
Military Conflict Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"If China decided to abandon diplomacy and invade Taiwan, it would be no doubt met by U.S.-armed Taiwanese forces."
"The Franco-Prussian war was a conflict between the second French empire and the Northern German confederation led by the kingdom of Prussia, which owing to the Germans’ superior strength and numbers, quickly led to the capitulation of the French Empire and the capture of the Emperor, Napoleon III."
"President Putin faces a tremendous battle as the Ukrainian Army, bolstered by increased backing, relentlessly pushes back against Russian forces."
"The United States is an unpredictable country; there is a general military crisis in Ukraine at the moment."
"It is not Ukraine crisis when you have a foreign army at a 200,000 foreign army on your territory... September 1939 was not Polish crisis; it was Hitler's attack upon Poland."
"Russia's attempt to conquer Ukraine could be headed toward a stalemate as heavy casualties and equipment losses take a toll on unprepared Russian forces."
"The Russian army invaded the country of Georgia in what would ultimately become the first European war of the 21st century."
"Russia faced an intense public backlash throughout the Ukrainian War."
"The two largest cities in Ukraine, the capital city of Kiev as well as Kharkiv on Ukraine's eastern border, have managed to fend off the assault by Russian forces so far."
"I want them to win, I want them to push the Russians out."
"No man alive was more directly responsible for the death of more American service members than Qasim Soleimani."
"Soleimani's schemes and his agents killed hundreds of American service members in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"The CCP is threatening war against Taiwan... will the United States step in to defend Taiwan if it comes down to it?"
"Without this significant amount of aid, even vast Soviet industrial might would not be able to stand against Germany's onslaught for long."
"There is a very real possibility that we could see some actual military conflict between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Sea over the next six months or so."
"I would say the u.s. Civil War is one of the biggest ones behind world wars 1 & 2."
"The ability to protect themselves... a fighting chance against the overwhelming Russian forces."
"Urban warfare on the streets of Mariupol as pro-Russian Chechen soldiers fight house to house."
"Putin's invasion of Ukraine has changed Russia, Ukraine, and the world forever."
"The major focus of the fighting over the next few days and probably weeks is going to be Bachmann City."
"A failed War increasingly one in which Ukraine is indeed being ground down."
"According to Herodotus and most other sources, the great king was killed in battle with nomadic tribes, most likely Scythian horse nomads, along his empire's northeastern frontier."
"The U.S. has issued a warning that Vlad is stepping up efforts to launch airstrikes against Ukraine's civilian targets."
"The first day of the German spring offensives was the worst day of the war for the British."
"An explosion in Jankoy City... destroyed a train carrying a number of cruise missiles."
"I would say from an international perspective, Ukraine is putting up more of a fight than Russia expected them to."
"If there's something... where there's Russian forces crossing the border... I think that changes everything."
"I get the sense... that the West is now trapped in an endless war that is going hideously wrong for them..."
"I've gotten used to attacks from all kinds of angles from all kinds of directions under all kinds of pretexts and reasons."
"Russia's CR andar cray oil refinery set on fire following another nighttime drone attack by Ukraine drone swarm attack atts another Russian oil refinery."
"The Battle of Bakmut is the most important battle so far in this war."
"The ukrainians have been doing incredibly well given how outnumbered, resourced, and technologically outmatched they are."
"Economic and military conflicts may spiral out of control if strategic rivalry continues to intensify."
"Far more Russian soldiers have been KIA in this conflict than in Afghanistan, and it may start to look like Russia's Vietnam."
"Nikita intended to keep fighting until his ammunition was depleted. He feared the Russian army would kill him when his ammunition ran out."
"He plunged Iraq and Iran into one of the bloodiest conflicts of the post-Second World War period."
"A United States war with Iran in Iran would be more costly, more deadly, more chaotic than any war that we have ever waged in the Middle East. That's scary. That's frightening."
"War with Tanzania in 1978 quickly led to Amin being deposed and exiled the following year."
"Things are looking quite bad for Russia right now."
"The primary warship in the Black Sea sank yesterday after Ukraine claims it hit the ship with a missile strike."
"Putin's invasion has completely called into question the whole worldview that Germany had."
"If Russia loses and their soldiers are driven out, many of them killed, you can see protests coming up there."
"A total British victory in the War of 1812 is a demoralizing event for the young US."
"Both sides have suffered heavy losses, but Ukrainians have inflicted way more damage on Russians than was expected."
