
Separation Quotes

There are 3132 quotes

"The largest problem is we don't allow the person to be separate from the ideas."
"We're spared the crushing sadness of God finding the cold body of his beloved Otaku in the snow after they got separated in a chase, which is nice, I guess."
"Love whom you will, but know that one day you will be separated from that person."
"The ego became necessary the moment we thought we were separate and against nature."
"Unprocessed fear gives rise to violence and to more separation."
"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
"The lower creation world is the only density state where souls can play the game of separation."
"If you love somebody, sometimes you have to leave them because it's the compassionate thing to do so that they can figure themselves out."
"I am Christian, but I'm just saying, you've got to separate religion and history."
"We are separating money from politics, we are separating money from the state."
"He looks sad because he has to part with the woman he loves."
"You're closer to union when you're in separation, which is ironic."
"A great void separates us. It's not a fracture that can be repaired. It's not a wound that can be healed."
"With the swing of his giant axe, he separated yin from yang, yin becoming the murky earth and yang becoming the clear skies."
"More than anything else, people are being kept apart simply because of confusion."
"Sin resulted in a separation and restricted access from the linear to the eternal."
"Sometimes it's better to just go our separate ways because it's a much healthier parting."
"The essence of forgiveness is to not confuse a person's actions with who they are at their core."
"Two happy homes are sometimes better than one broken one."
"Our Bill of Rights effectively built a wall between church and state, and the very first of the amendments, which is first for a reason."
"When you can separate what you're doing from your soul and your intention and your spirit and your humanity...it becomes acceptance, and it becomes compassion."
"Probably Scientology's most toxic policy...requires that any member of the church who wants to stay in good standing with the church has to cut off all ties with someone who's been declared suppressive by Scientology."
"I hope that someday, God willing, we can be reunited once more and continue the great plans we had for each other. Goodbye for now, but not forever, darling, as you will live on in all of our hearts and memories."
"Both of us have started on this journey together, and we hope that the operation will finally bring us to the end of this difficult path and that we may begin our new and wonderful lives as two separate people."
"Separation of church and state is one thing but separation of God and state, I don't think the Bible teaches that."
"There have been reports... children are still being separated."
"I separate people's personal views away from the art they create."
"It's simple, when someone's in a cult to get them out of the cult you have to separate them from cult members and deprogram them. But with the existing woke cult, it's right there in the palm of their hands."
"The church was never ordained to take over the political system."
"Separation from distractions is the best thing God can do for you."
"Can we separate the art from the artist? Now philosophers and artists alike have been chewing on this question..."
"Maybe the best hope is a friendly separation."
"Dan ended up moving out... and she felt like she was trying everything."
"This is fixable just not with you [ __ ] it could be fixed it just can't be fixed with y'all and as bad as y'all want to be away from us we want you [ __ ] away from us."
"We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe."
"Maybe peaceful divorce is the only thing that's going to happen."
"Many families around our world are separated by the COVID-19."
"He literally moved out of town, ghosted me after like two weeks."
"That's how you separate something from the background."
"I miss my best friends or family when we were apart for a long time."
"And this is not me canceling her she'll always be around she'll always I'm sure she'll be fine just publicly disavowing any association I have with her."
"He hasn't paid me child support in six months since I left."
"You never know who you were with until you're no longer together."
"You've slept with another guy while I was taking care of our daughter. And I don't wanna have anything to do with you anymore. Period."
"Borders separate people, but nothing like natural borders."
"These are simply the opinions of a man, but they have nothing to do with the Magisterium of the Church."
"It's making me so happy to read about our life that I am finally going to dance missing you and loving you from afar."
"They're not ready to move this connection forward. They're walking away for now, toward their own new beginning."
"Some of you, this is a connection you've already dealt with. I feel like they're still feeling a little bit hurt by the separation."
"There is to be the institutional separation of church and state. There is never, and I mean absolutely never ever ever never ever, to be the separation of God and government."
"My time's up. So when will I see you again? In another two years maybe."
"The reality was they had been separated for a long time. I was portrayed as the villain because Kate asked for the divorce."
"Be sure that whatever unfinished business you have from the past, that is completely separate from this."
"Separation brings good fortune. Okay, in other words, you need to get to where you need to be. Separation wouldn't be here unless it was in your best interest. Accept it."
"I dream about you almost every night, I hate waking up to find you aren't here."
"The separation has been helping you to grow and helping you to step into your power, it has empowered you."
"Allowing people to practice their religion does not mean that religion controls the government."
"Will you join the apostasy or will you come out from among them and be separate?"
"You worked this hard to stay the same, so I had to separate myself."
"I gotta watch my wife grow old through these bars."
"This will be the year that the separation that has been in place will be lifted."
