
Political Policy Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"As Americans, we need to not fall for the trap of free college, free this, free that."
"Trump comes in four years, hope to God policies are choking Iran, Iran's about to topple, and then the next administration comes in."
"I will put forward the policies that I believe in, but after that, it's about giving people back their responsibility and increasing their purchasing power."
"America is a sovereign country; our borders must be respected."
"The president put an end to the Muslim ban, a policy rooted in religious animus and xenophobia."
"America First agenda means energy independence and the thousands of tens of thousands of jobs here in the U.S. that go with that."
"the Biden policies leave us defenseless and vulnerable in ways that I would have thought were unimaginable"
"We can't have a president that will impose a secure border."
"Joe Biden's policy is China first. My policy is very simple: America first."
"Please be specific: how would you lead the country during this next stage of the coronavirus crisis?"
"The president remains firmly committed to raising the minimum wage to $15."
"I think that's why you see the support trailing off for Biden's policy here because people are starting to go all right what when does this end what is how do we get to some kind of a."
"Trump's Retreat on the right to life is a slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans."
"We shouldn't apologize for wanting to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat."
"We will repeal the unconstitutional bill C-69 so that we can approve mines in 18 months rather than 18 years and bring home the production to our country."
"This proposal will make it possible for every person in America to get all of the education they need."
"My administration has taken the toughest ever action to confront China's trade abuses."
"President Biden did officially announce that he would forgive '300 billion dollars of student loan debt'... 'the mess that had been mucking up one corner will now become a more widely distributed mess across a larger portion of the house.'"
"The failed Biden border policy has made technology even more important to keep our American communities safe."
"I stand before you today committed to unleash America's energy independence and dominance."
"As long as our system exists as it does right now, there are ways to do it better. There are ways to do it worse. Mandatory detention was authorized first by Bill Clinton."
"Sanctions must never be hollow gestures. Their bite must be real."
"The world is globalized, people travel a lot, people trade with each other... but doesn't mean the policies of politicians and governments have to push it further and you have to push it back towards nationalism while you are still being practical."
"This is the best thing Biden's done and there are criticisms I have but he's correct on the overarching point."
"I'm doing away with all of your private health insurance premiums."
"All while the administration talks about unwinding title 42 and not worrying about what's happening at our southern border."
"We stopped finishing the wall, now they want to finish the wall."
"We've got to grow the economy, reduce hydro rates, stop the woke culture, and put a check on lobbyists."
"The only time these people they want to impose policies on you and the only time that they actually care about the stuff is when they land on their doorstep." - Ron DeSantis
"Build the wall, it's the last hope they have."
"He wants to bury you in regulations, outsource your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders. He doesn't want borders, he wants to confiscate your guns."
"We will move on day one by declaring a National Emergency, we will construct a border wall."
"Republicans in Idaho are set to ban interstate travel for abortion for some of their citizens."
"Some people have been scratching their heads trying to work out how the Tory party... is now saying let's turn the taps on."
"America first means that we have to basically greenlight Saudi Arabia killing dissidents."
"Imagine whatever business you own, Joe Biden said, 'We're going to end your business. You can't sell anything anymore.' You'd be bankrupt overnight. That, to me, is insane."
"President Trump has consistently put America First prioritizing our citizens, our economy, and Global standing."
"Under Joe Biden's economic policies... sixty-five hundred dollars."
"We've ended the last administration's eight-year war on Pennsylvania energy."
"President Biden passed the inflation reduction act..."
"We're gonna build the wall, we have to build the wall, and the Democrats are holding it back."
"Now essentially you have nothing more than 'we're going to raise the minimum wage, we think it's a good idea, we're going to open the borders, we think that's important.' And the only justification is some emotional appeal."
"Voter ID exactly goes to who it is that's considered a citizen in the United States."
"He wants to make sure that we give Americans a little bit more breathing room."
"We'll start the process of bringing water and energy into public ownership."
"The radical left will defund police departments all across America."
"We are now building a wall... This is a very serious wall."
"You unlock American energy, put people back to work, will you pledge not to touch Social Security and Medicare?"
"We will stop radical indoctrination of our students."
"In desperation, the open border policy that the Americans had strong-armed Canada into led to many more liberties being taken upon their neighbour to the north."
"The president supports a ban on sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and expanded background checks."
"Support universal healthcare for my brothers and sisters in America."
"Pray for China to change its mind and lift the ban on people's travel."
"Bernie Sanders is going to tax people like Michael Bloomberg."
"Liz Truss is basically operating a Reagan Thatcher Trump economic policy."
"Once you actually do something for the average American, it's hard to take it back."
"A conservative majority court is going to decide on Biden's private employer vaccine mandate."
"Do you guys think Congress should stop getting paid checks until they approve stimulus checks?"
"If Trump wants to secure the border, secure the dollar, bring jobs back, put fentanyl dealers on death row, I mean, if Trump wants to do that, that's great."
"Pedro Castillo pledged to renationalize Natural Resources so that they can go to benefit the majority of people in Peru."
"We're building 10 miles of wall a week. We're up to about 330 miles and we'll have it finished very soon. And it's having a tremendous impact on drugs, it's having a tremendous impact on all of the different things."
"Talking point number one: President Biden said there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration."
"One Country Two Systems, and that was the dividing line between maintaining western values."
"Progressive left wants to disarm the entire American population."
"We want to take care of our police. We want to actually fund our police, not defund them. And we're not going to abolish our police."
"My border policy is the strongest border policy that this country has ever seen."
"My flagship proposal of this freedom dividend of $1,000 a month crosses party lines in a way that gets people excited on both sides of the aisle."
"The Biden administration's ongoing censorship schemes are a clear and present danger to the First Amendment."
"The Biden administration wants to reject all of Donald Trump's immigration policies, and we've gotten an unprecedented flood of people washing across the border."
"Bernie [Sanders] is the only candidate with a $20 billion hospital bailout plan." - Michael Brooks
"Let's take money from American countries and spread it around to other countries."
"My opponents said they would eliminate US borders completely by implementing nationwide catch and release."
"States across the country are moving to ban the mutilation and castration of children."
"Biden hasn't added any new barriers, but is funding the repair of existing ones."
"When you have a good power and you use it and you stick with the policies you have enacted instead of running scared, those policies will become accepted."
"Our country, as advised by President Joe Biden, has now banned oil from Russia. What does this mean for us? Let me help to explain this to you guys."
"I would remind Georgians that the first part of my plan was keeping our state open for business." - Brian Kemp
"Joe Biden has a plan to create 10 million good clean energy jobs right here in America."
"On day one, I will ban critical race theory from being in our schools."
"The Democrats want to trace every firearm in America, they want a registry of every firearm in America."
"This is not making abortion illegal... this gives some level of choice."
"We need to sort out the borders thing because it's what we inherited."
"Germany must immediately suspend its Aid to Israel in particular its military assistance export and authorization of export of military equipment and War weapons."
"Mitch McConnell, let's go ahead and keep sending money towards Ukraine because that's where the real issue lies."
"The 15th dollar minimum wage is part of the democratic party platform this is not some radical bernie agenda point."
"Boris Johnson reiterated his view there should be an amnesty for half a million illegal immigrants."
"Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy."
"Trump is defunding racist training in the federal government."
"Republicans believe we must take care of our own citizens first."
"I'm gonna defend Labor's broadband policy of 2019... it was a good policy."
"We're looking at birthright citizenship very seriously."
"Biden wants to abolish the death penalty - that'll also be pretty poggers."
"The Chinese dream justifies policies that eradicate poverty."
"This executive order doesn't affect you at all... it's like basically it's nothing, it's nothing, it is nothing."
"Our plan is working: 13 million new jobs built across the country and nearly half a million of them here in Pennsylvania just in the last two and a half years."
"We're not going to let the radical left control our borders."
"We do need to invest in infrastructure, but it has to be true infrastructure."
"Modi has introduced a number of policies which has set up India and Indians to succeed."
"President Trump will always put American jobs and American workers first."
"Trump's China executive order - Activision just censored Tiananmen Square imagery in the latest COD trailer for China."
"On Day One, Joe Biden will rescind the un-American Muslim travel and refugee bans."
"On my first day as president, I will rejoin the WHO."
"Personal policy is what we get right or wrong in Washington." - Elizabeth Warren
"Every single Democrat said that they would completely withdraw all troops from Afghanistan."
"Corporate donations aren't allowed in the Green Party."
"President Obama was about keeping families together."
"The president's policy is not driven by the politics of the moment."
"The policy of the United States of America is to try to end this war as fast as possible."