
Vaccine Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"Bill Gates is the most dangerous of the billionaires because...he was the one who more than anyone else pushed an experimental vaccine into billions of arms."
"We delivered the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe and the fastest booster program of any major economy."
"If we're talking about the vaccine, I have the sovereign right over my body."
"No one should be forced to get the vaccine against their will under any circumstances whatsoever."
"The advantages of the vaccine greatly outweigh the disadvantages."
"Whatever danger you're going to put on the side of the vaccine, there's more danger with COVID."
"Thankfully, the vaccine has brought normalcy back to the lives of many Americans in record time."
"Covid-19 is far, far worse than the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccination. Covid-19 is far more severe, far deadlier by an overwhelming amount, far more likely for there to be negative symptoms than the Covid-19 vaccination."
"Here's what we must demand from our leaders: what do they actually think the chances are that we get a vaccine."
"There's an improved response associated with the BCG vaccine in some countries."
"When they say we have a vaccine, that's when it is over."
"Vaccines are safe and effective, and the science is settled."
"Vaccines are expected to work against these new strains."
"The beauty of a vaccine is, if your body knows what it's dealing with, it can go thermonuclear on it as soon as the virus shows up and destroy it before it even has a chance to establish a foothold."
"Even if we have a vaccine, we're looking at ecological damage."
"If there's one more mutation because of a leaky vaccine, I think the makers of the vaccine should have to pay all of the costs."
"I think this is a real game-changing vaccine."
"It looks like it's going to be around about 90 percent [efficacy]."
"This vaccine was highly effective in preventing people getting COVID-19 infection."
"This vaccine was 100 percent effective in preventing serious illness and hospitalization."
"This is the first vaccine that's going to be globally available."
"I'm just really happy that we have a vaccine that will provide some relief and that will put an end to this pandemic."
"We're weeks away from a vaccine. We're doing therapeutics already. Fewer people are dying."
"Johnson & Johnson vaccine has arrived in New York, it's one shot, you don't have to come back for a second shot."
"Life cannot go back to normal until a vaccine is found." - Angela Merkel
"The vaccine is a great tool to get us through this war for a lot of people but if people are being injured you're not supposed to leave soldiers behind."
"And I think that people don't people need to understand that that's not something that we expect or that we have to have. I think Anthony Fauci was saying even a vaccine of about 70 would be good."
"Thank God we have a vaccine now that has radically reduced the death rate."
"If people don't trust the vaccine, they're not going to take the vaccine. It's all for naught."
"The vaccines are on their way, there is a light at the end of the tunnel."
"The vaccine is very important, it's the final step I believe it's going to be the final step."
"The CCP risks facing the same backlash they did with PPE when it comes to the vaccine because if the vaccine doesn't work, this could cause large-scale backlash against the CCP or even worse."
"The Chinese Communist Party is using vaccine diplomacy in very much the same way that it used say mask diplomacy and PPE diplomacy."
"The vaccine success was a tremendous opportunity."
"You need to think about more than just yourself in making a decision whether to get a vaccine."
"If approved this vaccine should be able to safely and effectively protect your kids your youngest kids against severe disease hospitalization that's what counts."
"The miracle in this is to end up with such effective vaccines so quickly, really a remarkable scientific triumph."
"Pfizer's new vaccine would target Omicron and other variants already circulating."
"Novavax announces COVID-19 vaccine booster data demonstrating fourfold increase in neutralizing antibody levels."
"NovaVax, Oxford study to evaluate third dose in participants with impaired immune systems."
"The UK's procurement process and rollout of the vaccine has been right."
"This vaccine's the most successful consumer product in the history of the world."
"For the first time ever, supply for the vaccine seems to outpace demand for it."
"The vaccine programs really just came in the nick of time."
"Is the covid vaccine going to become an annual booster... for the rest of our lives?"
"People say coincidence. Well, you know what? This vaccine is a leading cause of coincidence."
"We know that this Pfizer BioNTech is working, it is generating these antibodies."
"You have the option, you don't have to get the vaccine... oh, really? I didn't know that came with a little note that said I'll never work again."
"American companies were the first to produce a verifiably safe and effective vaccine."
"Young people had heart attacks before the covid vaccine."
"In the eyes of Jacinda Ardern and sadly, it seems, Noam Chomsky, these people who refuse to take the vaccine are bad actors, end of story."
