
Imprisonment Quotes

There are 436 quotes

"The labyrinth symbolizes many different meanings...a traditional meaning of a labyrinth signifies exclusion and imprisonment."
"Julian Assange is in prison not because he printed lies, but because he printed the truth."
"Sharing a perspective can be the thing that imprisons someone or the thing that sets them free."
"It's not my time right now; my place is in prison. I need to do my time. I've turned a new leaf."
"Abeloth was so powerful that the Ones and the Killiks worked together to imprison her within the Maw."
"The idea of taking 1.5 million people and locking them up until they no longer believe what they believe, forcibly enacting your will on them, is torture."
"To put another human being in a cage is inhumane."
"The war on drugs has been a very, very bad mistake for the country, and I think some of the collateral damage... it's not the only thing going on with the rising imprisonment in the United States, but it's a major factor."
"No wonder then, that nobody has ever escaped from Pyatak."
"You think you can have a family, then locking me up will magically reform me?"
"The important point was that if hima's false identity continued to hold up, he could expect to be released after a few weeks or months, perhaps earlier."
"All slaves freed, all guards stuffed in cages."
"Assange is being imprisoned because his reporting hurt the Democratic Party."
"Once a man has entered the gates of Angola prison, he may never see the outside world again."
"He should be staying there forever until he dies. He should never be let out."
"You know, and that's the thing that I try to talk to my young homies who are still in here. It's like you're watching your kids just grow up without you, you know what I'm saying?"
"They've made this woman a prisoner for 13 years. She's been in jail for 13 years for no crimes."
"Tamara Lich is in jail now if there is no risk and no need for Emergency Act."
"People often describe a strong sense of the walls closing in on them."
"A cell could hold my body but never my mind."
"After 14 months in prison, Kwame Nkrumah was released to a massive reception from his supporters."
"Steve Murder was set up to do life in prison for Master P's success."
"I order that you be committed... for a period not to exceed 50 years."
"The legion is defeated. Its master imprisoned."
"His freedom is being taken and that is the end of that."
"He then admits to the murder of his family and is imprisoned."
"After writing a controversial post, his bail was immediately revoked, and he was sent back to prison."
"I think this person perhaps after jail time will be lionized on the left."
"We're trapped in prison, and even worse, it's Barry's prison."
"She sat and filmed about her 24-year imprisonment so she had it all on video."
"There's no hope in escaping a prison if you're unwilling to consider it even exists."
"Military officials are currently serving time in prison are becoming more prevalent each day."
"Suddenly the prison that I'd struggled to get back into was no longer the right place for me."
"I'm the kind of guy that does need to be in prison."
"I gotta watch my wife grow old through these bars."
"I've never been free. Uh, 25 years in prison, you know, it's a long time."
"Would anyone really oppose Tommy in it? Locked in prison, gonna make some good content."
"She was allowed to live, she was imprisoned in her castle."
"Better to sit in prison for righteous actions than doing nothing at all."
"The fact that the Cray Brothers had their lightest moments in the prison."
"Worst thing that could happen to him is him living out the rest of his life in prison."
"I cannot wait for 2024. If they put him in jail, he will run his presidential campaign from jail."
"Steven McDaniel was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole until 2041." - Narrator
"But the bottom line is that Paul Manafort is going to spend a long time in either federal or state prison."
"Owen Shroyer is a political prisoner for words. That's it. That is it."
"People don't deserve to be locked in here like animals."
"Sierra Harp will be forgotten in prison while the rest of her family will forever struggle to understand her demented reasons."
"Faithfulness gives joy. In prison, you can stay faithful if you don't leave Jehovah."
"There's no need to fight, everyone will be released someday."
"You miss people, you know, everybody got the same 24 hours in a day, you got 24 like I got 24 but when you're locked up, that 24 feels like forever."
"Chelsea Manning's detainment demonstrates the lie at the heart of Western liberal democracy."
"Prison isn't the best life, but it is a life. Something that their victims no longer have the opportunity to experience."
"Twenty years in prison, that's longer than I've been alive."
"When those heavy doors slam shut, it is a very distinctive, definitive, loud sound."
