
Antichrist Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"The identity of the Antichrist or the first Beast has been a subject of intense conjecture."
"The Antichrist will perform acts others cannot do, offer solutions others cannot provide, and bring peace where others have failed."
"There is a man coming who will be the antichrist himself."
"We're talking about the Antichrist here. He's gonna Slaughter millions of innocent people."
"The whole world is going to wander after the antichrist beast."
"This man is going to be the most wicked individual who has ever walked the face of the earth."
"The prefix anti not only means against. So you need to understand when Antichrist emerges on the scene he will appear to some to be the Christ."
"The Antichrist is real. And lo and behold who will put an end to the Antichrist is Jesus."
"If God won't be your leader, then guess what? You will have a leader, and that will be the Antichrist."
"The Antichrist is alive now, or is going to be."
"The lingering question is when will this Antichrist come to Earth?"
"When we reject Jesus Christ, it almost inevitably leads us to accept the Antichrist."
"People usually understand, there's a difference between an anti-christic mentality or ideology and someone being the veritable Antichrist foretold."
"Every spirit that confesseth not that Christ is come in the flesh is Antichrist."
"When the Antichrist is revealed, expect His return."
"Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son."
"The spirit of antichrist is preparing the way for Antichrist."
"The false Messiah will then become the leader of the new world religion ultimately uniting the world under a single religion as the Antichrist."
"An antichrist denies father and son, denies Jesus is the Christ, denies Jesus is of God."
"What he will do is nothing short of supernatural; he is energized by the very gates of Hell itself."
"Even if the pope veers away, that's not the Antichrist."
"The Antichrist according to Revelation 13 will have global authority."
"To receive Christ is to reject the Antichrist."
"Daniel 7:25 tells you that Satan, through the Antichrist, will change times and laws."
"There's going to be a spiritual aspect to this antichrist, he's literally going to be Satan's man for the world."
"We know that second Thessalonians chapter 2 tells us that... the reason why the antichrist can't come on the scene is because Christians are the restraining force."
"We're preparing for the coming of the final Antichrist."
"Some people believe if Jesus is the son of God, then the Antichrist is the son of Satan."
"The Antichrist will be worshipped by all the world."
"...I believe very probable that the coming world leader, the Antichrist, is alive and well even now hidden somewhere in the political Shadows awaiting his prophetic promotion."
"Antichrist is an imitator. Where does the power come from that he has? From the devil."
"Antichrist is coming to declare war on Believers."
"According to the prophecy's supposed timeline, the antichrist could be at work today using diplomatic skills and powers of persuasion in an apparent effort to bring nations together in peace."
"The Holy Spirit is the one who deals with sin, he's restraining Satan from full final lawlessness in the form of the ultimate Antichrist."
"The Antichrist will show up at the beginning of the week, riding on a white horse with a bow and no arrows, he conquers."
"The Antichrist hasn't come yet, the spirit of Antichrist yes, but the man who finally embodies that spirit in a consummate way and rules the entire world is not yet revealed."
"He who now restrains will do so until he is removed, taken out of the way."
"The Antichrist will be revealed, a very charismatic type individual."
"The white horse comes, the writer is wicked, he appears to be a good guy, in reality, he's a bad guy. To some, he might seem like Messiah, but he's the false messiah. No, it's not Jesus Christ, it's Antichrist."
"Antichrist will do something that no one has ever pulled off before, he will actually bring peace in the Middle East, most likely he will bring an end to global terrorism."
"The mystery of iniquity is not just a dormant idea; it's actively at work, churning and plotting, yearning to set its Dark Prince, the Antichrist, upon his unholy throne."
"This final Antichrist who is to come will surpass all of Satan's agents."
"The Antichrist spirit is going to utilize this to advance his agenda we can certainly talk more about that but greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world."
"Jesus is describing signs before the Antichrist... could that be close to the end... there's a premature baby but it almost sounds like this is kind of a normal thing."
"John 2:18 says, 'Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that Antichrist is coming, so now many Antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.'"
"The Antichrist will not tolerate anything other than the worship of himself."
