
American Influence Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"With opposition from all sides, it would seem natural that Russia and China would become allies in an attempt to curb the American influence on its borders."
"Losing Taiwan will be seen all over Asia as the end of American predominance. It would cause a run on the dollar. It would be the American Suez."
"One way in which all of this corrects itself is by America failing, being seen to have failed."
"It's why America matters, and one can't be too adamant about this."
"Economic sanctions exist as an arm of American foreign policy to bully countries into aligning with what the United States wants them to do."
"It's history repeating itself; some would say it's the second American divorcee within 80 years that is wrecking the royal family."
"America can't hold the world together anymore because America cannot hold itself together anymore."
"We're not going to see a world going forward in which America is weak and poor, however, we're also not going to see a world in which America remains unchallenged."
"It's about the destruction of people's morals, it comments on the way that America operated during Vietnam as well as the confused values that America pushed upon the world."
"When the shadow cast by Washington becomes smaller, the dawn of Peace becomes bigger."
"For NATO to function, it needs to be more than an American Alliance."
"It's kind of a big deal to have some of these countries pushing back against American hegemony."
"Those videos from America, they have changed the game."
"There can't be any strong Western leadership without strong American leadership."
"The American empire is now more powerful than ever."
"Okay, what I'm referencing in this circumstance is American cultural imperialism and how pervasive and how successful it's been in dominating the planet."
"We're creating our own platform, so I'm not going to be handing the keys to the kingdom out to finance."
"For Wilson, this was America's moment to force the old imperial powers to make peace on American terms."
"France is kind of talking about the fact that the Europe's got to stop relying so much on America."
"No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America."
"America is about to play a pivotal role in the direction that the entire world is going to take."
"You can't convince the masses of Europe to be afraid of the Russians to the point of slavishly following the Americans."
"America is crazy because they're really like a global superpower in literally a quarter of the time other countries have been around."
"The crisis over Taiwan... was as big a turning point for American power."
"The largest trend today is the decline of American influence, not the decline of American power."
"World domination for America is allowing American businesses to make deals in countries all around the world."
"The French of all people are coming out against the woke culture of American leftism."
"Isn't this a case where American power really should be involved and determinative?"
"I thought everything felt so Americanized or so similar to America."
"Anthony blink's face is an expression of that Anthony blink's face shows us that the American Empire is in fact crumbling that there is nothing left that it can do to salvage its um to salvage its power to salvage its hegemony."
"It was the first war that one, America lost, but more, it hurts prestige, it hurts America's ability to influence what was going on in other parts of the world."
"They've lost their trust in America as a protecting power."
"Art is vital. Art is essential, and we are... in America, American culture, the art that we create has changed the world."
"The American way isn't the right way for the entire world."
"Dan is falling apart, yeah this is the end of the American overseas Empire."
"These scripts are the same but it seems like the outcomes now expose almost like this fragility for lack of a very term of American power."
"One motivation for the Brits... they hoped this would appeal to the American Jewish community and would put pressure on President Wilson."
"The 21st century should not be defined by a collapsing American empire."
"America still produces the most extraordinary people in the world."
"If the Americans are going to drop the mantle of leadership is there anyone out there who can step up and replace displace the Americans?"
"The American Century, in quotes, is coming to an end. So, all right guys, I'm going to sign off here and I will see you on the other platform shortly."
"The Great Depression hit the Dominican hard, having built their economy on the idea of endless American demand for a seemingly endless American diet."
"Globalism is a synonym for American popular culture in many ways."
"Americans have been at the forefront of creating these international organizations that are going to make the nations of the world no longer outlaws to one another, as they had been before Wilson came along."
"I definitely got the American taste to it, you know? No, no, no, no. It needs to have a two different things."
"Kaizen's history begins after the second world war... this implementation influenced American business professionals."
"Political science may owe more to America than to any country in the world."
"It was briefly Britain's most popular export car, which may have been in part due to the fact it looks so deliciously American."
"Speaking of marriage, let's talk about the union of Filipino comic artists and American comics."
"Once the Americans showed that it could actually work, that's, I think, when you get the Europeans back in the old country thinking that maybe they could get away with ditching their kings."
"The United States of America is an incredibly new country, from its culture and the scale of its military and economic might, the US has been influential since its inception."
"Nothing makes Canadians more patriotic than Americans."
"All these American movies and their favorite artists are Americans, so like, we also watch a lot of American talk shows and we watch these interviews and we just follow a lot of American media as well."