
Iran Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Trump comes in four years, hope to God policies are choking Iran, Iran's about to topple, and then the next administration comes in."
"The full extent of the protests or the security crackdown remains unknown as the Iranian government has disrupted internet access."
"This generation's first big feminist uprising that is militant in style is taking place in Iran."
"We're seeing young women and women across Iran who are just saying, 'I will no longer comply.'"
"This is no longer about the state; this is about trying to create a new political imagination of what comes after the Islamic Republic."
"Iran is just coming, you've got ideological motivations that are completely different."
"No Iraqi politician can become Prime Minister without Iran's blessing."
"Iran's nuclear ambitions could spark a major conflict, with perhaps only Israel standing in the way of a nuclear-armed Tehran."
"Kurds and Persians are both Iranian, but Kurds are not Persian, just like Scots and English are both British, but Scots are not English."
"To the women and young people of Iran protesting, you have our support and we're rooting for you, and don't let the bastards grind you down."
"Forty years of blanket sanctions has not helped the people of Iran; it is only entrenched the government further."
"Our goal for Iran is to be a nation that is freer than it is today."
"It was one step forward, two steps back. It delayed Iran's program certainly... but it also politically it convinced Iran that they were under siege."
"The Iranians themselves seem to be pretty damn sick and tired of their state."
"The fact that someone was killed...could literally have been any Iranian woman...has really shaken the conscience of the entire nation."
"Iran has had an aggressive and thriving feminist movement in addition to largely underground but otherwise active secularist movements."
"Women in Iran are fighting back and rightfully so."
"This Groundswell of protest shows that the people of Iran are much more than the Theocratic Boogeyman."
"The world's watching. The Iranian people will enjoy a better future when their government respects basic human rights."
"We want Iran to be a normal nation, we want the people there to have the freedoms to which they're entitled."
"Desmond Bane is going to be remembered as the guy that made Kobe White be flustered."
"I love Iran, I love the Persian people, they're all great people."
"I never tolerate any cool Iranian forces in Colombia for sure."
"Iranian women are the driving force behind the protests and riots."
"Iran has finally admitted that it shot down the jetliner by mistake."
"Stuxnet could have potentially continued to cripple Iran’s nuclear ambitions from within for years, perhaps even decades, before detection."
"Iran's self-determination needs to be respected."
"Iran has a history of being hospitable to Christians and Jews."
"More than 60 percent of college graduates in Iran today are women."
"Iran and its hegemonic ambitions of global domination must be stopped."
"If Iran becomes nuclear, it completely alters the Dynamics of the world."
"Already since 1979, more than 1 million Iranians, Shia Muslims, have come to faith in Jesus Christ."
"Seven times the Lord God says 'I will' or 'I am going to.' The Lord has a plan for the nation of Iran, and He intends to bring it about."
"Iranian rebellious revolutionary hearts... hate Israel destroy America soccer."
"Iranian women are rising up to demand Freedom, are we listening?"
"Iran's biggest threat at the moment is swarm tactics."
"Iranians are risking their lives as they cry out for freedom throughout Iran."
"The most common surgery done in Iran is no surgery."
"Karanic, Iran, this long-forgotten city was founded about four thousand years ago."
"In response, Britain conspired with the US to overthrow Mossadegh—the closest Iran has ever come to a truly democratic and socialist leader."
"Traveling around Iran it makes you feel like you're stuck in a time machine."
"Iran is a land of smiles friendliness and respect."
"This is an Iranian vacation look around me." - Iranian Vacation Vibes
"Iranians are not Arabs and they don't speak Arabic."
"During WWII, Iran was a vital oil resource for the Allies."
"Rick: I have many friends in America that are curious about Iran, what can you tell them? What message would you give to my friends? Girls: We love them... okay, we love the people in America."
"It's impossible to defeat Iran... there is no opportunity to conduct a war against Iran and win it." - Yakov Kadhi
"Preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is in our national interest and our global interest."
