
Offering Quotes

There are 581 quotes

"The only offering that God wants from you is your heart."
"Forgiveness is the actual, most powerful thing you can ever offer anybody."
"So let's not lose this opportunity of offering up to God this suffering for the sake of humanity."
"Greatness recognizes greatness. To invoke the attention of the end, our offer must be great."
"Son, if you will let men see me, there is nothing I will not give you."
"My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives."
"They have a lot to offer other people in terms of wisdom gained over their experiences."
"The greatest offering that you can give God is yourself."
"The greatest offering you can give the Lord is you."
"We offer you, Lord, the bread of life and the chalice of salvation."
"Your prayer will have to involve an offering of some sort."
"Let us stop and consider how hard it is to come forward with some kind of an offer to someone who has found their empowerment it takes a lot of strength it really does."
"I got FREEEESH chopped brisket on the board!"
"Here are 1 million low-grade spiritual crystals." - A generous offer.
"We are the first fruits who are to be offered to God from the earth."
"This connection feels very powerful, they want to offer their heart to you."
"I offer up to thee my dearest, for this one belongs to thee. Thou hast heard the desire of my heart."
"I brought with me a package for offering when I come to these temples; it's traditional and it's respectful."
"You have to be completely congruent with who you are and feel great about what your offer is."
"Place an offering of some mead or some flour or some flowers on the ground outside for the others, so they don't come and devour your life."
"Something real and something heartfelt is what this masculine wants to give you."
"What you give to God, you do not lose."
"Sacrifice has sacred connotations and refers to the act of offering a greater power something precious."
"My treasure, if you want it, you can have it. I left it all in one piece."
"Think of this series as a heart offering from my heart to yours."
"This person wants to offer you love and commitment."
"Remember to bring an offering for the dragon, lest it believe you are its lunch."
"The priesthood is so much more than just a social worker, you know. The priesthood is a participation in Jesus's offering."
"They have one of the most generous free tiers out there."
"When I would even give an offering to the church I would pray over it and I would I would give it as a sacred thing you know if I was to to speak to somebody about Jesus Christ it was a sacred thing."
"All I'm offering is the truth, nothing new."
"...the more you offer people the less they'll take away."
"Heavenly Father accept the work of our hands as a sacrifice of praise to your holy name."
"Is that you got cheese puffs? I've had cheese puffs, you want some cheese puffs?"
"I just want to buy you a touch of beer."
"I've made the tea. Did someone say 'tea'?"
"I just want to honor you with a little smoky offering."
"There's chicken nuggets in there if you're hungry. You could eat that instead of us."
"The giveaway is a gift you offer to life without attachment."
"True worship is offering creation itself to God."
"The Mass is God offering God to God."
"Let this offering speak in behalf of me and in behalf of us and our Bloodlines."
"This person wants to offer you their heart."
"Do what you do but offer the fruits of Your Action to me. In other words, do it all as an offering, it's accretion to your own higher consciousness."
"Your heart is the only worthy offering you can bring."
"Are you gonna take it? Here is this cup, it's bright and shiny, and it's full of love and feelings and emotions. Are you gonna take it?"
"I suggest you have a glass of my homemade wine."
"'I brought you an apple. If you'd like one...'"
"What's on offer here is as significant as it's ambitious."
"Dear followers, today I offer you tomorrow, who knows."
"Offering you something that's bringing you back to love."
"God will not accept any offering from you if it doesn't mean anything to you."
"The chef carving off for me and you also heard him say, how much would you like, so would you like some more?"
"Does God want it? Is it worth offering? And the answer is yes."
"Would you like some tea? I would love some tea."
"Having that kind of buildup by leaving offerings, being respectful, is a really important place to start."
"I'm really looking forward to that. That's a 10-year offering, 100 proof, and as for me, as you all know, that's a wonderful proof point for me personally."
"I wanted to give you guys a discount."
"I come to offer you a precious gift: my scarred, battered, and exhausted body. It's not much to look at but worth much more."
"The 99.99 price tag is a bargain for what they are offering you."
"This is all for free at the moment."
"We are believing for all the ways that God is going to stretch our faith in this season through our year-end offering."
"We offer our peace, we offer our love."
"What kind of gift will you bring to God today?"
"Bring your gifts and time as offerings to God."
"Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to you."
"I really wanted to offer you something so you could really get what you need."
"There's this sense of gratitude with the bowl being offered to the heavens."
"I'm going to give you up to 5,000 dollars."
"I'm going to give you something no one else is giving you."
"Invest yourself in knowing that that initial thing that you're doing is actually just a pure and honest offering to God."