"So what I believe will happen is the vaccine is going to cut this short."
"We could literally have a resurgence of polio because we made such bad decisions about the covid vaccine."
"Celebrities just need to shut the hell up about the vaccine."
"We're increasing the vaccine supply to 13.5 million doses per week, a 57 percent increase."
"This may function as the vaccine we all wanted."
"It may in fact function as the vaccine we all wanted."
"We found this virus, a vaccine for most of us, and we stay safe by masking right now."
"Last year we were begging for a way out of the COVID crisis and now we have a solution with a vaccine so why are so many people not taking it up?"
"A single shot vaccine is much more attractive to the developing nations."
"There's only one reason why we can contemplate going ahead to step four... because of the continuing effectiveness of the vaccine rollout."
"And getting the call on Sunday evening and hearing that we have 95% efficacy. This was extraordinary."
"Another way to stop a virus is to create a sterilizing vaccine that actually prevents the spread."
"The MRNA vaccine is a 'Natural Born Killer.'"
"Unvaccinated people will quickly receive pariah status."
"I'm staunchly opposed to mandates for the same reason why I'm urging people to really do their homework on this even if it means taking the vaccine because I care about people."
"The fact that a United States-run study has confirmed the efficacy and the safety of this vaccine, I think, is an important contribution to global health in general." - Dr. Fauci
"People are clamoring; they're waiting overnight to get the vaccine."
"The combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates the conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge."
"The refrigerator requirement makes the J&J vaccine extremely helpful."
"The vaccine must be free and freely available to everyone."
"We had all the advantages that Americans didn't have in 1918. We had a record-setting vaccine, as far as time goes, to get a vaccine out in less than a year. Nobody expected that to happen."
"The vaccine remains very effective. It still does produce not 100% protection but a very high level of protection, so that is certainly some consolation."
"I'm saying this as a matter of record and fact: millions of people would not have gotten the MRNA vaccine."
"Covid-19 vaccine saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented more than a million hospitalizations in the US."
"We must ensure that vaccine misinformation is tackled head-on, as it poses a threat to public health."
"The UK became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for use."
"Science is amazing. In nine months we came out with a vaccine. It is a triumph of science."
"An Ontario man files a $35 million lawsuit against Pfizer over his son's vaccine death."
"The vaccine program is our way out of this pandemic but it won't have an effect unfortunately for a month or two."
"Pfizer had a big reveal where they said that their vaccine is 90% effective."
"But who in their right mind would advise a 20 year old one week after recovering from Co from Omicron ba5 to get a booster against va5."
"Some children received their first dose of the vaccine today in Santa Clara County."
"Good news: the Pfizer vaccine is now FDA approved."
"European leaders are raising doubts over the United States's proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID19 vaccines."
"I would still get the AstraZeneca jab tomorrow if I was offered it."
"We hear good news about a successful vaccine trial."
"Vaccines go through less rigorous process than drugs."
"It's completely absurd not to apply the scientific method to vaccines."
"There is already a known vaccine that is safe and effective."
"Fear, uncertainty, and doubt fuel the vaccine debate, hindering a systems-based approach to science."
"Is it an emergency for a healthy 18-year-old to get a fourth booster dose of the vaccine today? I don't think so."
"We're going to have more than enough vaccine supply to vaccinate the entire world a couple of times over."
"Their goal is to take away our freedoms, then if we want them back we'll be forced to receive vaccines to gain a digital certificate of movement."
"My prayer is that they accelerate the production of a vaccine."
"Nothing will go back to normal until there's a vaccine... it's basically mafia tactics at this point."
"It's been very hard to get anyone to acknowledge that it could be related to the vaccine."
"I'm not traveling until there's a vaccine, period."
"We are reaching this critical milestone in our vaccine development program at a time when the world needs it most." - Pfizer CEO and Chairman, Dr. Albert Bourla
"People don't really like being told what to do; a vaccine really interferes with your idea of personhood and state."
"A corona virus vaccine is developed, it must be available free of charge to all people."
"This is another crucial step in our effort to develop, manufacture, and distribute a vaccine in record-breaking time."
"If we don't make a new vaccine this disease could be with us forever."
"The vaccine will be very safe and very effective, and it will be delivered very soon."
"Anyone watching this video is probably going to get this vaccine next year."
"There will be a vaccine, it will be effective in the vast vast majority of cases."
"Deaths that happen after the vaccine are not deaths that happen because of the vaccine," John Lawrence emphasized.
"Vaccines can be efficacious against SARS coronavirus too."
"The idea that you don't take a vaccine because it's not a hundred percent effective is obviously a crap argument."
"Come on now, there are 10 ingredients in Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine. Tracking microchips are not one of them."
"Until we get a vaccine, normality as it was before will not come back."
"The dangers of rushing a vaccine before it's ready."
"That's so exciting! I'm getting my COVID vaccine tomorrow!"
"Vaccine side effects and adverse reactions are real, don't think otherwise."
"There's a lot of data in medicine that I question all the time as a person of color and as a woman, but the vaccine is something that I've seen time and time again that I don't typically question."
"If we never slow up, we never get old. Looking back is a kind of disease against which there should be a vaccine."
"It's got to be hell for Trump because he really wanted to push the vaccine as one of his great achievements."
"Think of books as a vaccine against misinformation."
"I want you to get the vaccine cuz I want you to be safe what if you end up in the hospital that's what I'm scared of if you was to die man that literally kill me man i h you yes they made you feel that way bro I probably love you I love you too."
"Honestly, all Joe Biden has to do to get me to get the vaccine is to go 24 hours without telling me to get the vaccine."
"We wake up 18 months later and we didn't just wake up with a vaccine."
"It's nice that we can have feeders out, and number one for the nutrition and stuff with the analogic pellets that they have basically an EHD vaccine in there that's all-natural stuff."
"The vaccine is going to be even better than people thought originally."
"If you haven't yet got a vaccine, if you're eligible and able to get one, please do go ahead and get one."
"It's already great enough that we're having the vaccine for cats in 2025."
"Why is the vaccine controversial? I don't know, everyone make the decision that you think is best for your body while also considering public health."
"This is why we can open up the country. Everybody in America who has wanted to get the vaccine was able to get it by now."
"Moderna has said it will likely charge 130 for its Cupid vaccine taxpayers through the U.S government gave 2.5 billion dollars to develop the moderna vaccine it was nearly entirely funded by taxpayers and it costs only around three dollars to produce unusual."
"The vaccine was most likely a form of anti-radiation sickness medication that Dharma workers were required to take upon first arrival to the island."
"I'd go with the vaccine risk rather than the infection risk, that is for sure."
"The vaccine itself does not have the live virus in it, so it's absolutely impossible for you to get COVID from the vaccine."
"For every one person that they're saving from COVID, there are a hundred people getting myocarditis."
"I'm so thankful that I got the vaccine and that my symptoms were so mild."
"I think that's definitely a testament to the vaccine."
"A vaccine should not be political."
"Pfizer's RNA vaccine against COVID-19 is highly efficacious, exceeding expectations and providing hope that the pandemic will come to an end in the foreseeable future."
"Speed is crucial. We needed a fast-produced vaccine technology that could be reliable and universal."
"A vaccine could reduce the severity of COVID-19 illness and ideally prevent infection."
"It's a biological weapon. It's a biological weapon. I didn't vax because they created Omicron in South Africa."
"There is no vaccine, or there is no imminent cure, right around the corner."
"These shots are not FDA-approved and authorized for emergency use."
"The current vaccine going on it's being used it's looking quite promising over 200,000 doses given 97% efficacy."
"Natural immunity is a thing, and it's better than a vaccine."
"And if you're older or health impaired stay in vaccine's around the corner"
"It's as if every time he's delivering good news about the vaccine he's going: 'Do keep in mind I am in charge, so please temper expectations. There's nothing I can't mess up.'"
"We have to get out there and live our lives and take this on, develop the vaccine, develop more therapeutics, and defeat it."
"Experts agree a safe, effective vaccine will very likely arrive, and we have to be realistic about the fact that things aren't just going to instantly revert to normal."
"The vaccine worked and it was safe and catastrophe struck."
"The vaccine is still working. It’s still protecting you and those around you."
"The vaccine and I can already feel the 5G reception in my veins. It's beautiful. I'm home."
"It's just like until the end when they make a vaccine that cures everybody and then they put it and it's the Chemtrails it's true that came out of the helicopters yeah yeah we're spreading the vaccine via Chemtrails."
