
Prison Reform Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Let's figure out how we can do this a little bit better. Do we need prison reform? Yeah, let's reform it. How can we do it in a more effective way?"
"Republicans and Democrats don't agree on much, but one thing that seems to unite them is the desire to reform our prisons."
"Since he was released, Johnson has become a major advocate for prison reform, appearing on all sorts of media outlets."
"We are in great need of prison reform in this country."
"The prison system as it originally developed was designed to be rehabilitative and punitive."
"Prisoners are no longer kept in traditional prisons but in cryo prisons, which are considered more humane."
"I want to free every single nonviolent drug offender in this country. I also want to legalize marijuana. I want to decriminalize all substances."
"We have to stand against the system and the belief that putting people, especially our people, in prisons when they get in trouble will help us long term."
"In Norway... they treat people like human beings. When you treat a person like a human, you get a human back."
"I believe in bringing out the best in prisoners rather than punishing them."
"The more humane the prison conditions are, the more of a focus the systems have in rehabilitating people and reintegrating them into society, the less likely those people are to commit crimes and reoffend."
"We got to invest in education rather than in more jails and incarceration."
"I got 20 people out of prison...over 20 people out of prison while I was there, a lot of them had life sentences."
"I talk about prison overpopulation with non-violent drug offenders. I mean, marijuana being a schedule one drug, there's instances where if you sell enough of it you could be facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years."
"Some prisons in Brazil offer inmates a chance to reduce their sentences by reading books and writing corresponding essays."
"So step one in addressing the issue is eliminate the private prison system."
"We make prisons actual correctional facilities."
"It's a very fucked up situation unless they change just the way the prisons operate as a whole."
"Most of the overwhelming majority of the issues that we are using prison to solve can be solved with a robust social safety net."
"Our prisons should focus on rehabilitation, not punishment."
"We're expanding our Second-Chance Pell Grant pilot program to allow individuals to use their time in prison to take college-level classes."
"Her daughter's death would not be the last time solitary confinement would put Canadian inmates In Harm's Way."
"I wish we were letting way more people out of prison than we are."
"If the option is you have to have the prison, then you'd want the prison to truly be educating the people."
"My philosophy is more education, less incarceration."
"30 years is a long time to be in prison, so if he were to be paroled after 30 years, that would be okay with me."
"The reason it’s important to get it right is that if we’re trying to reduce the prison population, we want to make sure we do it correctly."
"We need to smash this thing to pieces do we need to talk about reforming prisons we need to abolish prison the way it is because it ain't working."
"Texas recently closed a bunch of prisons and decided that they were gonna try and rehabilitate more people, and as they closed prisons and released more prisoners, you know what happened to their crime rate? It went down."
"If we are going to rehabilitate people, then we need to stop torturing them while they're in prison."
"We need to rethink how we treat inmates, addiction, and mental health."
"We need more prison reform all throughout the country. We got to stop throwing away our population because some of our greatest minds are inside of those warehouses."
"Life in prison for child predators: a necessary punishment."
"We really need to recognize how we are supporting the prison industrial complex."
"We need to seize on this unprecedented moment of attention on the prison system and expand that attention."
"Proper prison reform first is like petty crimes people on their foot hold up we from California there's folks that uh that are serving the lifetime sentence for selling marijuana and marijuana is legal in California now."
"Prison is not a solution for social problems."
"We just passed a bill called the first step Act which deals with prison reform."
"How can you correct an individual by placing that individual in a cell for 22 23 hours a day?"
"However, it was greatly exaggerated since work programs, education, and psychotherapy absolutely paved the way for prisoners to re-enter society in a productive fashion."
"He ended up telling court officials that if they gave him access to a cell phone and a laptop, he could create a new band while in prison and start paying people back that way."
"I want prisons to be rehabilitative, sane, safe, and humane."
"America is so behind on our prison systems that it's disgusting."
"Prisons should never be for punishment, they should always be for rehabilitation."
"The prisons are collapsing and the prisoners are about to be released."
"The prison system needs more rehabilitation; it's too punitive."
"I don't think that's a reason for a person to die in prison."
"Solitary confinement harms a person's mental and physical health."
"We desperately need to change our prison systems."
"We forget about the homeless people, we forget about the people in prisons."
"Education is better than incarceration in many cases."
"Mass incarceration as bad... sticking people in a jail cell and like expecting them to just come out better people after 10 years doesn't seem to be working."
"There's a lot of good people in prison... but there's a lot of people in prison that don't belong in prison."
"All eyes can think about or care about right now is how we can take human beings and put them in solitary."
"I support creating jobs and opportunities for people who need them the most. I support prison reform. I support common-sense gun laws that will make our world safer. I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us."
"Every American of conscience should demand an end to mass incarceration."
