
Personal Revelation Quotes

There are 695 quotes

"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."
"You need to hear it from heaven before you can hear it from somebody else."
"I've liked you for a long time now and I can't keep it to myself any longer."
"You cannot learn God; you discover yourself by God revealing Himself."
"I had this revelation that I need Jesus in my life like I can't do life without Jesus."
"George Bernard Shaw said when he gave up religion... that moment was when I felt the dawning of moral passion."
"I broke away from this long-held rule and looked at hundreds of stories about my church and just sat there and cried."
"Breaking the family silence, I feel like I've been living in this secret bubble for a very long time."
"He appeared and stood in front of me, said, 'You are My son. I love you.'"
"For the first time in my life, I felt God's love for me."
"I've been in love with you from the moment I set eyes on you."
"I was pretending to be a bodybuilder all those years. I was really a strength athlete."
"I was the son of a billionaire. I couldn't believe what he was saying."
"I never believed in aliens until two of them were standing in my bedroom."
"I've never spoken about the surgery or the incident in general... I think it's kind of time for that." - David Dobrik
"I knew for the rest of my days that I would live to make this God that apparently had been there all of my life."
"Until that moment I didn't realize that I had never truly loved something more than myself."
"It comes as a great shock to discover the flags which you have pledged allegiance along with everybody else has not pledged allegiance to you."
"Anarie, what do you want the crowd to know about you? Hello New York, I want you to know that I am happy to be here on Valentine's Day, dating in New York is hard and hopefully it's about to get better."
"Quiet time is sacred time, time that will facilitate personal revelation and instill peace."
"If someone tells you who they are you should believe them."
"Every blessing the Lord has for you--even miracles--will follow. That is what personal revelation will do for you."
"The secret is us and it's always has been and always will be however it no longer has to be a secret it can be now be sacred you know if we wake up you."
"His whole world view had been shaken right he'd finally even though he'd seen the Precision of the vase he'd finally gone man that was really something else going on back here."
"The worst thing in the world that could happen is someone demonstrates to you that the Mormon church is not true."
"I'm definitely not going to look at a plant in the same way as I did before."
"When you wake, they shall see your truth, a beast nature bare to all."
"Yo when God shows you who people are you should just be thankful that he does it quick and fast. I'm not mad at anybody for being them."
"It was there on my couch that I was struck by lightning I'm I was struck by a spiritual lightning I felt it hit me I felt the power of it and I felt it literally come out of my hands and feet."
"I never wanted anybody to hear what had happened."
"It's going to reveal exactly what this is, the certain part of your life is going to be highlighted."
"It was clear to all of us, that that person was Rick Thompson."
"This movie stars Nikki Blonsky and if you don't know who that is, I'm about to lay it down. Have you seen the movie 'Hairspray'? Oh my gosh!"
"It's like understanding you've been lied to your entire life."
"I thought you said your dad worked at McDonald's."
"You are waking up to new passionate beginnings."
"Denial had been such a comfortable place to hide from the truth. I didn't want to believe Scott would hurt Lacey." - Sharon (Lacey's mother)
"Personal revelation rightly belongs to individuals. You can receive revelation, for example, where to live, what career path to follow, or whom to marry."
"I've always loved to sing when I was a little girl I wanted to be in musicals and all that kind of stuff," Johansen told interview magazine.
"Forgiveness heals, it's kind of making me feel like you are going to come to some sort of revelation."
"I was mad, I was pissed that I was lied to my entire life and I felt like an adult would still believe in Santa Claus."
"I was like first off I can't believe I said that out loud and second off I can't believe you just like mhm like that's it like that is like a shocking revelation to me."
"DeAndre Aon made a stunning revelation about his relationship with Monty Williams."
"There was something in the back of our heads that we knew, but it was still so freaking exciting."
"I knew deep inside me that the sin he had committed in Victorian eyes, his nature as he called it, was something that I shared."
"Sure, sure. Yeah, by the way, the book is being covered as a wonderful piece of literature. That's how they're covering it. Hunter Biden bears his soul, bears his soul. That's the story."
"Everyone's gonna think I don't actually know how to draw, this is how you find out that I don't actually know how to try, the truth come out."