"People have no problem putting McDonald's McChickens in their mouth, make doubles, ho hos, twinkies, but they're worried about what's in this vaccine that scientists created."
"If masks are really 50 to 75 percent effective, then masks might actually provide more protection than the low bar vaccine that gets out there."
"This is the vaccine: Jesus Christ."
"I didn't want to take the vaccine but then I had to do it to work on the show I was working on."
"...the first prophylactic vaccine against cancer has been developed and approved by the FDA."
"I will be first in line for that vaccine, won't you? Yes, I will."
"A vaccine that offered protection against serious disease and death would be really valuable."
"Systems for monitoring vaccine safety are pretty close to Ideal."
"If it was not that case if men did better than women never would have been the conversation but because women did better than men on the vaccine it made so many people globally in the medical community look up and be like what."
"Even my first time through, I was like, 'You're gonna mass produce a vaccine in an apocalypse? Good luck.'"
"Hey good luck with this if you've had the vaccine then you're protected but you should still wear a mask indoors but I'm protected"
"Imagine the world we live in: the vaccine, free, administered to billions, now fully approved by the FDA."
"Dolly Parton did a lot to help develop the Moderna vaccine."
"You're not going to take the vaccine? That's like if people on third class on the Titanic were like, 'We're not getting in the lifeboats.'"
"Types of HIV isolates: M-tropic, T-tropic, and their implications for vaccine design."
"Vietnam has made provisions for vaccine access through involvement in COVAX and procurement from multiple vaccine developers."
"There's been major progress on the vaccine front."
"We could have a total of 240 million doses by the end of March alone."
"Even getting the vaccine, like, it gave me feelings of what COVID was like."
"Gratitude is a vaccine, an antioxidant, and an antiseptic."
"As one family, we mourn every precious life that's been lost. I pledge in their honor that we will develop a vaccine."
"We should get 10% of everybody's vaccine. It's [ __ ] patriotic."
"It's not my prerogative to tell you what to do. I chose to get the vaccine for me, but it's a personal choice."
"The mRNA vaccine informs your immune system instead of injecting a weakened virus."
"Well, it's only for your information edition if you care to look. Nothing in that vaccine is good for any living human."
"We started working on a vaccine literally right after the virus was discovered."
"Moderna says it's coronavirus vaccine shows promising results in small trial of elderly patients."
"Vaccine efficacy against hospitalization or death with a primary series followed by a Pfizer-BioNTech booster ranged from around 97 to 99 in all age groups."
"I volunteered to take on a role as heading of the vaccine development team."
"There has been unprecedented progress toward a vaccine, but we have to be sure that that vaccine is safe and effective by the time we actually administer it more broadly."
"The goal is to determine efficacy of a vaccine as quickly as possible."
"The trials that are planned are somewhere between 30 and 50,000 patients because you have to have enough infections occurring to show that the vaccine works better than approved than the placebo."
"The first human studies are going to be done in this month, and the expectation is by early 2021 there will be massive scale-up and emergency use authorization for the vaccine."
"The one question is, will a vaccine protect from infection or just protect from disease? Ideally, we'd like to have a vaccine that completely protects from infection."
"If we get herd immunity, let's get it with the vaccine and not by letting everybody get infected."
"The Shingrix vaccine has been a giant leap forward. That's been amazing."
"It's about 97% effective, remarkable vaccine."
"So far, every body is hesitant, I think, because all of the trials that have been done show that the initial vaccines that we have still provide pretty good protection against all of the variants."
"I'm liberal and woke, I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and then they recalled it for blood clots."
"We're on track to have the world's first safe effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year."
"The efficacy of Shingrix for shingles is greater than 90 percent for all ages."
"Our vaccine doesn't last long enough... it's a miracle in terms of preventing severe disease."
"Developing vaccines against HIV/AIDS has been a tremendous challenge."
"With a vaccine coming, there's a chance that sometime in the next six months, I might actually be able to start operations."
"Immunogenicity is highly desirable in a vaccine product; it's the thing that causes the protection against future infections."
"January 19th is Dolly Parton's birthday... she gave over a million dollars of her own money to Vanderbilt to work on a vaccine, so she's trying to save us."
"We have a vaccine that can prevent cancer. How cool is that?"
"Jonas Salk needed human subjects to test his polio vaccine... so he just experimented on himself."