
Messages Quotes

There are 496 quotes

"I get so many DMs and messages now about how much I inspire people, and that really is what I look back on and see the blessing in it all now."
"Your guest is spreading the right messages. Thank you for providing a platform for spiritually aware and intelligent voices."
"Not everything has to be a bold message; sometimes, integrity lies in the little things."
"Wherever you are, this is a message that may also be a confirmation to what you may have been seeing or hearing. And so if you are seeing signs or numbers or certain messages, it's not by coincidence."
"Pay attention, a powerful message is being communicated to you now."
"The animals of the Earth are sending us a message through their odd and unusual behavior."
"The graveyard is the quietest place with the loudest message."
"Spirit may be sending you messages through music, so pay attention to the music that randomly comes your way."
"If someone sends you a message, it can wait. But if the universe sends you a message, you don't want to miss it."
"If you are seeing repeating numbers, it's a message from the universe that you're waking up to a greater truth."
"Perhaps their messages can bring peace to a troubled world."
"Stand with us... so that we can continue to bring these type messages forth."
"There are good solid messages and deep systemic critique that you can get from this show..."
"Love is clear in the messages of Wally Darling."
"The impact of his actions and the messages he conveys cannot be underestimated."
"This message is all of ours or none of ours."
"We as future humans even came back in time to give us those messages."
"Analysis of his notes appears to show a message... notable landmarks throughout human history."
"Messages that will bring peace to your soul."
"I think it's a message that's universal to all religions."
"I love it when films have positive messages that come out naturally."
"Thank you all for your happy birthday messages."
"With cacoxanite, synchronicities are not just coincidences. They are messages."
"The universe is trying to tell you something or get your attention."
"There are no coincidences in this universe, only messages waiting to be received."
"There may be a message waiting for you today from spirit."
"There may be a message waiting for you from spirit today."
"There may be a message waiting for you from spirit."
"Feed the birds, that's a very important song."
"Sometimes messages come from the people you respect the least."
"Look out for signs from your angels, pay attention to them and you will receive a message."
"You'll hear them coming, important messages are on the way for you."
"Even a positive scenic message can actually do more damage than good."
"Birds are definitely messages from your spiritual team." - Chloe Taylor
"Miracles aren't just miracles, they're messages."
"Listen to music, it's sending you a lot of messages."
"You're sending a message that it is okay for me to do these things."
"Messages from planet Earth to the citizens of the future."
"Only you can know for yourself how these messages apply to you personally, so always only take the messages when and how they connect with you."
"While a building or destroyed terrain is always a sign of life, signs are kinda special because they are an actual message somebody typed out."
"Your guides will leave little messages for you to let you know they're guiding you."
"A really important message that comes to you personally in a very unexpected way."
"Trust in the unexpected message; it's coming 100%."
"We are receiving tons of messages from spirit about some new and better chapter in life that we've recently arrived into."
"Take only the messages that resonate on a deep level."
"Lean into the spiritual signs and messages."
"This is a Timeless reading so whenever you're finding it is when you're meant to hear these messages."
"Acquisition comes from understanding messages."
"Spirit is sending you signs and messages to help guide you in the right direction."
"These are timeless messages; they can resonate past, words of future energy."
"My most intense emotions contain crucial messages that, when received, allow for the alignment of my true desires."
"Take the messages that resonate with you and leave the rest."
"Dreams are messages from the deep."
"I definitely do hope the messages resonate and I definitely do hope the messages are useful for y'all."
"The messages that you've been given are a tremendous Grace. God's love, His power, His real concern for His children, all His children, comes through in those messages."
"I definitely do hope the messages resonate for you all and I definitely do hope the messages are overall useful."
"I definitely do hope you guys found these messages useful."
"I appreciate all the messages that I received."
"I hope these readings find you when you most need to hear these messages."
"Spirit is sending you messages, open your greater vision to see the signs, focus on priorities and eliminate distractions."
"Hit Shuffle and think of your person's name, say it out loud three times and then the next three songs that you hear, your person's got messages for you."
"The Hunger Games death tournament has very very clear messages about our society and also builds the world of The Hunger Games."
"I definitely hope the messages resonate with y'all and I definitely do hope the messages are useful."
"You guys out there, you appreciate my messages because it's motivational."
"Things are gonna start picking up, you're gonna get messages, opportunities."
"Let's build 17 new shortcuts for messages, reminders, and more to automate text."
"The messages that I was tasked with delivering were so solid."
"There may be someone from your past reaching out with a message."
"I think these messages are a tremendous Grace. God, his love, his power, his real concern for his children, all his children, comes through in those messages."
"God got you protected. He's going to let you speak the messages, he's going to give you good news, possibly within your dream state."
"These messages belong to source energy, belong to universe."
"I love when they put messages that are very positive in films like this."
"Final messages: Have courage, sanctuary, and self-acceptance. Keep comments balanced, kind, and compassionate."
"Lies, distrust makes messages. Beautiful."
"The music messages have been so loud and those are real too."
"Everything in our house is sending out messages."
"The classic underlying messages that if you look hard enough, you'll see them."