"This is who they are. When they show you who they are, believe them."
"I realized one day that I really regretted my entire transition every single step of it."
"I cannot explain how this how you just know it's like you're knowing in your spirit and your mind suddenly understands it in your heart it's like I know him and he knows me and we're related we're Made In His Image."
"Because I knew you know something in my life something big is gonna happen."
"This person is coming. Exclusive. Spirit wants you to know that."
"He gives a speech, nearly three million people find out about his addiction, and that led to a lot of different dialogue."
"He doesn't just do it on a small platform with five of his friends or maybe his relatives, maybe his mom, dad. He decides to do it on this place called TED Talks."
"The fact remains that they've already shown us exactly who they are when the cameras are off."
"It's a hell of a thing to realize everything you believe is not what you thought it was and even harder to confess your mistakes to the world and start over."
"I went to the doctor today found out something I had no [__] idea about um I'm obese."
"I just need to unroll it, it has been exactly what I needed to hear."
"I was a 2016 Bernie delegate. After seeing the depths of the deception with my own two eyes, I had no choice but to run away."
"This is not a secondary coming out video... this is not me coming out of something else."
"I'm actually nervous, you know? I tell you guys, I played shows in front of more people than you would believe. No problem. But just this intimacy that we have right now, I'm really nervous, butterflies, right before."
"My mind has been blown apart. I felt like I was a person going to an orgy and then when I got, I was like ah I'm not ready for any of this."
"I'm just trying to show people I'm kind of an ordinary guy." - John Hinckley
"You are not alone, it's all of us, every last one of us, one night I ran over into the room where my wife was and I said I want to tell you something while I can talk and it was something wonderful and there was something beautiful."
"It feels like this is my debut album, and in a sense it is. This version of myself has never been heard."
"You really can't be expected to ignore what he did either. It is a big deal. He has shown you who he is, believe him."
"I came to the conclusion that I was a functioning alcoholic... I am over a month clean."
"In your moment of understanding, you knew you had to break free."
"I had no idea what I was going to do with my life until comedy. I love when they ask you on radio, 'So if you weren't doing stand-up, what would you be doing?'"
"I was connecting other people through laughs, yet I remained profoundly disconnected."
"They tried to bring you confusion but they actually brought you clarity."
"I was miserable. I was completely unhappy." - Angelina Jolie
"Nobody really knows me, and after Saturday, that'll be a different story."
"Tell the world, Johnny, tell them I'm a victim too."
"But then, like a flash of lightning, my soul returned to me. I was free."
"I have a charity for moms by the way and it's funded by my stripper money how about that."
"I think what's interesting about it is that it's not an act, like it's scary, but it's true. I mean, this is really who you are."
"In less than one year, he will come out as gay."
"This theory just this one time is something I feel like I really have to share with you."
"I knew what that man had in his hands was God. I didn't know lingo, I didn't know blessed sacrament, holy communion, none of that."
"That's who these people really are, and I think with or without Trump, Trump exposed the worst of them."
"She's my actual girlfriend. I know some people find it crazy, but she's actually my girlfriend."
"Psychedelics can be truly stunning I think in terms of their effects and the way I just just you know to say the surprise doesn't doesn't come close it's just stunned you know I just didn't know that that was possible."
"I'm almost 30 years old. See, I feel so much better, I don't feel alone."
"I've wanted to talk about this for so fucking long."
"Her encounter with the exhibit was a revelation: 'I'm home, I'm with my people.'"
"The reality was they had been separated for a long time. I was portrayed as the villain because Kate asked for the divorce."
"Not many people want to be told that they're saying things that are incorrect. Rather, what can I old were you when you realize you had Asperger's?"
"Had I known that what was wrong with me was not some sort of spiritual stain or you know just black mark on me that I couldn't see, had I known that this was a matter of biochemistry, it would have framed everything differently."
"Eclipses are not just any full moon eclipses, it's something fated, pivotal, when it's connected to your imaginary world, your inner soul activity."
"God's word literally changed my life. I'm in love with him and I'm in love with his word."
"It's not just gay people who need to come out, but people in their lives need to be open about it as well."
"It changed everything that I knew about Alec."
"I realized for the first time how enchanting a place could be."
