
Media Consumption Quotes

There are 980 quotes

"Once you are aware of your situation... stop overanalyzing or over-consuming a lot of the negative news."
"Megan Fox prohibits her kids from using the internet and TV."
"Influencers only have as much power as you give them by tuning in."
"So here's a call for people not just listening to podcasts but watching them and listening to them on YouTube, I suppose, if we were to sort of translate this to the real world."
"If a movie connects to someone somewhere, I never want to be the guy who makes them feel stupid for liking something."
"Be very careful when you link into those forms of media, because a lot of what's going on there is a viral infection of the collective."
"Watching all this did kind of give me this sort of feeling of nostalgia."
"Every time we watch any movie, we're in conversation with the history of film and the norms that have been established through this cinematic history."
"I can critique something and still watch it. I can have thoughts and still enjoy it."
"The things that you listen to and watch the most shape who you are."
"I want to look at how we as consumers of media decide whether things sound, look, or feel realistic."
"People watch two minutes, they watch 30 seconds, whatever our numbers on this thing, something like 75% of the people watch the full hour and a half."
"Don't even watch the news, it really messes you up."
"Be very mindful of the music you're listening to, the TV shows you're watching, and the foods you're eating."
"How we watch things we enjoy at home has undergone a gigantic and essentially irreversible transformation."
"The way that you consume media has been changed over and over again by WWE."
"Media is always open to interpretation, and enjoyment doesn't diminish that. If it really bothers you, you can simply enjoy the thing the way you want. The goal is not to solve, but to experience."
"I'm far more interested in people and how they respond to content than I am in exclusively looking at the shows themselves."
"Why are we consuming this kind of content? Why are we supporting people who are exploiting the stories of others for their own fame? Why is one person's trauma my entertainment?"
"There's a lot of truth to a lot of these things. A lot of you don't realize that there's a lot of sorcery and magic being casted on you whenever you consume things on social media."
"Just as there's junk food, there's junk media."
"You don't really see many young people tuning into traditional or legacy forms of media... most people who tune into those channels are those above the age of 65."
"We've never consumed this amount of independently produced content before, of videos that are made by people who present themselves by their first and last name, people who we feel like are real."
"Turn the TV off a few hours a day and actually getting to know your neighbors."
"The data has repeatedly shown that moderates and conservatives consume media from the left and know the left-wing argument, but the left doesn't do the other."
"Parasocial relationships, at its crux, is about fulfilling our need and typical parasocial relationships aren't harmful."
"People treated the substance a bit more specially when releases didn't happen that frequently."
"Some of us watch television to be stimulated intellectually."
"Our attention currency is valuable. We shouldn't feel the need to settle for something that took millions of dollars to make just because it was given to us."
"Watching television evokes almost no brain activity in the neocortex."
"I think parents should be monitoring what their children are watching more."
"You're gonna listen to the whole thing, and you're gonna watch all the ads because that hotel room was not cheap."
"If you don't really follow news, if you don't really do any investigating for yourself, you probably believe insane nonsense."
"This game is great. Tribes of the Wind is my number two."
"I absolutely believe that we all have the right to consume digital media in a format of our choice."
"Reading is something that we should embrace more. We've gotten so accustomed to watching TV, being on social media, that we're not really feeding our brains the way that we should."
"Every day, the general public spends about half their waking hours enjoying the music, films, and visuals produced by some of the world's best artists."
"This has been a cleansing week where I have not been looking at reviews. I've not been looking at the disastrous releases. I'm just looking at something fun and interesting. Isn't that great? Have joy in your life."
"The more people understand, the better equipped they'll be with information to make up their own minds."
"It's important when you watch something form your own opinions think about we were trying to do think about the drawbacks the pros and the cons and approach it from an unbiased perspective."
"Despite everything I know so far, and I agree with you, we're going to try to be unbiased, try to be optimistic, try to look at the pros and cons when we watch this, right?"
"The American people are so busy watching television and playing games nobody is reading nobody is questioning anything."
"I guess up front say like the claim that don't watch debate streams is pro I probably don't stand by that."
"Every time you pop up I just know like whatever mood I'm in I'm going to feel better after watching."