"Hell has been unleashed by Russia on Ukraine."
"Every day they attack our positions and my men repel them, but every day there's more of them and less of us."
"If the CCP wants to take Taiwan, it's not just Taiwan they'll be fighting."
"This was the final battle of the Portuguese crisis."
"The bigger problem of not separating from the China trade is that when China invades Taiwan."
"History repeats itself—the siege of Nice ends the same way like it did historically with a Franco-Ottoman victory over the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Genoa."
"In one month, 10 Russian soldiers armed with tanks and APCs were unable to capture a Ukrainian bunker because of two FPV drones."
"The siege is a war crime of a grand scale which dwarfs the war parts."
"The Russian invasion is about to enter a really much uglier phase."
"Every day Ukraine is advancing somewhere on the map and the Russians are struggling."
"Every day Ukrainians destroy some large Russian Depot."
"If Putin is making civilians the target of his attacks, then maybe it is absolutely normal that civilians are the volunteers."
"Ukraine will fight. We'll fight more than anyone else, but we just by ourselves left alone against Russia."
"I think we're really about to see the start of a battle that puts civilians on the front line."
"It does look as if the situation in chuar is now very bad indeed..."
"All that they're doing is setting up the West for an even greater geopolitical defeat and disaster."
"They've won a stunning victory in round one defending their capital, inflicting horrific losses on the Russian advance."
"It all speaks to this enormous challenge of how do you bring an orderly end to a 20-year civil war that has led to an entire state and its armed forces collapsing like the house of cards in a matter of days."
"The Ukrainian Army has hit Russia where it hurts the most."
"The conflict in Ukraine is rapidly evolving into a war rife with spies and deserters on both sides."
"This has not been the cakewalk Putin expected... it is not going according to plan."
"Russia will continue to pursue military solution to the war until Ukrainian government gives in to Russia's demands."
"Russia has destroyed roughly 80% of all vehicles, tanks, aircraft of Ukraine."
"The Azov Battalion's presence in soledadar poses a serious threat to the Russian forces stationed there."
"It's a hard-fought battle with Grant's core narrowly defeated."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine upended geopolitics."
"Putin describes the wars defending Russians in Ukraine and ties it to Russia's reputation."
"Russia Downing a U.S. drone yesterday was a deliberate provocation. It was a concerning incident, but such brinkmanship feels destined to get worse."
"It's become a symbol of resistance, it's always used in videos of fighting the Russians."
"If we don't stop Russia now, other aggressors in the world will start other wars."
"He's trying so hard to get America not involved in another War here's the problem re the problem is that the region is on fire right now it's not just Gaza Hezbollah on Israel's Northern boundary is raining in Rockets."
"The Western media claimed that Russian soldiers were going around executing locals before leaving the area."
"It's not enough for Ukraine to hold on and to win, but Russia must be defeated."
"Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does."
"Anytime you have two competing forces, competing for the same region, which is the Arctic, there's the possibility of military conflict."
"The United States actually came out afterwards and said the highest levels of the Kremlin actually approved this aggression action towards the United States military drone"
"Kabul has fallen without resistance, capturing the magnitude of America's failure."
"Russian attack helicopters: a persistent problem for Ukrainian armor."
"The most frightening incident of all took place across 2010 when North and South Korean artillery fired shells at each other's positions resulting in several casualties."
"Ukraine and Russia have reported inflicting heavy losses as the battle for Bakumut rages on. Moscow has been trying to take the Eastern Ukrainian City for months in a grinding War of Attrition."
"This aggression into a sovereign neighbor, a land war in Europe, this is not gonna play out the way Russia was expecting."
"Ukraine is gaining no ground. It is suffering increasingly heavy losses, and the situation for Ukraine continues to go from bad to worse."
"Squadron leader Hassan and the few Pakistani Air Force drop guns office team may be remembered in history as those peace warriors who saved South Asia from a nuclear disaster."
"If the U.S. actually said, 'We're going to have Americans go and fight and die and kill Russians and be killed by Russians,' this would be a huge anti-war movement."
"The Russians are losing ground, Ukrainian forces are going on the assault."
"The leverage point in the Russia-Ukraine war is the scarcity of supply."
"They took down the main website of the Russian military just with various ddos attacks like that's it."
"If you invade Iraq, the fall of Baghdad will not be the beginning of the end, merely the end of the beginning."