"Private prisons could be fine in theory, but anything that's good for the prisoner is bad for them."
"The first thing we should do in prisons is stop private prisons."
"Until we get the system where it's not based on bonuses for wardens..."
"Simultaneously having this fierce pride for my mother and for her deafness."
"When you empower them and give them a self the degree of self-sufficiency and when you require them to learn the rates of recidivism are lower the rehabilitation is greater it's a complete inversion."
"A more pleasant experience than most jails, heck, more pleasant than most college dorms."
"The whole concept of Bastoy is to provide a more pleasant experience than most jails."
"Bastoy can boast the lowest reoffending rate in Europe."
"Recidivism is bad because of the way we handle prisons...we do jail too many people...we do over police."
"Corporations should not make huge profits locking up fellow Americans."
"She's using her celebrity to work on behalf of prison reform."
"'The first and most essential step is to remove Azkaban from the control of the dementors.'"
"Every black person should be a prison abolitionist."
"We need to make sure that as folks are leaving Rikers, where more than 50 percent of the people there are suffering from mental illness, that they're directed immediately to the housing and services they need." - Unknown speaker
"If the schools don't fail prisons cannot win."
"We're abolitionists. We don't believe that prison works."
"I'm gonna put a light in every single cell because I'm nice like that."
"The industrialization of prisons has led to people, mostly young black men, being dealt incredibly heavy sentences for often incredibly petty offenses."
"The prison industrial complex, as we know it, that [__] has to go. It's run like a plantation system, it's run like a genocidal concentration camp, and that has to go."
"The genius of what they're doing in Rhode Island isn't just that there is full drug treatment inside the prison walls the genius is what happens when the inmates leave."
"A bipartisan action on something substantial... major prison reform."
"How could the world not recognize that 25% of the world's prisoners are in these horrific prisons in the United States?"
"Norwegian prisons... have prisons that are considerably more humane than our own."
"Prison abolition is a radical idea because prisons are so woven into the fabric of our society."
"Mass incarceration is a human rights crisis."
"I want to stop somebody else from doing all that time in prison."
"I don't think prisons do a great job of reforming people."
"Prisons largely against black and Latino folks. This is the reality of what it means to be black and minority in this country."
"Authenticity matters, even in supporting causes like prison reform."
"No one should be in a federal prison solely due to the possession of marijuana."
"Prisoners should maintain family connections for effective rehabilitation."
"How do you feel about having all ADOS prisoners released included as a form of reparation and time served?"
"I'm for getting rid of private prisons. I think it makes no sense to have prisons that have a profit motivation."
"Stop keeping the prison system in business; true rehabilitation would reduce overpopulation and prevent investors from profiting off incarceration."
"Prisons as a whole were no longer working and should be torn down."
"Free non-violent offenders incarcerated for ten years or longer who have less than five variable write-ups."
"Ending private prisons and detention centers."
"I want a government that says, 'Let me go back in those prisons and see how many of those people can we help.'"
"You can't sit here and go to the Oval Office and call for the release of Larry Hoover serving six life sentences."
"I do have a highlight... the federal government raided a women's prison notorious for abusing its inmates."
"Prisons could be reformed to be rehabilitative rather than abusive torture chambers."
"Even if you talk about mass incarceration, it's not just letting them out because when you let them out, you're gonna let them out into our community."
"We're gonna do videos on prisons... on the prison abuse system... I want to fix the criminal justice system."
"I have a way we could stop abuses in prison, it wouldn't cost them any money."
"Does treating prisoners like animals actually make our community safer? That's what we're trying to find out."
"The left needs to deal with the issue of prison today. If you don't, you're being left out of the left."
"Prison is not what they glorify. We all know prison [ __ ] sucks. We don't want these kids."
"Prison work should not violate a person's dignity so that means prisoners should not be forced to perform dangerous jobs or be put in conditions that threaten their safety like long hours working in the heat without shelter or water."
"She's really done a lot of like legitimate good to help people get released from prison that were wrongly accused."
"In the years to come, society will look to a new generation of correctional officers, architecture, and technology to create more positive chapters in prison history."
"We have to stop trying to deal with mental health problems inside of prison walls. We have to get help for folks on the outside."
"Prisons in Norway, other countries, where they're a bit more lenient, less reoffending rate. There's no...the least reoffending rate is Norway, the highest reoffender rate is the UK."
"There are plenty of people that you and I both agree are in prison that don't need to be in prison any longer, do we agree with that? Yeah, of course."
"It's estimated that over the next 15 years the changes could reduce the size of the federal prison population by nearly 4,000."
"On the one hand, we should want prisoners to be reading books and getting educated and, you know, bettering themselves."
"There has to be a better way to house trans inmates than treating them like the worst of the worst criminals."
"These incidents call for reforms and a renewed commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism within the prison system."
"Only in recent decades have we started to actually humanize these prisoners and also focus more on Rehabilitation than just punishment and stuff like that."
"This is one of the probably the most progressive rehabilitation programs I've seen behind bars that actually give people an opportunity for positive change and to create self-value."
"Maybe we are throwing people into the prison system who need care."
"There's no world that we can have a just system where people are profiting off of putting people in prisons and jails."
"End the exception in the 13th Amendment. Make phone calls free in federal prisons permanently."
"Protests echoing the demands of the hunger strikers say the only solution is to close Rikers Island instead of moving people held there to other facilities."
"So it makes no sense to spend $3 million per prisoner to keep open a prison that the world condemns and terrorists use to recruit."
"Prison reform is extremely important because you have to give people the opportunity."
"Quakers' greatest aim believes that prison is for reform more than it is for punishment."
"I'm in support of this. I hope America gets their [ __ ] together and maybe our prisons won't be so overcrowded."
"They definitely need to put body cams on correctional officers."
"It was at that point that a good friend of mine raised funds through the Utah legislature to run a prison education program."
"'How great would it be if we lived in a world where prison was the best thing to happen to some of those people?'"
"The smarter move for the bulk of the people that were there at FCI satellite camp with me would have been better served had the court determined community service."
"My hope for Keith is that he gets a chance to rehabilitate, help rehabilitate the other prisoners in the system, to say, 'Look, I was your age when I walked in here, and I can help you if you will just let me.'"
"The Casual way in which the inmates and the staff mix is the essence of a unique experiment in the world penal systems."
"Since most of the convicts now behind bars are going to emerge one day, changed or not, it would seem that our interests demand that as much as possible be done to change the men who can be changed."
"Every issue important to black communities has been a priority for him: prison reform, rebuilding broken families, bringing jobs back to America."
"I want to have a prison that's set up to actually rehabilitate people."
"The Rua's plan was the pilot for the whole state prison system."
"If prison is done well with a focus on rehabilitation, it can release individuals back into society in a controlled way which makes it unlikely they will reoffend."
"More things need to be done in prison, okay, because down here in the state of Florida, there isn't no special treatment, which there should be."
"This is a reason why I will not come back to prison."
"The prison system hasn't always been the way it is. I think that it can change."
"Prisons need air conditioning. So put air conditioning in. That's it."
"I would much rather see private prison owners... invest more into rehabilitation programs."
"I wanted to start a non-profit to help keep people out of prison, to help people that were in prison, and just to help with prison reform."
"I wanted to fight for a sweeping prison reform."
"I'm happy to see that there's not only equality for prisoners or an attempt at it, a quality of opportunity, but not only for prisoners but for men and women prisoners."
"If you just warehouse people in prison for years... and get them out without any type of viable work skills, what do you expect them to do?"
"Prisoners living conditions are my working conditions, and I'm determined to improve."
"As a society, we got to do a better job at treating men like men, treating women like women, not mistreating prisoners."
"We're trying to spread this positive energy so nobody else has to experience the inside of a prison."
"We want to make sure that we don't have more people coming out of jail after 30 years who were innocent and never should have been there."
"He was a strong advocate for prison reform and figured the best way to promote change was from the inside."
"We're not treating the prisoners right, we're not rehabilitating them."
"Women make mistakes, women go to a federal prison, and they don't belong to be abused."
"We have so much work to do when it comes to getting our prison system right."
"You should care because most people in prison have release dates; most people in prison are coming home, and you really don't want us coming home the way we currently are."
"As the public became more aware of the potential effects of violence on Blueface's mental health, discussions surrounding prison reform and the need for improved mental health services gained momentum."
"Those inmates are not props; they are people."
"Drug addicts have no place in prison."
"Educate yourself on prison reform and how to get involved."
"For-profit private prisons need to be abolished immediately."
"Prison reform is probably exactly what it sounds like, better systems in place so that people get more help rather than just getting locked away."
"Prisons do not exist to torture people, or at least they shouldn't."
"The best thing you can do about prison reform is to keep people out of prison."
"Let's unite and collaborate and ensure that the prison is handled the way it's supposed to be."
"Let's get together as a community, as a country, as a nation, and destroy, breakdown, dismantle the cradle to prison pipeline."
"In-person inmate visits have a ton of benefits, not only for the emotional and physical health of inmates and their children, but also for jail safety, staff retention, employment, and recidivism after release."
"Prison should be an institution that would help inmates to change."
"For 35 years I have been going into jails and prisons and trying to persuade the world that you are more than the crime you commit."
"Anybody who's willing to do work to help folks get out of prison is a good thing."