
Psychological Perspective Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Trauma is not what happened to you but what happened inside you as a result."
"Guilt as defined by psychologists and neuroscientists is actually a way of assigning ourselves more agency, more capability of controlling reality than actually exists."
"Fear is not real; danger is a real thing, fear is not real."
"People look at evidence saying, 'Oh, I could see how you could plant evidence...but they put themselves in the shoes of the person confessing and go, 'I would never confess to this if I didn't do this.'"
"Two types of people: people who fear and people who don't fear."
"The problem isn't in the head, the problem's in the heart."
"Escapism isn’t just about running away from problems; it’s about finding new ways to face them."
"At the end of the day, it's all in your head."
"Racism is the fruit of each individual’s ego."
"He started to look at trauma not from the psychological lens but to say hang on a minute, it's actually not the event but it is what our brain and body were not able to process in the moment."
"Healing is the easy road. It sounds scary and hard, but the hardest road of all is when you don't heal your past."
"Every reaction that you have is valid and real because it's coming from a real place."
"You have a completely different perspective of stress and pressure when you play poker and then you face stress and pressure in life."
"Victim consciousness is the only human pathology."
"Those are the desperate lies of a lonely child."
"The fear of the thing is usually worse than the thing itself."
"If you treat your emotions and thoughts as if you're a passive observer, you're more likely to be able to live with them."
"Wouldn't a crooked mind see the world in a crooked way and create problems for itself without knowing it?"
"Fear is not a physical thing; fear only exists because I accept it, like superstition."
"The mind loves to be attracted. It's not that the mind is distracted; the mind is attracted at all times."
"Consumption is irrepressible and the last reckoning because it is founded upon a lack."
"All happiness we experience is in the mind, reflecting our true self."
"A recovered note by S.R. Cunningham expresses his belief that the Poolrooms are not a physical place at all, but rather are a construct of one's own mind."
"A person can't bring closure to you, but your perception and beliefs are what closes the cycle out."
"Addiction is about your relationship to the thing."
"The struggle that I had was an internal one, it had nothing to do with the external factors of my life."
"When it comes to Cutting, like any addiction, the addiction itself is just a symptom of the deeper root-cause."
"Fear is imagination undirected and so it's like weeds it grows you and rips you to pieces." - Person discussing fear vs. faith
"You pick up that psychological pen yourself and author your own identity."
"Anxiety is simply you living in a future state worrying about something that has not actually happened."
"I can't imagine how incredibly scary that would be."
"To pull back for a moment and view things from a psychological perspective."
"The key thing here for shifting out of undesirable circumstances is to realize that the more you focus on them internally, the more it's going to build momentum."
"Even though money might solve something your mind is going to create something else in its place."
"We are deeply curious people, capable of performing the mental gymnastics to say I can simultaneously enjoy killing innocents in this game and also recognize that I have no desire to do that in real life."
"There's no such thing as a negative emotion."
"Living guilty doesn't do anything productive. It doesn't help you to do better, it causes you to struggle more."
"In a narcissist's subjective reality, there is only exploitation, power, and control."
"The problem isn't even a psychological one, it's a philosophical one. So I'm not just saying your solution is philosophy, which I am saying. Not just saying that though, I'm actually saying the problems that you have are philosophical problems."
"Our thought around stress is more important than the stress itself."
"It's all in your mind so you're never really gonna prove anything."
"Our minds are very powerful things... Mirrors are portals and they can lock you in your mind."
"It's all psychological and you know knowledge is power."
"Once you find what works and what you know and it's a discipline about it too."
"Some people love suffering; it gives them purpose and meaning."
"Poverty on the other hand is a psychological, it's a mindset."
"Money is just a tool, people have this kind of hedonic value ego value associated with the number that they don't lose attachment with."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"The inability to make harmony, to create immunity, to create resilience is basically at the root of the militaristic mind losing every war against life."
"Sure Bateman's a serial killer, but wouldn't you go a little crazy if you were trapped in a world of pointless materialism with no hope of ever facing consequences for your actions?"
"It feels almost like a psychotic type of love."
"If a bunch of people are together and they all think a thing and they all like, we're so silly to think that that doesn't have some kind of an impact."
"You don't have to experience the experience that you want to experience in the 3D world, you just have to feel equal to that experience."
"You know my concern is that I think your mind is constructed in an unusual way which is why you've landed where you have."
"A lot of the things that we fear about never really actually happen just in our head."
"Happiness is mostly something that comes from you, not an external factor."
"Trauma is not what happened to you, trauma is the wound that you sustained."
"The more you're able to not care one way or the other, the more power you have."
"More people are afraid of how they gonna die than actually dying."
"Anxiety is the voice of concern that refuses to be ignored."
"Resistance comes with the stop of flow, acceptance and embracing comes with acceptance."
"Happiness is a conscious choice we choose what things mean to us."
"Tell yourself it's going to work out. It gets to be easy."
"Sociopathy doesn't mean we're evil. It means we have the ability to restrain our empathy."
"Everyone's problems are mountains in their own head."
"I don't fear the dark, I fear the cold. I don't fear the rain, I fear the wind. I don't fear pain, I fear exhaustion."
"Conspiracy theories are expressions of grief and memory. In this way, conspiracy theorists are almost like the small child bursting into tears during a tense family dinner."
"Nothing is more perilous than boredom. Boredom is Satan."
"It's about being so present in what is, while simultaneously juggling all these other realities."
"We tell stories about suffering, but it's more of a narrative we tell ourselves."
"If City apply themselves correctly, I cannot really see there being anything in them for Palace."
"Your mindset is your automatic response to everything."
"Once you become a remote viewer, you're watching yourself from another place, outside of yourself, and just watch yourself. Now you can change course." - Dr. B
"The ego doesn't know what commitment is, the ego has no idea what commitment is, and so the Holy Spirit can use everything that the ego made."
"The real principle behind the law of attraction is not really metaphysical."
"Homosexuality is as a result of psychological disorientation at some point in one's life, not genetic and not hormonal."
"It's all mental, right? So the brain is eating, you can't eat physically but the brain, it works."
"A lot of parents should and often will not allow their young kids to hang out with people without the parents at least being within earshot."
"Romantic love isn't some magical mystical unexplainable phenomena, it's biochemistry, trust, communication, compatibility, and attraction."
"Once you understand memory really well you stop thinking of it as a hack and you start to see it as very, very beautiful."
"All it ever takes is one bad day."
"The mind is not just something that comes from the activity of the brain; the mind comes also from our relationships with each other."
"Emotions themselves are neither good nor bad; they're simply our psychological responses to the events of life."
"Trust is the baseline according to Susan Fisk, social psychologist at Princeton."
"The humanistic perspective is really humanistic; it's all about growth, it's all about that self-actualization."
"Not what's wrong with me, but what happened to me."
"Feelings come and go, one day you're on cloud nine, the next you're down in the dumps."
"Nothing happened to you, it's all in your mind."