"I have come here and stand before you on behalf of the Brave, on behalf of our Warriors who are now in the trenches under enemy artillery fire."
"He's weak when the Taliban took Afghanistan; he's showing weakness as Russia looks to take Ukraine."
"The siege of Mariupol was a pyrrhic victory for Russia."
"It was the first war that one, America lost, but more, it hurts prestige, it hurts America's ability to influence what was going on in other parts of the world."
"The group at the abandoned farm then started to come under constant sniper fire... soon dead British soldiers started to pile up all around."
"The Russian military is suffering increasing casualties on a daily basis."
"Russia ramping up attacks in eastern Ukraine, the meatwave attacks have not stopped."
"The Iraq war was a mistake, a strategic blunder of massive proportions."
"Russia incurred casualties comparable to 25 towed artillery pieces and 28 multiple launch rocket launchers."
"Major developments in the Russian Ukrainian War have occurred recently."
"The Ukrainian frontline troops are giving fierce resistance to the invading Russian army."
"Events as of late have shown that an assault on the rest of the country will soon reach Crimea."
"A U.S. defense official warns that Russia is intensifying attacks in the eastern Donbass region, striking a hospital and blocking civilians from escaping."
"An invasion of Ukraine by Russia will be devastating to the global economy."
"I think this war could escalate and I think we're going to see a major change in November..."
"Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelinski has appealed to the international criminal court to block attacks by the Russian military on Ukrainian cities."
"Giger scripted an ending that was an all-out war between Sil and the military."
"If the United States and Germany did go to conflict, it's very likely it would collapse in a nuclear war."
"The shortest War was between Britain and Zanzibar."
"Australia declared war on a bunch of flightless birds and they lost – the emus won the war and they didn't even know it happened."
"Putin is actually winning the war in Ukraine..."
"The Ukrainian military has become a nightmare for Russia's massive military machine."
"Before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, US intelligence had predicted a likely blistering crush by Moscow."
"Despite a Staunch defense the Garrison Was Forced to surrender a Little Over a Week later."
"It is certainly a humiliating and damaging blow for the Russians but it is hardly a fatal one."
"A potential escalation of military operations in Rafa would result in catastrophic humanitarian consequences."
"Ukraine dealing Russia one of the biggest defeats."
"Both the Russian soldiers and the Russian people want this war to end as soon as possible."
"My friends, we are probably looking at World War III because any kind of conflict between the U.S and Russia would likely trigger... well, actually no, it literally would trigger Article 5 of NATO, pulling basically all of Europe into a conflict."
"Russian and Ukrainian forces engaged in combat."
"Putin faces precarious situation in Crimea as Ukrainian advances continue."
"Tide turning in favor of Ukraine, creating political instability for Putin."
"Putin's career in jeopardy as rebellion looms amidst war with Ukraine."
"Ukraine's focus on regaining control of Crimea driving strategic decisions."
"The economic Fallout from the war in their nation is already causing significant hardship for the Russian people."
"Jaime had been captured, the siege of Riverrun broken and an entire Lannister army destroyed."
"This war potentially will expedite China's attempt to secure control over Taiwan the longer we go uh in with Russia Ukraine the more likely there's going to be a two theater war that the Russians and the Chinese are going to challenge the US with."
"This was a huge explosion, and the rumors are that what the Russians destroyed was a major ammunition dump."
"The war in Ukraine is not going as predicted and is indeed going seriously wrong."
"The fact that the Ukrainians did not give in to the Russian missiles and face the attacks with their lives caused the Russian army to take a step back"
"And while Russians continue to target residential areas for some reason, Ukrainians are actually destroying military targets because, I mean, it makes sense. We are at war, Right."
"War between the United States and China is not just possible, it's more likely than most people are prepared to estimate."
"Western tanks are a nightmare for Putin's forces."
"Putin's war in Ukraine grinds on. This is day 57."
"If he succeeds in Ukraine, he's not stopping there."
"Ukraine is kicking ass... Putin is so desperate that he's recruiting soldiers from prison in Russia."
"Putin's Invasion methods are backfiring as the circumstance demonstrates once again."
"Recent weeks have seen a dramatic uptick in hostilities between Russia and Ukraine Ukraine's military completed their large-scale attack preparations after learning that Russia had taken a defensive stance since the beginning of the war."
"Putin has suffered major defeats in the last days of the Russian-Ukraine war."
