
Restart Quotes

There are 379 quotes

"This is not the first time I've tried this, nor the second, or the third. What I'm trying to do, I keep restarting."
"Failure is simply the ability to start again, this time more intelligently."
"It only takes one workout just to get back into it."
"They're spending a lot of time trying to build themselves up so that they can bring forth a really good offer for you and they really want a new start with you."
"It's a roguelike, which means that every single time you play the game when you die you go back from the beginning and start all over again."
"Give what you can give, do what you can do, start where you left off."
"Your story is worth more than any asset you're ever going to buy. It allows you to start over if you need to."
"I remember when I first realized that I wasn't using Dust Crown, I legitimately thought to myself I should just restart."
"We need to do Tesla. I know, we just need to like fucking start over."
"I'm really happy I'm starting this again."
"He's coming back to give you a brand new chance - press restart to reset your life."
"Go back to the core idea and start some work on it."
"Everything you own, everything you worked for is destroyed and what do you do? You simply start over."
"Sometimes the best plan is just to start from scratch."
"Sometimes taking a step back to look after yourself then starting afresh is the best productivity tip of all."
"We're not playing the game normally... we're going back to the beginning."
"Scrap the whole thing and start from the beginning."
"It is now time to start this process all over again."
"Another option is reset, reset means reset the game."
"Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again."
"We're going to restart it without the whining and we're going to restart it without the hacking at one another."
"The operating system of civilization has failed, it's time to rebuke from a more basic level."
"Ban Books Week is now our moment to really, really start again."
"I promise you, you can do it all over again, man."
"I just literally slowed everything down, restarted from scratch."
"If I gotta be crushed, crush me. If I gotta be nailed, nail me. If I have to start over, let me start over."
"Sometimes you have to unplug things to do a hard reset and start fresh."
"Throw out the work that they did, that's crap. Start anew."
"Time to admit it, throw out the work that they did, that's crap. Start anew."
"It's not the beginning, it's a re-beginning. It's a rebooting of the human story."
"It's all got to come down and we're gonna hit the restart button."
"The project very quickly degenerated into complete trash, so I had to scrap it and start again from the ground up."
"For others, the GIs of the Dear John letters, it means starting over."
"If you have a problem with the DJI Go 4 app crashing, just restart your device; that usually fixes the problem."
"Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again."
"You think you've got it all figured out, and then you have to start over."
"Perhaps the Rabona Shalom did him the biggest favor in the world by having him fall off that epitome of success so that he can restart his life, perhaps in the right direction."
"Thank you for all the support, man. It's starting again tonight."
"Justice, why are you calling me that? I know a lot of things I think that you don't know, and I think that it's fundamentally altered the relationship that we have. I think we should start over from the beginning."
"If they could come in right, you could have a restart, you could have a rebirth."
"Hit the refresh button, there's nothing wrong with that."
"It's okay to start again, it's okay to paste over areas that you don't like."
"We literally scrapped it and started again from scratch."
"Hey, never too late to start again."
"I'm going to try to Vlog again and today I'm just G to film my day and share some simple happy moments and you know start the process of starting over."
"With every restart, we are born again. Open your heart, spend less time in your head."
"This is the classic like all right the next video game you know all the cool stuff that you got in your house and your power ups and the place and your friends well you lost all that you gotta do it again."
"How can we start over? How can we move past this?"
"They're even gonna beg for a new beginning with you, a rebirth with you."
"Your person wants season two, they want to rebirth this connection."
"If I connect again, it'll be like starting from day one."
"This here is not a man who has overcome the odds like he did in Spider-Man 1 and 2. this is a man who's getting back up and starting again by the end of the film."
"Maybe we can get back to what we initially started to do now."
"I think we need a reboot big time."
"Changing any setting requires a restart of Obsidian."
"I mean I thought I did the restart good. I lost the race on the restart."
"I wished I died as well, since I could have restarted from the beginning."
"He just wants to start over and make things right."
"Time to pick up what we left off."
"There's no way to get that hot in time. It doesn't work, so it's just like start over."
"It's okay if you slip up, just start again."
"Even if you slip up, just hop right back on."
"It's all right to make mistakes and restarting is not the worst thing in the world."
"Alright, everybody, welcome back. Now, maybe I would like to start by something else this time."