"Somebody got the message here that something came to an end."
"This video is going to be seven things that your Spirit guides need you to know right now."
"I ask for anybody's Spirit guides that have a message for them to come through me to give you the messages that you need to hear right now."
"Those were the most horrifying seconds of my life. As I kept opening these messages, they were the same pictures of someone sleeping."
"Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine."
"Dreams are messages given to you specifically."
"You will be receiving lots of these messages and signs."
"Be well, have fun, get guardian angel messages to roo, and begin plugging into your guardian angels today."
"Bob was more than just a musician, he had a universal such quality in his messages that transcended race, color, and class."
"You can't look at the desires that still exist as curses because they are as much a message, a teaching to you as anything else."
"Messages whose origins are left to interpretation, and worst of all, these messages are incomplete."
"You know this movie feels like it has this message about acceptance and understanding and compassion."
"A lot of great messages in this movie: to push the boundaries, you know, to step outside your little box you live in. We shouldn't forget that sometimes change is needed, it's vital for our survival."
"I do really appreciate that they didn't get back together. Yeah, there's no reason for them to. That's not the message of the movie."
"Your loved ones are looking to deliver a message to you."
"Ultimately, each of us needs to make up our own minds about God, angels, and everything miraculous. But at the very least, Lorna's messages help us to recognize and remember the most important things in our life."
"I do hope that the messages resonate for you guys."
"It is always so incredible to see the comfort and inspiration that is given by the messages that I pass on."
"It's important these messages are very crucial, very very crucial I'm telling you."
"Don't underestimate your intuition. Don't discredit those random scenes; they're actually messages about what's going on around you."
"Thank you for the messages, thank you for the love."
"They had sent the messages to prepare them for when they came to fetch them."
"It's one of those things that I think on a people who are just starting network marketing or they've been in there for a while, get messages all the time."
"He was convinced that these dreams were not merely dreams but messages."
"Spiritual meaning of seeing moss... They also represent passed on loved ones and messages from the spiritual realm."
"Nothing but good vibes and messages in the sand."
"Your dream is not just memories, but important messages downloading from our higher self."
"Their dreams are sending them a message to shake them up, to take action."
"Some of the animated movies I've checked out have had some of the best messages in them."
"Its stories intriguing, its characters lovable, its messages thought-provoking."
"Thus it lightens into action. 'I am come to kill thee.' Lines from The Duchess. So the messages are still coming."
"It's a nice message about choosing your path and not letting your past decisions dictate your future."
"Messages from God always carry three characteristics: freedom, joy, and love."
"We started getting messages from people saying, 'Oh, you know, we love watching you do what you're doing and you're inspiring us to get out and do the same.'"
"The whole world is this billboard yelling at us like 'I am here, I am good, I am true, I am beautiful, I am loving, I am wise, I am powerful, I can protect you and shelter you, I want to give you everything that you would ever need.'"
"Messages from Aphrodite: You're very divine and powerful."
"Messages as a gift from Beyond the Grave."
"The bigger messages of the film are worthy ones, with much of the double concept being tied to how we view others as potential threats or enemies."
"It's really hard to discover your own value, you're so used to taking care and meeting those needs, and you're so used to the deeply hurtful messages around your value."
"Ethereal creatures that flutter into your life as if by magic, carrying messages from realms beyond."
"You are being given messages and feedback constantly and you have been receiving these messages all your life."
"I love those messages so if you are drop me a little coffee cup."
"The show itself is absolutely amazing at delivering such positive messages."
"I shall have no more messages to give; everything will be easy, and I shall enjoy peace and grace."
"Those stories are always with us, and that is the one message I'd like you to take away from this."
"Spirit, please be here now with me and help me to deliver clear, concise, and accurate messages."
"God delivers messages secretly to accomplish His purposes without interruption."
"It's amazing to see the messages on how your loved ones come through and communicate."
"Most of what we're going to talk about applies equally well to applications serving web traffic or processing messages of a queue."
"Your message is the message that the ancestors wanted to usher in at this particular time."
"One thing that's consistently surprising about Bluey's writing is that they can pack so many messages into a measly 8 minutes and not come off preaching."
"These animated movies always have great messages embedded in them."
"Tune in to what message this animal might wish to send you."
"I love the themes of the movies so far like the politics and the spirituality and the real deep messages of just being a good person and and how traumatic experiences can either push you to the dark side or to the the light so it's it's beautiful."
"I am so grateful to every single one of you who take the time out of your day to send such heartfelt and meaningful messages."
"MLP be having a lot of good messages not like just some I mean these I was going to say not just some basic messages but that is a pretty basic message but I feel like it's stuff that people also forget MLP's a good show."
"It doesn't matter if you're sitting here and your husband's sitting there or if you're sitting here and your aunt's sitting there, if there's a message for your aunt or your brother or whoever's in that house, spirit will find a way to bring it through."
"I've had multiple women um message me saying that he was in a relationship with them what I kid you not and I've got the receipts."
"Even in the most unexpected places, we can find messages from our loved ones."
"In this way, Mion embodies the very messages Higurashi seeks to convey."
