
Coolness Quotes

There are 5145 quotes

"Ultimate Gohan is...he looks cool and he acts cool."
"Joe Burrow makes that [expletive] cool as hell."
"This is insanely powerful and it actually makes us money, which is pretty cool."
"Everything you thought was cool when you were 12 is what is actually cool."
"I've gotten smarter. I think I've gotten cooler."
"Cool Ranch, this is definitely the cool kid Dorito."
"You abandon trying to be cool and are just funny by making yourself uncool, then you perform this Jedi mind trick whereby trying to be uncool, you end up being the coolest person."
"It makes a really cool noise from the outside. You're very Tony Stark when you pull up."
"What's cool is not fitting in; what's cool is standing out."
"Star Trek needed to feel fresh and exciting; for lack of a better word, Star Trek needed to be cool."
"For me, glasses was something cool. So I lied basically to my teachers that I can't see well, so I need glasses."
"She must be the most coolest, awesomest, stylish mom ever."
"Sometimes the way to be cool is to not try to be cool."
"Riding motorcycles should make us feel cool, right? So we're going to go ride and we're going to tell you how these bikes make us feel."
"Ilhan has returned dripping with coolness, shushing the two the moment Hajin saw his back he thought to him saved."
"It's so cool, like Haku almost from Spirited Away."
"What is cooler than Samuel L. Jackson? Nothing."
"What makes Black Panther so cool is it his vibranium coated suit made of the same stuff as Captain America's."
"Pretty cool and also sort of a demonstration of polymorphism."
"The show ends with the Gecko brothers assisted by Kate robbing a bank. 'Everybody be cool.'"
"Sleep is kind of like the secret performance enhancer."
"So yeah, maybe think twice before using Mega Garchomp next time... or don't, because let's admit that guy is super cool."
"Deadpool comes out it's like this guy is the coolest superhero in the world."
"Cool guys don't look at explosions, they turn around and they walk away. Cool guys, explosions don't look at them, they walk away, they're ready."
"They're gonna be really, really, really, really cool." - They're gonna be really cool!
"I only do stuff that I think is cool, so this is cool."
"Cowboy Bebop always carries itself with a supreme sense of assured coolness, like it knows it's shit."
"There was a coolness about him that everybody could respect."
"Villains are cooler than heroes. It's just a fact."
"I definitely like this Lich King character. He looks super cool."
"They have an aura of coolness that I admire."
"Hendrix was like the embodiment of cool, just the coolest [expletive] thing."
"Aviators make literally anyone on the planet cool."
"Everybody out there should note that whatever one of these you want to play you are going to be one of the coolest characters on the battlefield."
"He's just the smoothest, coolest dude of all time."
"There's something very cool about the character of Amanda Waller."
"You are the coolest community on all the interwebs."
"This guy, this is the coolest one. I don't care who you are or what you think, this is absolutely it."
"Being super cool means standing above the crowd and embracing uniqueness."
"Everyone thinks that he's cool and he's got good hats and good shoes."
"If you're cool and you work hard, I don't really give a [__]."
"Rebellion will always be cool because anyone who wants to be cool has to rebel against the establishment."
"I'm high enough off the back word, no problem, right? I mean, that's cool, definitely."
"Omnimon is the coolest thing, except maybe RizeGreymon from the fifth series."
"These protagonists have all been super cool over the past decades."
"Justin Roiland, the creator of this game, is probably one of the coolest people ever."
"Rarely has there been a tool prop so frequently useful and so constantly badass."
"I'm gonna be honest with you, that's really cool."
"He looks way cooler on the right. Yeah, he should have done the right the whole time. Yeah, looks... It looks kind of badass."
"May you eventually return to Cool as the other side of the pillow."
"Omega Shenron is such a cool, interesting-looking villain."
"There's always that one kid that thinks swearing makes them cool, but it doesn't."
"A sword to anything, it does increase its coolness."
"There's just something about doing that which is really cool."
"There's nothing cooler than walking away from an explosion in slow motion." - A playful nod to action movie tropes.
"Cool isn't a costume, it's not what you wear, it's not a clock, or it's like cool is reasonable."
"Allows you to walk through walls pretty damn cool guy."
"You got to be the cool guy in the room with the leather jacket in the corner and you know the toothpick and the sunglasses and being like unconformed to you dude."
"That maneuver is very technically advanced and cool. Like, it just looked brilliant."
"Stay inspired, stay cool, most of all inspire others out there."
"Getting good grades is important and it's really cool."
"Marcus is definitely a whole lot cooler than Aiden Pearce."
"It's surreal for sure, but it's f**king cool."