"I never thought they were real but how wrong I was."
"Thank God for granting me this moment of clarity."
"There's something about you that you're not tapping into or showing people... give them a chance to see it this month."
"When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time."
"If suddenly some of the stars rearranged and said, 'Matt, I'm Yahweh, I'm here,' would something like that count?"
"I felt some weird like awakening, like some spiritual. It was [expletive] insane."
"Mother Emma stated that night Iris took off the very heavy mask that she had been wearing."
"My God! I've never seen such a wonderful flower garden before!"
"Skincare and understanding... saved me like literally."
"Showing true colors deepens relationships; it's a moment of intimacy."
"I think i'm in love i think i'm actually finally in love the first time i've felt this feeling in my entire life"
"I obey, I got, I have a perceptual problem, and then suddenly Christ's vision comes."
"I realized how truth really can be hidden from us when our hearts are hard and unwilling to understand."
"I feel like I was in a marriage with a man for 24 years and I find out now he's cheating on me."
"That was the first time I've ever looked at Jesus as the answer."
"We did it all on the phone there wasn't any Zoom... people really met with each other one-on-one like we are."
"This message you're going to receive is really going to expose people for who they are... masks are falling off people are showing their ass left and right."
"It was the Holy Spirit speaking to me directly through a prophet."
"After four times [doing comedy], I loved it more than cocaine, though it was the first thing I knew I wanted to do."
"I am a woman. I mean all those years playing basketball and I never really felt like myself."
"A lot of people still I guess don't know that. Oh wow, yeah I'm super impressed by the way you've only made two tick tocks."
"I was very excited about this huge revelation."
"Amy showed me a picture and said, 'Mom, this is me.'"
"One of the greatest points or days of my life when I got a prophetic word from God and he called me out by name, Bo the analyst of time."
"I never imagined it. What? Fate. Fate. Fate."
"I really need a deep, rich story narrative game, and if Vampire Survivors came along and I was like, 'Oh, this is it, turns out this is exactly what I needed.'"
"I do think part of it was because I hadn't told everyone yet but now that I've told everyone and now that everybody knows and everyone's been so supportive I think now I'm like oh my God okay I'm not ready anytime soon."
"I definitely, definitely sincerely, you know, fell for you."
"Eric had actually been adopted by Vincent and Margaret, and he didn't know it."
"There's something that's going to be revealed for you, you're going to have to make a decision, a big decision or something, or this is a moment you've been waiting for something big is going to happen on Friday."
"I woke up and I remembered it... I was really with God."
"I felt a distinct presence in the room... I knew immediately that I was in the presence of Jesus."
"When a person reveals their shadow, you're actually seeing their real self."
"Smithers finally came out of the closet to mr. burns."
"I didn't know I was going to have a big record with Lil Wayne by the end of the year, you know what I'm saying?"
"I feel like people would perceive me differently, but I hope me talking about it kind of just makes you realize like this is stuff people do ask for."
"I saw in Ayahuasca, I talked to Mitzi for real. She said, 'I prepared you for all of this. I wasn't just a [__] for no reason. I was getting you ready. It was basic training.'"
"When someone shows you who they are you should believe them and Ethan has been exposing himself for who he truly is behind the facade since 2016."
"It just hit me in the shower, and I just felt that energy, I felt that spirit."
"One day Biz said to me Tara I have the best job in the world and I said what being a DJ and he said no just being me."
"Staying with us until her dad returned, of course at the time I didn't know why he was staying with us."
"I have a dream. Actually, I don't need gaps anymore."
"Simply watching it was no longer synonymous with being the walrus."
"I don't want to influence motherfuckers to do the wrong thing, you know I'm saying? I didn't know exactly how it was gonna happen but when it did happen, asked me if I was surprised."
"It was that moment in time... I got everything that I need."
"Your favorite youtuber isn't a perfect person."
"Honesty kind of like, 'This is where I'm at.'"
"I did not expect at all this week to watch Snakes on a Plane and realize I really enjoyed that."
"There is something powerful that happens when we turn to God and say this is how I feel."
"When a person shows you who they are, believe them."
"Helga reveals that she was severely neglected as a child."
"That is [__] crazy, this is horrible, I'm actually learning a lot."