"People want to hear the thing that they already know to be true. They don't want to hear any new information."
"I never thought I would [ __ ] watch a video without pausing this much."
"Entertainment is entertainment, they just want maximum entertainment per minute."
"People don't seek information, they seek affirmation."
"Why did you choose to watch this particular video?"
"If you are sensitive to flashing lights, stop watching."
"I just can't keep up, there's just too much content."
"We are officially in the age of streaming services, and if you want a streaming service that offers really smart content that expands your horizons, Curiosity Stream is a no-brainer."
"It's definitely good enough to make a grown man cry."
"If physical media makes it more likely you spend your time reading books and watching movies... it's also exposing you to higher standards of language."
"Find out what you like, read up on what's good, buy it, sit down, watch, make up your own mind."
"We as viewers have the ultimate power by being selective of who we choose to watch."
"I love to hear how you all listen or watch and why."
"There's a difference between having more viewership and having people that listen to the end."
"It's not like everyone caught on to this right away. In this day and age where we consume so much content just by picking up our phones, we're not going to be fact-checking every single thing we see online."
"Everybody should be able to tell the story they want to tell, and if you don't see it, you don't have to see it."
"Thank you guys if you have a minute watch another video and if not I will see you next week."
"Just because people are watching a lot of something doesn't actually mean that they necessarily enjoy it or that they're satisfied by it."
"Please be a bro and not spoil others' experiences."
"If you watch it and enjoy it, that's all that matters."
"Nobody's forcing you to watch this. You always have a choice."
"Just because someone is asexual or aromantic doesn't mean that they can't enjoy reading about it or watching it on TV."
"Netflix, HBO Max, Disney Plus, yeah wait but all your national geographic things around Disney Plus, right?"
"YouTube was invented in what, 2006? It's a completely new way of watching things."
"You'd watch these kinds of stuff on TV all the time, and you wouldn't care."
"We live in a time where consuming media has become extremely easy to do."
"Watching shows on Apple Plus like 'The Morning Show' and 'Ted Lasso,' the Sony never failed to impress."
"This is probably the most insane article I've read in a while."
"Thanks for watching and until the next video, stay tuned."
"I can just see everyone watching this show going 'How could anyone fall for this?' and I'm just thinking 'We all fell for it, it's all us.'"
"Paco is The Man Behind the Merge newsletter, it is awesome. I read it religiously when it gets pushed to my inbox."
"The best that we can do now is just not pay attention."
"I don't want to consume that media, it's being force-fed."
"People are not watching television so this narrow funnel that we all had to pass through where they could catch us because we watched one of three show yes we're not there anymore very true."
"Being able to rewatch any movie that you might have in your collection on the so-called big screen."
"In a world of sound bites, you have to listen carefully."
"Part of the reason there's some stuff I get very late on watching or just choose not to watch at all is because I do want to keep time in my schedule to go back and re-watch the things I already love."
"The skip intro button is good and necessary, but it also helps kill the incentive to make the intro a worthwhile essential part of the package."
"For sure, every second of Don Lemon, I feel like I'm getting smarter."
"The fact that it took three hours and he's watching this violence."
"It's like the medium stuff. It's the listening to the music and crying, it's the watching a movie and crying."
"Watch the briefings for yourself, there are all kinds of channels that have them available on YouTube right now."
"Sometimes it's just about what fandom you love." - Ken NAB Zog
"I just want everyone to think more about the media that they consume."
"Most of the content you watch will be made by the top 1% of creators."
"It doesn't cost you anything to subscribe, doesn't cost you anything to watch. It's a free service."
"Thanks for hanging out and listening. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, all I know is I'm probably in a bubble and the average person is probably too busy watching Family Guy to care about any of this."
"Everybody who disagrees, well it's not for you don't watch it then."
"I always know that I'm in the best possible storytelling hands."
"The speakers on this phone make this a media beast."
"It all has a bias. Even the best, even the 'quote unquote' impartial media, even NPR. You should always be asking, 'Is there another perspective?'"
"It's just very hard to see dramatic news story after the next dramatic news story"
"I'm a big find the perfect video head so I can spend like 30 minutes browsing and be like is this really the one I'm gonna give myself to."