"That's why OTAs demand an offering. To not give an offering is to steal from an author because you use the exchange and then abuse the exchange."
"Speak to the children of Israel and say to them: When anyone of you brings an offering to the Lord, you shall bring your offering of the livestock of the herd and of the flock."
"He shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving."
"And of it, he shall offer one out of the whole oblation for a heave offering unto the Lord."
"It is how we behold it that determines how we feel about it. It's not just execution; it's also an offering."
"You're taking your essence... your heart, your creative spiritual energy out of yourself and offering it to the world."
"I don't have anything to offer but friendship."
"There came also Nicodemus which at first came to Jesus by night and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about 100 pounds in weight"
"God helps us take our everyday ordinary life and place it before Him as an offering."
"Bring your heart and desires before God in worship, offering the best you have as a seed."
"I realize that the less ego there is, the more there is to offer, that's the funny thing about it."
"It is a meat offering, an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the Lord."
"Offer them to the Lord. I have experienced God's transformation along the journey."
"You want a drink? Fiji, if you got it. I got one left. Ah, it's got your name on it."
"I am blessed to be able to create these and to be able to use these and to be able to offer them to you."
"Would you like to try some ice cream? It's served fresh."
"For me, I think we really need help. It's really going to take people who've seen it to share. It's an offering that I hope is received. It's an invitation, but it has to be accepted."
"We have three people that want to give you their cup of love."
"We are not too come to consume, we're come to give an offering, we're come to give our praise, we're coming to give our lives."
"He's just giving it to us as a gift to bring home."
"Every time you hear offering time, you're hearing multiplication time. Money is coming."
"I hate asking people things, but I didn't ask, she offered."
"We offer a wide variety of lift and level kits for the CUV SUV market."
"May I offer You something to drink?"
"We know we have something to offer, but we know others do too."
"Penguins offer their potential mates precious pebbles essential for building nests."
"This is such a good package they're offering."
"Maybe you make a dedication and let this practice be an offering to somebody or something that you love."
"I could not recommend poetry more as something to give to the gods... and it's something that is completely free and just requires a little bit of creativity and it's a part of yourself too so perfect offering."
"Northern Africa will be reclaimed, a highway will be made back to Jerusalem, and Africa will bring an offering to the God of the whole earth."
"We worship you with our seed, worship you with what you've given us."
"You will bring sacrifice on the table, the question tonight is: What do you bring?"
"May our lives be fragrant offerings to you, lived out for your glory."
"So in order for them to even listen to you, you need to persuade me, what do you have to offer?"
"To Marduk his Lord, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, son of Nabopolassar, gave this for his life."
"We're taking up an offering at our church tomorrow in Charlotte we're calling it a Revival offering we've challenged our church we want you to sell a possession that you have and sow it into Revival"
"You are a princess and accustomed to the best of everything, and I have but poor fare to offer—black bread and radishes."
"Everything in me is my gift to you."
"Manipulation is the opposite of force. It's the seduction, it's the offering of coin, it's the offering of knowledge."
"We give everyone a dollar a sticker awesome and do you want something, do you want some socks?"
"I shall appease the god of the thunderstorm with a sunny tune."
"It's incredibly smart of zift to offer this."
"What more can someone who has nothing offer other than prayer?"
"Your life is an offering. Your gratitude, your songs, your prayers, your blessings, your kindness to yourself and others is an offering to the goddess."
"Intentions towards her involve work-related interactions, possibly offering something."
"Every offering has a prophetic assignment. Every offering produces a different future."
"I will not offer to the Lord that which costs me nothing."
"Can I offer you this? Uh, no. But if you're looking to top up...?"
"Don't taste the food. It is not to be tested. Then it becomes, oh, just um, somebody else has spit being offered to the deity."
"An offering is not just money, it's you."
"Every tithe of the land, whether the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord's. It is holy to the Lord."
"I'll make double of whatever you want."
"I have nothing to offer except myself."
"To show the deepest meaning of life or how we are within interconnectedness and show it as actual concrete example I think that was most our deepest offering one person can do."
"How would you satisfy that hunger? Here, take this, and I will show you."
"Abel brought to God what God wanted; Cain brought to God what Cain wanted."
"They shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the Lord, out of all nations."
"God accepted Abel because of his offering; he offered blood, Cain didn't offer blood."
"Abel's offering was better because he brought faith, not just blood."
"Giving God the best of what you have is different from just giving Him an offering."
"Never offer to God that which costs you nothing."
"Cain's miss-offering: he offered the leftovers, not the best part."