"Iran will be closer than ever to realize its political objectives... becoming a regional power."
"I don't see any reason why Iran should remain silent."
"There is absolutely no evidence to show that Iran was actively developing a nuclear weapon."
"Striking at the heart of Iran's nuclear program is exactly what I was concerned about."
"If the Western countries don't believe that they have either the determination or the capability to hold other measures to force Iran, then well, an agreement hopefully a good agreement would be an achievement for those countries."
"Israel is fully prepared to face any potential aggression from Iran and will respond with appropriate measures."
"Iran is committed to maintaining peace and security."
"When you look at leaders in places like Iran, these leaders bind themselves."
"Iran's tax authority wants to legalize crypto exchanges."
"The results of the war for ordinary Iranians were initially somewhat dire."
"Israel has just handed Iran a major victory."
"It would be the end of Iran and Tehran would be obliterated." - President Trump
"Iran really is a very interesting nation in the topic of World War II."
"Iran banned Pokemon Go for reasons of civil security."
"Iran has also conveyed... it doesn't want an escalation."
"There's more freedom in a secular Iran than in a totalitarian Islamic theocracy."
"The danger with the ayatollah... is that he's a theocratic zealot."
"If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, the odds are unacceptably high they would detonate it."
"Iran today is the leading state sponsor of terrorism."
"There has to be a major message sent to the regime in Iran that their days could be numbered."
"We're facing a two-front war right now against Iran and its Terror proxies."
"This actually shows again that Iran has a fairly sophisticated, a very sophisticated military-industrial base."
"Turning off the internet is kind of a shot in Iran's foot."
"This is the Leading Edge of the paradigm shift this is the Iranian women that are going you know what I'd rather risk my life than live the rest of my life like this."
"They're clearly angling for a war with Iran which threatens World War III."
"I think we have started the end chapter of the Islamic Republic of Iran."
"They're trying to leverage the international community to go to war with Iran."
"Iran has the highest number of deaths from the coronavirus outside China."
"Things will change and I'm pretty sure change will come to Iran."
"Both Israel and Iran have stated that there is not going to be any more retaliation on either part, and that is excellent news for world peace as a whole."
"Iran isn't exactly short of beautiful old buildings, but few can match the beauty of Ali Kapu."
"Iran was empowered and exporting terror. They don't have too much money now. They're not spending billions of dollars giving it to al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, some of these wonderful groups that are totally vicious crazed lunatics."
"Iran's economy has become more diversified."
"Iran can be considered one of the most bizarre countries in the world today."
"The shashar historical hydraulic system in Iran is a complex network of tunnels."
"You know, Iranians like many other ancient civilizations produced wonderful literature."
"Iran has now inadvertently committed the cardinal sin of the late 20th century raising gas prices."
"Israel is basically planning at some point over the next few days for Iran to invade or do something."
"Because of your generosity, we have been able to actually give more than two million individual resources into Iran."
"The essence of Iranian culture is within those poems."
"The Iran Car Invasion is the start of the Iran Karak...I'm pretty happy with the top 10 list for this part of the story."
"Starting off the Iran Car Invasion list then with number 10 and we have Renji Urudu and Jinta versus Il Forte Grands."
"Iran is basically a huge spider that's given birth to a lot of little spiders and it likes to stay in the background and send its Little Creatures to do its work for it."
"Iran is really an Islamic Nazi Empire."
"...the most expensive gym in iran is 10 a month."
"The term 'Persian Empire' refers to a series of dynasties centred in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries."
"Stuxnet was designed to physically attack Iran's nuclear program."
"On August 19th, 1978 at the cinema Rex in Abadan, Iran, there were hundreds of people watching a film when four men barricaded the doors, doused the cinema in gasoline, and let the whole thing ablaze."
"I think it's very easy again for Western political discourse and media to place Iran at the other, and especially because Iran is aligned is an ally of Russia and of China, major powers that are actually resisting or opposed to NATO or expansion and U.S. imperialism."
