
International Policy Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"China’s current policy seems focused on claiming parts of territories it has historically owned, including but not limited to Taiwan, parts of India in the Himalayas, and swaths of the South China Sea."
"Only with close cooperation with like-minded democracies... can we actually hope to defend the rules-based order, critical by the way for small countries like Switzerland."
"If we were in China, that would actually be pretty plausible because they have an established, almost policy-driven desire to force companies to bend to their will."
"It's not something you can be dealt with in one country; there has to be a coordinated global response."
"We've got to impose some cost because if we don't do that they'll do this again."
"If we say we're going to do something, we follow it through."
"If no country can be attacked successfully, there can be no purpose in war."
"By the time you're about to retire you would have hit that goal with almost no effort whatsoever."
"If Russia continues to escalate and it was encouraging to hear from Secretary a very simple sentence if Russia escalates the United States and partners will escalate sanctions this is exactly the rule that has to be followed."
"Zimbabwe will continue to stand firm and to condemn unilateralism, the imposition of unwarranted and illegal sanctions on nations, and the unwarranted extraterritorial application of national laws."
"History will eventually show that the countries with the fewest WHO-related restrictions may have done the best."
"Canadian travelers to United Kingdom not required to quarantine starting Monday."
"China builds Bridges while America builds bases."
"China's behavior over Hong Kong... if they are going to implement it in the ways that are perfectly possible to do, that would be a disaster for Hong Kong."
"We will continue to go further not just with military assistance but also by tightening the vice on the Putin regime."
"The fact is that if we do actually improve conditions in those southern countries we are going to have people who are seeking to flee as soon as possible."
"All nations are to partake in it... leaving no one left behind."
"This has been the principal purpose of the United States and the world, to strengthen institutions, to limit what countries can do against human rights, to promote democracy and freedom in the world."
"Democrats will continue to support a peaceful resolution and defend Taiwan from an attack by the CCP."
"Addressing the role of US guns in keeping deadly conflict in Mexico is another needed remedy."
"Next on rising as cases spike here, the European Union has begun reopening to the world."
"It seeks to prevent communist China from exploiting loopholes."
"A peaceful and prosperous Ukraine, a free and open Black Sea, that's a powerful idea."
"It's hard to have a serious relationship with the United States if you don't also have a serious economic relationship."
"I kept my word to the American people... we took the toughest, boldest, strongest, and hardest hitting action against China in American history."
"Recent reports confirmed that G7 and the EU plan on setting two more price caps for Russian products"
"Liberalism isn't fascism domestically, but a liberal framework is used to justify what looks a lot like fascism abroad."
"This ain't no friendly, professional [__] here. This ain't just a match. This ain't just a boxing fight. This is a real fight."
"How many damn times do countries have to scour their code again and again only to determine there's no threat?"
"There is a pressing need to recalibrate priorities, placing human rights at the forefront of international discourse."
"The Chinese government is taking extreme precautions to prevent backflow."
"Sweden confirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament."
"The Chinese approach promotes economic prosperity over wars and destruction. The American approach is about war."
"It's time for democratic nations to come together and establish a global set of norms."
"Preventing the CCP from exporting its benevolent surveillance practices and stopping the spread of digital authoritarianism is an inevitable battle."
"Mexico's interest rate increase had to match the US Federal Reserve to preserve the spread between rates."
"We don't go searching abroad for monsters to destroy."
"Companies that were producing masks for the US and other countries were ordered not to export masks because they were needed in China."
"The G7 will instruct all insurance companies not to insure any ships out of Russia unless the agreed price is below the cap."
"We can't solve the climate crisis unless China drastically changes course."
"One nation adopting Bitcoin could be an outlier, two nations adopting Bitcoin sets a trend that the rest of the world, especially the IMF, is not going to like."
"America could not be an Empire abroad and continue to be a democracy."
"If the Western countries don't believe that they have either the determination or the capability to hold other measures to force Iran, then well, an agreement hopefully a good agreement would be an achievement for those countries."
