
Cleansing Quotes

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"No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly driven snow."
"It's because you're the sanctuary, therefore you have to constantly make sure that you are open and that you are cleansed to remain a sanctuary."
"You are the treasury of blessing and The Giver of Life come and dwell within us, cleanse us of every stain, and save our souls, O gracious one."
"1st John chapter 1 verse 9 tells us if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Double cleansing changed my skin completely."
"If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness."
"The blood of Jesus cleanses you and delivers you."
"Gradually the vibration, it so cleans your field, cleans your house, cleans your aura, cleans your consciousness from all the dirt."
"You, Anne, should then be able to use the brooch to cleanse the power of the Shadow Synergy Stone."
"As you cleanse your inner world, spontaneous joy begins to arise, unfettered by past burdens."
"God can redeem you tonight. God can cleanse you tonight."
"What I'm preaching, by God's permission, is designed to clean your temple and clean your soul, amen."
"They operated as like heaven's black ops team... cleansing the world from evil with Hellfire."
"The blood of Jesus Christ purifies and cleanses our spirit, soul, and body."
"It's over, the radiance has been struck, the infection is purged."
"So first you start by taking off the day's grime and makeup."
"Cleanse that [___] whether you need to Circle back to confirm to cleanse or you can walk away great you should cleanse."
"Let the fury of the sea wash away this corruption."
"It's a time for spiritual alignment, for finding yourself, for clearing out negative energies, negative people."
"Before we can be filled, we gotta purge what we allowed to fill up that empty place in the first place."
"Whirlpool: a vortex of water that washes away the bad."
"Purging is a very natural part of the ayahuasca experience."
"I think that to my mind there needs to be a cleaning up of the church hierarchy."
"The idea of cremating the body was that it would be an immediate release of the spirit... There was also a certain amount of cleansing, the idea of cleansing fire as a cleanser is quite a common idea."
"Yoga is like cleaning the body from the inside out."
"purify yourself go and an ocean salt bath smudge yourself walk whoever needs to be blocked who's trying to impede on this"
"It's my job as a hunter, I must cleanse the streets."
"Deep cleansing as you have this beautiful awakening and look it's right there."
"It's time to cleanse, purify, and clear your energy to prepare yourself for new beginnings."
"It is by faith alone, salvation, receiving the complete cleansing of your sins by the blood of the lamb."
"There's gonna be a complete cleansing of coins."
"Don't burn the house down, just burn the things that need cleansing."
"Sincerely pray that there will be a cleansing of the heart that when you give, God will have respect of your gift giving and of you. Amen."
"The blood of Jesus Christ is going to clean your record whiter than snow."
"That's the power of the purge, I feel lighter."
"Remove toxic things, negative things, people, thoughts, foods, all of that from your life."
"This feels good, cleansing ourselves from past spirits."
"That's so valid. You should cleanse your house."
"Father, we pray for Your convicting power to be released, that You would show us if there's old relationships, if there are soul ties."
"All it takes is a spiritual bath, all it takes is a sage cleansing, all it takes is an energy alignment for the miracle to come through."
"Your word which has withstood the test of time, may it cleanse and wash me. May it renew my mindset and build my faith."
"The death of Elektra marks a moment of spiritual cleansing for Matt, releasing her from the cycle of tragedy."
"So just make sure you cleanse your face for you know a good amount of time."
"Cleansing is important to prevent acne by removing the impurities deep within your pores."
"Yeah so I cleanse myself all the way until summer."
"Fasting cleanses the human spirit from spiritual debris."
"I believe we're at that place right now. There's a fire coming that will burn up the wood, hay, and stubble."
"Performing good deeds is like adding detergent to dirty water, purifying our minds."
"I was and still am very sensitive to energies. Dad came home next week. I didn't tell him everything. I just looked him in the eye and said we need to perform a cleansing."
"Purification, cleansing, opening, releasing."
"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."
"Bless the coming and going of him. His passage cleansed the world."