"He's going to be charming and cunning and also deceptive. Very interesting because when you look at what scripture tells us about antichrist, we see this composite portrait."
"The Antichrist will never rule the world."
"Revelation 20 tells us that the Antichrist and the false prophet are taken and cast alive into a lake of burning fire and brimstone where they will be tormented day and night forever."
"The Antichrist will make war with the saints and force worship upon all who dwell on the earth, those whose names are not written in the book of life."
"Revelation tells us that the Antichrist will have a helper, a false prophet, who will perform miracles and deceive those who dwell on the earth."
"The Antichrist will oppose and blaspheme God, setting himself up as a false messiah."
"The most dangerous of these two is not the spirit of the antichrist, it's the spirit of Lucifer."
"The Antichrist will commit blasphemies."
"Salvation in this period, at least going to heaven before the throne of God, is dependent upon whether or not you lay down your head and say, 'Antichrist, go ahead and cut this off because I would rather worship Jesus than you.'"
"The Antichrist will have the whole world worship him."
"The emergence of the Antichrist as foretold will arise from such a world crying out for a savior amidst its turmoil."
"In order to understand Antichrist you have to understand Christ... He desires to organize the world according to the kingdom of God on earth."
"He will make peace... This is why he will be enthroned by a world that is without God."
"The Antichrist will be just the opposite... He will be very attractive, this is why he will be enthroned by a world that is without God."
"The antichrist will be a Jew according to tradition, possibly born of a nun. He will not come from gentile politics as it is popularly believed today."
"Humanism will bring the Antichrist because it does away with all the boundaries set down by God."
"Anyone who does not confess that Jesus has come in the flesh is in fact an antichrist."
"The Antichrist will wage war on God's holy people."
"He's going to demand worship and behead those that don't comply."
"His ultimate goal is to wage war against Jesus."
"The Antichrist is going to exalt himself over everything that is god and is worshiped."
"The Antichrist is going to come up out of the Roman Empire."
"It tells us that the Antichrist is going to come up out of the ten toes that's in this statue."
"We seek refuge from the evil trials of the Antichrist."
"Antichrist is the most talked-about end times figure other than Jesus Christ Himself."
"The Antichrist will be a supernaturally empowered Superman of whom the world even now is talking."
"The very Spirit of the Antichrist is active and moving in this world today, and I am convinced without a shadow of a doubt that this movement away from the Bible is sponsored and energized by the spirit of the Antichrist."
"Antichrist will try to pose as a replacement to Jesus Christ."
"So, he who now letteth now letteth until he'd be taken out of the way. Now, we're lining this up directly with the abomination of desolation because we know this is the abomination of desolation because this is the antichrist sitting in the temple of God."
"Anyone who doesn't preach Christ is an antichrist."
"The Antichrist personality and character will be unappealing and unpleasant."
"The Bible provides clear indications of the spirit of the Antichrist."
"The spirit of the Antichrist denies Jesus as the Messiah."
"The primary characteristic of this spirit is its denial of Jesus as the Messiah."
"The Antichrist will come with all power, signs, and lying wonders."
"Lawlessness is the essence of what it means to be anti-Christ."
"The Pope is not the Antichrist. Sorry, just he's not."
"One thing is for sure, we have been in rehearsal mode for the past 60 years of the Antichrist."
"He who denies that Jesus is Son of God is the Antichrist, to quote St. John."
"The world would be terrified if they knew the Antichrist that the Bible described really existed."
"The second coming will not happen until two things happen: the global falling away from the faith, and the man of sin is revealed."
"In our quest to understand the system of the Antichrist, we must recognize that the only way to gain true insight is to examine the rebellions of the past."
"But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist."
"Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the Antichrist, denying the Father and the Son."
"You need to know what the Bible really says about the Antichrist."
"God is going to take the power of the antichrist, the ultimate false shepherd over Israel, that Israel will embrace in lieu of the true Christ."
"The scripture is warned in Romans 1 and on the second Thessalonians chapter 2 about the Antichrist deception."
"The spirit of antichrist is anyone that does not confess Christ in the flesh."
"Little children, it is the last time: as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists."