
Plausibility Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"The concept of a maximally great being is intuitively coherent, and so it seems plausible that such a being could exist."
"It's amazing that that's possible. Now, can we prove that that happened? No, but everything we can point to makes it plausible."
"The more people that are involved in a conspiracy theory, the less likely it is to be true."
"My goal with NPCs is to... make them plausible."
"It's vastly less plausible than self-destruction as an explanation for the Fermi Paradox."
"Oda managed to make angel-inhabited islands in the sky feel entirely plausible within the context of his pirate world."
"There is historical validity to it but in terms of fantasy, you just need to be plausible."
"I think it's very plausible that there could be some conspiracy."
"These theories are so crazy that it just might be true."
"Give absurd ideas respect. Give them the respect of being plausible, of being possible."
"The rise of digital currencies like Bitcoin is plausible."
"I know it sounds crazy, but it sounds too crazy for it not to be true."
"The formation of the group and its evolving dynamic seem much more plausible."
"The perfect movie trilogy... It's almost implausible."
"It seems implausible that there wouldn't be other life."
"Science and real faith are friends not enemies."
"The more we know scientifically, the more plausible... the concept of a creator... becomes."
"Even if they make it make sense, like how it makes sense that the Nords could be imperialized and stuff by now, you know it's 200 years in the future like you know all of that could happen feasibly. It still would have been a better setting."
"In a film with an invisible car and James Bond surfing on a glacier-induced tidal wave, the fight is, for the most part, free of complete ludicrousness."
"He literally shut down bro, what happened to him he literally shut down for a second."
"Narrative should always be plausible, but surprising."
"If you line up three paradigms of moral psychology... Nietzsche's are the most plausible hands-down."
"Ideas that seem absurd start to become plausible."
"The fact that it's so plausible... shows you how a movement can be flimsy."
"This theory makes too much sense to not have something behind it."
"Wait, wait, this feels like it's getting more and more plausible as we keep talking."
"Some murder cases are built on circumstantial evidence and Lisa's account simply makes no sense."
"This might actually be the most plausible encounter to alien life. It's massive and the most prominent that we've ever seen."
"Star Wars, the series often derided as being space fantasy and not science fiction, turns out to be scientifically plausible yet again."
"For many people the question remains: Is it plausible that simple hunter-gatherers could have built such an amazing site as Gobekli Tepe?"
"This is proof of concept; this makes it plausible."
"Brandon the Builder, the supposed founder of House Stark, being either a greenseer and/or part child of the forest is very possible and perhaps even likely."
"It seemed more plausible that he would mess with her head rather than announce that he was back."
"I think this theory is more plausible than any other theory out there."
"the biblical version of The Exodus cannot be true historically while the quranic version is very plausible"
"...her selfishness, her vindictiveness, and her cruelty are all entirely plausible."
"That's not surprising for back in the day, I could absolutely see something like that happen."
"The Starship Enterprise is at least plausible as a time machine."
"Faith cannot exist in a place that is not logically plausible."
"There is nothing implausible about the explanation that I offered."
"Apparently, despite the goofy pulp ideas about aliens on Mars and Venus and Saturn and whatnot, they apparently did try to follow scientific plausibility."
"This whole story is true, things like this can actually happen."
"It makes sense, it could have happened."
"When you make a science fiction movie, you are supposed to take the science into account. It needs to be plausible, it needs to be plausible up to a degree. Now, there are ways to suspend disbelief and do things that are impossible but you need to set them up."
"If you're really good at something, you can make anything entertaining and anything plausible, no matter how absurd."
"It's not completely out of the realm of possibility."
"The Armenian hypothesis gains plausibility and should be given serious consideration."
"The most plausible cases sometimes make the most sense."
"We always had the plausibility argument but we didn't know how important it was, now we have the empiric data."
"Evidence, plausibility, and consistency are the three fundamental aspects of a compelling theory."
"It's not as far-fetched as it once was considered."
"...it's not very implausible that this tendency would exist..."
"We are now living 2,000 years after the event, and people, when they read the stories which sound like fairy tales, this is man, it could have happened."
"The Exodus narrative is entirely plausible within a genuine historical environment."