"Countries that harbor cyber criminals have a responsibility to take action. If they don't, we will."
"Don't let's not forget that the United Nations has this website calling for the disarmament of the world."
"Industrialized nations need to stop hoarding the vaccine so that poorer nations can at least get their first shot."
"Biden's policy goals are set by an international community that is aligned at maintaining a safe climate."
"The US wasn't insisting that China changed its practices; it almost seemed like a realistic view."
"This is not just about the United States. There is about 10 trillion dollars of stimulus... going to modern infrastructure, electrification, or as some people call the Green New Deal."
"Iran's tax authority wants to legalize crypto exchanges."
"China is almost at another level... an example of a country prioritizing sovereignty over universal values."
"The idea of the American policy is this extraordinary idea that China and Russia are out to shape a world, not just perhaps different from U.S. values and interests, but antithetical to U.S. values and interests."
"I don't care what gift Pompeo got. I care about him running the CIA and putting sanctions on Syria and Iran."
"Under President Donald Trump, the United States has again chosen the way of strength."
"European leaders are raising doubts over the United States's proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID19 vaccines."
"Germany announced a move to counter the Chinese Communist Party."
"All nations should look at where it is and make a decision based upon democracy and freedom and peace."
"We'd be against Russians or Chinese we'd be you know we'd be all riled up if Russia said our our national policy is to achieve the Strategic feat of the United States."
"All of us should be playing for 2024 when we have a trance partisan team that comes in and says we're gonna close all of our military bases overseas."
"From December the 5th it will ban the import of all seaborne oil directly from Russia."
"We're not going to tolerate the widespread mass use of forced labor in this other country."
"Iran is further from a nuclear weapon today than it was when the deal was agreed to."
"Why hasn't the UN floated the idea of simply making Starfleet real?"
"It's really hard to buy the argument that Democrats care about minorities when they continue to provide bombs to Israel."
"The largest single drawdown of U.S. arms and equipment."
"If Russia invades, there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2."
"Biden administration aptly renamed it B3W, and what that means is Build Back a Better World, the Digital Belt and Road."
"As long as Iran's menacing behavior continues, sanctions will not be lifted." - President Trump
"The sanctions on Syria risk a situation similar to the genocidal impact of sanctions on Iraq."
"The sanctions used against Russia wouldn't be effective against China."
"I oppose the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many western interventions."
"It's time to deal with the international organizations... expel China from these organizations."
"The Belt and Road Initiative is a new paradigm in international relations."
"Had other nations followed our lead in suspending travel from China, thousands and thousands of people would have died."
"Biden and Blinken believe that with the support of its allies Washington can say to Beijing hey China here's 60 of the world's GDP not just the 25 that the United States represent and we agree that you can't do this."
"If we allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon, every other country is going to demand these things."
"It was all about Taiwan; why? Because in Hong Kong, what they did was test the 'one country, two systems.'"
"It is incumbent upon the United States and like-minded WHO Member States to ensure the accountability and reforms necessary."
"United States defense commitment to the Philippines is Ironclad."
"Our international policy is determined more than ever by our domestic policy, by our interest in concentrating on creative work for the injection of our country."
"Our countries are in lockstep when it comes to continuing to do everything possible to ensure that Putin's aggression remains a strategic defeat and failure for Russia."
"The US needs to really be going out overseas, building strong partnerships with these countries, keeping China off these countries, and pushing back against those covert operations."
"We firmly reject the notion that the United States of America cannot at once support the freedom-loving people of Ukraine and support the state of Israel."
"The Swedish move breaks the unanimity of the West in refusing to join the world on this issue."
"The Belt and Road Initiative allows for the integration of economies."
"We've seen other countries adopt a centralized view of risk management and risk-acceptance decisions."
"This designation will impose increased sanctions and penalties on North Korea that will continue our progress toward that goal."
"The real problem is that China exports the architecture to actually create digital currencies to other countries."
"Japan doesn't have a prison industrial complex."
"We shouldn't let them get away with it; we have working together not trying to contain China but to constrain China."