
Impression Quotes

There are 7965 quotes

"When they think of excitement and love, they think of you."
"The result is an astonishing display that is as beautiful as it is impressive."
"So, let's review the actual ship now... overall, guys, I have to say, I am very, very impressed."
"He impressed me so thoroughly as a 23-year-old to have that head on his shoulders."
"It's safe to say that we were absolutely mind-blown."
"Being authentic was the first time I was ever told I was impressive."
"Your job is not to impress someone and get them to like you, your job is to get to know them."
"And I was honestly really impressed by Allure's selection of product winners."
"You only get one chance to make a first impression."
"I don't think I ever saw Sarah without a smile on her face."
"I was so impressed by him. He is such a well-adjusted, just... I was so impressed."
"The conscious impresses the subconscious while the subconscious expresses all that is impressed upon it."
"The way he turned slightly to the left and back to the right and back to eye contact, you know, never looked down... that has again a dramatic effect."
"Honestly, I'm genuinely impressed with your balls."
"The last impression is a lasting impression."
"Color me impressed. I really wasn't expecting this whatsoever."
"I just had no idea how much she would make an impression not only on these banquets but my heart."
"SHMINKA impressed me in just about every way... It had the qualities I think a traditional gouache artist is gonna want."
"This person noticed right away that you were very bright, very bubbly."
"The weight of her testimony was striking, leaving an indelible impression on those present."
"Getting expensive stuff, who you trying to impress? Don't nobody care about that stuff."
"Recruiters and hiring managers skim resumes very quickly... you only have like 10-20-30 seconds to make an impression."
"A good vocabulary allows you to make any job application or award package sound impressive."
"I was impressed with the people. I was impressed with, though the churches are small, they had a great passion for the Word of God."
"Not every gift has to be a grand statement of wealth, smaller things can make a far greater impression as long as they're chosen well."
"I'm not sure that I have ever brought you for a tour of a collection as impressive and jaw-dropping as we're going to be seeing today."
"When guests walk into their room at Bryce's, there'll be a wow factor. Wow, this feels really good."
"I imagine it as having a really nice tie... but if you're wearing it with a T-shirt or if you don't know how to tie it properly, chances are somebody isn't going to compliment you on it."
"I'm more thoroughly impressed than I am mad at this point."
"This is a game I knew nothing about. It came absolutely out of nowhere to me and knocked me out."
"It takes a lot to impress me and get me excited and kind of like, you did it. I appreciate it. You did it. What a story. This is people are going to love this."
"It's great around here. Remember, we saw it for the first time and were really impressed."
"Braking performance in these cars was generally pretty good and pretty impressive."
"People are watching us and seeing what we're doing, and they're very impressed."
"It's been about two months and I can still smell this fragrance on that jacket."
"Prioritize clarity over creativity. First impressions matter."
"Unleashing resilience at the tender age of 14, Courtney Hadwin didn't just perform on America's Got Talent, she left a lasting impression."
"Confidence, it just comes right off the bat."
"It's so impressive to me, these designs man, they capture the feeling of a UB perfectly."
"London, it's really quite something... the attention to detail is kind of astounding."
"Just having your own look because people are going to look at you be like damn her aesthetic is so dope."
"This person wants to impress you, they're constantly thinking about new things to catch your eye."
"The boss can't be late to work. Imagine what kind of impression that would leave."
"Clever will get you around [] [] clever all good to get people just impressed like long enough which is all you need in a movie."
"Lorna appears deeply impressed by the Frost sisters during the negotiation."
"I went into this demo not really with the highest of expectations, but I walked out completely blown away."
"The name in and of itself just sounds so [ __ ] badass."
"My passion comes a little bit different. Anybody can stand up for something, but stand up for something when you have nothing, then I'm impressed."
"Keep doing this... you're a very impressive person."
"He's very impressed... right there in that number one position."
"It's impressive, it creates a distinctive impression."
"I can't stress it enough, I am literally impressed."
"There's no such thing as a cool Christian. You can't impress people with Jesus when you're trying to impress them with yourself."
"Just be a good person, leave them with an impression like 'Oh okay I feel.'"
"One line that stuck to me when they're all you know saying their one statement."
"Absolutely fantastic, and I'm seriously impressed by that."
"This test footage was actually kind of creepy. That's what I'm saying."
"Welcome back to the series where we go from old to gold, from rags to riches, from broke to baller."
"I truly thought she looked amazing in it the whole time, and I'm sure you would think the same. Not to mention it was funny as [ __ ]."
"The Last Broadcast is an impressively well-made film."
"He thought he was going to go there and be very impressive himself and he came away very impressed with you."
"That actually looks really outstanding, take a look at that."
"It takes your breath away on many fronts it really does."
"Probably one of the most impressive cars at all, even more so in this new generation."
"It's also about the fact that they looked so good in their wins."
"KSI was the nicest person I've ever met, genuinely a really nice person."
"This is honestly one of the most impressive settings I've ever seen in a game."
"The one long continuous take... is impressive."
"I'm loving this, like this, I could honestly, I'm not a big Tahoe fan, but seeing these has really just like changed my impression, I guess."
"I feel like when I when people see it they'll be really impressed by it."
"Livewire certainly makes an impression and has an interesting journey."
"Overall, I'm really impressed with the property."
"Looking sharp, half the game is how you look, you know what I mean?"
"I guess I could say that I generally view the triple-double as more impressive."
"Trust me, an interview panel can tell when you are not being authentic and I promise the best way to impress an interview panel is just by being yourself."
"It's because their apparent conduct here is what the hell and so that creates an unfavorable impression on me."
"I'm really impressed with the quality of everything."
"Everyone that walks in here legitimately says wow."
"The texture of everything and the lighting is so impressive."
"It really is amazing to watch this guy night in, night out... it's stunning to imagine just how grotesque he is."
"Full Guys impresses me as a product in its totality."
"You have no idea how much of a Veruca Salt vibe I got from her."
"I've just been so impressed with as I said before with kind of the masterful presentation."
"It signals to the listener that you are applying effort."
"That sacrifice he made for me was pretty impressive."
"New York [ __ ] is like [ __ ] is this old big tall ass [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yo who the [ __ ] is this n."
"This game still feels impressive honestly, even now."
"Honestly, assuming this thing lasts well, all that spec is pretty impressive."
"It's not happening, SCU looking very impressive."
"When you get out of it walking away, you really want to have another look."
"I mean, every time I speak about him, I get impressed. He's so intelligent with everything he does."
"She impresses me more than anything I've ever seen in my life."
"That glass panel at the back looks [__] awesome."
"Anthony Alanga is extremely impressive for a 19 year old."
"Maybe my tired energy was not an ode of confidence to you."
"Somebody that thinks they have to impress with what they say they make."
"You may be very attracted to this person, somebody that thinks they have to impress."
"This is the best-looking game I've ever laid my hands on."
"Germany's government air fleet is nothing short of impressive."
"God is coming for the world or till I go to the grave."
"You aren't impressing nobody. In fact, you're not even impressing the devil because he understand what's your quote and you don't."
"He fought hard, he looked good. I was impressed."
"Fluency impresses both native and non-native speakers."
"Now let's talk about the look, from the outside it looks very plain, nice and sleek and classy."
"I've been impressed. I've been on a lot of university campuses. Matter of fact, for four years, I was a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania."
"Five million, I would be like wow, that's impressive."
"Wow, that actually looks great. I'm so impressed with how this looks."
"I release it in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"She has literally nailed it in the very first look."
"Seeing this vast collection is definitely impressive to this day."
"Every new Mazda I've tested has impressed me."
"Overall, I'm more impressed than I thought I would be. It's not a five out of five, it's not a ten out of ten, but it's a stronger outing than I thought I would get from Star Wars."
"Juice does have some of the fly as you knees man."
"Delivering one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen."
"It reminds me of one of the first times we saw battles for Rome 2 back in 2012."
"When you're out to impress, food needs to look great."
"The highest criticism deals with art not as expressive but as impressive purely."
"That's really something to take in. That's genuinely impressive. Very, very, very impressive."
"She's just ready to go, she's stunning, she looked fit, I loved it."
"I just want like a wow factor when you walk into the room."
"The interesting thing about Margaery is that when it comes to making a great impression, she is the single best Game of Thrones example of how to behave in the real world."
"That's fucking quality guys. Absolutely min. I'm fucking impressed with that. I like that."
"They want to flaunt and they want to impress."
"The most impressive guy I saw this weekend was Jabari Smith Jr."
"You need to have an entertainment form that people remember as being impressive whilst maintaining somewhat of a likable reputation."
"The biggest flex I've seen maybe ever in my life was this."
"To say I'm impressed by this vehicle would be an understatement."
"After spending the day driving this new Pathfinder, I'm actually coming away pretty impressed."
"All in all, the figure really does absolutely impress me."
"Interesting and they really come off as being very confident. They're acting very attractive."
"Somebody's gonna try to impress you, manifesting."
"In three words: sensational, beautiful, stunning."
"It's very impressive... they look really cool."
"We have officially run out of time on this video, but I hope you guys are impressed by the transformation. I sure am."
"I thought it was really interesting when he comes in and puts his hands on her head as if he's healing her."
"He's surprised and super impressed that she figured out the problem and a correct answer in her head with just one glance."
"His personality seems a lot more cool and measured."
"Most paintings, the instant you see them, they become familiar."
"The suit itself did turn out really impressive."
"She's one of the coolest persons I've ever met."
"What an exciting time and yeah, I'm impressed."
"The way you feel about yourself has a lot to do with the impression you make."
"It's seriously a great device... I'm incredibly impressed."
"Ben was eager to start his new job and make a good impression."
"To see that applied on Jill Stein and how she was able to handle his questions was honestly very impressive."
"They just almost kind of think you're magic in a way, and they're just really impressed by you."
"Overall, very impressed with how it's all executed."
"Just looks more expensive and will hang with watches that are double or triple the price."
"She's very, very strong, but the consistency is what's impressed me most."
"This is massive. See the way they did it, too? It's very cool."
"I found her to be such a fantastic character."
"You are gonna really impress your boss or your co-workers."
"Your ability to like break down your emotions and like dissect like what you're feeling and how you're feeling... very impressive."
"Overall, what an impressive driving experience once again."
"This is not to impress you but impress upon you."
"I realized suddenly how tall she was, she towered over the men when she stood up, probably over seven feet."
"Hell yeah, Luke, you didn't win the fight but you definitely made an impression."
"I'm impressed... I like how he's getting it."
"I don't do that... because I want to impress upon them that I don't do it the way a normal person would do it."
"I'm actually pretty impressed, it looks very bad but it's good."
"I flew to New York for the first time... I couldn't get my head around that... just insane."
"Flynn sat in my lap the whole time watching you, it was mind-blowing!"
"Funny and so talented, it was really incredible."
"Holy crap dude, look at this guy, he's ripped."
"I'm pretty blown away by how good this game looks and feels."
"I think he's come across incredibly well. He's by far the best orator out of all of them."
"The trend we've seen so far moving away from the language of academia and moving into a more casual, conversational style is the future of video essays."
"It's just so impressive. I think the thing I like the most about this video was the whole fact that you were playing off the documentary."
"The acceleration is actually very very impressive."
"They had a dignity and a generosity of spirit that really impressed me and that made me want to know more about them."
"It's so striking, oh my god, and look at the back, wow."
"Confidence is the best way to impress anybody."
"Someone being able to speak a language perfectly to the point where native speakers are like, 'Wow'."
"All I'm saying is if you showed up at my door to pick me up from high school graduation looking like this, I would definitely be impressed." - Robbie
"The redhead though, yeah with the beers? Yeah, unbelievable."
"That was the most impressive thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"The composure, the focus, the discipline - very impressive."
"I thought it was dazzling. I thought the way he wove through both the facts of the case and the historical context was really remarkable."
"It's organized, it's structured, and it all looks incredible."
"MJ made quite the impression: 'Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot.'"
"This exceptional creation leaves a jaw-dropping impression, making it a true work of art unmatched in its rarity and splendor."
"William's hand... looks very manly, very solid."
"What impressed you most about it? It's confidence. Yeah, I mean, he's awesome."
"Love the books, just finished Killing Jesus. So impressed."
"This is a powerful lady I don't want to mess with. This is good. That's the impression you should get. And I'm the same, I would."
"From what we've seen, it looks absolutely incredible."
"He came across strong, confident, charismatic."
"Overall, I have to say we are quite impressed by the RX 350 hybrid."
"You're literally going to be ticking boxes in front of their eyes."
"I think anyone who's seen both of our cars together right now is losing their friggin minds."
"His speech was absolutely strong and amazing."
"You guys give off a vibe as someone who is resilient... This person is going to survive it no matter what it is."
"It's just as mesmerizing as you could imagine it is."
"The sound quality on these earbuds blew me away."
"Modularity screaming in your face whenever you look at the one."
"It's hard not to instantly be at least a little bit impressed."
"You can have flaws problems but wow them in the end and you've got ahead."
"You show the girl that you're not willing to back down so easily and you have a response for her objection she will oftentimes get impressed."
"The underwater tunnel at Mall of America blew me away."
"I got to meet Amy Garcia back in 2019. She was just as stunning in person."