most influential artists of the past 10 years."
"Prioritizes brotherhood, understands the value of having close male friends."
"Fellowship to have brothers that'll have your back."
"No matter the risk, you live, you fight as brothers."
"Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is so close to perfection... It's about these two brothers who are alchemists and they lost their mother..."
"It's okay to love your fellow brother and express what you're going through."
"I always just hoped that you succeed in your endeavors, like regardless of what they are. Yeah, just 'cause you're my brother."
"We must learn to live together as brothers and all that as sisters or perish together as fools."
"If Naruto is truly your brother, then he won't stand in your way," Yin urges Menma.
"You're my brother, you're my sister, and that's all there is to it."
"Just be nice to one another and love each other brother embrace your brother until he finishes and that's how you know that you love him."
"We need examples of brothers coming together, you know what I mean?"
"He always wanted a little brother, so he embraced us like little brothers."
"Cody had a classic match with his brother Dustin at AEW's inaugural event."
"Islam is really good about unity, brotherhood, and humanity coming together."
"Every single one of you is a true legend of the Brotherhood."
"We are brothers in the fight for civilization."
"Stronger than anything is love and brotherhood. A man seeking his legacy, his birthright, finds that he has to blaze his own path."
"I have 125 sons and I have two daughters and the thing that I probably want to thank Sequon the most for is being an unbelievable big brother to my two daughters."
"Being in a band, we fight like brothers, we laugh like brothers, we've gotten drunk like brothers, we've done everything like family."
"When a brother behaves insanely, you can heal him only by perceiving the sanity in him."
"The church has tried to make the world a neighborhood. It should make the world a Brotherhood."
"It really highlights how two men who have chosen completely different paths in life can still have a brotherly bond."
"I respect all street organizations because I know what brotherhood is."
"Our guys are acting during this military operation shoulder to shoulder. They help each other, they support each other. And when it's necessary, they cover each other like a brother with their bodies on the battlefield."
"He grew to love this man and to trust him and see him as a brother."
"Sasuke, I'll always be there for you even if you do hate me, that's what big brothers are for."
"Being a good-hearted person, brother. Being genuine, bro."
"Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug."
"Tell the truth, don't sit on any app and start capping. Love you bro."
"Two brothers becoming one, enjoying the rain, drifting out in the middle of nowhere."
"God is our Father and you and I are brothers and we are all children of that heavenly parent."
"Luigi's Mansion... the original is simply where it's at. Mario gets trapped inside a mansion so Luigi goes in to save his chonky bro."
"I'm your brother, which means I'm supposed to protect you, but I guess that I didn't."
"Nothing but love and light to you my brother Jason Ramirez."
"All races are equal and all races are brothers."
"Being good means to look out for your brother, to have love for your brother, to share."
"I think the love the clones have for their brothers will outweigh any sort of command."
"We are all brothers and sisters in this world and we are all equal."
"Think about the commitment it takes to stick with a single person for that long. I mean, you can totally see the brotherly Bond they share on the show."
"Every battle was different, and inherent to the austerities of the legion was an unshakable faith in their brothers at arms."
"We had some wild and wicked fun memories together, brother. God bless you, Randy, for bringing so much joy and happiness."
"Brothers have to master giving each other the flowers while we're here because none of us saw Kevin going, none of us."
"No jealousy, no ill feelings toward a Muslim brother or sister."
"Happy brother's time day! Welcome to the club."
"We should have the hearts to come together like sister and brother."
"Sharing it with us you've honored your brother and now we will remember him too."