
New Life Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun."
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
"You're going to live a new life because of the recognition that you are getting."
"This would be a show about the emergence of a new form of life on Earth, and that's not a short story."
"Congratulations, your wife gave birth, and here's your wonderful daughter."
"It's amazing what a new life can do in a family."
"When anyone becomes united to Christ, he becomes a new person inside; he is not the same anymore. A fresh new life has begun."
"He was Julius Von Carile; this was his second chance at life, and he should try his best to enjoy living."
"It's about rejuvenation, transformation, and a new life."
"We preach the gospel that Jesus brings life, that he transforms and he makes you a new creation."
"We had a baby! It's truly a unique miracle, a cute little Martian baby."
"Thank you that we're dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."
"Through the Grace of God, all of us can experience new life in Christ."
"My life is not my own, I give it to you. Thank you for new life."
"Recovery is not about staying miserable; recovery is about finding a new life, a new way of living, a new way to be happy."
"Jesus forgives, restores, and offers a new life of freedom."
"Congratulations on the new baby, you need a baby shower, girl!"
"There is now a new life and that is of overwhelming importance and a matter of great joy."
"We gave him not only a new family but a new life."
"You are blessed to experience a new life within this lifetime."
"God paves the way for them to experience life again... sometimes Grace says I can't change what happened but I can offer you the opportunity to live again in a way you never thought was possible."
"Time for a whole new life, complete the story of Vault 111 begins."
"Here we go into a new life in Jesus' name. Amen."
"The tomb was empty and that changes everything."
"Because of Jesus, we too can be raised to new life."
"I love kidding season. It's just so much fun to get to be a part of just new life coming into the world."
"My most amazing moment was when I first heard him cry."
"No humans remain by this point, and the monsters of the maze begin new lives treading the green corridors of the forest."
"Jesus demonstrated that because of this we have now the power to suffer with him, to pass through suffering into new life."
"Over time this process leads to a new body entirely, a new condition of life entirely, a new form entirely."
"It's scary but... it is a beautiful thing to bring a new life into this world."
"You've come into a lot of balance... that's what's going to help you start that new way of life."
"Choose Jesus, choose newness of life, choose heaven."
"Jason and I are so excited to welcome this new life into our family."
"There is real spirituality when the Holy Spirit changes a person's life, makes them a new creature in Christ."
"Being debt-free will be amazing. It really would. You can live again."
"Jesus died so we can be forgiven, and He rose, walked away from the grave so that we can walk with Jesus into a new life."
"We too might rise to live on a new plane altogether."
"The greatest thing that 2023 could have done for me was bring me my son."
"The Emperor's births new life, births New Creations, births babies."
"The minute I give birth, everything seems right with the world again."
"Start a new life, that's how I see it."
"The pups emerged a couple of days ago."
"Hitting your lowest point may feel really painful, but it is also the best place to start building a new life for yourself."
"You are no longer a slave to sin, you have been freed from sin, you have died to sin, you have been given new life."
"I'm really excited to start a new life with you, Colt."
"It feels like a brand new life, a new start."
"The idea was apparently that Ben Reilly was starting a new life, while over with Peter, he was facing possible death closer than he had ever gotten to it before."
"You may have somebody new in your life and you don't even realize what a perfect match they are to you."
"Chasing dreams of a new life that would distance her from a troubled past."
"Within 8 to 12 months you'll be over it, within 8 to 12 months you'll have a new life, you'll be a new you."
"...you’re a new person, a new creation, and that means that you have a new life, but the new life is not the same thing as the new birth."
"Even with all my thoughts consumed with daydreams about my new life, none of it sunk in until I was standing outside my usual place at the school’s gate."
"...embrace a new life a family of three lives happily together."
"The protagonist resolutely drinks the contents of the glass vial. The girl does not think at all about the negative consequences that may arise after this. She is only interested in the possibility of a new life - life without bullying and offenses from others."
"I liked the small town Vibes I liked the girl with dark past moves to new place to try to start a new life and ends up accidentally along the way forming genuine connections with the town's people."
"You don't just give birth to a baby, you give birth to a new person as well."
"You are stepping through the portal into your Garden of Eden, into a new life, stability, um, abundance, love, this very grounded shore energy."
"I've managed to start a new life, I'm all set to be married again later this year, and have never been happier."
"Wherever there is new life, there will be new love, because God is love."
"You're stepping into a new life, crossing this finish line."
"So add this to your repertoire of good ideas: New Life only comes from labor."
"I just wanted to get home... and start a new life... for myself and for my daughter."
"I can't explain it, but it made my day seeing new life."
"...having Mason and Michaela safely back home felt like the start of a new life for all four of them."
"By 1946 Stefan was ready to leave Europe and start a new life somewhere else."
"The church is to demonstrate the signs of new life, genuine anticipations of the new age breaking in already."
"Welcome to the world, little buddies."
"This is the start of my new life."
"Tis but a banging of the door behind you, a blithesome step forward, and you are out of the old life and into the new."
"We love our new life in Paris without my ex-brother and ex-sister-in-law."
"There's such a thing as getting your dying over with and then rising in faith with Jesus Christ to a new beautiful wonderful life."
"I started a new life in the house I purchased with my late husband's inheritance."
"Love like now that we have come to be a brand new life I can't see never got to be special of."
"Jesus is calling you tonight to take up your cross which essentially means here is a new life."
"I think it's a really exciting adventure coming home after all this time and starting a new life here in England."
"So much new life we've got chicks in an incubator."
"Spring is always full of activity, so much new life."
"Jesus, save me. Be my Lord. Fill me with your spirit so I could know you and serve you in all that I do."
"I want a new life guys. What would you do? Travel, buy stuff, work out until you looked like an Olympic athlete?"
"You have a support system now. You have a new life for yourself, you have a wife, you have the ability."
"I hope this new beautiful spring season that's coming up will bring just new life to you and to your faith, into your family."
"'You've given me a new life here. I don't know how to thank you,' Jack smiled."
"As soon as it became dark, the runaway contacted his friends, acquired the necessary documents, and headed for the Northern Caucasus to start a new life."
"Once we got her off the trailer it was a lot easier for her and she went right into a run and started her new retirement life."
"We are dead to the old Adam, but our new life, our spiritual life, is hid with Christ in God."
"Finally, it's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life."
"Baptism is the beginning of a new life."
"Every single year, tons of people immigrate to new countries to start new lives just like me."
"Good evening Mrs. Uzumaki, and welcome to the rest of your life."
"I feel like I've been given a gift of like new life."
"...they care so much about their new lives that they are willing to fight to protect it."
"Maybe now we can move on, maybe we can put this behind us. We've started building a new life that I really love, and feeling a lot of freedom and joy and trust in myself and my family."
"I accepted a higher power and now I'm living a different life."
"...first grandchild for Ivan's parents super excited excited everyone just wants the same thing just make a healthy baby."
"Yona gives birth. It's a healthy baby girl."
"I turned from my sins. I turned toward Jesus and I said yes, Jesus. Today, I give you my life."
"As he was resurrected, we also are resurrected to that new life."
"This might be my favorite possibility if only because it gives life to a land that didn't have it before."
"It changed my life to such degrees, and I was able to travel and live a completely different life."
"When she was born, it was like a whole different life had begun."
"All of us who were baptized into Christ, you know, our old self was crucified, we were therefore buried, and just as Christ was raised from the dead, we too may live a new life."
"Every single day of your life there is an open invitation from your Savior to follow him into that kind of freedom, into that kind of new life."
"A freshly hatched wild baby fat tailed gecko."
"We died in Christ, and we rose in him to newness of life."
"We have about 30 little baby folks on the property now with spring."
"This is why I walk around in here. This is a brand new baby, look at that."
"The first day of your life, welcome to this world, child."
"Through baptism, we die to sin, that we can now live in the resurrection life of Jesus."
"I just can't thank you enough for freeing me from that life."
"Congrats to them on the new baby."
"Dude, everyone wish Manny a huge congratulations on his new healthy baby boy Ashton."
"...they genuinely been saved... set them apart... given them a new character, a new life."
"Moving West for a new life, a better life, can you imagine?"
"Once you forget your old life, you will know power you've never dreamed of."
"We are not trapped in the past and have the courage and determination to move forward and start a new, better, and meaningful life."
"As we work the first nine steps, we prepare ourselves for the adventure of a new life."
"A new life has been given us or, if you prefer, a design for living that really works."
"Welcome to this world, my little treasure."
"You made a tiny human, huge congratulations!"
"We're all looking forward to welcoming this new life into our family."
"Narcotics Anonymous gives you everything you need to have the most amazing life you could ever dream of."
"We're giving her a new life, so she deserved a new name; she's reborn, if you will."
"Now you are ready to welcome a baby; as a grandfather, I couldn't be happier."
"The message of our fellowship is that an addict, any addict, can stop using, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live."
"Welcome all of you. This is the beginning of your new lives."
"An addict, any addict, can stop using, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live."
"Congratulations on your new baby, Cassidy."
"It's our life now, yeah, it's completely changed it for the better."
"You're dead to sin, how can you live in it any longer?"
