
Wealth Transfer Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"During the COVID period, we saw the greatest transfer of wealth we've ever witnessed. Trillions of dollars went from ordinary people's pockets...into the people who were investing in pharmaceutical companies."
"The pandemic constitutes a ginormous transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich."
"The largest wealth transfer is really just starting."
"Increase your income to take advantage of the wealth transfer."
"People put countless hours of thought and planning into things like their children’s education, life insurance, and estate inheritance to make this dream a reality, but overwhelmingly it is still not coming true."
"Millions of job losses in the United States and an absolutely robust, ever-climbing stock market. What does this mean? It means one of the greatest wealth transfers in history is underway."
"This is the biggest wealth transfer in history, and we're lucky enough to be here and to be here early."
"During market drops and recessions is when the biggest wealth transfers occur."
"Wealth is never destroyed, it is merely transferred; and that means that on the opposite side of every crisis, there is an opportunity."
"The reset is here; it's happening. It's the largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history."
"This will be the greatest transfer of wealth and the greatest consolidation of power in the history of mankind."
"What we're dealing with the consequences we just lived through the largest wealth transfer in American history."
"I'm just on a mission to get people to understand what I think is happening now, which is a massive wealth transfer happening right now that gives people who have traditionally been disenfranchised a chance to get in."
"The difference between seeing economic disparities as due to differences in the production of wealth and seeing those disparities as due to the transfer of wealth from some people to other people is fundamental."
"The greatest transfer of wealth in human history during COVID points to profound economic and societal shifts."
"Over the next 20 years, by the year 2042, it's estimated that roughly 45 million households will transfer something like 70 trillion dollars worth of wealth."
"Up to 70% of the great wealth transfer will end up in women's hands and women will rule the world."
"It's a very direct and simple way that middle-class people transfer wealth to their kids. You buy a house, you get old, you die, your kids inherit that house."
"Houses are people's generally largest investments and it's a good transfer vehicle for intergenerational wealth."
"The greatest wealth transfer ever is about to happen, and you want to make sure that you're part of it."
"The great wealth transfer is coming and it is going to have very significant impacts."
"I called this a great transfer of wealth because between February and April 2020 the stock market has lost trillions of dollars worth of value and wealth essentially overnight."
"It's the modern largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history that's happening right in front of our eyes."
"Crypto has taken and will continue to take the most insane amount of money away from unsophisticated investors that my friends is the wealth transfer."
"There is 84.4 trillion dollars in wealth that is set to transfer voluntarily over the next 23 years."
"This massive money printing has created a huge historical transfer in wealth."
"Wealth is never destroyed. It is merely transferred."
"Trump presided over four years of unbelievably rapid transfer of power and wealth from the poorest to the richest."
"The great reset, it's here. It's the largest transfer of wealth and they are enforcing it with brute force."
"Some people have said that this is for the first time maybe the la a transfer of wealth from the elites to the working class and it's not through communism it's through their own stock exchange."
"I actually made an entire video last year about the great wealth transfer... a lot of the wealth that is being passed... was an issue because it created pockets of crime because of the way that housing was built."
"A warning of the ugliness to come. The greatest wealth transfer in history."
"Warren Buffett said, 'Wealth is transferred from the impatient to the patient.' Cheers to you guys."
"So, it's just the amazing thing of like these uh, these hedge funds sitting there doing all this manipulation is like, 'May their billions become your billions,' like they're just taking their billions..."
"Investing is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from the impatient people to the patient people."
"You have to go for the money aspect of it. If you can say we will take our wealth out of this system, we will move it to a better system like Bitcoin."
"The great wealth transfer that's about to manifest is a fulfillment of Proverbs 13:22."
"The transfer of wealth is from the impatient to the patient."
"Crypto is the largest generational transfer in human history."
"Wealth will transfer from the impatient to the patient."
"That's the largest transfer of wealth in human history, I want you to think about that."
"Over the last 50 years, there's been a massive transfer of wealth."
"I believe over the next decade we'll see most of the world's wealth move over to bitcoin."
"We're to transfer our Treasures not our necessities are Treasures that which we've laid up we're to transfer those Treasures from Earth to Heaven."
"Markets are a vehicle by which the impatient give their money to the patient."
"There is a tremendous wealth transfer that will take place during this event."
"Recessions are the greatest opportunities to transfer wealth to your family."
"What's the value of being able to teleport gold anywhere in the world anytime and have a government not have a saying in that?"
"The greatest transfer of wealth in a generation is taking place right in front of you."