"Iran, one of the mistakes in political relation, in political analysis, is thinking a totalitarian state or an anti-liberal state like Iran is an aggressive state."
"When the heat gets turned up, it's not so much what is Iran up to anymore, it's what does the Supreme Leader want, then who is the supreme leader."
"I am blown away by Irani hospitality."
"Our diplomacy is at work with respect to Iran."
"The truth is that Iran has always found a way to fund these efforts, and whatever benefit Iran may claim from sanctions relief pales in comparison to the danger it could pose with a nuclear weapon."
"Neither the Iranian government, or the Iranian opposition, or the Iranian people would agree to what they would view as a total surrender of their sovereignty."
"If Congress kills this deal, we will lose more than just constraints on Iran's nuclear program, or the sanctions we have painstakingly built."
"'The 13 American hostages freed by Iran are heading home.'"
"The response we've seen from social media to organizing rallies in support of Israel, it's been the Iranian people."
"The day after the two days after that there were Iranian intellectuals I hesitate to call them intellectuals but they're you know at at you know professors at Elite institutions on American news outlets saying that the Islamic Republic is in a crisis of legitimacy."
"Half of Lebanon would be occupied by Israel if it were not for Hezbollah and the primary supporter of Hezbollah is Iran."
"No one has any illusion to believe that if Israel attacks Iran that's it. There's never going to be a nuclear program. No, there can be because the Iranians have the domestic know-how, they have the technology."
"Every time I do a top 10 list of my favorite countries, Iran is always in there and for good reason. The people are just so incredibly friendly and hospitable."
"Every shop we entered, they just keep serving tea. It's Iranian hospitality, you just don't see this, like, Italian, did you notice it?"
"Can you believe this is only my first 24 hours? Can you imagine what the next two weeks are gonna look like?"
"Wow, I can't believe I've only been in Iran for 24 hours and I can't believe that I have two more weeks to explore this country."
"Liberty we have brought democracy and the rule of law to Iran."
"Iran doesn't need nuclear weapons to be a powerhouse in the region."
"What would not only Iran look like today but what would the Middle East in general look like today with a powerful Democratic Progressive Iran."
"Iran has one of the richest histories of any country - it’s a past filled with glory and grandeur."
"The pages of Iran’s modern history are filled with revolutionary sentiment."
"These cases are not forgotten; we continue to work on them and continue to raise them regularly with the Iranian authorities."
"Iran has now gone through a profound Pro Democratic Revolution inside people's minds."
"This is the hospitality of the Irani people. That's why I really like Iran."
"The narrow lanes which are in the whole of Iran, we have seen them in every city, are the highlights of this place and they are so clean."
"Iran, with an ancient cultural heritage going back thousands of years and boasting the oldest Declaration of Human Rights by Cyrus the Great."
"The citizens of Iran are not big supporters of the government there."
"Mystery surrounds the cyber missile that crippled Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions."
"Saudi Arabia and Iran are definitely seeking to continue to ease the friction and to maintain dialogue."
"The evil despotic apocalyptic death cult we know as Iran appears to have one of the more vibrant democracies in the Middle East."
"The Iranian nuclear program is peaceful and has been peaceful."
"The Shah did a lot of good things, that's why today when you're in Iran there's a whole revival of interest in the Pahlavi family."
"Most people think that all Iranians were against the Shah; that's just not true."
"Iran has been on a search for democracy for over 100 years now."
"This is the first televised revolution in history and yet in a way it is the most puzzling."
"I have good feelings about Iran. I have good feelings that it will work."
"Falconry comes from where I come from, which is Iran or what used to be called Persia."
"In the long run, Iran has all of the necessary preconditions for positive political change."
"We have a vision of a free and democratic Iran where the rights and dignity of every citizen are respected and protected."
"The women in Iran will not give up nor the men that support them."
"Something powerful is happening in Iran, just as it is in Ukraine."
"I became fascinated with the Middle East, especially with Iran."