"Woe is me for I am undone, for I am a man of unclean lips."
"God cleanses what you think disqualifies you and not only does he cleanse what you think disqualifies you he uses it."
"What exists in our minds as a virus is being exposed and brought into the light for cleansing. It's been a gift all along."
"We brought sage bundles and other cleansing stuff, we haven't seen anything like that again after that."
"Not in his eyes, I'm washed by the blood of Jesus Christ."
"There's a mysterious ingredient in the blood of Jesus Christ that removes the stains of sin."
"Cut, cleanse, and clear; you need a full reboot of your subconscious mind."
"Utilize this Leo new moon and this Lion's Gate energy to cleanse away all the emotional and mental debris that no longer serve you to allow all this beautiful new energy in."
"Your blackmail scheme is not working. In fact, what it's done is it's cleansed me and I seriously want to thank you for it."
"The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin."
"It's time for us to cleanse, rejuvenate, and reconstruct our lives."
"Pour out all that doesn't really belong to you so that you can return to the purest part of you."
"The truth divides the soul, it helps people grow, it burns the lies away."
"I left all the bad juju at the front door and walked in fresh."
"Clearing Karma, releasing blocks, and sweeping the soul clean."
"Neptune and Pisces can be wonderful for a deep cleanse, a deep removal of who you are not."
"Your tears are not a sign of weakness; they are the cleansing rain that nourishes the soil of your soul."
"Clear out the clutter. It's time to cleanse."
"Cleansing your body, your space, making space for this person in your life."
"The cleansing blood of Jesus Christ is powerful, so powerful, it's the blood that it can cleanse any sin; even this sin, dare I say especially this sin."
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." - Psalms 51:7
"That mess becomes a miracle when we permit God to have access to our dirt."
"Find your truth—shine a light on what speaks to your heart."
"Let the dust settle, clean up your life, clean up your energy."
"You want to make sure you're removing the dirt, the debris, the makeup, but you're not stripping your skin's natural moisture barrier."
"It's time to wipe the slate clean in your life."
"This whole game is just a juice cleanse... we emptied out the system."
"October is all about scrubbing ourselves clean, it's about flushing out the system."
"It's time to get that stain removal and to get rid of those stains and get back to the unapologetic self."
"It's the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from sin."
"This is about cleansing the United States and drawing the line on restoring the integrity of the Republic."
"This is positive though, it can be about like clearing out old karmic patterns."
"I'm just gonna have a bleach party and everyone will dance in the bleach so that they can be cleansed from this nightmare."
"I took a nice shower to wash all the negative art all the negative juju off of me."
"He's clearing all that out because when all that is cut off of you, you can flourish."
"You can come back to Allah and those things can wash off with Tovah."
"If you confess it, God is faithful first of all to cleanse you from all unrighteousness."
"Clean up your channel, clean yourself up. Get rid of the junk, get rid of the anger, get rid of the grief any way you can."
"Release; it's time to clean house, time to purge things out of your life that no longer uplift you."
"Forgive yourself and others, cleanse your body, mind, and environment of toxins, be in stewardship of the earth, be gentle, be patient, the world is healing."
"Fasting is essentially the ultimate cleanse; it's the ultimate master cleanse."
"You don't go to Jesus clean; he's the one who cleans you."
"When you go in the water and you're surfing in Montauk, you come out, it like cleans your soul."
"Let's clear the energy space, raising our own energy vibration and releasing any negativity."
"If you feel tired, rest; if you need some cleansing, cleanse yourself."
"Water takes away a lot of negative energy."
"Work with your breath, welcome fresh oxygen into the body, and exhale all the toxins and all that no longer serves you. Let it go."
"Cleaning wipes down the soul too."
"Sarah built this entire house to get rid of all the ghosts."
"Good skincare routines usually start with cleansing."
"You don't have to get clean before you get into the shower; you get in the shower to get clean."
"God uses the weak and the foolish because those pipes won't forget how much they need the water to clean themselves out."
"Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin."
"Wash me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."
"My pain has gone away, the air is much cleaner after it rains, followed by love, acceptance in spring."
"Detoxification of the body, cleansing the body of any stagnant energy, any tension, any stress, and creating a beautiful clean slate."
"There's a lot of cleansing happening in your energy."
"Cleansing and strong, water helps you to get in touch with your intuition and improve your craft."
"Cloak masking energies...cleansed and cleared...focus on the light...penial activation...vision grounded into the physical...success...love...opportunity...abundance."
"Be grateful for this opportunity to cleanse and clear and detox and shift out of what has been hard into what is easy."
"We are going to mess up sometimes, but it's good to clean your body at least once per year."
"Salt bowls aid in protection by absorbing all of the negative energies in that space."
"The mere fact that I'm watching on television right now how Gaza is destroyed means that somehow I am... contributing to it... therefore the Ho'oponopono helps of course to cleanse it from my perspective."
"I felt just the cleansing of God coming over my life, it was just like being thrown under a waterfall and totally cleansed."
"If you are being stripped of things and things are being taken away from you, understand that things are being taken away to clean the slate, not being taken away to punish."
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and sustain me with your Holy Spirit."
"The time has come to clear your energy."
"Washing off your day at the end of the day, you're really helping your skin renew itself better and more effectively and efficiently."
"If you confess with your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness."
"Water clears the frequency. It cleanses the field it uplifts and gets rid of the murky water."
"God says come, let us reason together, though your sins be as Scarlet, they shall be made white as snow."
"In the narrative, the gods, led by Enlil, who was angered by the noise and chaos of humans, decided to cleanse the Earth with a great flood."
"I feel so much lighter right now, like I'm detoxing my life."
"Individuals with straight hair feel that greasiness sooner compared to someone with really tight curled hair."
"You just need a certain cleansing and you'll be okay."
"It feels like a cleanse. Yes, I arrived at the place where I could actually play the song and not just have to listen to it gripping a metal chair."
"Someone needs to take a spiritual bath to cleanse any ill intent being thrown at you."
"It just feels as though you've been feeling like you just want to come out of this, you just want to be cleansed of this energy."
"500 milligrams with rose helps taking stuff out of the trash pile."
"God is cleansing your life, preparing you for greatness."
"There's something about being in the water that is so like cleansing."
"I tend to use this as my second cleanse and the radiance cleansing balm as my first cleanse."
"Starting on the road to becoming like him, we repent, receive his forgiveness, and he cleanses our souls."
"I know classy is the exact definition for me using shot glasses for cleansing but they work."
"Blowing fresh and clean, blowing the litter of those things that we have done and said right out of our lives."
"There was an urgency to cleansing the soul, purifying the spirit."
"Engage in practices such as nature, prayer, meditation, or using tools like crystals or sage for cleansing."
"The blood of Yeshua washes and cleanses our consciences from dead works that we may serve the Lord."
"The atonement of Jesus Christ provides both a cleansing and redeeming power."
"Let's clear out all these energies, thank you for the support."
"It takes the blood of Jesus and the word of God to wash you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness."
"Cleansing your space. They are pissed you cleansed your space. It's over. They know that you're going to have inner peace."
"Clean break, sever ties, so that you can really cleanse from this situation and just like get it out of your energy field."
"It is an absolute must to double cleanse if you wear sunscreen during daytime."
"When I complete my ritual and cleaning for banishing everything felt calmer and lighter."
"If you've been using any type of spiritual cleansing herbs here, okay to cleanse or purify your space or your energy from negativity or negative energies, okay, spirit is saying you've been doing a great job."
"Cleansing your skin is very important."
"Perfectly cleansed skin is very important."
"Start your cleanse with something that's nourishing."
"Emulsify it by adding some water to make it milky."
"They will desperately plea to Allah, and Allah will send a rain that will cleanse the earth."
"The rain was falling as it always did... eternally washing away blood like some metaphor for something larger."
"There's no magical form, just do it and watch it wash away. You actually feel it."
"It feels very positive, like opening up and cleansing kind of energy."
"Once it's done, you feel so satisfied, it's totally worth it, so cleansed, so decluttered."
"...there have actually been nights where I like forget to go in with my second cleanser because my skin is just so clean after that first step."
"Hold your hands walk around that house identify anything that does not look like Christ Zoom your tongues to it scatter it as if it does not exist."
"Lord Jesus, you are the living water and I receive your cleansing right now."
"You're not going to have as many bubbles, but the second wash you get that nice foamy cleanse that you're looking for."
"I think it's worth having a facial cleansing device if you feel like you have blackheads, clogged pores, little bumps on your skin, this is a really great device to help get rid of all that stuff."
"It just felt like they were gently removing all of the debris and the makeup and everything."
"This is more of a personal cleanse than an attempt to intrigue."
"I just saw a big old evil eye. Do you have some stuff in your house you need to get rid of?"
"Thank you, Lord, that your grace and your mercy is already cleansing me."
"There are no spells, no workings, no rituals where a spell backfire is guaranteed not to happen. They simply don't exist because it's not the spell itself that causes the backfire, it's the factors around it."
"It's important to cleanse your space, it's good to cleanse yourself, and it's also exceptionally good to cleanse your items."
"This is the universe's way of doing like a cleansing and making us see what's important."
"This idea of double cleansing... it's real."
"He recommended getting spirit smudged to make us not as bright."
"This changed their skin and it's just such a simple way of exfoliating and deeply cleansing your skin."
"Cleansing doesn't necessarily have to be this huge long ritual... it can be hoovering your floor, and opening your window, and smoke cleansing."
"Step number one is cleansing your face. Cerave hydrating cleanser is gentle and doesn't strip away your skin's moisture."
"For me, Iowaska is not recreational in the sense of being fun and relaxing. It is hard work and very demanding, but the exploration, insights, and cleansing make it very worth the effort."
"Every 10 years or so we have to have a blood bath just to clear the air."
"Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong."
"You're coming out the other side being cleansed, it's like when you get rid of all this muck and mud from the hunter energy here."
"When our perceptions have been cleansed and purified the course says that we will see the world anew."
"How can a man cleanse himself? It takes the Word of God to cleanse us and to get us to where we should be."
"Cleansing, toning, moisturizing - the three-step process to spiritual protection."
"At the close of every age, the Earth has to cleanse itself."
"Every demonic contamination that is affecting the atmosphere of your house, that is causing arguments, sicknesses, and financial failure, I command that contamination to evaporate by fire."
"...violence breeds violence, repression breeds retaliation, and only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this sickness from our souls."
"So I pray that your blood washes me clean."
"Forgive me and wash my conscience clean."
"I feel so cleansed. It was literally drinking a cold cup of water but for my soul."
"So this is a calming two in one scrub and cleanser stick... specifically when I finish my day it just removes all the sunscreen and that way my face doesn't break out."
"...exfoliants fermented purple willow bark and tea tree oil to remove buildup and residue from your hair and scalp for a game-changing deep cleanse."
"This is beautiful. It's cleansing."
"There's nothing else that can wash your brain, wash your soul."
"You can also try the double cleansing method, which I always like to do just to make sure that I'm fully removing everything."
"I feel like an outer layer of grime and filth and guilt is just getting taken off me. It's like the same pleasure as watching pimple popping videos on YouTube."
"Autophagy allows our body's cleaning crews to remove damaged proteins."
"Real Believers... if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"Know thyself, do the cleansing work, do the protection work, do the energetic work, do the visualization, do the warding and the shielding, do all of that but also work on yourself."
"Your life is being cleansed from negativity."
"...micellar water is using these little micelles to grab onto the dirt the oil the bacteria."
"Elf has a really good cleansing balm good molecules has a good one there's so many great ones nowadays."
"Thank you for a new beginning. Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus."