
Catalyst Quotes

There are 373 quotes

"When you win the first one, that's the catalyst that helps you win the rest."
"Faye's involvement is the catalyst for fate changing."
"Solitude turns out to be a real catalyst to creativity."
"Zelda is consistently the catalyst for combat against the worst evil this world has ever seen."
"I think the discourse never evolves unless it's being catalyzed by some horrible random act of violence."
"Pietro's demise was the perfect catalyst to get Wanda over to the Avengers and solidify her place on the team."
"Hey, if I gotta be the catalyst to get the pullback, the little bit of a dip so you guys get an opportunity to buy, so we can continue to move forward, hey, I'll do that job every single day."
"Conflict can be a huge catalyst for change and growth."
"Emotions act as powerful catalysts in this process."
"Ultimately, you have this bottom, this reckoning that becomes a catalyst for all the growth and the expansion."
"The tragic shooting in Dayton Ohio served as a catalyst for a national discussion on gun control laws."
"As sad and hurtful as some things are, this can be the catalyst for unbelievable change in our country."
"Every day I'm waiting for something, give me a catalyst, give me something."
"Everything is just a catalyst for growth, and it's all meant to be happening."
"The thing about zombies is that they're just background, they're just kind of a trigger, a catalyst to observe how humans behave."
"Price will act as a catalyst for price to pull back and continue."
"What if I told you the death of an American basketball player on the rise would be the catalyst for some of the most aggressive and toxic drug laws the nation had ever seen?"
"You are the Catalyst for change because you've gone quiet."
"It feels to me that this really underlying foundational piece of work that is the catalyst for being able to do all of these amazing things."
"You are breaking the chains of generational curses; you are the Catalyst of people's transformation."
"Thursday is going to be a huge Catalyst for this Market."
"Let's now get into the first of a three potential catalyst for the doomsday."
"A catalyst is a substance present in small quantities which alters the speed of a chemical reaction but which remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction."
"For any kind of meaningful change to occur in our lives, there typically needs to be a powerful catalyst."
"Pauline was the necessary catalyst to jumpstart the Mario rescue business."
"I think that consensus which happens around about this point could actually cause like a catalyst, be like a catalyst in the market, may go accelerate quicker."
"It's going to be an accelerant, it's going to be a spark, it's going to be a game night."
"A new person, new love interest could kind of be the catalyst that creates some significant change in your life."
"Eclipses trigger the change... that creates a catalyst, like a breakdown or breakthrough."
"The ethereum merge is potentially the biggest catalyst for 2022."
"Compassion is the catalyst that creates things."
"Governments have to compete for their customers."
"This story is acting like a little bit of a catalyst to a bigger conversation."
"I think this is just the first iteration of people finally getting their angst and anger out finally saying enough is enough and they just needed a reason they just needed a reason."
"It takes something like this to make a change."
"The Arab Spring began when a Tunisian street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire as a protest against police corruption and mistreatment."
"You're like this major catalyst for change."
"What you perceived to be over is merely a catalyst for change."
"They're a catalyst for your growth in many ways."
"The fuse of revolution was now lit."
"This is the start of something, the Catalyst that we can start to make a little change."
"Q enters Picard's life to judge humanity and set the new series in motion."
"You've kind of served as a catalyst for this person to really dig deeper into the self."
"Entrepreneurship is the catalyst for this change."
"It only takes one spark to light a fire."
"They're not the conquerors but the driving force that will help humanity change."
"A tiny spark can set a great forest on fire."
"There is no better catalyst than Kazatomprom to move the uranium price."
"Time and time again the forces Unleashed by Modern Warfare have been shown to be the Catalyst for massive change."
"There's definitely a catalyst here recently, there seems to be some sort of heartbreak, disappointment, or feeling abandoned."
"Meeting your twin flame will trigger a spiritual awakening."
"Tony Stark is already Iron Man. He already has a Hall of Armor so basically it's like if Peter Parker was already a good guy superhero when Uncle Ben got shot there's no Catalyst for change He's already good from the start."
"It's time for you to use that wisdom you've learned to be a catalyst for your next part of your journey."
"You've been training for this for lifetimes. Spirit is saying this situation was supposed to happen, this person was supposed to be in your life to be your catalyst, and you are supposed to be their catalyst."
"We want to be that springboard to do better in this world."
"His death was kind of the Catalyst which started World War one."
"This eclipse is just the match that starts the bigger fire."
"You both really are each other's catalysts for growth."
"He acted as a catalyst for many of the great events in the legendarium."
"This will finally be the Catalyst that makes her get her life together."
"There are only a very few things that might have the ability to shock our world into a better place."
"Nothing that ignites change is ever for nothing."
"That was a catalyst that pushed us forward and so that's what forced us to hire that rockstar team."
"You're a catalyst for growth in others, awakening deep feelings and lessons."
"The echo isn't just a message; it's a catalyst."
"Honestly, there's one product that really kicked this off for me."
"Putting out an idea, even if it's totally wrong, is a much better catalyst for getting to a good solution because people are much more likely to react to an idea than to nothing."
"He gives them here the trigger that sets the whole thing off."
"This person is just a catalyst. It's happening for your growth."
"He's just got four tonight and he is the catalyst for this team."
"Thank you for being the catalyst to push me to finally leave."
"We're very optimistic that the prices are going to remain elevated... we don't really see a catalyst that can knock this back."
"This connection is an activator for you of your own soul's growth."
"This person has been a catalyst for you, really lighting a fire for you, getting you excited and moving."
"You will be the trigger for them to realize that they're not happy there."
"The magnitude of the tragedy in Port Arthur provided the momentum for change to occur."
"I really wish she had never bought this stuff as it was probably a catalyst for what happened later."
"The number one catalyst for their returns over the last 30 to 40 years has been declining interest rates."
"What creates sustained momentum is typically a catalyst."
"Fear falls upon this Rando, and it sparks up the right conversations from the crowd."
"It's a catalyst for the cave, preparing to face death, sacrificing everything."
"Your friend is going to be the catalyst to you being in a relationship."
"The forces unleashed by Modern Warfare have been shown to be the catalyst for massive change."
"Even though Nezuko is not the protagonist of the series, she has definitely been the catalyst in the development of the anime."
"It just takes one little spark to start a wildfire."
"I think it was the official instigation they needed to pull the trigger on addressing everything."
"For some of you, this person can even be catalyzing a spiritual awakening within you or you within them."
"...it was the best thing being bullied I know some of your viewers listeners might be thinking what the heck but being bully was the the catalyst for the whole the whole thing in my life..."
"Understanding the catalyst that changes our lives."
"Making small menial changes in your life... will be the catalyst to trigger something in your subconscious."
"This was the catalyst of his downfall."
"It might be my favorite superhero origin as far as the catalyst goes from making a character become a hero."
"Remember the date, this is what tone started this whole thing."
"You're the Catalyst to a lot of people's Awakening."
"I feel like you were a catalyst in this person's Journey and it was your connection with them that activated them."
"Revolution, that's the only thing that's ever changed anything. It is this cataclysmic event that just makes, like, uh, we have to change now."
"Alien 3 really is the catalyst for the Alien franchise exploding beyond anything that they can even measure."
"It was just the catalyst to where I am now."
"...a catalyst for a new way to make a skateboard video for people to watch."
"Freddie Mercury was the catalyst to that group going from being kind of semi-pro, semi-serious to being a full-on serious proposition."
"It was passion that would change everything."
"That brings me to the next interesting topic... the catalyst right here."
"Nothing brings about change like pain."
"This is what brings on revolutions."
"Are you in a relationship? Yeah, and that's been a big catalyst for the growth for me."
"Your life has the potential to be a catalyst for change, a light in the darkness, and a source of hope and healing for those around you."
"He didn't initially get involved because of the dial painters' case; instead, it was the death of a male chemist at the U.S. radium plant that got the wheels turning."
"I think I was a bit of a catalyst for the things that are happening nowadays."
"A single Catalyst could change all that."
"...you're meant to imagine new ways of doing things, you're here to break the mold and to kind of be a catalyst for huge change."
"The loss of his son Connor was a catalyst for Clapton's recovery."
"Your 8 words could be catalytic to change everything."
"...this is a beautiful catalyst for that and I'm not saying we should accept it but we should do what we can do to make the situation better."
"The situation was a catalyst and a blessing."
"Without your pettiness none of this could have happened."
"Loneliness tends to aggravate other mental health conditions, so it's a catalyst for mental illness."
"The courage of those speaking out is a powerful catalyst for change."
"Arya's the Catalyst that would unleash the full power of the nebula."
"This connection is one that kind of serves as a catalyst for you and this person to both set out on this journey of self-discovering the self."
"This is where it really kicks off, once they did that, most of the pieces were in place to begin the campaign of mass killing."
"Let love be the catalyst for an enlightened outcome."
"Catalyst without failure is kind of like religion without hell."
"Ariel always wanted to experience what it would be like to be a part of human culture, and Eric's party is just the catalyst."
"It will be the event that renders Black people economically powerless once and for all or it can be the catalyst that positively and fundamentally alters the economic position of Black people in America forever."
"It just takes one, and as soon as that one jumps in, then everyone else has to play along."
"Joker's the catalyst for the entire injustice universe."
"I wish that song hadn't picked us as its Catalyst."
"For many, their trigger was something negative."
"Humans don't change anything until they're terribly uncomfortable."
"The magic happens when you combine a solid catalyst with the right setup. Imagine leveraging an opening range break with a positive earnings report or a mean reversion strategy after a favorable regulatory announcement on a beaten-down stock."
"There is a chance if the powers are awakened. A meteor shower should start soon, which is what will serve as the catalyst for the mad evolution of the zombies and thus might help Senu as well."