"Virtual utopia experience is a great place to start if you don't feel like going in the chronological order of releases."
"Netflix is testing a new feature to clamp down on password sharing."
"People are going to YouTube because it's on [ __ ] it's the only [ __ ] to watch right now."
"To me though, the sheer volume of stuff is indicative of the fact that there is an audience for all this material."
"There is something undeniably captivating about true crime. It doesn't let you look away."
"That's enough about Peter, let's watch the trailer again."
"Final Fantasy 16 could just be YouTube algorithm but I see a lot of them with a good amount of views."
"I felt like I'm being disrespectful to that person and their family and I continue to watch it through to the end."
"It's amazing how many different streaming services, how many shows. Not possible anymore."
"Some people just want a little bit of trash to be pressing buttons on while they're watching something else on television."
"The anime market demographic is mainly kids who can't afford to use streaming services."
"I know I've been doing these like every two days but let's be honest there's about a week's worth of news every single day right now."
"We just feel like, as media fanatics, we all should be a little more aware of the way everyday storytelling affects the way we view our own lives and our own stories."
"There's been no incentive for Netflix to try to figure out I mean they're trying to keep you on the platform because they want you not to churn."
"I still find myself watching tons of long-form content."
"It really got you to be in tune with those emotions."
"Spotify is legit so I'm already on Spotify for the audio version but a video version, why not?"
"You sitting around watching the news all day is an alcoholic sitting in a bar."
"It's been [] refreshing not thinking of all the ways 2k has [] us."
"The personal connection you get from long-form content is something that can't be replaced."
"There's nothing wrong with letting your kid watch that stuff they want within reason, I guess. No cannibal holocaust for the children, please."
"The interactivity feeds into our propensity for parasocial relationships."
"It seems all about confluence, various streams coming together, it seems more and more that I run into fewer people who only read one thing or only watch one thing."
"There is no reason to believe that it is going to be a bad or disappointing watch, but it just never comes to mind when you are trying to think of something to watch next?"
"If I subscribe to a channel that uploads every single day I better really like that Channel or I'm gonna stop watching after a while."
"Young people aren't going to MSNBC or CNN for their news; they're coming to people like me on TikTok."
"If you watch Ms. Marvel and you still hate it, I don't believe you."
"But instead I want to Advocate that all of us like every single person that watches this and every single person that you talk to about anything even remotely similar should dig a little bit deeper than headlines."
"The era of binge-watching mobile shows is here."
"I thought the world got smarter for the people that did watch it."
"The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I'm surprised at the number of people who binge watch all these videos."
"The world of anime was one of those few subjects because up until this year I generally didn't watch a lot of television."
"If you come to somewhere for entertainment, it's like, 'oh yeah, it's an escapism thing,' and it's totally true, right?"
"If you can't see no videos, how you gonna admire a person?"
"I did feel a sheer sense of terror those everyone started to disappear but it wasn't because I was scared for everyone I just didn't want my favorites to disappear."
"I fundamentally don't think people want to look at AI output... Humanity is what people want from all media."
"There just seemed to be like so much to watch and so much information getting thrown at you but also nothing at the same time because nothing happened."
"Samsung is billing this as a media consumption device, fantastic for watching videos."
"If you watched football... you had to watch it on TV. And if you watched a lot of football..."
"Making my own person by choosing what I wanted to view online."
"If you constantly are reading and just looking at things about yourself... stop."
"I like to experience these stories wherever I want to."
"Entertainment has sucked probably 40-50% of most people's lives."
"Turns on the subtitles to understand the foreign language, the subtitles, yes why, please I need to know why this is done, what is the freaking Point..."
"Nobody's above critique when you're a consumer you choose to indulge in somebody based off whether you think something they did is wack or thinking."
"Spoilers are info hazards. Encountering spoilers can lead to disappointment, frustration, or a diminished sense of immersion in the narrative."
"You can start to just exist in this online echo chamber or bubble where all the news is bad news and everyone is constantly Doom and Gloom."
"If you spend all day inside just Doom scrolling Twitter or watching YouTube videos or live streams, it can result in this distorted view of the world."