"I always get people messaging me like, I didn't realize, wow, these [ __ ] lashes, they're [ __ ] iconic, top-notch, period, period, period."
"A dramatic series that amps up the high school level stories with powerful messages."
"This movie right here has so many messages in it that, like, really surprised me."
"I really love the message with this movie here."
"Generally speaking, Chad and Tammy kept their messages relatively short to the point and they mostly had to do with financial or logistical issues of day-to-day life."
"When people say those kinds of messages, man, that like motivates me, am I like real for real."
"I could be on a bus, waiting for maybe the hairdresser to finish at work or whatever I'm doing, and it's just so lovely to read all your messages. I feel very lucky. Thank you."
"This is what I tweeted yesterday: let's remember those messages that Ryan Kavanaugh sent us."
"Hopefully you find the messages helpful, resonate, and entertaining."
"Messages from spirits are about peace, love, healing, protection, resolution."
"There are dreams that are the very heavens attempting to warn us, to bring a message about a situation."
"Thank you for all the messages. It means the world to me."
"Thematic elements? Well, the Toy Story movies are about accepting mortality, Bugs Life is about fighting against oppression, and Monsters Inc Finding Nemo and The Incredibles are about the values of family."
"There's a lot of good central themes and a lot of good central messages surrounding these characters."
"It's a great sequence I mean the film was criticized for being a talky talky film yeah basically the film ascended the film talks you to death but there are some really great messages here."
"The guild hall porch conveyed messages about the virtues of discipline, justice, fortitude, and temperance."
"Test the Spirit by the spirit. So when I'm getting messages and people tell me how I enjoy you, I enjoy your story time, but it's the message you drop that's the fruit right there."
"Dreams are viewed as messages from the higher Realms."
"They have an important message for you, they see you."
"Their messages have been very inspirational."
"Our Lady's messages in Medjugorje are known as the five Stones, given to aid our conversion."
"For those with the right disposition who spend a night at The Shrine, the sacred site confers vivid and purposeful dream messages."
"There's also a levity... they think of it as this thing that's dark and sad and spooky and involving ghosts but if anything my life and what I've learned as a result of these messages is given me a deeper appreciation for Life."
"Even yesterday I had to delete my WhatsApp and then reinstall it because there were over 300 unanswered messages, and it gives me anxiety. Like, honestly, it gives me clear, I think 'Oh my god, I've got this message to answer and I've not responded yet.'"
"I explode a little with every message you send me."
"Miracles are setups for messages."
"I feel like all these animated movies have good messages in them. This one seemed like the message was kind of being yourself."
"I love that about these animated movies. They have these good messages in them. This one seemed like the message was kind of being yourself."
"...all of these movies have been [ __ ] fantastic and I love seeing the good messages behind them..."
"You have an amazing aura full of messages and curiosity."
"I trust that one the message find you if it resonates then it's yours."
"This is such a fun way to add little messages in your quilts."
"Messages began appearing on the windows and mirrors, desperate pleas for help interspersed with vows of revenge."
"Messages you receive are really important."
"I really love that as the love when deck creators put nice little messages in the box."
"Hidden messages are nothing new if you watch Downton Abbey you may spot a series of subtle messages designed to rigidly reinforce the existing English class system."
"The messages come in different forms, right? It's not always you're gonna dream about it, it could be someone telling you."
"Our real soul doesn't sleep. Dreams are messages from the soul."
"I received a lot of messages, a lot of support, a lot of love."
"The choice is yours, I'm just giving you the messages."
"I think dreams are messages so who knows you know."
"Understanding perhaps that her father was sending a message that he was not dead or gone."
"Let me begin by saying thank you to all the thousands of kind people who have sent me messages of goodwill."
"If you dream and it is a message, no one is going to tell you; you yourself will understand."
"Since this film is all about hidden messages, it's only appropriate that it has some of its own as Easter eggs."
"The Spirit will give you messages to share, and ultimately they're all for your mind."
"The amount of nice messages I've received is kind of overwhelming."
"Thank you for all the lovely messages."
"It just makes me feel good to hear that our positive messages do help people and make an impact."
"It's time for some new energy, new beginnings, new understanding, new messages."
"With so many special holiday messages to choose from, Hallmark has just the right cards to capture what you want to say this Christmas."
"Our Lady said if you follow her messages, you have nothing to worry about."
"Pay attention to your dreams, there could be some important messages coming through."
"The earth itself is a conscious being... and it itself could be sending us messages."
"I have got messages from soldiers that have been through wars and the messages are profound."
"We'll return after these messages."
"If you open yourself up to messages, you will get them and they will seem relevant, they will seem true, but it's not God."
"If you are here, then I feel like it is a sign that there are messages for you."
"I can go from the places of sheer darkness and then it takes like small messages that are not small at all to surround my heart."
"These are important messages that are coming through concerning your path and your destiny."
"Okay, so these dreams are definitely putting a message through."
"The soul is the mailbox of the spirit. God drops messages, but if you're not aware of what is in your subconscious mind, you miss it."
"You'd be amazed what messages people will send authors."