"I felt like I could do at least one day in prison."
"This Is The Moment of Truth for Sarah. She's handcuffed and she's about to go to prison. What's odd? She's still emotionless."
"Yes, I'm locked up, but I'm happy. My life is better now than it ever was before. I'm far happier than I was living with my mother in Chicago."
"Being locked up, being in prison, being in jail is the equivalent of being dead but still having a heartbeat."
"He spent half his life controlling others and now he'll spend the other half of his life controlling nothing."
"One more time... he's gonna spend a couple days in jail."
"He did abuse his wife and had the last two years in jail..."
"Vincent topic was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 20 years."
"The wallpaper becomes bars, and the woman behind it is as plain as can be."
"This is what's so powerful about Pastor Coates being in a jail cell right now."
"Doomed angels are imprisoned by God in Tartarus, awaiting final judgment."
"With him now forever Behind Bars he is essentially good as dead anyway folks."
"If what that report alleges is true, he is virtually impossible for me to see anything other than him going to prison." - "That doesn't even get to the point about whether or not fights were thrown."
"She'll have plenty of time to draw when she's in prison for the rest of her life."
"John is taken to the fortress, a maximum-security prison run by the mental corporation."
"Imagine falling into your worst nightmare and not being able to wake up for 10 years."
"If you refuse to give me to bend the knee then we're gonna lock you up, welcome to America man this is what we're becoming." - Critique of authoritarian trends
"Bill's fury had not worn off; he still threw himself around the cell and growled at anyone that came by like a wolf caught in a trap."
"Pope Clement VII made a lot of really poor decisions, including being imprisoned inside the castle of Sant'Angelo."
"Prisoners can be geniuses, given enough time inside the prison walls."
"Lewis is safer locked up than he ever will be walking our streets."
"The only prisoners were the guards because they were prisoners of their own conscience."
"I don't actually know why we don't do imaginary friend stories more often."
"I thought I was just going to go to jail so I could relax."
"Julian Assange is still in prison... but a lot of [people] gotta know what's happening."
"You do lose your rights, you do. That's why you're in prison."
"His incarceration in a Moscow jail... galvanized thousands of people... protesting daily since..."
"What school feels like: 384,912 years in prison."
"We're all imprisoned by something on some level, aren't we?"
"On nights like tonight, my prison is the past and my inability to leave it behind."
"We become prisoners of the stories we tell ourselves."
"We are in prison; please come and save us. We tried to escape but failed; we were beaten."
"Garcia was found guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy which resulted in a sentence of life imprisonment."
"As of the latest updates on the matter, Magbanua remained in jail, charged as a co-conspirator, as the jury wasn't able to reach a verdict in her case."
"After all these years in prison, I just want to be free."
"...he would be found guilty. Eleven days later the judge sentenced him to 30 to 50 years in prison."
"This is not a case where the prisoner may ever be released."
"38 years as a death sentence. He's gonna die in there."
"The main character is such a good person that gets falsely accused and put in prison."
"Victoria police were elated that after 30 years of hurting women Peter dupas would finally spend the rest of his Natural Life Behind Bars"
"For that Pay Due pass was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole"
"Mary Queen of Scots had been imprisoned in England for 19 years; she was finally free."
"These are the walls of a prison, and the angels aren't servants of God, they're guards."
"I went to prison because we had a two-year anniversary at my gym. At the gym party, there was an altercation that took place and I struck somebody in the head with a wine bottle after they called me the n-word."
"I mean, Max is locked up. He's been locked up since, early, yeah, yeah."
"One of the missions conducted during this period was to free the Senators held in the Arrth-Eno Prison upon Coruscant to be executed."
"He's got a long time to think he was given over 200 years I think him being in prison is worse than the death penalty."
"That's what it means to take someone prisoner."
"Hela's thirst for blood remains, and she refuses to stop their conquest, forcing Odin to imprison her in Hel."
"I'm not stuck in here with you. You're stuck in here with me."
"Peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him."
"Don't let the past imprison you in the present."
"He regretted not going further with destalinization and condemned the imprisonment of liberal dissident writers."