"Russian forces face nightmare as Ukrainian Army makes critical progress."
"Increasingly it's impossible to come to any conclusion other than Ukraine is winning."
"When you look at the last 16 months of this war that we saw that this Russia aggression in Ukraine we have seen a NATO alliance that has been strengthened because of the leadership of this President."
"Victory over Russia's invading forces appears to be more than a possibility."
"It's rare to have somebody in the middle of a war... leave his country to explain... just what he's fighting for."
"Ukraine's victory has echoed throughout the world and could signal a turning point in the conflict."
"The Russian army has started to get into trouble in many areas."
"Putin has already lost this war...Putin has suffered a strategic defeat."
"Russia has indeed invaded Ukraine, unfortunate, not unforeseen."
"The Snake Island defenders who defied a Russian warship captured alive, not killed, confirms the Ukrainian navy."
"Throughout these weeks, cities along with both military and civilian targets have become subjected to devastating Russian missile and air attacks."
"The civilians coming in actually doing stuff has done a big a big favor pretty much to the Ukrainian forces."
"Another day and another massive blow to the Russian logistical supplies inside the southern portion of Ukraine. This one may be the largest blows to the supply chain we have seen in this entire war."
"Okay, that's the end of this battle, there are absolutely no more Japanese troops."
"Demographics expert Peter Zahan even claims that the reason Russia recently invaded Ukraine in 2022 was because if they waited any longer their population would be too old to fight a war."
"How weak does Russia look now? Just as weak as when they lost their deepest ground into Ukraine."
"And by December, they took Newark, the former capital of Upper Canada, and burned that to the ground too."
"The battle for Guadalcanal is about to begin."
"For the first time since World War II, Russia is now under invasion by a hostile foreign power."
"X would say it could wreak havoc on the global economy and take a devastating toll on the militaries involved."
"I don't think there's a graceful way to lose a 20-year war."
"The ensuing conflict between Mandukai's forces and the orats was a turning point in Mongol history."
"The deadliest, the largest Russian strike yet... overnight, more airstrikes on Kiev."
"Russia likely fired its 3M22 Zircon hypersonic missile from an adapted launch system on land, which presents a significant challenge to Ukrainian air defenses."
"A victory for Russia in Ukraine would be a defeat of NATO and that's why it must be prevented."
"Since Putin's invasion, Ukraine has triumphed in one of its most significant conflicts."
"Putin continues his invasion attempts despite pressure from people all across the world to desist..."
"The Russian army keeps losing ground on the most important objects despite constant attacks from the Ukrainian Army."
"Equipped with new magic hajime wipes out frey's army within seconds."
"Do you realize the first Russian plane that is shot out of the sky by NATO forces just triggered World War III?"
"The supposedly second strongest army in the world was thwarted and is now being pushed back by a Ukrainian military."
"When China appeared in front of the Russian army, many of its men began to well and the Ukrainian Army suffered from terrible demoralization."
"It's the first deadly confrontation between the two Asian giants since 1975."
"This war shocked the world... no one would come to their defense."
"The military battlefield will be littered with economic corpses."
"Blast by blast, Russia's war in Ukraine has exacted a devastating toll on both civilians and soldiers."
"Because of the way that the regiment works, it's the first time since the Second World War that all the squadrons, apart from the counter-terrorism team, all the three squadrons have been involved in the same sort of conflict as a mass."
"Consequently, around the same time that the Samurai of Japan clashed with the great invasion fleet of Kublai Khan on the shores of Tsushima and Kyushu, the Ainu went to war with the same Empire in the forests of Siberia."
"Many valuable lives were lost, but it was a victory nonetheless."
"During that battle that about 70 or 80% of the friendly troops had been wounded or killed in this battle."
"The boys on the right were falling like autumn leaves, the air was full of lead."
"Sheeta is not a clichéd damsel in distress either, as the spells she learned as a child provide assistance twice in defeating the military."
"Despite the conflict having been a clear Eritrean military victory, the PCA determined that most of the archipelago rightfully belonged to Yemen."
"The Battle of the Points had begun."
"The first shots of the American Civil War were fired at the Battle of Fort Sumter."
"The Spanish-American War really does put the United States on the map as a global power."
"The Battle of the Boyne is one of the most famous events in Irish history."
"The glorious revolution... spurs on the grand alliance and the war of the grand alliance."
"The war in Korea was called by various names: brush fire, police action, but to the men who fought there, it was war."