"The only thing that separates you and I are ideas."
"When Diana finally accepted that there was no way forward except a separation, I think it was a relief to everyone."
"They kicked her out, she left, that's her side of the story."
"Dreams afford a separation of soul and body."
"This separation was an act of divine intervention, a faded detour."
"How did her bow become separated from her stern by a staggering two thousand feet?"
"They had to separate... and then you realize that as a part you're like well damn we were much better together."
"When you get separation is when you escape it."
"They're releasing you but still not being able to completely release you."
"Separate the action from the soul. Hold the highest divinity even in the face of wrong."
"There's some sort of separation or time out."
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's."
"They feel lost without you, they don't like to be apart from you."
"That's why we never, you know, when we made our split you know, we didn't take it there, you know, it was respectable."
"I regret the time we lost. I left before you could leave me."
"Despite them walking away from you and severing ties, you know they're still looking back at you."
"What happened? Parents were ripped, their kids were ripped from their arms."
"The negative entity sees the universe through the lens of separation versus the positive seeing it more through oneness."
"For those who love with their heart and soul, there's no such thing as separation."
"It's okay for there to be a little line of separation between, or at least that's what Nietzsche says."
"Every time it's time to elevate, it's required separation."
"Sometimes you gotta do it too, okay? You gotta separate from certain people."
"Love had brought Henry and Anne together, but what would tear them apart?"
"I think we'll get to a certain point where we will see a peaceful divorce and then you will see a civil war."
"Dan realized his marriage was truly over. He went to war."
"I want you guys both to be tonight away from each other—relax, breathe."
"Take some time away from each other because it will make a world of difference."
"Absence really does make the heart grow fonder when you handle it properly."
"Hold on to one another to ground yourself in the idea of one another even when you are separate."
"This is goodbye forever, the opposite of 'to infinity and beyond.'"
"For those of you in separation, they think back to the most beautiful times that you've had together and it is something that fills them with joy and comfort."
"They feel a lot of heartbreak that you're not with them, missing you, thinking about you."
"When those separated from their loved ones would meet with them again, she was right of course..."
"It separates you from where you're supposed to be going into the afterlife."
"One of the reasons why I advocate that we must formally separate from black women is to save black women from themselves."
"Rabbit doesn't want her to go and it's tough to watch."
"Just you separate the actor from their politics, it's not that hard."
"Separation is not a punishment, it's happening for a purpose."
"If you truly separated, then you separated for a reason too. We're going to feel those echoes in our heart from time to time."
"Separation is intentional but not received in anything of malice."
"Even if you guys were to never talk again even if you guys were to separate go on your different paths they'll still always have love for you they'll always love you."
"This separation is happening for a reason, to prepare you for something greater."
"That is so heartbreaking seeing how they were living in peace and then getting separated from their families."
"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected."
"There needs to be this separation period for spiritual evolution."
"It's helpful to remove whatever it is that we're making from the people making it."
"I think I fell into his arms crying because I wasn't sure when I would see him again."
"The separation period is a rite of passage to gain greater wisdom."
"Separation for balance, allowing both twins to evolve spiritually."
"Rudolph never left you, you know that? He just went off to do his own thing."
"I'm proud of you and even though it's been difficult to be separated from you, I regret nothing."
"Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins... for her sins are piled up to heaven." - Revelation 18:4-5 (NIV)
"Kids don't start thinking about who's to blame until after the parents separate."
"Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord."
"Sometimes closeness comes through separation."
"We are called to come out of Babylon and be a called out separate nation that is set apart and holy."
"You must cut off any sort of personal contact."
"Your wife didn't want the kid with you so she sent you here to save the child to be safe."
"This time apart has created significant growth."
"Close to the next one but, hey, we'll get there."
"It's important to separate those two things out."
"No father wants to be separated from his children."
"We were able to defeat the last of them after the battle, everyone left and went their separate ways."
"She said it would be better if we had never met, more so, it would be better if we had never existed."
"Keep an open mind, enjoy the journey of getting to know each other through separation because you are going to come together."
"The rapture will separate...there's a day of separation coming."
"We're not going to get a national divorce, but we might get something more along the lines of national separation."
"These are government issues by the way. They're not business issues."
"One of the hardest parts to life in general is growing up and realizing that you have to take separate paths."
"I literally just feel like I can't live without her but I know that I have to."
"I feel like you're walking away sad from the situation because you have bigger things you want to move on to."
"To me that is the big difference here is when you separate it away you can have monetary maximalism."
"Focus on yourself... it's best to just stay separated from them for now and focus on yourself."
"Sometimes separation is preparation for our eternal destiny."
"This individual was very attached to you before the separation."