"You don't have to be Peter to be in prison."
"I was beaten, sent to prison without a car."
"What if Superman's cousin was kept in a cage instead of growing up on the Kent Farm?"
"The scariest part of the whole thought of me being re-locked up would have to be those four walls, just the loss of my family, being stuck inside that box all day, being told what to do, what I can't do, that's what scared me."
"Hundreds went to jail. They were imprisoned, pregnant, in their teens, in one case, on their young child's birthday, in old age, high-security jails where they saw and suffered terrible things."
"Someone asked the girl to let him go because he can't get out of the sword."
"Revan was then imprisoned in a high-security facility known as the Maelstrom Prison."
"Robert Dewey's conviction was vacated and he was released from prison."
"He had spent 16 years in prison for a murder that he didn't commit."
"He was sentenced to life without the chance of parole."
"To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them."
"If you lived in America during the 1930s, 40s, or 50s, there is one place above all others you never wanted to go. Its very name, Alcatraz, inspired terror within the hearts of even the most hardened criminals."
"The moment Cassian Andor is imprisoned and sent to a labor camp for the Empire is the moment he begins to recognize that there is no escape."
"Lelouch's powerful mind becomes a prison and an ocean of thoughts swim about in his head."
"It's a sin against nature to take a man out of the sun and shut him up in a galley with no light. Years and years of black night you must have suffered in darkness."
"It felt like prison, it felt like being trapped."
"Imagine being in a prison that is pretty much run like solitary confinement for 5, 10, or even more years."
"There's no one iraq is in jail, you're a number."
"No prison can keep me from my adoring fans, and neither can you, Bat."
"Even when she's imprisoned by Jafar, knowing he is powerful, she still throws wine into his face to rebel against him."
"Always in the walls of a federal prison."
"Valentine Underwood will never be eligible for parole."
"You never get out of prison, in other words."
"Imprisons the Target in a truly massive coffin of black energy quaking the area around it with a crushing torrent of gravity."
"Neymar talks a lot about prisons, the prison he believes Sue is in, and often, the times the prison he himself is in."
"I just wanted to stop. I felt imprisoned when I was incarcerated I felt imprisoned when I was homeless felt imprisoned when I was abusing substances and now I'm imprisoned at my work and I was like I still haven't done life."
"It is unlikely he will ever be released."
"The purpose of the ringed city was not to protect the holders of the original Dark Soul; it was to imprison them like a ring of fire that encircles the darkness of humanity."
"Life imprisonment, that's what it means. I don't think your father will be able to live out his sentence and that worries me."
"He didn't die so then the mission says all right we're going to shut everybody up put him on a boat stick him on a rocky aisle where we take worst political slaves called the Isle of Patmos which is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and stick him there till he's dead."
"Fishman Island is a prison. It's a room that the Fishman people never wanted to be in."
"The sentence on after trial on all the thefts would have been two years imprisonment."
"Virginia's behind bars. She waltzed in, and I was having a cup of tea."
"Imagine being trapped in a body that's betraying you."
"You've been stuck in a prison that has no bars."
"That's a pretty nice prison. I'm in Saskatoon in a goddamn living room that I was born in."
"Do you fear to stay behind bars until use and old age accept them?"
"With the assurance that Reese will die in prison, either at the hands of the state through execution or through natural causes, sitting in a prison cell just from old age, serving out his sentences, he won't walk free again."
"The safest place for a dangerous individual like Joanne Dennehy is behind bars, which is where she will remain for the rest of her life."
"Sometimes the problems you go through literally incarcerate you in the midst of them."
"Maybe sometimes prison's a pretty safe place to be."
"He even appeared in court in a cage."
"Nothing can ever bring back their loved ones and I just hope and pray that that monster stays in prison for the rest of his life."
"Timothy had already spent two and a half years in prison awaiting trial so he was released after he was convicted."
"Oh, it's all up, it's all over now, chains and policemen again, prison again, dry bread and water again. Oh, hapless Toad, oh ill-fitted animal."
"Jesus has already made you free; don't allow your decisions to cause you to backpedal into a place of imprisonment, enslavement, and confinement."