"Sometimes we meet our soulmate, our twin flame, our person because they are the Catalyst for bringing out certain sides of us that may have been closed off before."
"This eclipse is a real catalyst for change. A lot of people are going to glaze over it, and that's the very thing you shouldn't do."
"Jealousy can serve as that trigger to your life's journey."
"The Catalyst could be anything that inspired you to pick up the guitar."
"That's pretty much what set this whole thing off again."
"Nobody could have known that such a present would become a catalyst for Young's reign of terror and Inspire him to learn about his first deadly poison antimony."
"The body is this beautiful path to changing everything right it can be like this catalyst if you take control of this one thing in your life and you develop discipline you can start applying it to everything else in your life."
"The biggest catalyst for Bitcoin's either death or success is going to be on a political spectrum."
"This person feels like a very catalystic type energy to help shake up your world a little bit."
"Dumbledore being sorted into Slytherin could potentially serve as the Catalyst for an unfathomable number of changes in Wizarding World law."
"The fact that it fell late was the problem but it was definitely a negative catalyst so that was pretty simple."
"Freddie was the catalyst to that group going from being kind of semi-pro, semi-serious to being a full-on serious proposition."
"Natural sunlight is used as a catalyst."
"Stocks with a Catalyst that falls within the current theme can have explosive moves."
"At the end of the day, Andrew's murder was the catalyst for Steven to start reassessing his life."
"Sometimes all it takes is a spark."
"1995 can be the Catalyst, the launching pad."
"I met meditation, and that was the catalyst for so much change in my life."
"Sometimes all it takes is a spark the spark becomes a flame."
"The LEC Texas tornado would ultimately become a catalyst for change."
"It just helped me to keep that confidence throughout, which has been an amazing thing and a massive catalyst for change for me."
"They're the catalysts that change the nation."
"She was my catalyst and my inspiration."
"You were the perfect catalyst to what we'd been perfecting."
"It just takes a real spark to do something like the French Revolution."
"...you will also be the Catalyst that forces change giving the future a chance to survive."
"Be the Catalyst who needed to be vulnerable and raw."
"Sometimes it takes a tragedy to create change, a change that benefits the future of stock car racing."
"Adding a catalyst will actually have no effect on the value of KP."
"Confrontation is the seed for change."
"Change is necessary, change is needed, and you were that trigger, right? You were that spark, you were that wake-up call to this person."
"Jezebel is the first and most powerful catalyst for persecution of God's Saints."
"It gave me that confidence it gave you that starting point a catalyst for me in my career."
"They act as a catalyst for you to become the best version of yourself."
"To serve as a catalyst for change."
"He is the Catalyst he is the glue that holds this team together."
"You might hit that one catalyst that sends you to a whole another level of it."
"...more disruptive protests often are the catalysts for meaningful change..."
"When you hit that certain level of desperation that's when you can really kick start things and when you need to."
"The cold weather was a catalyst that helped the Vikings reach four Super Bowls."
"Therapy is the catalyst for change."
"...most people can come to an agreement on that Loki is the force in the universe that instigates uh change the catalyst is the best English word we have to describe it."
"This has been a catalyst for accepting my trans identity and allowing me to feel comfortable in my own skin."
"Relationships often become the Catalyst for us to realize the space and magnitude of love that we have within ourselves."
"It all started with the Rockets GM Daryl. He liked a tweet."
"...this moment is again you can't underestimate how important it is in terms of the inspiration and the Catalyst for others."
"This is the catalyst to bring Johnny and Danny together."
"So much progress in the world starts when something very tragic happens."
"A catalyst speeds up a reaction by providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy."
"It's going to be that catalyst for a lot of people to make that jump."
"The charismatic healer is simply the catalyst. It starts within the person themselves."
"Maybe we could come together and not have the horrific thing be the catalyst."
"This book is really the catalyst when it comes to a lot of personal development."
"Leaders like him are catalysts for making society great again."
"Great men of history are the catalysts for making society great again."
"What about Carrie specifically is just see, she was the catalyst to everything."
"Can the original self be described as catalyst in a chemical reaction? A good example, it makes everything happen by its very presence."
"It was the wink that really set this whole game into motion."
"They're the igniters, they're the Catalyst... it's a whole new ball game."
"That's your spot, that's what started this whole thing, that thing right there."
"Sometimes having regrets can be good because it's a catalyst for change if you let it be that."
"You're like a catalystic agent in chemistry. You know in chemistry they teach you that nothing will happen, there is no chemical process until you put in the catalyst."
"The trigger of social mobilization is anger."
"Thank you for being a catalyst to our journey."
"I think there's a part of me that is hopeful that it will catalyze more attention, more voices, and more change."
"The change spread faster and faster as the catalyzed reaction opened its surface of contact."
"Having love and losing it is what triggers the Shingun to evolve."
"Nothing changes until it's preached."
"So what was the catalyst that really pushed me beyond all this?"