
Resurrection Quotes

There are 5230 quotes

"In the perspective of a funeral rite, the labyrinth symbolizes death and resurrection."
"The Shroud is crucial to believers because it forms a link between Christ's death and his resurrection."
"The blood stains but that's not all; some believers see in this cloth tangible proof of the resurrection of Christ."
"Anos told him that he had activated an Origin magic using the hero's attack as an origin to revive his source."
"Christ defeats that tool of Satan called death by his resurrection from the dead to defeat death."
"The resurrection...is a powerful vindication of Jesus' message because it has a low probability of occurring, and so that makes it miraculous that God did it."
"Things that you have reckoned to be dead can be resurrected if you lay them in your generosity."
"The death card... is about transformation and resurrection. It's rising from the ashes like the phoenix to reveal the truth of who you are."
"The New Testament writers did not create the resurrection; the resurrection created the New Testament writers."
"Christianity did not originate with a book. Christianity originated with an event, the resurrection."
"If somebody rises from the dead, I just trust whatever the guy says."
"I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
"The body of the dead skeleton began to glow, and green energy flowed into him."
"One becomes identified with Christ, united, planted with him in his death so that they might be raised as he was."
"The end of the world for the Egyptians would be Jesus not rising again."
"When the dead thing hit the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood up on his feet."
"What better proof can you have that what Jesus said was true than his resurrection?"
"The foundation should really never attempt to bring back someone from the dead, as at best they just fail and at worst they threaten the annihilation of countless universes."
"He presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during 40 days and speaking about the kingdom of God."
"If Christ has not been raised, your preaching and your faith are useless."
"For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive."
"Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
"Death, deity, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's not a coincidence in my book."
"Jesus's resurrection is the foundation of Christianity."
"Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
"The early church witnessed the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ and realized in that revelation that death had just been conquered."
"The father loves me because I lay down my life so that I can pick it up."
"I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in me will live, even though they die."
"Jesus backed up that statement by being risen from the dead. No other leader of religion ever said something like that."
"Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth."
"Jesus Christ Himself declared, 'I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.'"
"We're particularly mindful of the glorious resurrection of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ and pray that Thou bless us with our testimonies as vibrant and strong."
"When we are resurrected, may Allah make us of those who the Prophet is proud of."
"If Jesus was bodily raised from the dead, then it's true. If he wasn't, then it's not true."
"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
"The resurrection of the Messiah was the most important event of his first coming, and the resurrection of the dead will be the most important event of his return."
"For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead."
"The entire Gospel message hinges on the resurrection."
"The reason Jesus Christ was physically resurrected is because it proves beyond a doubt that He overcame sin and the consequences of sin, which is death."
"The resurrection proves that everything can be restored back to the way it was before the fall."
"The good news of Easter is that because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is now a way to live without fear."
"I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." - John 11:25 (Bible verse referenced in the discussion)
"Christianity is a resurrection religion; it was the resurrection that powered the religion."
"Resurrection is a manifestation of my faith, hope, and the ongoing plan of God."
"Resurrection is not just a third-day event but an ongoing journey, a continuous living in the presence of the Lord."
"What happened to take this crushed, demoralized, broken, persecuted, powerless bunch of people and transformed them into the most powerful people the world has ever known? The resurrection happened."
"I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."
"If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didn't rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what he said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like his teachings but whether or not he rose from the dead."
"For all who have laid a child in a grave, or wept over the casket of a spouse, or grieved over the death of a parent or someone they loved, the resurrection is a source of great hope."
"The evidence infers that God has acted in the world to raise Jesus from the dead."
"There was nearly universal agreement on the resurrection appearances to individuals and groups."
"If Jesus rose from the dead as the New Testament describes, then there is no absence of expected evidence that makes this particular resurrection belief unreasonable."
"The resurrection means to raise again, to come back to life, to come back from the grave and the death."
"His resurrection proves that He's alive now, and He's coming back."
"The evidence for the resurrection is better than proclaimed miracles in any other religion. It's outstandingly different in quality and quantity."
"Resurrection dysfunction: It's nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to everyone."
"Christianity is the religion of resurrection; that's the cornerstone of the gospel."
"The resurrection of Jesus Christ, if it happened, has to be certainly the central event of history in so many ways."
"Super Shenron did revive Universe 6's Earth despite it being dead for a long time."
"Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth."
"A good case can be made historically for Jesus' resurrection."
"The resurrection hypothesis exceeds these naturalistic theories in explanatory scope."
"Every believer, everyone who belongs to God, everyone who is redeemed, regenerate will be raised from the dead and will also have a body, a body suited for eternal glory in the presence of God."
"Many pagan traditions were adapted into Christian symbolism and artwork, and the phoenix represented resurrection."
"Clement of Rome... makes the earliest known connection of the tale of the phoenix to the fact of the resurrection."
"Now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep."
"It was not possible for death to hold Jesus."
"The tradition of painting the eggs is done to commemorate Jesus emerging from the tomb and his resurrection."
"Genetics company Colossal raised over 15 million dollars to try and bring this thing back to life."
"The last Dodo was hunted in 1681, but could it be, could we bring back said Dodo birds?"
"The earliest disciples saw the risen Jesus. I don't know how exactly they saw him, but they saw him."
"That same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you if Jesus is Lord of your life."
"The same identical spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you, which means what? If via the conduit of that spirit, Jesus came out of the tomb, you can come out of everything."
"Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and he backed up that claim by returning from the dead."
"The vast majority of scholars have come to accept as convincing the evidence in support of those three facts: the tomb was discovered empty, various individuals and groups of people witnessed appearances of Jesus alive, and the original disciples suddenly and sincerely came to believe that God had raised Jesus from the dead."
"The same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you."
"Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The disciples had experiences that led them to believe and proclaim that Jesus had been resurrected and had appeared to them."
"Every soul shall taste death. Jesus...was taken back to Allah, he will come back, and he will die, and he will be resurrected."
"That symbol is the oldest symbol of resurrection known to man."
"The martyrs will be resurrected and their wounds... will be a badge of honor."
"You can't make the first resurrection unless you're holy."
"Paul's total focus is on Jesus' death and resurrection."
"His name is Jesus Christ and he is a resurrected savior."
"The Scarlet King isn't truly dead. The voice of the oracle has been heard in the desert prophesying his resurrection."
"There's a way for us to find out if Jesus came back from the dead."
"We're waiting on the resurrection and we're waiting on your coming and we want to live faithfully to you in this world."
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
"The cross is not the last word; the resurrection is."
"Dub the Gabriel Revelation, the text painted on the stone refers to a messiah that lives, dies, and is resurrected after three days."
"Here we have for the first time an evidence that the belief in the death and resurrection after three days of a messianic leader existed even before the time of Jesus."
"We've got a text now that shows us this notion of a suffering messiah who's raised from the dead is already being developed within Judaism."
"Why am I a Christian? It's because I really believe it's true that Jesus rose from the grave, and I think that evidence is there."
"Please don't weep because Christ is risen, and we'll be back."
"You danced to that song on Instagram... Don't cry, Christ has risen."
"We serve a resurrected Lord. That's supernatural."
"When you do this with the resurrection narratives...it's actually quite striking."
"The Christian notion of Resurrection...is predicated on the notion that if you forthrightly confronted the whole pan of the horrors of death...what you would see as a consequence is not so much Eternal Darkness as the Eternal resurrection of the light."
"I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will never die."
"No one's mad at Christ for resurrecting on trans visibility day."
"Jesus is still the resurrection. He can take things that are dead and bring them back to life again."
"Jesus Christ is risen and so we can celebrate the fact that we have a living Savior."
"Thank you that we are now looking at an empty tomb because we have a living risen Savior."
"They came to believe that if Jesus had been raised from the dead."
"The resurrection meant that Death itself had somehow strangely been overcome."
"Jesus was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison."
"Jesus tells Lazarus to come out, not just to become alive."
"Putting it bluntly, most of us have stuff we’re willing to die for: friends, family, causes, etc. But we also have stuff we’re willing to live for, or in this case, be resurrected for."
"Scaramouche was a failed attempt to resurrect the true Electro Archon Makoto."
"The eagle will be resurrected because he has not given, he's a covenant keeper."
"Maybe he is risen maybe death didn't have the final say maybe there's still hope after this maybe there's still more."
"The Shroud of Turin should be called the Shroud of the resurrection."
"Literally, there was some power as he rose from the dead to create this image."
"Rise and live again as my fist of vengeance, as my Moon Knight."
"Christianity would be true if the Bible had never been written because the book did not give us Christianity, the resurrection gave us the book."
"Every day I am blessed to know that because of His Atonement, I may someday be resurrected to live forever in a loving family."
"Why did the Illusive Man spend billions of credits trying to resurrect Commander Shepard if all this time he had access to this Hot Topic space ninja?"
"The bodily resurrection of Christ is super important in Christian doctrine."
"The war is over. Christ has risen from the dead."
"It's possible that the resurrected Vision might be the key, since he did serve as a vessel for the Mind Stone for a few years."
"The veracity of Christ is based on His claim: 'I'm gonna die and rise from the dead.'"
"Christianity is not silly, it's based off of the historical facts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the best established events of history."
"If Jesus rose from the grave, you gotta accept everything he said."
"I think it'd be devastating for Christianity. One of the main beliefs is that Jesus rose from the dead in bodily form."
"One of their descendants would be caught, beaten and crucified, and yet he would rise from his grave unrecognizable and accompanied by messengers of light."
"If the spirit will lead you to the cross, he will always meet you at the resurrection."
"The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will raise you up as well if he was the one that initiated your crucifixion."
"The evidence for that par excellence is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
"The cross was not the end, it led to the resurrection."
"Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he is the Son of God and it's on that that I based my faith."
"A lot falls and crumbles if the resurrection isn't true."
"In the midst of our suffering, we believe in the one person who has the power to raise us from the dead."
"Snow White dies, at least in the story, until the handsome prince comes, gives her true love's kiss, and brings her back to life, eventually leading her away into his glowing kingdom surrounded by clouds."
"God's resurrection power can pull you from sin now."
"We need resurrection power in our lives; Christ came with resurrection power to set you and I free."
"I'm back from the dead and I had all my rotting body parts replaced."
"Supposedly all of these graves were open and people came back to life."
"I'm gonna go with the guy that knew exactly how he was gonna die and Rise Again."
"Death didn't have the last word. God's love for humanity had not died. The door to eternal life had opened, and that door has a name: Yeshua, Jesus Christ."
"Brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead."
"Rekindling familial bonds: Bringing Holly back from the dead."
"Ambrosia and angelfish: The ingredients of resurrection."
"I will open your Graves and cause you to come up out of your Graves."
"Jesus was raised on the third day and appeared to many."
"Palpatine coming back to life influences every other insane and awful idea this movie throws at us."
"The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in this church."
"It echoes the idea that the Earth will give up those resting within it, dust yielding its silent dwellers, and secret chambers delivering the souls entrusted to them."
"I just want to put it in perspective: Luke finishes up at the cross and shows us Christ resurrected from the dead."
"He's the only one who claimed to be God in human flesh and pointed towards a specific event in history that would confirm it, namely the resurrection."
"I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the cross and rose from the grave to forgive me of my sin."
"When Jesus raises the dead, spiritually or physically, it testifies to His ability to save."
"When I raised Him from the dead, it was the most powerful miracle that had ever happened in this universe."
"He rose from the dead, he's alive, hallelujah!" - Anonymous.
"Show us how to resurrect that part of us that was once dead."
"Resurrection can be a really interesting thing to explore if it's not used as a crutch, if it's not used as just, 'I didn't actually want to kill that character.'"
"Guilty though I am, that resurrection was God destroying the power of the grave."
"That is a powerful piece of evidence that indeed Jesus rose from the dead."
"If Maul and Palps can come back from the dead, why can't Luke?"
"Many things have died for you, your dreams and the people in your life, but God is raising them all from the dead."
"For since we call it asleep we know that we shall not remain in it but shall again be awakened and live."
"The grace of the Risen Christ teaches us that there is nothing more true, more real than following him faithfully each day on the way of the Cross."
"Christ risen from the dead lives in us, he will now make sacramentally new his sacrifice on Calvary to nourish his life within us."
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus."
"For Christians, this is where Jesus was crucified and resurrected."
"Everyone in Jerusalem was amazed when he brought his friend back to life."
"Somewhere between the performances, action, iconography, music, and thrills was a mix that captivated me."
"Christianity stands or falls with the resurrection of Jesus."
"Thank you... for the resurrection, my own daughter and the courageous knight who protected her."
"Being in loving relationship to all things... has the Christ resurrected in you today?"
"It's resurrection that we stand to create within ourselves, you transubstantiate yourself into a higher body to live forever in the spiritual plane."
"Christ died on the cross for your sins, he was buried, then he rose again the third day from the dead physically, visibly."
"We look forward not to the escape of the soul from the body, but to the resurrection of the dead."
"Death is just a doorway to resurrection. If I join you in your suffering, then I'll join you when you rise."
"The primary mission of the church is to declare the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"God reveals his power through the voluntary humiliation and resurrection of his son."
"Vocation is about being conformed to Christ, who suffered, died, was buried, and rose from the dead."
"Christ has risen. Christ is alive. Christ conquered sin, sickness, poverty, and spiritual death."
"The same power that rose Jesus from the grave is within every single believer in the house of God."
"The resurrection is confirmation of his Christ position."
"The dead will rise first then we will meet them up in the air."
"God loves you my friends ladies jesus loves you with an everlasting love he is alive he really died on the cross he really rose from the dead."
"It's no guarantee that we won't die, but it is a guarantee that those that put their trust in Christ will one day be raised from the dead."
"There is a larger amount of good solid evidence even 2000 years later that Jesus really did rise from the dead."
"One day, we are going to be resurrected. We're going to have new bodies."
"Jesus said, 'I'm the resurrection and the life.'"
"The resurrection of these Saints was a token of the coming Harvest."
"The resurrection of Jesus is the pivotal event of history."
"They truly believed that Jesus was who he claimed to us and they truly believed that he had risen from the dead because they were willing to die for that."
"Jesus made the claim that he is the truth... everything hinges on the resurrection... and that changes everything."
"Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand however if you have threshold which is again if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard then you return that card to suit from your graveyard to the battlefield instead."
"That which thou sowest is not quickened unless it die."
"When Jesus arose, He wasn't related to nobody."
"The resurrection of Christ is overwhelming evidence that Christ is reliable."
"If he didn't rise from the dead he's a liar because he said he was going to. If he does rise from the dead then the evidence is you and I should trust him."
"Easter is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the fact that he was raised from the dead and that he lives today."
"His resurrection would be excellent evidence that he is who he claimed to be."
"If there was no resurrection and more to the point if there was no resurrection appearances of Jesus to those who doubted and were discouraged and denied in straigh Jesus we would not be sitting here talking about this today."
"Bringing her back to life wouldn't detract from her sacrifice."
"Remember, Jesus died for you, Jesus rose again, Jesus ascended to heaven."