"We're to be in the world not of it, yeah, we're not where we're not going to be interwe intertangled with the weeds okay so it's it's a god has us all laid out."
"I swear I couldn't imagine leaving these people behind and not never seeing them again."
"They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I can't stand being away from you."
"Clear intentions bring you closer; separation may soon give way to reunion."
"Temporary separation leads to eventual reunion and shared happiness."
"Well don't be silly. We can never really be separated."
"It's a big deal because they've separated themselves for years and now they're kind of coming back."
"The more you separate yourself from those types of people, the better."
"You're walking away or have already disconnected from this union um and that is when they return."
"Why do you think you keep seeing Uyghur people across the world crying and saying, 'I haven't seen my father for like five years. I don't know what happened to him'?"
"The fact that it's completely separate is amazing."
"You want me out of your life? You want me actually out of your life?"
"You've got a new life, she's got a new life. That's it."
"People ran to get my opinion. They thought I must have a take on this person I'd spent so much time with when in reality it'd been years since we talked and even longer since we'd seen each other."
"I'm sentencing y'all to a lifetime of therapy away from each other. Y'all better not ever go near each other again."
"When you have that layer of Separation combined with that level of experience should you know should be ground."
"Just because we can't live in the same house with someone doesn't mean we don't still love them and vice versa."
"You're invested in separating something out or getting away from something very clearly."
"She's the best person I've ever known, and I'm just grateful I was able to get her back home even if it's one I cannot join her in."
"I'm not coming back as a husband, but I will always be their father, their daddy."
"There's a human toll that it takes on family members not being able to see your family member."
"Maybe the people who end up hating each other are the people who waited too long to break up."
"The type of person you are at your business should not be a direct correlation to who you are at home."
"Whatever she did or he did to separate the two of you, it's actually gonna bring the two of you together."
"There's definitely this idea of separation and then afterwards coming back together."
"Hey, thanks for the compliment, I do try to keep those separated for that exact reason."
"You got a 5D connection with somebody whether y'all separated right now or y'all haven't met yet."
"Focus on what you need to do. You are separate from them. You are not the same as them."
"You know I don't know just the separation kind of helps with the with the mental a little bit."
"A woman with broken petals yearns for the sight of her husband. She has not seen him for so long."
"I'm going to separate a bumper stick out for the separation of church and hate."
"You are their wish come true, and they wish they didn't have to spend another moment apart."
"You may need to separate yourself from the weeds to grow richer and fuller."
"I actually loved it that he admitted his mistakes."
"The word 'secede' is derived from the Latin, meaning 'set apart,' a biblical concept."
"Not having access to you or not being able to reach out to you is making them feel very kind of sad and isolated. It's causing them a lot of anxiety."
"Ultimately, I think in the end what's happening is polarization is resulting in people separating each other."
"The Wall had divided the very soul of a Nation, but most of all, it had direct, lasting, consequences on the lives of ordinary people, separating them from their lovers and their families."
"Separating does not mean you don't forgive the person."
"Hogwarts had to do in its creation was completely separate itself from Fantastic Beasts."
"Reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected."
"Physical privacy and visual privacy are separate and they're both very important."
"It feels like somebody's trying to rip us apart and I feel like part of me is being ripped away from me."
"Each time you tell the truth, you separate yourself from the bad guys and become an insider."
"How good does it feel when your baby boy runs down that driveway, mommy don't go, I need you?"
"It's going to separate you from people it's going to separate you from everything that's caused uh any type of desolation and Calamity in your life."
"Even if we do get separated someday, we'll see each other again. We want you with us, Nia." - Mia
"But me being separated from him, although it is hard, it's a good thing knowing that I am able to be learning on my own."
"They may have become very disheartened and walked away, and then maybe you walked away from them because you know, maybe it was you saying goodbye."
"There's still a pull of togetherness despite going separate ways."
"What a terrible word, what a dreadful separation, 'Depart from me,' from the very Jesus whom you have proclaimed."
"The Three of Swords signifies separation, a painful truth that pierces the heart."
"Honesty separates people, that does not bring them together."
"The twin flame journey: people often misconstrue the separation period as a waiting period. It's actually time to evolve and focus on yourself."
"Separation is necessary for growth. Release is necessary for growth."
"Remember your loved ones are just in another room."
"Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord Almighty."
"I'm not entirely sure why my owner is not coming with me."
"I was home alone with four kids. After months of chasing Chris around town, catching her in the act, Robert finally moved out and would subsequently file for divorce."
"Our union was such a gorgeous ride, and as we go our separate ways now, we feel fortunate for the love we share."
"It is time for you to leave. We can't be together anymore. You must go your own way."
"There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact."
"It's like a marriage... if it's just not working out, you gotta part ways."
"Stay no contact, that's very important guys."