
Personal Wealth Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Do you know what his poorest kid is worth? $74 billion."
"Women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States."
"Relationships are the meaning of life; they are a stream of income, a stream of wealth."
"Once I got everything out of the way, I started to feel rich. For the first time in my life, I felt rich."
"I am truly rich, realizing I create happiness."
"I'm richer than you and I'm more fucking relevant." - Theodore
"charlie's worth has been growing almost daily"
"Every dollar I bank is accumulated wealth for my personal pleasure."
"My income is the biggest store in the world."
"It's different for everyone, but there's a lot of people that made enormous amounts of money with NFTs too."
"Bernard Arnault is the richest man in the fashion industry."
"Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest person in the world."
"I'm rich in love, my family love me, and that really, that's really all that counts."
"Your true wealth is your time and freedom. Money is just a tool for trading your time."
"In your heart, have the wealth of this dunya to do with it what you want."
"She became the wealthiest woman in California."
"I'm gonna get all this money, take care of my kids, [__] backshot a couple moves, you know what's going on."
"Money over love? No matter what, you'll always be poor."
"That's in front of the bag, you know. That's the real bag because man make the money. Money don't make the man."
"Generational wealth is a stretch, this man is 42 years old with a house that's worth a couple hundred grand and a Mercedes."
"Bill Gates has regained the title of the world's richest person because Microsoft stock has hit a five-year high."
"Money is going to be on the up and up for you."
"You know why he has diamonds? Because he makes money."
"It's what you own and control that will determine your opportunities. If you don't have the money, the opportunity doesn't exist. It's an illusion."
"When your business is struggling, do you still feel rich? That would be another example of that."
"I make a conscious effort to learn something new every day."
"The wealth outlook for Capricorn Moon and Ascendant is superb."
"Investing is the ultimate way to improve your personal balance sheet and exponentially increase the size of your asset side."
"As long as you have your health you have wealth because you've got to think you can be the richest person in the world but if your health it sucks who cares how wealthy you are you can't really enjoy life because you're so sick."
"I'm worth a small fortune, good reason wonders the technology."
"The fastest way for you to become wealthy is to get control of your income."
"Ownership of your time is being wealthy. It's being able to work when you feel like it."
"You're not in control of where that money goes and who it supports. But there's a few things that you can do when it comes to your money and your cash and building up wealth for you."
"Yeah, I see how I got my jewelry on, he can keep that money, he can keep that cloud."
"Your credit score can quite literally be the difference in you building your net worth, getting the best deals on real estate, and getting free stuff."
"A positive mental attitude heads the entire list of the 12 great riches in life."
"The real wealth comes from one of the most valuable assets you'll ever own, and it's an asset called time."
"I've probably made three hundred thousand dollars in like three hours."
"You are always as rich as you think you are, and the only poverty is of the spirit."
"Donald Trump was a multi-billionaire... and he decided to run for president because he hated to see what was going on in this country."
"The more you put your money to work the more it'll grow."
"You're fine... you're gonna be a multi-multi-millionaire."
"Start feeling good about yourself today. The greatest form of wealth is your peace of mind."
"He went for the lump sum, which meant he was now almost 282 million dollars richer."
"This is making me some decent money... I can actually just retire."
"Everybody loved Bernie Sanders until he had three houses."
"Helping other people is the greatest wealth, and it's free."
"Once you bust your ass hard enough to become successful, you don't want to give 70% of that up to your [ __ ] government."
"True wealth is your time, but we trade away moments in our lives hour by hour, day by day, and year by year for numbers that somebody printed on pieces of paper or just typed into a computer."
"Financial independence is the ability to live from the income of your own personal resources."
"Wisdom is wealth of the heart, mind, and soul, and unlike money, once you have it no one and nothing can ever take it away from you."
"This entire server is like cleverly concerned, that's the only thing he's upset he didn't get anything."
"Before 2002, the only gold I had ever owned was my wedding ring."
"It feels good having that much money in your pocket."
"Your job is to make sure that you, your family, and your friends get rich from what you know."
"We are millionaires, my tycoon business has been a massive success."
"You know it is your health and it is your wealth in that order of importance."
"I always knew I'm going to be rich enough to never have to worry about money."
"I'm a human bank, I'm a walking corporation, I'm an endowment for my family."
"You're so lucky the boot licker chasing you turns out to be a rich second generation in Disguise."
"Life-changing wealth is different for everyone."
"When you have 'FU money,' you can afford to speak your mind. But it's not the dream."
"It's deeper than the money at this point, I made the money before."
"At this point in time my bank value is 80 mil."
"You are wealthy in a poor situation; change your perspective."
"The wealth is in you, it's not in someone else's business or idea."
"At what age did you see your first thousand dollars? I was about 10 years old."
"This is a season where many of you are going to be very financially abundant."
"He actually built his own way and became the richest African-American in the world." - Tyler Perry
"There's nothing more damaging to your longer term net worth than deflationary money out of the private sector."
"At a certain point, you say, 'Look, I'm rich enough. If I lose a few extra million dollars, man, [ __ ] it.'"
"Dig up the wealth, dig up the energy that you have there to become wealthier than you ever thought possible."
"I feel like I'm rich every single day. I could then move wherever I want to move to. I love it."
"Relationships are way more valuable than money."
"There's gold in there. I got the same accountant for 13 years now."
"I would love for Jeff Bezos to lose a significant portion of his personal wealth that he doesn't need so that we can have a better functioning society."
"If these stocks do great over the coming years or if they do really poorly, my net worth will be considerably changed—for the better or for the worse."
"Abundance is to be an overflow of the things that you have."
"I don't have any problem with her making millions of dollars or anything."
"You're going to be among the wealthy because I am wealthy."
"I love this brand, I'm rich as [__], I'm making so much money off and I'm a rock star already, I own everything."
"Money loves me, money loves my bank account."
"Life-changing gains, getting rich, becoming millionaires."
"There's a lot of money coming in for you in the month of September."
"I provide massive value in exchange for massive abundance."
"It always pays to have a good financial advisor."
"Women are attracted to what abundance, not scarcity, period."
"Trump is now richer, maybe than he's ever been in his whole life."
"Your health is your wealth and without your health, you know what is there."
"Elon Musk has become the world's richest person after the share price of his company Tesla increased. Now his net worth now reportedly stands at 185 billion dollars."
"Focus on your own net worth. Man, there's always somebody gonna be richer than you and poorer than you."
"Your emotional bank balance determines your wealth."
"Invest in your health, because health is wealth."
"I sincerely believe that each and every one of us has the ability to acquire a one million dollar net worth."
"This stunning cosmetic chest tells us Merit was a well-to-do woman who cared about her appearance."
"I make a ton of money now, sure I could go out and buy these influencers something cool like a Rolls Royce or a Maserati or maybe a Porsche or maybe a Tesla, but instead what I like to do on Christmas is to give something from the heart."
"A man's wealth is not in the hand, it's in the mind."
"You make the most of your life by making yourself rich as you help yourself you help others."
"The more social status you have, the more money you have, the higher your SMV, the more you can afford to be honest with women."
"I really think that if you have disposable income, you should be giving it away."
"Welcome to the Chris Hogan show, home of everyday millionaires. I am your host Chris Hogan, this is your show where your life and your money take center stage."
"The greatest wealth is your health."
"Health is the greatest form of wealth we have."
"Once you realize you're content to live by yourself, you genuinely become rich."
"...the factors that can impact how much money you would have."
"You become richer through the experience."
"I love the dollar store, it makes me feel wealthy."
"Financial wholeness is when all aspects of your financial life work together for your biggest benefit, your greatest good, and your richest life."
"I'm coming out here after 30 years... I'm rich in personality, and I'm rich in love, my family loves me, and that's really all that counts."
"Because I'm rich in personality, you know, I'm rich in love, my family loves me, and that's really all that counts."
"I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim."
"People's actions speak louder than words because if that's true, you should not have a Gucci belt if you don't have that same amount of money in the market."
"The only real asset you have is your time, the hours of your life."
"The richest man in Babylon is... talking about finance and how to live a good life."
"Rich is not a number, it is... picking up your kids from school every afternoon, traveling for two months a year. Your rich life is yours and you define it."
"I don't work for money. I have enough of my own."
"The best thing you can do for them is for you to become wealthy."
"You're gonna pursue happiness, but your own happiness, your own wealth."
"I want you to be unapologetic about your rich life."
"You know, I'm rich and love my family, love me, and that's really all that counts."
"Your health is your wealth; if you ain't healthy, you ain't wealthy."
"I'm rich in personalities, you know. I'm rich in love, my family loves me, and that's really all that counts."
"You can create your own personal life lottery by saving for your future self right now."
"Anyone who did not have, he provided for them, sometimes with his own personal wealth."
"I'm not as rich as you guys I'm only a working man."
"It's always great to have some money."
"It's amazing when you start to realize what you have."
"Your time is just as important as your treasure."
"It wasn't a grand palace at all, but they were well-off."
"These are the things that make us rich in life."
"You can literally go down to zero dollars but as long as you still have your health and strength, you're good."
"The most precious resource I have on planet earth is my time."
"That handsome sum of money, Pip, is your own."
"The most important capital that person can possess is his health."
"I think everybody likes different things, and when you're a high value man or woman, obviously, you know, when you have money, you have the ability to be able to go out there and get other things."
"You earn those coins yourself, for yourself, by yourself, and it is the ultimate currency."
"You're wealthy indeed if you're at peace with yourself."