
Eschatology Quotes

There are 1737 quotes

"Both believers and unbelievers are increasingly fascinated and hungry to know about the end times."
"The identity of the Antichrist or the first Beast has been a subject of intense conjecture."
"Revelation 19:20 foretells the moment of reckoning, stating, 'And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet...These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.'"
"When Jesus does come, he must come at the rapture to take the church out because this prophecy is for Israel, the Jew, not for the church."
"While we cannot definitively state that we are on the brink of witnessing Revelation 13:16-17's fulfillment, the pieces of the puzzle are evidently on the table."
"The end of the world for the Egyptians would be Jesus not rising again."
"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
"Because everything is going to be dissolved, this is how you should live today."
"Peter wants to explain to us the implications of everything being destroyed with fire and what that should mean to our daily life."
"Things aren't falling apart; they're falling into place. This should lead all of us to look forward to the ultimate great reset when Jesus Christ returns."
"The Most High has looked upon His times, and behold, they are ended, and His ages are completed."
"Enoch becomes a luminary figure, a conduit for divine wisdom, and a herald of eschatological events."
"Our only hope is the rapture. If there's no Rapture, there's no hope."
"If we understand Revelation, we can begin to live confidently because Revelation explains where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going."
"Jesus is going to come and he's going to conquer all the kingdoms of this world, and he will ultimately create a new heaven and a new earth."
"At the end of time, we believe that God will end up recreating the world after the resurrection, so there will be a new world."
"Islamic eschatology offers an explanation like no other subject can, explain the reality of the world today and of events which are constantly unfolding, and now with increasing speed."
"When we see it, instead of our hearts failing for fear, we can lift up our heads high because we know our Redemption draweth nigh."
"The resurrection of the Messiah was the most important event of his first coming, and the resurrection of the dead will be the most important event of his return."
"Just when it seems like the Antichrist has won and defeated the people of God, Jesus will return and every believer who has ever existed will be raised to life."
"The members of the Qumran community were eagerly looking forward to a great final battle at the end of days between the sons of light and the sons of darkness, with the hosts of heaven fighting on their side."
"At the end of time, the kingdom of God will come in its fullness. Then the just will reign with Christ forever, glorified in body and soul, and the material universe itself will be transformed. God will then be all in all in eternal life."
"Jesus is coming. Listen to me, y'all, this ain't no joke. I'm saying, He for real coming. Remain."
"The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."
"The word that really rings in my mind when I think about the rapture is the word 'comfort.'"
"Jesus is returning soon, and I guarantee you this will straighten you up in your chair."
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
"It is the one thing almost every religion agrees on—that the world will end."
"What are the theological implications in the Second Coming of Christ?"
"In those days, after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken."
"He will send forth the angels and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven."
"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory."
"The foundation scripture for this is Acts 2:17 which says, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, God says, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.' Now, there are those who would hold to the view that this is what happened at Pentecost, while others would see a dual fulfillment involving both Pentecost and the last days leading up to the return of Christ."
"The last sign that Jesus will come, and He's coming soon, will be the global outpouring of the Spirit."
"The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation."
"You and I are part of God's important work upon the earth. It will not come to nought, but will continue to move across the world, preparing the way for the Savior's return."
"The coming of Christ and the doctrine of heaven provides some of the strongest motivation for living the Christian life you will ever find."
"The destruction of the temple was a type, sign, and prophecy of what's going to happen to the whole creation prior to the Lord's return."
"Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by the splendor of His coming."
"The Hebrew count is geared towards a divine destiny: the arrival of the Messiah and the restoration of paradise."
"Progressive illumination: our understanding of end time events gets clearer and clearer the closer we move towards the time period when these events will be fulfilled."
"Fairly major player backlash and victory against just the sort of BS monetization that we very much dislike."
"The only hope for the world is the coming of the Lord Jesus and the establishment of his kingdom on earth."
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
"We're either going to be those that hasten it or those who delay it."
"I personally believe that the coming of the Lord Jesus and the establishment of his kingdom on earth is the only hope for the world."