"I'm wrong most of the time, and when I'm right, it's cool."
"Cool guys don't look at explosions, but rainer likes explosions."
"Finally, there's cool factor and this one is undeniable I consider it one of the all-time coolest vehicles and it gets a 10 out of 10."
"Cool guys don't look at explosions or their opponents."
"The biggest thing that they lose are that they're not cool."
"It reinvents itself... he doesn't hurt anybody, that's pretty cool."
"Dripping with style, unpacked with blisteringly cool fight scenes..."
"CRKT, this list is just as much about who is cool as who's making good products."
"This is just effortlessly cool, you guys have made me look tonight."
"I mean look at how freaking cool that is they just go really good with kind of like a plain outfit."
"You can have all the money in the world but if people don't find it cool, they're not gonna do it."
"Cool factor is obviously insane, these are among the coolest modern cars in existence."
"It's completely ridiculous and that's why it's cool."
"My mom is probably the coolest mom you'll ever meet."
"Even the name 'Orbital Drop Shock Trooper'—badass!"
"You definitely get the impression that Joker's is a real cool dude."
"It's nothing like an M6, but it's bloody cool."
"Let's go, Buff Mewtwo is still one of the coolest Pokemon."
"When you look down the table, I think the people who are vaping are kind of cooler than people who are smoking."
"Okay, finish the vibes please because I love this, look at this, look how freaking cool that is!"
"This is possibly the coolest man to ever be placed into a video game."
"The idea that there are comic books that are too cool for this man."
"That's my boy Jason up there taking a passive, very cool, very Terminator entrance."
"You can make anything cool; you just have to take the time."
"This year's flag bearers for Team USA might be the coolest ever Tokyo can get pretty hot and humid."
"Dean is the coolest guy you've ever met in any situation."
"Sometimes, being cute is what makes you cool."
"I just really liked how simple these guys are they keep it around like 360 like they're pretty cool."
"She's one of the coolest persons I've ever met."
"He was the epitome of cool, manners maketh the man."
"Everything gets cooler when it makes the transition from analog to digital."
"Mermaids are the coolest mythical creatures of all."
"The Terrafugia transition... a prototype flying vehicle that's pretty damn cool."
"Well, you're going to have to try. How do I look? Wo, you look so cool!"
"It's dumb but it's gonna look cool, and they just embrace it."
"Danny Trejo would be a cool dad and I would trust him with my life"
"And the whole kit is designed to make this system feel really cool."
"That's what makes this the coolest show out there, quite frankly."
"I really like how it's a restrained aggression. It's really cool."
"Just because you don't have sex doesn't mean you're not cool."
"Some of these dinosaurs look really cool. Look at this thing, that's awesome!"
"There's enough in this movie that works and that is cool."
"Not only is doing this just freaking cool, you're also gonna learn a ton about Kubernetes along the way."
"Nothing is cooler than Kurt Russell. We're all having Kurt Russell fever. Santa Claus? But we forget he was Captain Ron first. He was the original Captain Jack Sparrow, the better Captain Jack Sparrow."
"It still holds up today it is still so cool to see that because it's just cool the cool factor is through the roof with this."
"Wouldn't that be cool? Yeah, that would be cool."
"What's cooler than a cybernetic dragon not much."
"This is one of the coolest skips in the game, if not the coolest."
"Nobody makes pumping fuel look as cool as you do."
"Garnet went from being the coolest, most badass character."
"This is very tempting here's the thing this is really cool."
"Imagine how cool he's going to be when everyone knows that he has a roller coaster in his house."
"He's Batman. It doesn't get much cooler than that."
"It's divisive, not cool. Not cool. It is very cool. Nobody would be like, 'Wow, that guy's so divisive. Rock on!'"
"Old school style hot seat cool Throne guys on chicks."
"And on the subject of character coolness, this game’s got it in spades."
"I saw young ones, yeah they were looking cool excited whatever."
"Mew is such a fantastic concept uh with a perfect design that highlights its simple form."
"Luffy is maybe the coolest guy I've ever read." - Appreciating Luffy's character.
"One, ninjas are cool and two, you can never have too many ninjas in a Batman story."
"That scene in the knife store is just so cool."
"Zombie stars will remain a mystery. But they look super cool, right?"
"This is cool as [ __ ], everybody, great job, KG."
"I think that's kind of cool, I hope you guys also think that's kind of cool."
"Moon Knight, probably the coolest hero to come out of Marvel's phase 4."
"This is probably the coolest spy gadget I've ever seen in my entire life."
"It's hard to be different while being cool at the same time."