"Humans can go through but on a microscopic level it seems to be very plausible that you have backward time travel."
"If something is implausible, there's some violation of natural law, I think that we feel like we just caught in Las Vegas dealer doing something underhanded, cheating somehow."
"And finally given The Times They tested whether it would work as a religious experience and all three were found to be plausible."
"That's so weird that it might be true."
"Plausible, needed to get the kids at school, get to work, go to the bathroom. It could have been anything, right?"
"Such a scenario that is a shutdown of the AMOC remains a physically plausible scenario even for the course of this century."
"Almost all of the theories we covered seem like they could be plausible."
"Clarketech is not 'anything is possible' but what might be plausible if something specific in our understanding of the Universe turned out different."
"Do square wheels give you a smooth ride? Well, as ridiculous as it may seem, I think we've got to call that one plausible."
"Apologetics aims to establish the plausibility, the reasonableness of the gospel of Christ."
"Her being a trained astronaut at least makes this scene plausible."
"Scenarios are a set of plausible stories about how the future of a social-ecological system might unfold."
"Surprisingly though, some of the ideas aren't so far fetched as one might think."
"Vegapunk's ideas, as grandiose as they are, very plausible, makes a ton of sense."
"The great thing about science is it's not really up to you... you have to figure out how to make it plausible to other people."
"It's actually plausible technology that could be extrapolated from what we have today."
"The Wuhan lab leak theory seems more plausible by the day."
"That's incredibly vivid and incredibly plausible."
"It's all plausible, it's all possible."
"No one knows what will happen in the future, but this process hinges on the most plausible future based on rigorous research and study."
"Alec Baldwin's case seems very, very plausible in his testimony."
"This is very plausible. This is super plausible."
"The idea that the sources from which he got the stories and sayings of Jesus were primarily from Peter himself is entirely plausible."
"Truth is usually more plausible than fiction; that's just not a guarantee."
"Black Mirror... centers on tech that either we have at the moment or things that seem like they'll be plausible down the line."
"The most outlandish things that would go down in this life would tend to be the most plausible; the crazier, the more viable the result."
"I really believe it's at least plausible."
"Everything that a working scientist does is based on judgment of plausibility."
"Peter was human and you get a sense of Peter's impetuousness and other things, so it that it could be plausible."
"The Bible doesn't say that they did, but it's very believable that they did."
"The revised ancient model which accepts both the northern influence and the major Egyptian and Semitic components is a much more plausible model."
"The fact this game does have a basis in technical reality makes it seem very plausible."
"My view is the more plausible of the two views under consideration here."
"I like science, and I don't expect science fiction movies to hold to all the laws of science, but at least make it seem kind of plausible."
"The narration states that the dromeosaurs knew this would happen from experience, which I think is very plausible."
"Bernie avoided that pitfall completely; his returns were always plausibly within the kinds of investments that affluent investors could expect."
"Plausibility may very well be the yardstick by which truth within a story narrative or parable is measured."
"The story is plausible, it's believable, it's consistent."
"I lean towards that and I think it's the most plausible view that makes sense of a wide range of data."
"The same rationale which supports the idea that extraterrestrial civilizations may exist also supports the idea that finding extraterrestrial artifacts in our own solar system is at least plausible."
"It's entirely plausible and in my view sensible, it accords with our day-to-day experience."
"Joan Allen lends a remarkable plausibility that anchors the drama."
"The P value tells us the plausibility of the null hypothesis; a small P value suggests that the null hypothesis is very implausible."
"This story is plausible but it's suspicious."
"Induction is the kind of logic that makes its conclusions plausible or likely."
"If I'm a good storyteller, I'll do my research to gain the knowledge I'll need to make the story plausible and believable."
"For something to be plausible, things have to seem probable."
"The more truthful choice, whatever made things seem more plausible, more believable, I would always lean in that direction."
"It's one of the most possible plausible things I've heard in my life."
"I'm gonna go ahead and vote with Pumpkinhead because it seems plausible enough to me."
"Ultimately, it is we who believe or disbelieve, we who determine what we find plausible and what we don't."
"That's what lawyers do, right? They make arguments that are plausible."