"Once we understand that the Rapture is just an aspect of the second coming, it resolves all the difficulties."
"We need to be excited about this day, unless you're intentionally living in Wicked Rebellion against the Lord there's no reason to fear that day."
"There is coming a utopia better than anyone can ever imagine when Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom on this earth."
"It could happen today, and if I really believe and understand that, and I do, then I need to be ready every day, every moment of every day, to meet Him when He does return." - JD
"Jesus thought that his second coming was so important that he preached one of his longest sermons about this topic."
"We are entering into the end of the age. Times are dark and they're gonna get darker."
"End time prophecy is intoxicating because if true, it would prove the veracity of the Bible and the existence of its God."
"There's no denying it now when you see the Gog Magog connection, you see the Tarshish Tartaria connection."
"The final Holocaust is so terrifying, so deadly, so inescapable that God personally has to step in to stop it."
"Jesus said no man knows the day or the hour, but when Jesus said that he was right here on the earth in his earthly ministry."
"Nobody knows the day of the hour, it's impossible to know concerning the rapture."
"If somebody knows and understands the gospel but rejects it, I don't believe they can be saved after the rapture."
"When you see these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your Redemption draws nigh."
"Jesus must be coming soon, all signs point to it."
"God's going to bring them down and neutralize them, that's going to be critical for the Antichrist."
"Those who have suffered the most, their reward, their redemption, is not just on this earth."
"We are living in the final hours of Earth's history."
"Time is running out, we're living at the time of the end."
"We're going to sit in judgment with Christ, judging fallen angels, putting judgment upon those who have rejected God's mercy."
"There is an anticipation of the final judgment when everybody is together."
"Every generation of believers since the apostles believed that Christ could come for the church in their time."
"Even so, come Lord Jesus, come get us out of here."
"Jesus affirms Daniel, and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great empires. It's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"Jerusalem is God's countdown clock for humanity's survival."
"Jerusalem: God's clock, counting down to the close of world history."
"Does the church live in the light of the great consummation? Does the true church really live looking for and hastening the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ?"
"Prepare for yah's Kingdom because his day is upon us all."
"You'll be out of here before that strong delusion hits."
"We are not witnessing the destruction of mankind; we are witnessing the elimination of the wicked, which will usher in the age of light and love on planet Earth."
"The Hindu eschatological framework emphasizes the continuity and periodic renewal of existence rather than a final apocalyptic end."
"Ancient Chinese eschatology is deeply intertwined with Chinese philosophy, mythology, and the natural world, emphasizing renewal and the restoration of order."
"Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away, and there were no longer any sea."
"I believe that Jesus Christ is going to have a movement, and there'll be cities and territories and places where Heaven itself will be established, unshakable."
"The return and triumph of Jesus Christ will ultimately transform the devastation of the end times into a remarkable new beginning."
"Jesus promised to return very soon during that generation."
"Jesus seems to show us what the universe after the recreation is like."
"Are we living in the world of the end? If so, what does the Bible tell us about this time? These days of war, devastation, unrest, strife, deception, and lawlessness?"
"Regardless of what's going on in the world as believers we know this as we edge closer and closer to the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the only place for us to seek refuge and strength is in the presence of the Almighty God."
"Live every day as if the return of Christ is during your lifetime he is coming back be prepared."
"There's nothing more important than Jesus Christ, and nothing you should want more than him to come back."
"Remember, Jesus is your advocate, your high priest, your judge, and your soon-coming King."
"Jesus Christ is coming so soon, he's coming so very soon. I want to be ready."
"Even at the end of time, you continue to work for the greening and the repristination of creation."
"And that is the day and the hour of his return."
"It is important to understand what the Bible says and promises about the second coming."
"Nearly half of Christians believe we are all living in the end times."
"Everything is leading up to something biblical, something prophetic."
"We are living in the very last days of Earth's history."
"It's not quite clear whether this is eternal or an interim state. This is a parable that Jesus did not tell."
"Jesus is coming folks, we don't know exactly when, but man that day is approaching rapidly."
"If you trust in Christ today, then I'm going to see you at the rapture."
"God's gonna supernaturally protect those saints in the tribulation."
"Jesus is coming soon, the appointed time draws closer by the day."
"My goal is to make you knowledgeable in all things end times."
"Christ comes during the last days so that all those who truly believe in him may be provided with life."
"Pre-trib is the only view that is actually comforting."
"The pre-trib view is the only one where we're looking for Jesus Christ."
"The pre-trib rapture view is the only view that just takes the book of Revelation as it's laid out for us perfectly."
"The second coming of Jesus Christ is described as our blessed hope because it will mean the end of all sin and suffering in our lives."
"Life is hard and it's going to get harder before Jesus returns and then he's going to make everything better."
"God is not dead… at least not yet, but the prophecies of The Church of the Broken God say that when the heart is found, the God will reassemble itself once again."
"Stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming."
"Hell is real, the Rapture is real, heaven is real, Jesus is real."
"The Mark of the Beast isn't something you'll accidentally stumble into. It's a deliberate act of worship to the Antichrist. Those who refuse will face martyrdom."
"In the face of tribulation, our ultimate prep is Jesus. Those who stand firm in their faith, even unto death, will reign with Christ for a thousand years."
"We're getting much, much closer to the tribulation and the end times here."
"The Book of Enoch encompasses various monumental works that delve into profound concepts such as rewards, punishment, the end of the world, and the final judgment."
"The last days are a battleground, not a campground."
"Satan is no longer restrained after the Rapture to unleash supernatural signs."
"For centuries man has believed that an end of this world as we know it would come, an event preceded by signs and wonders mysteriously shrouded in the pages of prophecy."
"Something biblical is going on with the signs of the second coming of Christ."
"One of the signs of judgment day is that the slave girl shall give birth to her own master."
"We work and operate as if the Lord... We pray for His return, but we work and operate as if we have to keep going because we don't know. And so I'm always hopeful."
"We have been basically brainwashed to believe that the end times is about depopulating normal humanity, but it's about the return of a shepherd punishing those who have been ruling over the herd."
"We're living in the last days okay we're living in the last days."
"The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is coming back for all those who have placed their faith in him."
"The only people who should worry and be scared about the Rapture are unbelievers and unfaithful Christians."
"Jesus is coming soon. I can prove it intellectually speaking, I can prove it physiologically speaking, I can prove it from any aspect that you can think of."
"As in the days of Noah, so will the second coming of the Son of Man be."
"We're at a point very close to what Terence McKenna called 'the end of time.'"
"So Jesus affirms Daniel and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great Empires it's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"Jesus could come at any moment, and we should be ready for it."
"Someday soon, God will completely wipe out Satan and his followers."
"The end of all things is near... the Lord's return is at the door."
"This reunion with the Messiah and the thousand-year rejoicing aligns with the Messianic Kingdom, revealing that the narrow way indeed carries deep end-time implications—insights often overlooked by modern scholars unfamiliar with Second Esdras."
"It echoes the idea that the Earth will give up those resting within it, dust yielding its silent dwellers, and secret chambers delivering the souls entrusted to them."
"Emphasizing the repetitive nature of beginnings and ends, Second Esdras assures salvation for those who believe and act faithfully, allowing them to navigate the impending perils and witness divine salvation."
"It will be worth it all... the day we hear the trumpet of God sound."
"Jesus died for you, Jesus loves you, Jesus is coming again for you."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder that Jesus is our soon-coming king."
"This world is on a collision course and there is only one hope: the hope of the coming of Jesus."
"The new Heaven and the new Earth... there will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain; the first things have passed away."
"Jesus tells us it's going to be unexpected, quick, unannounced."
"Keep watch because you don't know the day or hour."
"The Millennium is a period of 1,000 years that is going to take place in the future."
"Premillennialism believes and teaches that Jesus Christ will physically return to this earth."
"The Millennium will prove once again that our problem is not our environment, but our nature."
"Every single knee of every single person on this planet will bow their knee before God."
"Another judgment is coming, not by flood but by fire."
"There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars."
"Jesus is coming again, that's the bottom line."
"Even in the midst of tribulation we are not abandoned, pressed but not crushed. God remains with us."
"Deception is coming. Yes. Hard times are coming. Yes. The world is getting darker. But also we must remember that ultimately Jesus has the victory."
"The end is nearing, but for those who trust Christ, the end is just the beginning."
"Nothing could be more relevant to today. Yah is preparing his wrath on this world. The time of Jacob's trouble is upon us."
"Every coup requires a leader and into this Global apostasy will step the Antichrist." - The Watchman Channel
"Ultimately the lasting peace will only come when the Prince of Peace returns."
"Jesus said when you see that repeat event then just like God judged the planet the first time he's getting ready to judge the second time."
"Unless god shorten the time frame the entire human race would be destroyed, there being no flesh left."
"Eschatology is not something we should divide over."
"Begin to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near."
"The Rapture is one of the most talked about occurrences among Christians and even non-Christians."
"The Rapture can occur at any time, however, the second coming of Christ will not happen until some prophesied end-time events have occurred."
"You have a front row seat as we watch the church age wind down we may be approaching the last act counted a privilege to be a part of this generation as we watch the countdown and see everything fall into place."
"God uses the weirdest things about you God uses that big nose that you hate and that little habit that you have he uses that because when he delivers you from it you could be a testimony and he's gonna use that too."
"Judgments start taking place. I don't know how you can be anything but pre-tribulational. You just have to kind of know what the Bible says and just kind of feel it, you know?"
"We're not gonna be fleeing down in the wilderness to survive. He comes in the air, wow, we got our new glorified bodies instantly and that's sufficient right there."
"That's why I believe in a pre-tribulation, pre-millennial rapture of the church."
"In the last days, there will be very perilous times. We're living in the end times when darkness seems to prevail over our nation and the world."
"The further people get away from a normal grammatical approach to scripture, the closer they get to all millennial no millennium."
"If you're a born-again Christian, you're not gonna go through the tribulation. You're gonna be watching it from up above."
"Jesus is coming again and if you know Him as your Savior, He is coming for you."
"Nobody knows the time when the rapture is going to occur."
"The real question is not whether there will be a rapture, but when will the rapture occur?"
"The timing of it may vary in people's thinking."
"The center of all activity at the time of the end is going to center around Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people."
"Make sure you're ready to meet the Savior when he comes back to rule and reign."
"The Lord was letting me know that's the end of times."
"As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man."
"Jesus can return to rescue us from this world at any moment."
"Every lost sinner will be individually summoned to take their stand before this judgment bar."
"Everything that is happening is happening according to God's perfect plan and his perfect timetable."
"Keep looking up, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords, the son of God Jesus Christ is coming soon."
"Their goal is total control, a one-world system led by the Antichrist."
"We're the generation that will see the return of the Lord."
"Heaven's for real and it could happen to any one of us any moment... prepare for your departure right now."
"When Jesus said what He said, they knew of what He spoke...final judgment just before His return."
"The ultimate culmination of God's plan is the return of his kingdom to earth."
"We live in a time that is paving the way for the coming of this person called the Dajjal."
"We live in a time where the fitna of the Dajjal is the greatest trial from the time of Adam until the end of time."
"God is going to enter into judgment with this world."
"The righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished."
"We have nothing to fear because he wins in the end."
"It's going to be the rapture... once the rapture happens, this global system will fly into place."
"Jerusalem, there's one spot that represents the end of days more than any other."
"We're living in the last days, in the end times."
"Jesus is coming after those that are ready. Are you serious?"
"Trust the god that is in control of the end times."
"Jesus is coming. Something is about to happen."
"Are you ready? If Jesus were to come back today, would you be ready to meet him?"
"We're in the end times, we are in the last days, and if you don't know Jesus as your Savior, I think the very first thing I want to say to you is understand something: this is the last days."
"The ultimate global reset... the kingdom of God will endure forever."
"Are you too busy seeking the Lord? What are you seeking God for?"
"It's getting real folks, the Rapture is getting close."