"This transfer of wealth is already underway before XRP goes to 589 before XRP even goes to a dollar, this transfer wealth is happening right now."
"It's absolutely unforgivable as a government policy, it's absolutely a transfer of wealth, and it's absolutely cancerous to our culture."
"You could instantly press a button and unload a hundred million dollars just like that."
"Options. Massive Action equals taking advantage of the greatest transfer wealth and world history. God bless you all."
"This is the largest transfer of wealth that mankind will ever see in history. And he said, 'Dave, I did it all for them.' I mean, how to get goosebumps just saying it again."
"We're going to see the great exposure, the great removal, the great fall, the great overturning, and the greatest wealth transfer."
"The great wealth transfer is a global event. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him."
"For all you guys across the world, the greatest transfer of wealth is happening right now."
"Every recession... there's always been the greatest transfer of wealth."
"God's gonna provide, he's going to transfer the wealth."
"I see cryptocurrencies becoming more relevant with time, especially with the great wealth transfer taking place over the next 20 to 30 years."
"This is going to be the biggest wealth transfer the world has ever seen."
"There's a massive transfer of wealth happening right now."
"The future of crypto stands to absorb, without a doubt, the biggest wealth transfer in history."
"Probably the most massive transfer of wealth we've ever seen in this country."
"The Estate Tax says that when you die, you can't take all of it with you."
"Patience is the key and like they say right markets are a mechanism of transferring wealth between the inpatient to the patient."
"What an amazing time to be alive, watching this system unfold, being able to take part in this transfer of wealth."
"God is about to send tremendous wealth... get ready."
"Cryptocurrencies are going to allow for a massive wealth transfer because they will be involved in the wealth transfer."
"The transfer of wealth is happening right now, big time."
"Yes, it does require waiting but I think this is going to be potentially one of the loot most lucrative transfers of wealth that there has ever been."
"It's a massive transfer of wealth from his fans to him."
"Your wealth has transferred into somebody that was reacting based on data rather than emotion. Congratulations."
"We're laid back here as we talk about the greatest transfer of wealth in world history, and these guys get so caught up on emotions." - Speaker
"There's an opportunity to transfer a trillion dollars in assets to a generation that badly needs asset formation."
"Every time there's a transfer of wealth then you have the upper hand."
"Whenever there is a period of recession or decline in our economy... it's actually an opportunity for one of the greatest wealth transfers."
"In every biblical wealth transfer, there was always a prophetic voice."
"Every wealth transfer in the Bible happened in difficult times."
"The world transfer does not violate previous patterns; it happens in the middle of crazy difficult times."
"The biggest wealth transfer is about to happen between Baby Boomers and their heirs."
"We are in the midst of the greatest generational wealth transfer in human history without anyone dying yet."
"...crypto has the power to transfer wealth from the ultra wealthy to everyday people like you and I."
"2023, 2024, 2025 is what you've been waiting for, the transfer of wealth. It's either now you're going to be prepared for it so you can capitalize on it, or you're gonna get ran over."
"Wealth could be is probably best being handed over to the next generation bit by bit while you're still alive."
"The wealth of the ungodly is laid up for the righteous."
"Since I have no other relatives, I have no choice but to leave my entire fortune to you."
"We should expect to see a relentless shift in wealth and power from West to East in the 21st century."
"I believe we're going to see the greatest wealth transfer in American history."
"This is going to be the greatest wealth transfer in American history."
"If Catherine de' Medici's wedding had been to Prince Henry of England instead of Prince Henry of France, all of that wealth would have gone with her."
"Trading is simply a transfer of accounts from those who don't know what they're doing into the accounts of those who do."
"When you buy back shares at too high a price... you're moving wealth from people who stay shareholders to the people who sell their shares back."
"The market is going to transfer the money from the impatient to the patient."
"When you inherit an appreciated asset, the previous appreciation just goes away untaxed, thanks to the step-up in basis."
"This is the biggest transfer of wealth that we have ever seen in world history is happening right now."
"We're going to see a lot of wealth trade hands over the next couple of years because of all of this change."
"We're currently experiencing the largest transfer in wealth in history that we've ever seen from the baby boomer generation to the younger generation Gen Z."
"You can just remember a 12 word seed phrase and go anywhere in the world across borders and basically transfer wealth wherever you want."
"Money flowing from the impatient to the patient."
"We've had 40 years of wealth transfer from the current elderly generation from you to them, and from your future children to them."
"Some of y'all are dealing with an inheritance... received as an heir at the death of a previous holder."