"Iran would actually lose significant strategic value if it did go for a nuclear weapon."
"Persepolis Volume One and Two by Marjane Satrapi... it's about her childhood in Iran as they headed into the revolution."
"We have cut off every pathway for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon."
"Most of Iran's 80 million citizens have sadly never known an Iran that prospered in peace with its neighbors and commanded the admiration of the world."
"It was a life-changing trip to Iran."
"Thank you for coming to Iran, thank you for representing our country."
"Iran is a special country, the people are special, the food is amazing."
"But we must also bear witness to the courage and the dignity of the Iranian people, and to a remarkable opening within Iranian society."
"This is not about the United States or the West; this is about the people of Iran, and the future that they -- and only they -- will choose."
"The Iranian people have a universal right to assembly and free speech."
"What modern day country was once known as Persia?"
"Belief in the power of Zoroastrian rituals to improve the world was implicit in the idea of Iran."
"Iran subdued the Roman Empire, disciplined the tribes of Arabia, and ultimately overcame the invasions of the Huns and the Turks in Central Asia."
"Iran became a crossroads of Eurasian cultures."
"Let me take you on a culinary journey of Iran."
"For a brief time, a large majority of Iranians, despite differences, came together."
"The Iranians have a very ancient civilization going back into the sort of prehistoric times."
"Most Iranians, whether they think in terms of their historical legacy or not, they live that historical Legacy."
"The U.S and British intelligence Services staged their coup and the government of prime minister Muhammad Musadiq was overthrown."
"The relationship between the U.S and the Shah of Iran was a positive relationship in the US eyes."
"He wanted to improve the economy. He wanted to improve the education for people outside of the cities."
"He established what came to be called the white revolution in order to achieve this but it was top down driven."
"The ideals of the Iranian Revolution, the way the government was set up echo very strongly of Western Democratic traditions."
"There is an elected president. There is a parliament elected by the vote of the people."
"Iran itself produces about six percent of the world production of oil products."
"The Iranian military is the first and probably best example of what we now call hybrid Warfare."
"The Artesh, which is the Iranian word for Army, call them the conventional forces, which would be the Iranian land forces the Iranian Naval forces the Iranian Air Forces the Iranian the rocket forces."
"The Pasdaran, or the Iranian revolutionary guard Corps is almost a mirror image, smaller more ideologically-focused than the Artesh."
"The defense of Iranian territorial integrity is the primary concern."
"Iran's military is equipped with platforms acquired from multiple areas."
"They have put a lot of effort into extending the reach of their missiles."
"The burnt City in Iran is by far one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in the world."
"Iran doesn't really want a regional conflict."
"They have totally captured Iran's culture inside this hotel."
"The best thing I like about Iran is the glasswork."
"I would love to go to Iran someday; it's so rich in culture."
"I'm really happy that the people of Iran are standing up and are fighting back."
"The revolution in Iran was totally unexpected."
"What's happening in Iran is the greatest secular revolution in the history of mankind."
"Stand in solidarity with our Iranian brothers and sisters."
"Iran is the largest producer of pistachios in the world."
"What if this time the Iran nuclear deal really is dead?"
"This is a story of 444 days that changed the course of history."
"The Iran deal... prevented Iran from enriching uranium for so long that it was actually well worth it."
"The hall of mirrors is the main part of the Golestan Palace."
"It's extraordinary that Iran took this action."
"This is a pivotal moment which illustrates to the world... the Mula regime in Iran is an enormously destabilizing and dangerous regional player."
"I don't believe that Iran wants an all-out war."
"Iran has crossed a line and they've crossed a Rubicon."
"This is a paradigm shift in how Iran has operated for the last four decades."
"His soul is with the Iranian people and the Iranian community there."
"I'm very happy in Iran. I like the people, the nature of Iran."
"This is the national dish of Iran, Gormeh Sabzi, that's this y'all."
"The United States supports the Iranian people, and we call on the regime to respect its citizens' basic right to peacefully express their desire for change."