"The media has lied to me. Now you know how I feel."
"I brought you here to tell you we have something in me meaning Jesus that's bigger than this."
"I'm always real with y'all. I said I wasn't gonna do it, but I did it."
"Okay, that's actually perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to me"
"Revelations, you know, like whoa, I'm just seeing, I'm feeling like whoa."
"I'm fine with somebody doing a good thing even if they have bad motivations, but I'd rather build a world where people do good things because they're good."
"Time to see what you really look like. I must say, Clee's incredibly excited."
"I don't know if anybody's ever told you this but you're not originally from earth."
"That's crazy, that was in my mind not even best case scenario, like that's crazy, you guys are awesome."
"A sudden revelation that completely contradicts the assumptions one has been led to believe."
"He's a pastor to them, well who am I to question that? Like I'm not, wow, I actually did not know that."
"Give people a true enough time they'll show you who they are, you just have to stop ignoring it."
"Dreams will reveal what is true and who is real."
"For the first time in my life, I felt on the inside like other people looked on the outside."
"That girl was you. I actually liked you ever since."
"That was the first time I felt like I finally came home."
"He feels like he has an obligation to say, yeah the kid is mine. I'm a father."
"He wants you to see him at a level you've never seen it before."
"Wendy says, 'You're pregnant.' And she just takes this, like, as if she's trying to... we think Wendy's trying to scare her, 'Get rid of it! You're not talking about abortion creepies.'"
"Elon Musk confirmed that he's a full-blown gamer on Twitter."
"A flash of knowledge and brilliance is going to come to you, Aquarius."
"Congratulations to Dame Kelly for coming out after 32 years."
"When people show you who they are, believe them. I think a lot of us out there are going to be very clear about who we are, to ourselves, certainly, but to others as well."
"It's like a breakup in that you think you know someone and then you find out they cheated."
"Trust your intuition this week. Are you doubting yourself? There's something that God revealed to you, some type of mystery that will be revealed to you this week."
"God spoke to her actually through a message that was being preached at her local church."
"I don't know what to say, babe. From the moment that I met you, I saw my life flash before my eyes."
"Give it up for Synack! You know what I did not know this until like maybe a couple months ago."
"Therapy is for mad people until I went to therapy and I was like, 'I'm the man.' So many things."
"I knew I had to cry out the name of Jesus Christ."
"Honestly, it's given me the true sense of identity of who I am... I'm God's daughter."
"That Darkness actually covered me and that's the moment you know I probably understood that The Impossible Is Possible everything is possible."
"This is a new beginning and this is a revelation so definitely feel free to speak your truth."
"It's a very prosaic romantic moment of like finding God."
"They didn't know about it, they've heard some inklings about it but Maggie's sister today absolutely said it shot in the head."
"The damage that I was feeling by not saying anything became greater than what I imagined the potential damage would be from coming out."
"So much for your big words, you were just a [__] kid raging about losing an online game after all the success of your career."
"Donald Trump never wanted to run for president he never wanted it."
"The key to making a difference in anything is to have personal revelation. The heavens are open, and I know that's true because personal revelation is so important."
"I thought if anybody really knew who I was, they wouldn't be attracted to me."
"My name is Jack Frost and I'm a sex offender, I can't go 50 ft of children anymore."
"This is my coming out video. I'm leaving the left."
"I'm coming out. I am officially leaving the left."
"Everything I'd been taught about the world in grade school was mostly bunk."
"I'm kind of obsessed with it because it is Vanity, like at that last moment she's sort of come out and she's been like, I did the assignments, I ticked every box that you forced me into, but now I'm just doing me."
"My hope is to finally open up to you because no matter where I go or what I do, as my heart beats, that's how many times the memory of you comes back to me."
"For somebody who's afraid of drugs, I have tried them all."
"I've been lying about who I am but I'm done pretending this is the real me this is real this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now okay yeah."
"When he puts you in a crisis... now you know him for yourself."
"I didn't realize I had been suffering my entire adult life unnecessarily."
"Nice twist, huh? Didn't see it coming, did ya?"
"The surgery was a nightmare... they were really botched in every way. If anything, they were worse after than before." - Cher
"I literally feel like I cracked a goddamn code."