"You as a viewer have the capacity to choose what it is you want to watch."
"The apex of addiction is not overusing YouTube; it's about understanding what you truly want."
"Constant information out there and it's fascinating it is absolutely fascinating."
"You don't want to miss this video. You want to watch it to the very end. Stay tuned."
"I watched about 100 hours... and at the end of it I felt like he was part of me."
"Re-watch things you love without nostalgia goggles."
"Netflix offers that, I just want as many people as possible to f*cking see it."
"Why Stranger Things season 4 needs to be aired weekly."
"Netflix promotes a culture of binge-watching."
"Whether you are angry because some in-game content that is trivial got spoiled, or you are thinking to yourself 'I'm going to go out and tell everyone what happened in the Red Wedding, heh heh heh!' DON'T do it."
"It felt like I was watching a six-hour movie, not a TV show."
"Turn off the news, turn off the news." — Hayley Williams
"We laugh at the news because if we don't laugh, we'll cry."
"I really do love Acorn TV. I've talked about how much I love the BBC and I love British television far better than American television."
"Supplements like Christian media are good, but the meat and potatoes is getting into scripture and a local church."
"The portability of 8-track also made it a firm favorite with the troops in Vietnam."
"Reliability and authenticity is not just key in the content we enjoy."
"That's why as parents y'all need to limit your kids from playing and watching all that foolishness."
"If you're agreeing with somebody a hundred percent of the time and that's the only person or channel or whatever that you're listening to, you need to get out of your bubble."
"We did it Billy, we bullied the boys into doing it. They're watching SpongeBob for the first time."
"Be kind to yourself, and what you watch on TV, right? Don't get programmed, don't believe in other people's."
"YouTube has been such a big part of how we digest content. It's not going nowhere."
"You control how much content is consumed by you and that is consumed in your home."
"I hope that this is a wakeup call for viewers about what you're consuming."
"The act of recording a show to be watched later was called timeshifting, and that was what sold VCRs."
"If you're a CEO, you probably watch it for the wrong reason. Turn the channel."
"People watch commentary for people's personalities and what they have to say."
"Regina King is more likely to being something that I would watch."
"Creators do not owe you confirmations of your fan theories."
"I think the amount of audience will diminish but I think the intensity of that audience will grow."
"Happy listening, happy watching, and thank you for watching."
"It just feels good to watch as a young person, others choose to do a pretty good job of this."
"Entertainment that you can not only enjoy but be proud of."
"Your entire life has led up to you watching this video right now."
"So now, you can read every article from magazines like National Geographic, newspapers like the Wall Street Journal right inside of news."
"Always be critical of the media that you enjoy, because that's how you get better things."
"The average dude that I know... a huge percentage of people that I know will listen to a three-hour traveler Ross video."
"I refuse to watch something without voice acting." - Preference for interactive content.
"It's not about fear-mongering, it's about having discernment."
"Challenge your biases that you've gotten from over-consuming this red pill content."
"It's a different ball game when people are paying for a subscription."
"No one develops fan relationships with a passive feed; they develop addictions to it."
"Girls should be able to enjoy the shows they like."
"Having a few weeks, maybe even a few months, just of reruns... will make us appreciate even more what we had."
"There's no better way to see it or hear it is to see it through a video and hear hear it for yourself."
"Leave your baggage at the door, watch and then evaluate on its own merits."
"People need joy. People need safe places in their days where they can turn on the television and feel safe for 21 minutes."
"That's because we form what's called parasocial relationships with NPCs."
"Exactly. Watch your Blu-Ray player. Watch it click down. Exactly two hours and 28 minutes long."
"There's an element of ownership that people like to have over content."
"I loved that we had a variety of different opinions about this show call in."
"The more you repeat something, the more likely you are to look at, or listen to, it critically."
"Decades of unwatched TV shows, unread books, unread comic books."
"Is it incumbent on us to guard you against this journey or is it on you as the viewer to decide what ideas and which people cause you to draw your online i as an individual?"
"For all those people who are not yet HBO subscribers hey watch it for free come get your first hit they're the crack dealer on the corner man get your first hit for free and get hooked."