"These men had studied Spanish while they were imprisoned."
"It was not the sentence prosecutors or the victim's family was hoping for, but Nicholas Ortiz will be going to prison for 25 years, and finally, this case is over."
"It's a brutal prison the worst conditions imaginable and the power of the most powerful ones who survive their imprisonment they are the ones who are trained to become starter Car Warriors so they're some of the most ruthless Warriors in the entire universe."
"I'm trying to get my mind around the fact that he literally just prisoned us for seven years."
"Stone walls and iron bars make the toughest and strongest cages ever made."
"I am not a political prisoner. I am a prisoner for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"In the end, the failed conspiracy resulted in lengthy prison terms for all involved."
"I was originally sentenced to 17 years in prison for a drug-free school zone."
"...he values freedom most of all and despises the idea of being trapped."
"And I think this is just further proof that certain people need to be locked up."
"He's still in prison. He was denied bail again, because the state won't stop appealing."
"Fort Delaware served as a prison camp for confederate prisoners of War during the Civil War."
"Jalissa Thor would spend the rest of her life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"His father would never again walk the streets of Chicago a free man."
"A man not only convicted of a crime he did not commit but a man in prison for 2 years for a crime that never even happened."
"We were deeply paranoid at that point and would take people to secret prisons. Benjam was taken to a prison in Morocco where they took a razor blade to his genitals every two weeks for a year and a half."
"It is the judgment and sentence of this court that you be committed to the custody of the Iowa Department of Corrections for the rest of your natural life without the possibility of parole."
"He is a political prisoner in America."
"For the first time in my life, I felt fear. A fear that I would never be free again."
"There is no nice ending to the story now because unless he can set himself free from the prison cell in his mind, I do not see how he could ever be set free from the prison cell that surrounds him."
"The opposite of locking someone up is letting them out."
"He's a tough man in himself and a hard man in prison."
"He is currently being held without bail as he awaits trial. If convicted, he faces a mandatory life sentence."
"Their decision: an assess the defendant's punishment at 10 years imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice."
"Could you imagine losing nearly 40 years of your life to a crime you didn't commit?"
"We are satisfied that this defendant has been held accountable for his actions. He now faces imprisonment of six consecutive life sentences plus 859 years of confinement."
"Justice was done. She will spend the rest of her life in prison."
"Imprisoned since the dark days of the Horus Heresy, they would March for Macragge once again in the Imperium’s darkest hour."
"We're kind of imprisoned by our desires, by this striving, this will which we're kind of at the mercy of."
"Being imprisoned has actually made her more free than she has ever been."
"Based on El Chapo's extensive history overseeing the violent caloa cartel's operations that left tens of thousands of dead across Mexico, many would argue he has definitely lost any right to his own Humane treatment while imprisoned."
"It's not about like wanting to die. It's more just like being a prisoner in your own brain."
"Even if you don't physically have the freedom to leave that cell or postpone death, nevertheless, there's a sense in which you're free to think about it however you want."
"This was an unfair sentence, not in the usual innocent man put in jail type of shock, but in the way that they were clearly pushing me towards being in a particular jail."
"He spent nearly three times the specified period imprisoned for a crime he did not commit."
"If they loved us so much, how come we're in prison for a crime we didn't commit? A place where some people are scary and some people are scared."
"At the lowest point of the Lost Bastille is a tower known as Sinner's Rise, a structure built to apprehend the vilest of all prisoners."
"this has become a prison for the stars and the hosts of Heaven"
"Innocent person being put in jail is fundamentally wrong and not justice."
"This loop is a prison. An endless [__] time prayer."
"Well, that's just a load off my mind, man. There's all these prisoners in here, they're always thinking about just escaping something!"
"To return to a regular life would be akin to being imprisoned."
"He was held here as a prisoner for a year, an attempt to change his mind."
"I may never get out. I might be doing life."
"Most of them were put in prison or these so-called re-education camps and they were indoctrinated to, you know, hoping to convince them that they had, that they had sold themselves over to this, uh, to the Americans and the imperialists."
"Life at the orphanage became horrible. We all felt like prisoners."