"Just a cup of coffee, yeah I suppose you want a cup of coffee too."
"The votive offering is a gift made to an entity as a result of a vow."
"But I think that they've got something that's really special here that they're offering."
"'The air is filled with the fragrance of incense and flower offerings...'"
"Your presence may be a gift. My feminine offering may be a meal that I'm cooking for my family. It can be a live streaming event like this."
"Seed or offering giving is the only way that the 30, 60, and 100-fold harvest is received."
"God, I'm gonna peel you off a hundred, amen."
"This is a lightsaber. Belonged to my teacher, Master Yoda. And now, I'm offering it to you."
"All that you do, all that you say, all that you are is offered to God like incense."
"They want to make an offer of mind, body, and soul."
"Everything hangs on the fact of you want something ideally will be provided and everything depends on what you can make of that and how it is offered to you."
"We shall bless you. We say you're the second one to give an offering."
"I have plans for the future but this is what I'm offering right now."
"Once you relinquish your will, it's an offering that you hand over to him."
"Jesus, I offer You my whole day. It's the best gift I can offer You. Amen."
"We bring our children, we bring our family, we bring ourselves, and we bring everyone else on both sides of the veil as a holy offering."
"Can't you offer it to her at last?"
"We can offer God everything we do. What we like and what is an effort for us."
"Let's go, I got cookies, sugar cookies."
"They want to start anew with you, they want to offer you whatever they have."
"We're going to prepare a first fruit offering. How many will believe with me that God will bless every family with a first fruit offering that will be a blessing to this house?"
"Excellence is not Perfection but it is bringing our best offering to the Lord."
"I didn't drink because when I asked God and ancestors for things, I try to come with bearing gifts, yeah, so I was like okay, I'm not gonna drink until we hear the word on this spin-off."
"It's okay to offer up your services if you're a subject matter expert."
"I am here to offer a token of friendship."
"The Virgin today brings into the world the Eternal and the Earth offers a cave to the inaccessible."
"The Classic Package is the standard alcohol package on offer."
"When you come to this awareness that your body is a temple of God... everything that you do in your day-to-day life should become an offering to the divinity present in your inner sanctum."
"If he will come in and take this offering and bless it in the Holy Spirit's war-field, then you'll see Jesus Christ moving in the audience."
"You want me to put it in a gift box?"
"This was the offering of just one man, and just in case there was any doubt about where he was from, the inscription was in the Saira Hewson alphabet."
"Somewhere someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer."
"You have a lot to offer, a lot to give, a lot of intelligence."
"Now is the time in our service where we get a chance to offer our blessings, offer our gratitude for this spiritual home."
"I'm offering you this key with my heart open, and I'm hoping that you're here for the right reasons."
"Father, I thank you for the opportunity to give back to you. Lord, I give this offering to you in faith."
"Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for me."
"For a devotee, nothing in this life is ever complete until it is offered directly from your heart to the heart of God."
"Nothing of this world is ever whole or complete until it is sincerely offered to God."
"It is the offering that makes it whole."
"There is something that religion can give... spirituality."
"We give you the gift of our lives back to you right now, Father. May you be pleased with us."
"What can I possibly give back to God for all that he has done?"
"God said, 'Prove me in the tithe and the offering.'"
"The best offering you can give him is healthy food."
"Everything in life should be offered to the Lord and accepted back as Prasad, not just food, clothes, even a new gadget you buy or iPhone or something. Offer it to the Lord and take it back as Prasad."
"I would not give God something that cost me nothing."
"The greatest offering you can give to God cannot fit in an envelope, the greatest offering you can ever give to God is give God your heart."
"We just want to give people something to watch, that's what we're doing right now."
"As I understand the New Testament, what Christ offers me is something that no other religion offers me."
"The greatest offering you can give is not green, the greatest offering you give is yourself."
"The greatest offering you can give God is not a dollar, it's yourself."
"I am going to give something today into the life of my man of God just to honor him."
"Then let me give you peace, Master."
"Father, we offer ourselves afresh to you."
"I bring you a gift. I ask only one thing in return - a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."
"Let us offer this as a gesture of goodwill."
"What you offer to your mother is your being."
"I'll bring some vegan mac and cheese."
"You don't have to worry about us. You want some candy?"
"And there was given unto Him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of All Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne."
"Giving that offering to her is a really great small ritual that you can do to Frigg."
"The best preserved scene on the right is where the king offers bouquets to Geb and Nut."
"Here the king makes an offering of the Ujat eye to Shu and Tefnut."
"I hope you see this as a peace offering."
"God must accept the person before He accepts what you're offering."