"Any addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live."
"For I through the Law died to the Law, that I might live to Christ."
"I am 38 weeks pregnant, and baby girl will be here any day now."
"I was either going to die inside that toxic system or I was going to get out and try to start over with a new life."
"I'm about five six years now into a totally new life."
"We were overjoyed, our first grandchild felt like an angel when we held him in the hospital."
"We've never had children but last year I gave birth finally. She's a very cute girl."
"We created some new life here on the Stoney Ridge Farm."
"True salvation made you a new creation."
"The new birth is a greater miracle than healing."
"I'm so grateful to God that we have a healthy baby boy."
"No way this is happening right now, look at this little baby right here!"
"They are able to renunciate the life that they've been given for a life that's actually very different from what they were brought up in."
"Easter is very much about rabbits and chicks and new life, isn't it?"
"Your previous life doesn't exist anymore, you're reborn as a hero."
"Give yourselves completely to God, since you've been given new life."
"We were once dead in our trespasses and sins, but now the Spirit of God actually entered into our bodies; we're these new creations."
"Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."
"You also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."
"By faith in what Christ did, we can have our sins forgiven, our past erased as far as God is concerned, and we can have new life in Him."
"Baptism takes on its New Testament meaning of washing our sins away and burying the past once and for all."
"He came to give us a new identity, that we would no longer hold onto the ways of our past self but step into and embrace this new life."
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
"I gotta say no, my life is going to be different."
"Here I am, I'm ready to forgive your sins, I'm ready to give you new life."
"Jesus will bring new life to you, and you can know the joy of living life fully awake for the first time."
"All things have passed away; I've entered a new and living way because it is a new day."
"Around 2 a.m. on September 12th, we had a beautiful baby girl that we named Grace."
"When you change the way you see and treat the person you see in the mirror, a whole new life opens up for you."
"Vikir swore that he would never live that life again and that he would take his revenge."
"Congratulations, little one on the way, it was perfect timing."
"We have been begotten again into a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
"I'm pregnant with our first baby."
"It feels like I was born a second time."
"The life of sin is gone, a new life has come, a new Direction, a new goal, a new purpose."
"I'm so excited to see the baby Bean."
"The hope is in the beauty of that little baby girl."
"I'm just so overjoyed; he's about eight hours old right now."
"Look, they're hatching. Oh, that's wonderful."
"That's every woman's... anybody, any woman that's a mother will tell you that that was like the start of their new life."
"So excited for your new baby's arrival, love and blessings."
"It was the first time I had so much energy... everything was like a brand-new life."
"I can't wait for my baby boy to come, I'm so excited to meet him and see how our new life is going to be."
"Congratulations to him and his significant other, a father healthy baby girl."
"I was like, oh my God, we're becoming parents, we have this new life."
"I forgive you because He forgave me, and He took my shame and my guilt and my sin and gave me a brand new life."
"She's Magdalene with a different face; she's carrying your greatest joy inside her, your son."
"The men serve France, a country that's foreign to them, they follow strict rules and customs but in return they're given a new life."
"We're gonna get to meet a brand new person."
"Through his resurrection, we are now justified."
"Oh my gosh, the Jafina babies are hatching!"
"...the church is to demonstrate the signs of new life which are the genuine anticipations of the new age breaking in already."
"The fruit of Ingala's labor was a bright new baby boy gorilla with shiny eyes and a big gaping mouth, gasping for the fresh air of the world for the first time."
"Congratulations on a new little we baby."
"I'm now in Seattle for a little over a week because, oh my god, I can cry just thinking about it, I'm meeting Rachel's baby today."
"Somebody is really ready, they're ready for a new life."
"Been out three and a half years now, turned my life around."
"Be happy for Delilah and sad because you miss Cobalt, and excited about the new foal."
"If you can get your mind renewed, then you'll also begin to experience the new life that Jesus already died for you to have."
"The end of all striving, a new way of living, your love is unconditional."
"We're just so excited here for Cassidy and her baby."
"Yes, Cass had her baby, he's adorable, his name is Reed, and she had him in November."
"He forgives everything, walking in the new life serves as this year's theme; it's a call to realign with our original beauty, the essence of moving forward."
"When I go down in the watery grave of baptism, I rise to walk in newness of life."
"I was so enthusiastic, it's amazing no one can deny that, to see a new life."
"Let us now make a toast to our brand new life and future."
"The life that you desire is on the other side of the life that you're currently living."
"By his death, Christ liberates us from sin; by his resurrection, he opens for us the way to a new life."
"Congratulations, you've just become a father."
"Once an individual is Born Again, a transformation takes place; a visible, tangible transformation."