"Being smart and being eager is cool. It's fine. It's not a big deal."
"The rule of cool: if you want something cool, you need to justify it and explain it."
"Yay for fire coming out of raptor engines. I mean that's just the coolest thing."
"I think cran is a good Mama. She think her son is so cool and I think that is so cool."
"But, honestly, everything here is pretty cool."
"We just dropped a video for him actually, him, he's cool."
"You know your car is cool when you have a button that says auto blip."
"The best relationship is to being a neutral when people think you're cool."
"That's cool." - Acknowledging an interesting feature or concept.
"You know what, we don't have many ice swans, but this one's cool."
"The vibe of the environment was really cool."
"Checking the mirrors once more, now this is cool."
"It definitely feels over the course of the last two chapters that Sanji is being made to look cool and badass against the seraphim."
"They were the coolest team around, they had a sense of identity others didn't."
"When you don't sense the desperation, that's when it's cool."
"Be nice to everyone, being a meanie is not cool."
"That was his villain moment, that was like okay this guy's cool as [ __ ]."
"Owls are one of the coolest of all the living dinosaurs."
"They are some of the coolest animals on the planet."
"It's not about if things make sense, it's about if they're cool."
"Altair is rough, gritty, and the perfect encapsulation of the 2007 version of a cool video game guy."
"Actually, basically turning into a predator is way cooler. Get that shoulder [ __ ] laser thing that the predator has in the movie, yeah."
"Transparent frames are meant for cool people so if you're just naturally a cool guy or girl it's gonna work every time every time has that marble frames it's a trend it's a trend that's happening with athletes."
"They see you as this super cool person, like you're the coolest person they've ever met."
"Fields is cool as hell, not as house cool, but it's the same."
"Wow, these guys are cool. No, they're not. I'm pretty cool."
"Until next time, ladies, gentlemen, and others, stay frosty."
"That is a really, really cool looking diorama."
"That's cool as fuck, bro, that's really cool."
"This image right now that you're seeing... so cool."
"Life is messy if you haven't noticed. Actually, mess is cool."
"If you watch all the way through to the end, you might be the coolest person ever."
"Nobody is born cool except of course the people in a conversation who notice a voice crack or typo but don't comment on it."
"I wanted to leave making the things that we really need to proceed on in life, as a culture, as all humans; I wanna make it cool."
"Old people let's say just 70-year-old dudes, they don't wear backward hats, and if I saw a 70-year-old man wearing a backward hat, I would think that he was cool."
"Remember, cool ships don't look at explosions."
"That is a new Step baby. That is pretty cool if you ask me mate."
"Frankly speaking there's there's way too much cool [ __ ] in this game"
"It's beyond imagination and it's so ridiculously over-the-top that's what makes it cool."
"Things went too far, you mean the fight? That [expletive] was actually cool."
"A lot of people get it Blastoise looks really cool."
"He just looks badass, like yeah, it looks like that dude from Guardians of the Galaxy."
"I'm cool, I'm cool. You are cool, you're cool."
"You're gonna have the coolest grandma in town."
"You can see those bubbles are now looking quite cool."
"Giorno doesn't have a lot of weaknesses. He's a Healer, he can fight, and he looks cool as hell while doing it."
"He knows he's the coolest person in the world."
"I think she looks cool, her aura is what I'm noticing."
"Flying CBT fastballs us and we're caught by the 6-4, a group of pilots who are way cooler than Jack Cooper."
"He looks old wise and just too cool for words."
"It's actually really cool, something to be almost inspired by."
"He's cooler than ever with a new generation."
"How cool will Jerome be today? Probably super cool."
"This especially applies to Frozone because his super suit is hella cool."
"Snowflakes are very unique, which is why they are so cool."
"It was totally the coolest thing, there was nothing else like it at the time."
"The overall package with all the functionality of the Aerospace, I think it's a really very cool watch."
"The Rat Pack were the ultimate cool guys in the 1960s."
"It's science. It's frozen and it is super cool, literally and figuratively."
"You know what, you are a monster, but monsters are cool."
"They love their vehicles, they love their cars in this universe, so damn cool."
"Nobody is born cool, except of course, people who wait for you to tie your shoe."
"It's one of the coolest things in the world."
"The authentic self, they are cooler than you could ever imagine, and they're within you."
"That's really cool, dude. I'm into that."
"I'm always gonna go towards the things that I think are cool."
"I don't care about songs, I care about cool things."
"Friends are pretty cool; friends are pretty neat."
"You are in for one of the coolest videos you've ever seen in your entire life."
"Probably the main thing that everybody wants to put on there right away is an IR flasher because they look really cool."