"Once your phone restarts, if it's still not working, it means you have a bigger problem that is not software related."
"Repentance is a restart. As a Christian, you can always start over."
"This battery has been perfect. The number one feature that I love about it is the built-in restart."
"Start the game over. Let's just play again."
"Maybe there's some inspiration that you can gain from this, maybe it's to strengthen your faith, or it's just to give you a restart."
"It's never too late to just start over if you're willing to."
"He honestly suggested that I start all over."
"Empty the cup and start from the beginning."
"It's almost like a master reset type of thing."
"'The loop allows them to restart the same day over and over again.'"
"You gotta start over. They gotta do you favors, pay the bills."
"You can get mean, and you don't mind restarting."
"Let's start over, let's start fresh, and let's do it right."
"Nice restart, it's been like a week."
"The worst you can do is fall and hit your head and start over."
"I thought I was almost done and then we decided to start over."
"There's always another opportunity to start again or just to start."
"Scrap It. Go Get Yourself a New One."
"It's never too late to just start over."
"You were doing a great job, just start again."
"By pushing reset, saying get ketones in circulation, start there."
"when it comes to situations like this all I can do at the store is have her pay her bill to restart her service."
"Dear diary I had no intentions on vlogging this trip...I just wanted to get away...Lagos did me well over these last two years...I've lost myself and there's no other way to restart than to come back home."
"I got a little bit more, okay, so we will start over here..."
"You have this immense ability to jump back and restart yourself with enthusiasm and with love."
"Bruce's last fail safe wasn't a way to stop The Invasion, it was a way to start over."
"I'll burn this place down and someone else will start over."
"Probably should, but probably won't," the struggle of restarting a project.
"If I start again with Bob I've lost the 80k...horrific to them."
"Anything can happen, including going back to the start and losing the game."
"Let's just start it again, yeah? Why not? Let's do this."
"Start over as many times as you need to. That's why I'm here."
"Just imagine the whole morning so far hasn't happened we're just starting again."
"bro was operating as if he was level 100 and restarting the game from scratch"
"At some point, let's try and reset this."
"I'm perfectly fine with starting all over and doing it all over again."
"It's never late to start over, man."
"Sometimes you just have to reset."
"Everything goes dark and you die. Oh, I'm back to chapter 1."
"Sometimes it's important to just stop, reset, and start over, it is okay."
"Page of Wands is just going to get back out there, start again, try it again."
"It's not game over, it's time to start over."
"Sometimes resetting is just the best way to go about it."
"Just because you haven't journaled in a while doesn't mean you've failed. You can always start again."
"This is that moment where it's time to get all that stuff rolling, to get all that stuff going again, get back in the saddle."
"Maybe you start completely over and begin to court your wife."
"Lost my will and lost my heart, would give anything for a new start."
"I swear, if she has to start over, that would suck."
"I think this whole resetting of the game, we're starting again on season one."
"Now that this thing's back up and running it's time for me to get back to work."
"We're going to fix this, Kanan. We're going to start over. We're going to do [__] right, I swear."
"And then I started it over on 40."
"On TikTok, guys, can we start again?"
"Even if we can't be together, we can still start from zero again."
"It's time to start up the die grinder again."
"Something was shifting inside and I was feeling this desire to like destroy everything and start over."
"Start again, let those blue skies."
"'Now we're gonna do it all over agaaaaaain.'"
"Here's the reset button. This is the magic reset button. Boom, reset done."
"But let yourself set an intention or a vow, and it's never too late to start over."
"...there's a chance for you to hit a reset button if you'd like."
"You can just begin again, that's the point."
"The tower is simply an opportunity for you to start again."
"It's like hitting the reset button."
"The adventure is about to begin again."
"What you should do is go ahead and instead of shutting your computer down, occasionally select restart from the list instead of shutdown."
"Back to the beginning of this whole thing."
"This is a perfect time to restart and reset my home bakery business and you can do yours too."
"If you think you can't win with the core, is there a better time to restart?"
"He wants to end it all and restart in a new world where everything can be okay."
"Now I have that chance to be back on the start line."
"Literally start everything from fresh... like a proper reset."
"No more fire ending should we watch this or should we just start over put it off yeah or start it over so we just start over from scratch."
"We're starting over from here on out."
"I'm gonna cut this all off, I'm gonna start again. I am impatient."
"It's like my life is starting over and I'm figuring out who I am, who I want to be, and all that stuff."
"I'm gonna start vlogging again next week and get back into everything that is everything."
"Okay, I'm ready to start over... and just pick out pieces that I actually love."
"I'm really excited about the future. I'm excited to start again. I'm excited to do it all myself."
"I think yesterday was a really hectic start to jumping back in the van with a dog."
"...this franchise needed to start over in a big way."
"The meditation exercise we did is like a fractal of the whole path, in that you won't remember throughout the day, but you can begin again, you can start again."
"We're about to kickstart again, I believe the lights are off on the safety car."
"How do you reset and restart even if you're late? That's what we're going to talk about today."
"Let's do that, start over, have a clean slate, and then go up. It gets pretty smooth once we have a good sleep."
"let's just stop the Titanic for a bit and you know what it kind of rumbles so see everyone a real peaceful night sleeps we can look at the stars and then start again in the morning exactly"
"Understanding when you get shut off, all the fees, the deposits, you gotta restart and then you're considered high risk."
"It doesn't take anything from you to start over if that's needed."
"Let's just start over and maybe it's a reboot, maybe it's a prequel."
"Please disregard everything I've ever said or done. I'm going to start afresh now. Is that your position?"
"Put it back up and redo it from the start."
"What's up everyone, we get to start over."
"They're all just starting over again."
"You could easily go down the path of 'you've got to stop everything now or restart your life.' No more girls, no more this, no more that, and all that sort of stuff, which don't get me wrong, we shouldn't be doing that."
"Forgiveness is our birthright to start over again, nobody born to ask forgiveness, to receive forgiveness, to begin again."
"I think a lot of people are overextended and I think they can restart."
"This ain't like the game Grand Theft Auto. You can't just restart it and do it again."
"Should I start over? Yeah, okay we're actors."
"Sometimes you need to clean out the board to start over properly."
"It's just like starting over here as we put forward our Premier League prediction for another season."
"Restart, that's what this race has come down to."
"Let's just start over, let's just be friends."
"Let's take it from the top, shall we?"
"That's the beauty of it, we're starting over 'cause the confidence is I guess so."
"Starting all over again can be really scary and hard."
"Hit rewind. There's nothing wrong with starting over."
"Life sometimes demands that you recount, regroup, and hit your proverbial reset button."
"Don't feel bad, because even God started over."
"Restarting can solve so many problems."
"But you know it's another thing you know we're at this we're at the stage now where we've almost got to rip it up and start it again."
"Sometimes you have to begin again."
"You can always start over, always come back."
"I know it's bad, I need to start over. I need to do a restart into a healthy lifestyle."
"That's when I got the one-way flight back and my life really started over."
"It'll be very exciting to get started back doing that again."
"A lot of people have restarted their lives after great failure and been able to succeed and to do well and to be happy. Alaska allows you to do that."
"A lot of times you can shut the car off... leave it off for a minute or two, turn it back on, and the car is not fail-safe anymore."
"When in doubt, erase everything and start over."
"It was evident that it was time to tear things down and start again."
"It's like a factory reset, you know?"
"There's nobody to disappoint, so just start again."
"Listen, guys, we can't break up. How about we start from here on a clean slate?"
"If your life had a save point and it was already saved, where would you want to restart?"
"Can we just start over again? Scrap it all, wipe the slate clean, burn it down. Let's do it."
"She said that she made a false start."
"Sometimes I think we don't give ourselves permission to start again. We should have permission to start again."
"I think there's always a chance to restart the game."
"Can we just forget about that like I'm getting like the fool energy can we just start over?"
"This was really kind of a kick in the pants for me to say, you know it's time to get back to it."
"Now that he's hit rock bottom, he can start again."
"Sometimes you just gotta start over and try again."
"They've got to make the best restart."
"The whole idea of the Saturn was to start the whole process over. And start all over again with everything we'd learned."
"You can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss and lose and start again at your beginning and never breathe one word about your loss."
"I'm set up in my life to where I can literally liquidate every single asset I have if I need to in a 30-day period and completely start over."
"Sometimes when you have a plant that's not growing super well, that is what you have to do, you just have to start over."